DO IT NATURALLY [hunting patrol]

༄༄ The sun sits at its peak in the sky, bearing down on Fourtrees to create a somewhat mild day. Snow still coats the ground, wetting the calico's paws as they tread along, but at least the wind has calmed and allowed a hint of warmth to settle across the land. The fair weather makes Scorchstar optimistic—perhaps they will manage to catch something substantial today, rather than the typical thin rabbits and small mice. Fourtrees is normally quiet, meaning that any prey hiding in the barren underbrush will likely not be expecting their patrol to come crashing through. "Spread out as you will, but stay within sight of one another." She will not have WindClanners wandering off across borders, or being caught off-guard by any of the other clans who could be sharing the hunting space. She spares a single glance to Bilberrypaw, Vulturepaw, and Splinterpaw; surely she does not need to explain to them why they should obey, but still she seeks understanding on the apprentices' faces. Sedgepounce and Brackenscar she trusts can handle themselves with maturity; perhaps the latter would be too aggressive in the face of any ThunderClan patrol they may come across, but neither of the warriors should require a reminder.

The calico makes to dip into the hollow of a tree, when a flash of sunburst red catches her eye. The familiar scarred form is a friendly one, although she is trailed by others of her clan; enough to be a fighting force, if it came down to it. The calico leader offers a dip of her head, speaking pleasantly. "Flamestar, hello. Is your hunting going well?" It is… odd, the leader acknowledges. Being in such close proximity to another clan's hunting patrol, sharing the hunting space with them, should put her on edge. But here, in their shared space, they are greeting one another as allies rather than hostile enemies. She only wonders how long the calm will last.

  • ooc:
    @BILBERRYPAW @SPLINTERPAW. @SEDGEPOUNCE @Vulturepaw @Brackenscar aaaand @Flamestar but this is open to EVERYONE :)
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  • SCORCHSTAR ⋆⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺⋆ she/they, leader of windclan, tunneler
    small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. stern and serious, ferociously protective of her clanmates.
    mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    mentor to bilberrypaw & splinterpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
Despite their success over reclaiming their stolen Shadowclan piece, Flamestar hadn't ordered her warriors to cease hunting at Fourtrees. With leafbare still hanging on, she was reluctant to give up the very clearing that had carried them through the blizzard. Without it, her warriors would've been much worse off, potentially hungrier than Shadowclan or Riverclan. She still found it oddly...satisfying that their enemies had each stolen Thunderclan, and were still doing worse off.

As her patrol emerged into the clearing, the leader flicked her tail, a silent instruction to spread out. She could smell a strong wave of Windclan, and even though they were hunting here on a truce, it did feel strange to be sharing territory with another clan. But as promised, her clan hadn't attacked any Windclanners here, and vice-versa, so she pushed the strange feeling aside. As she splits from the patrol, a strange scent catches her attention. Instead of prey, it was other cats...but none that she recognized. Must be rogues.. Rogues had been an issue during the blizzard, but she hadn't seen many since. The scent was not strong, but still present enough to be fairly recent. Her tail flicked cautiously, but she continued her hunt.

She quietly pursued a mouse trail, but it went stale the deeper into the cleaning she got. The leader flicked her ear irritatingly, but before she could begin tracking down something else, a voice sounded to her left. "Scorchstar." The tabby greeted politely, dipping her head. Flamestar took a couple pawsteps towards the moorland queen, so their discussion hopefully wouldn't disturb any of their hunting clanmates. "The mouse trail I was following went cold. There are plenty of other trails though, so I'm not too worried. Though, I should let you know, when we first arrived I found evidence of cats, rogues I'm assuming."

apprentice tag @bayingpaw

afab (she / her)ㅤ / heterosexual, widowed, formerly taken by flycatcher
41 moons old ㅤ/ ㅤages realistically, every 20th of the month
leader of thunderclan since september 2024
lily x storm ㅤ/ㅤ mother to: falconheart, stormfeather, lilykit, butterflykit, bugchaser, squirrelsong, sunbird, ravenblaze, sparrowpaw
ㅤpenned by Icey ! ㅤ/ ㅤmessage Icey ! on discord for plots!
ㅤmentoring bayingpawㅤ / ㅤmentored: cloudyfur, acornwish, merlinpath
will start fights, will end fights, will kill

longhaired red classic tabby with green eyes, and low white. she has a shredded right ear, and has many scars that are visible in windy conditions.
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ the wind shifts, and the sweet scent of the moor is upon her nose. nightbird lifts her head to see scorchstar's patrol, ears twitching slightly before she returns her focus back to twilightpaw and honeypaw. windclan could be trusted, still she'd rather not have one of her apprentices be the one generate some sort of conflict. "windclan's here. be mindful, stay where i can see you." the lead warrior mutters before flicking her tail, sending them off to hunt.

the signs of some other cats being here was not lost on her, however. fourtrees was a melting pot of five too many scents, it all became so muddled that it was difficult to discern when something was new or just mixed with something else. flamestar assumed rogues, it was a believable claim. cats with no sense of borders would not care for the ones strongly marked by two clans. better then to keep an eye on the brush surrounding the clearing, on twilightpaw and honeypaw as they carefully stalked whatever scent their noses could find.
  • OOC ─ @TWILIGHTPAW @Honeypaw
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    a small, feathery black smoke molly with one white paw and pale silver eyes. she is mates with RACCOONSTRIPE and has recently left the nursery after raising their five kits; BAYINGPAW, TWILIGHTPAW, TIGERPAW, STORMPAW, and BERRYPAW. nightbird is currently mentoring HONEYPAW and TWILIGHTPAW. her former apprentices include LIGHTSTRIKE †, DUSKBIRD †, and PALEFIRE.​
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ battle info
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Pride fills Coyotecrown knowing that her plan has been going quite well. While DuskClan wasn't necessarily thriving by any means they were decently fed now, no longer fighting for scraps as they had with Rumblerain. That is enough to fill the tortoiseshell with confidence that she just might be doing well at this leadership business. Not that she would ever admit to any self doubt, that's beneath her after all. The sun gives her away quite easily, the rays pelting against the darker aspects of her fur and sending the already bright tangerine into a firey inferno. A sizable bird caught in her maw, the black feathers of the crow tickled her muzzle. Causing it to scrunch in displeasure, there's a sizable distance between her and the two clans patrols but it isn't far enough for her liking. With a pointed flick of her tail she sets the deceased bird beside the paws of the closest cat in her small patrol. A measured gaze given to them as she kicks it a little further, as to signal that they should start moving.

Two names catch her attention, Flamestar and Scorchstar. Leaders of different clans it seems, she knows Scorchstar as it would be stupid of her to not know the leader of WindClan. She has heard about her from Wraithwail after all, though she makes a side note to ask her about this Flamestar the next time they just so happen to cross at the moorland borders. The wind carries the scent of oak, she recalls that through one of the territories that she passed with Rumblerain and her siblings all those moons ago. The name escapes her, she does not truly to care about it.

It is a surprise though, to see these cats here. Isn't this land sacred or something? It almost makes her want to laugh, StarClan cared enough to shun DuskClan from their light due to their beliefs. Part of her wonders if even Sootstar would cross that line, not that she ever knew the mad queen. Yet this behaviour is just as abhorrent. "Disgraceful" she tutts under her breath with a sharp sigh. Lingering long enough along that horizon line until she can gleam recognition of her presence from one of those clan cats. This would not be her last day, not when she had so much to do, the DuskClan leader is quick to make her retreat upon being spotted. If any of the cats under her watch had any sense they would follow suit.

  • Not open to attacks <33 feel free to interact or appraoch if you'd like however she will be leaving with the crow she caught.
    She / her, DuskClan leader, 21 moons (ages on the 3rd)
    NPC x NPC | Sibling to Vixenblood, Viperstrike, Kitewail, Hawk, Wolf, Spider & Shrikedream
    A long haired tortoiseshell with hazel eyes | Judgemental and spiteful, a cat that lacks respect for others and refuses to feign it.
    "speech" | thoughts | attacking
    All opinions are IC only!


He hates to admit it, but, Coyotecrown taking charge of DuskClan might be the best thing to ever happen to it. Dustwhisker isn't as hungry as he has been, their hunting grounds have been expanded without Rumblerain's nagging. He is... the most content he has been in his life in DuskClan. Though the scent of other clans is thick in the air, the dust-furred tom carries his own catch, a mouse dangling from his maw. He pauses at Coyotecrown's movement, looks down at the crow at his feet, before motioning to the next cat among their patrol.

Flamestar and Scorchstar, his ears catch hold to among distant conversation. ThunderClan and WindClan, he is quickly able to deduce, even without recent knowledge. They are names partially familiar to him, names he'd heard growing up — one a face he'd lived beside — and, even if he hadn't known them, the clans' scents have been ingrained in his mind since he was a kit. Just as the meaning of the landmark they hunt under is.

Ears twitch at Coyotecrown's words, a snort of agreement following. " Always have been, " he tells the leader as he trails after her, narrowed eyes giving one last look to the hunting parties.

Dustwhisker stands with fur fit for the name bestowed upon him. Dusty twists riddle his tufted form, darkest along his back and tail, as well as beneath his eyes. White marks his scar-torn muzzle and a dull, often judgmental, yellow gaze completes his face. Scars riddle his front paw, and he carries a tear in his ear.

- Breezecurl † x Stormtalon † ⋅ Single
- Sibling to Molepaw †, Heatherkit †
- Mentored by Stormtalon † ⋅ Mentor to no one
- Penned by Abri

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"Hm? Who were they?" Smudgeclaw asked curiously to Coyotecrown and Dustwhisker, carrying his own meager shrew from their hunting patrol. He couldn't help but feel a tad inadequate with his prey, not that he'd admit it, but he dared someone at camp to say something about free food. Having only joined the group a few moons ago, he honestly had little knowledge of the larger clans beyond their own territory. Sure, he had probably heard the names mentioned in passing, but he couldn't be bothered to remember at the time. Hunting and staying alive had been slightly more important.

He couldn't help but be naturally curious. Neither cat had seemed much of a threat from afar, in fact, they seemed rather friendly with one another for supposedly being rival clans.

"They look kinda... soft." He murmured to himself. Better fed too, but he supposed that came with strength in numbers.
〕The golden tabby nods at Nightbird's instructions, thick-furred tail whisking behind them as they turned to scent the air for prey. They spare the WindClanners no more than a neutral glance, no words to be shared with the rival Clan. They had an agreement, yes, but they were still competing for prey even now.

And yet. . . a lingering scent is much more noticeable than that of prey. Honeypaw doesn't see the DuskClanners watching them all, but they can smell their rot amidst Fourtrees. "Nightbird," The apprentice calls hushedly, not wanting to alert the others just in case there was nothing to worry about. Deep within themselves they know they should worry and be cautious, however. "Rogue scent. Fresh." The maine-coon rasps, sneaking a glance at Twilightpaw. Had she scented them, too?

  • ooc.
  • HONEYPAW —— apprentice of thunderclan , mentored by nightbird . waspchaser x sorrelmist . littermate to none. ✦ penned by nocthymia
    they/them / 9 moons & ages every 7ᵗʰ
    single / too young
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse

  • reference image here
    a longhaired red tabby with low white, vitiligo and dichroic eyes.

she'd always thought that she wasn't allowed to hunt on fourtree's sacred ground. her parents had drilled it into her skull as a kit, and further as an apprentice before her first gathering. fourtrees was a place for peace, difficult as it was to maintain. she follows on flamestar's heels with her maw gently parted, taking in the scents around her for sign of milling rodents. she was good at huntin', trackin' too . . but all she smells as flamestar flicks her tail in dismissal is windclan. it reeks of the moors, of heather and open sky, and she follows her nose to where scorchstar lingers in the undergrowth. mismatched eyes watch as she makes herself known, casts a greeting to flamestar, and from behind her, apprentices disperse into the clearing.

she turns her attention away, uninterested in whatever conversation her mentor and the windclan leader would have, driven by the tumultuousness of their truce. bound by a need for politeness bayingpaw doubted herself capable of -- a strength, in her eyes. she takes a breath. there are remnants of creatures far gone, overturned dirt and evergreen flora, windclan scent mingling with thunder . . she pauses, suddenly, in her tracks. her head lifts, casting searching eyes over the horizon where she catches a mottled pelt and harsh, golden eyes. bayingpaw holds their stare for a beat longer than she means to, astounded by the confident pause the rogue had taken, staring them down until they turn, and begin a brisk lope away. her mouth opens, but honeypaw beats her to it by seconds.

rogue scent. fresh.

it spurs her into action, " theyre right there, mousebrain! and they have prey! " the girl snarls, a fiery adrenaline pumping through hot veins as she lunges forward ; her back paws kick up dirt, aiming to shoulder check honeypaw on her way after the disappearing loners. they skulk off quickly, understanding the distance between them that keeps their patrols from being too much of a threat. her body bows up as she forces herself into a trampling run in a futile attempt to catch up, rough voice rousing into a shout to cross the great distance between her and these filthy thieves, " gnn - get back here! that belongs to thunderclan! " or with their truce, did it belong to windclan? ( ha, fat chance. )

  • i. she is open to being smacked around by a rogue but rn she is just chasing after them < / 3

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  • " speech "
    a large, unsightly black tabby kitten.
    mongrelish, more hound than cat ; standing all thistlethorn fur and bared teeth, bayingpaw would be thought roguesblood if not for the dogtooth crown she uncomfortably bears. a hereditary haunting lies in the shag of ornate black striping and long limbs that do not yet suit her wide, slouching shoulders ; her fathers daughter, ambitious and foolishly untempered. a constant, incessant need to make herself small in kithood has shifted into a desperate bid to make herself bigger, most noticeable — an ego boosted upon apprenticeship to her leader. despite it, bayingpaw still tends to hold herself with a trembling livewire of feral volatility, whale - eyed aggression never too far in the past.
    highly reactive. prone to biting, swatting and general moodiness — it is highly encouraged to correct. powerplay is allowed for disciplinary actions.


possumscratch & 27 moons & trans masc & he/they & duskclan rogue

It takes all of Possumscratch's very very limited self control to keep from drooling as aws wrap around his sparrow, snapping the creatures neck without a second thought. While Duskclan cannot be considered well off, hunting has certainly been better these days - his empty belly sated, if not full. Still, having to share will always be an adjustment for the tom, the selfish creature that he is.

As more voices reach them, he can't help but take a good long look at the clan cats - eyes narrowed in thought. They don't look like much - never have, not compared to his mothers bedtime stories - and yet, if nothing else, they look a far sight better fed then them. Still, he bets he could sink his teeth into them so easily, if he just-

Head shakes and he moves to trot along after Dustwhisker, reminding himself sullenly that Coyotecrown wishes them to avoid fighting... where they can. And yet, who is he to deny such an eager opponent, brash and foolish and shouting at him? He pauses long enough to let the others slip ahead, for the child to catch up, and then whirls around - sharp teeth flashing as he lunges for bayingpaw's shoulder with a high-pitched cackle.

Shoulder moves to attempt to slam into Bayingpaw, an effort to add insult to injury, before he skitters away once more with his catch in his jaws and all the speed of a windclanner. It doesn't matter much to him if his attempts are successful, of if she avoids him - at least he's gotten his moment of fun, spooking the poor thunderclan cat.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

M I G H T G O T O H E A V E N , B U T P R O B A B L Y N O T !

// @bayingpaw - he's trying to knock her around and/or scare her before running off <3