private DO I LOOK LIKE HIM? ࿐ ࿔*:・゚ loveburn

࿐ ࿔*:・゚ — The space between her snowy dipped toes is uncomfortable and hard to adjust though it isn't as if she could grow a new one or take back what she had done. A part of her wonders if it will make her a bad swimmer but she doubts it, the black smoke doesn't linger on it for long when her lone eye snaps in the direction of her littermate and her feathery tail sweeps behind her as she begins to approach him with both of her tattered ears perked forward. "Loveburn... Would you care to accompany me on a quick hunting trip?" She needed to make sure that the loss of her toe hadn't weakened her abilities as a warrior especially when the clan needs her to continue providing for those who can't hunt for themselves and her whiskers twitch awaiting his response. If she sees him steal a glance towards her injured paw, her ear flicks to the side and speaks to reassure him "I'm fine... It doesn't hurt, it just feels... really awkward and weird." The bicolored molly doesn't like to admit it but whenever she flexes out her claws and feels a faint phantom pain where her toe once was, the thought of Houndshade angers her but she knows that she had inflicted the same injury and that itself gives her some satisfaction.

"This is the weirdest injury that I've ever gotten... and harder to get used to. I'm going to rip that Thunderclanner limb from limb if I ever see her again." Beefang says with a snap of her teeth as she walks alongside her brother and her breath slips out from her jaws forming a small cloud of ivory, her body brushing against some of the frostbitten reeds and other plants near them. With the river frozen they'd need to focus more on land hunting and Beefang lashes her tail wishing that newleaf would arrive a lot more quicker and that leaf-bare would be over sooner.


  • ooc@LOVEBURN
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • dOcsURU.png
    a shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and a singular amber eye
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. distrusting of outsiders and will snap at you if y/c walks up to her on her blind side. all her opinions are IC only.
    18 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    asexual homoromantic; mated to moonbeam
    currently mentoring... roepaw ; formerly mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadaflight and loveburn
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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Reactions: LOVEBURN
✦•··········•✦•··········•✦ His ears perk up and his gaze brightens when he notices his sister, and he rises from his paws to greet her with a warm smile. Concern shadows the corners of his eyes, however, as it has every time he's seen Beefang since that messy return from patrol. "Do fish swim? Of course I'll come!" He's not subtle about watching her paw, or at least, not subtle enough to escape his sister's notice. She reassures him that it isn't painful, but Loveburn isn't convinced. Not that he doubts her pain tolerance— it's just...that's a whole toe gone. He's glad it wasn't the entire paw, but it doesn't dull the long, dark teeth that gnaw on his ribs for lack of ThunderClan bone. "They'd never be able to keep you down for long," he declares, dipping closer so their shoulders bump briefly.

The lash of her menacing promise calls to the same fangs in his chest. He smiles sharply, though it fades as he recalls the danger she met when she returned home. Foxtail, whining to Lichenstar to desperately recuse himself from the skirmish. His ears twist back. He can't ever abide Beefang being alone with that riverscum. "I wish I'd been there. Better me than Foxtail. Maybe you'd still have your toe." He glances over at her again, at the discomfort she bravely bears without complaint. "Who was it? I need to know what dirt-gorger to hold down for you." And he'll keep an eye on Foxtail. He's not shrewd enough to conceal any secret meetings from Loveburn.

loveburn (formerly lovepaw and starlightpaw) — currently eighteen moons old
son of cicadastar & smokestar — brother to cicadaflight & beefang — he / him
single & not really looking — peaceful/nonviolent actions may be powerplayed
please note that loveburn has persecutory delusions & sometimes personal prose
will make patently untrue assumptions and mischaracterizations of other people.
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ She isn't able to stifle a snort of amusement at his next words and rolls her eye at him playfully before pressing her shoulder to his in a quick bump "Good. The more paws the merrier," A rare toothy grin forming on her maw only to pad forward only to flick the tip of her tail at what he says about how they wouldn't be able to keep her down and she gives a curt nod of her helm "Yes, it's true. The only way they'd succeed in keeping me down would be death itself. Of course, I'm too cunning to put myself into that sort of situation." The lead warrior returns her reply a lot more confident than for her own good but it had been true, she knew if Raccoonstripe hadn't been so stupid to follow her near the river's edge then she certainly would've died from being too cocky but she has yet to experience near death again. She briefly thinks of the loner that had torn out her eye and had ruined her curly form with several scars though she doesn't mind it in all truth, she appears more rugged and they are proof to her outliving said injuries.

A feat that couldn't be said by a lot of her clanmates or even their father, Cicadastar, that had been torn into by several rogues that one fateful leaf-bare and they had been chased out of their home. She had been weak then but now, she's strong and closer to the same muscled figure that her former mentor had or even more and the black smoke knows that it'd be best for herself if she picked her battles a lot more wisely. Houndshade had snatched bitten down on her toe that it would've needed to be treated and later removed due to how useless it would be later on, Beefang had done herself the favor to sever it from her body and didn't like worrying her mate, Moonbeam, but there were more important things than worrying over a lost toe. Her whiskers twitch at the mention of Foxtail and she feels her snout begin to wrinkle at the memory of practically being tossed into the cold river by her fellow lead warrior for her codebreak and she lashes her tail behind her sending a bit of snow flying to the side.

"If I had you and Cicadaflight by my side, things would've gone a lot more diffrently and in our favor. We likely would've brought a lot more prey home." She nods in her helm at the thought of fighting side by side with her littermates knowing that they wouldn't have forsaken her to the oaken wolves, Beefang knew that one would've drowned a Thunderclanner, and the other would provide her aid in killing Houndshade. Her tongue swipes across her lips at the thought of the earthy toned molly's blood spilling into her powerful jaws like a forbidden wine that she could become drunken from, "I don't know her name but the ugly thing has a brown coat and amber eyes from what I can recall. She gave me a nice little squeal when I inflicted the same bite and injury." A dark smile pulling at the sides of her lips only to glance across the river towards where Sunningrocks lay ahead still belonging to them but for how much longer, she doesn't know.

"We need to find more prey so we can continue to hold our own," Beefang grumbles glancing towards the river once more and approaching it to see if there's any holes to potentially fish from, frankly, she wasn't the best when it came to land hunting due to her disadvantage of sight so any small morsel could dart on her left side and she wouldn't know.


ㅤtrans female (she / her)ㅤ/ㅤasexual homoromantic, taken by moonbeam
ㅤ18 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 10th of the month
ㅤwarrior of riverclan for 6 moons
smokestar x cicadastarㅤ/ㅤolder sister to cicadaflight & loveburn
ㅤmentoring roepawㅤ/ㅤmentored by smokestar & houndstride
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses brute strength, fights dirty/unfair, and will end/start fights
appearance goes here. you could also put a brief personality description!
✦•··········•✦•··········•✦ The comment may have rubbed someone else's fur the wrong way, but it doesn't Loveburn's— at least, not for the same reason. It isn't the foolhardiness that scrapes at him, but the mere notion of Beefang's death. She must be braver than Loveburn to mention it so casually, and he knows, logically, that they will all be in the stars one day, reunited with their fathers. Yet he can't outpace the dread, the paralytic fear that he might fail his siblings. What if Foxtail is simply diverting his attention from another RiverClanner's activities? What if the blow comes from the one place he was not looking? "Yes, yes of course you are," he agrees with a conviction that feels hollow in his chest. Despite her keen mind, she doesn't know her mate's true identity, after all.

And he can't bear to tell her.

He chuckles good-naturedly, imagining the ThunderClanners caught at the river, watching Cicadastar's children escape with mouths full of prey. "They'd be so apoplectic the snow would melt under their paws." And as amusing as that would be, he knows their anger would scarcely reach the paws of his own if he ever sees the cat Beefang describes. A brown coat and amber eyes are common enough in the forest, but with matching injuries? That'll make spotting her easier, he's sure, and he mirrors his sister's darkly anticipatory expression. "Good. I'm sure you scared the squirrel droppings out of her! I hope she choked on every drop of blood."

His tail lashes sharply, but Beefang is right— she brought him out here to hunt, and that's what lost her the toe, too. RiverClan needs to eat, and he can't bear the plaintive faces in camp, the jutting bones. He automatically moves to cover her blind side, sniffing the chilled air and perking his ears for any signs of prey. Or worse. "How long do you want to wait here before we move again?" He asks lowly, crouching down.

loveburn (formerly lovepaw and starlightpaw) — currently eighteen moons old
son of cicadastar & smokestar — brother to cicadaflight & beefang — he / him
single & not really looking — peaceful/nonviolent actions may be powerplayed
please note that loveburn has persecutory delusions & sometimes personal prose
will make patently untrue assumptions and mischaracterizations of other people.
࿐ ࿔*:・゚ Perhaps, its said too casually or confidently but Beefang takes a long moment to think over what she potentially spoke into existence of her own death and her smile falters for a heartbeat or two before parting them once more to speak "If I am to die one day... I wish to see the sun rising or setting for the final time, that the warmth of it bleeds into my fur and skin one last time." It's a morbid subject but she trusts her own flesh and blood to hear about how she'd die fighting like the warrior that her fathers wished for her to be and that she may find peace in knowing that she'd die a little warm than cold within the night, her whiskers quiver in the slightest and Beefang realizes that she has thought too much on it only to glance towards Loveburn once more "But that won't happen anytime soon," A silent promise to him and Cicadaflight as well as Moonbeam, she had promised to live for the other molly and she would do the same for her.

Her feathery tail sweeps behind her as she nods in silent agreement to what he says and wishes that Cicadaflight hadn't become so distant, it makes the lead warrior wonder if she's the problem and her smile seems to falter in the slightest "Right... If Cicadaflight would even want to be part of our shenanigans, I feel like he's been more distant... I can't reach him or he avoids me." A frown pulls at her lips knowing that her brother would be a lot more wiser in this situation than her considering that she ran head first into everything quite recklessly, the black smoke wishes for simpler times where they'd be huddled with one another watching fireflies take flight into the night skies in the warmer time of green-leaf. "I'm sure she did, Splashdance actually helped me in fighting her off and bringing back that pheasant." She adds with a curt nod of her helm and her whiskers twitch once more at the memory of it, she's glad that the freckled molly had helped and she had only lost a toe... It could've been worse.

Her ruined ears twitch as she feels Loveburn approach his blind side that would've caused her to tense up had it been anyone else but she relaxes instead as her lone molten pool continues to search quietly "Just for a bit... to see if anything pops up and if not, we can check Sunningrocks." Beefang answers him as she pauses in her steps and parts her powerful jaws to see if she caught the scent of anything. Her snout wrinkles as she finds that she can't catch any trail of even a small mouse and wonders if Loveburn had caught the scent of anything.


ㅤtrans female (she / her)ㅤ/ㅤasexual homoromantic, taken by moonbeam
ㅤ18 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 10th of the month
ㅤwarrior of riverclan for 6 moons
smokestar x cicadastarㅤ/ㅤolder sister to cicadaflight & loveburn
ㅤmentoring roepawㅤ/ㅤmentored by smokestar & houndstride
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses brute strength, fights dirty/unfair, and will end/start fights
a short/curly-haired black smoke moggy littered in several scars, missing a toe on one of her paws, and has a lone amber eye w/low white