She lived. Skyclaw feels sick, the churning in his stomach unending as he glares down at the three cats - three - who should've taken Howlingstar's last lives. Someone had to have pulled her from the water, he knows, but it is no job of his to sniff out what water-loving freak decided to fish for ThunderClan Leaders that afternoon. It is his job to believe this injustice done unto him by cats too caring of their leader to mar her with something she cannot come back from. He grimaces, stalking through the undergrowth, wondering if he would struggle the same.

She knows, they told him. She knows of the three, in the least, that still idle within her claws' grasp. Skyclaw could turn them loose like he had Redflower and the others - or he could gather them, he could storm camp with them, with more. His plan may be flawed but he is not wrong to think that Howlingstar is past her prime, that her judgment has failed her too many times now. Their plan is simple, their plan is infallible. Skyclaw keeps his cats to his flank, and whilst treading the border, gathers a few more.

"Blood will spill today," he says. He does not look at his Clanmates, but his amber eyes are lit ablaze, as if he could set fire to the very plantlife they stalk around. "Many cats will not agree with our choices - we know this - but we will not stand down. We are true ThunderClanners. It is with our guidance and effort that these lands will be rid of house-pet blood…" Finally, he looks to his gathered many, thinks of the many more that must litter camp, gasping at the news that flutters from Howlingstar's lips. What are you telling them, grandmother? He wonders. It doesn't matter. Too many of them take your delusional word as law. We will fix that. It is what they must do.

"Stay strong, stay steady," he says with an inch of finality, a short grin forming on his face. He takes this moment to twine his tail with Redflower, a union that continues to go unspoken. "This will be over before we know it."

Once unified, Skyclaw brings his cats into ThunderClan camp. He stands steadily close to Redflower, with Sproutpaw on his opposite side. His gaze floats the camp, connects with the eyes of many that he's indoctrinated for moons now. A subtle nod, an influx of power, and he turns his gaze forward.

He sees Howlingstar on her pedestal, soaked to her frail bones still with the water she drowned in. Flamewhisker stands in beside her but Skyclaw pays little mind to the former queen. He looks directly and only at his kin, head and tail raised.

[ PLEASE NOTE !! This is a plot thread with a set direction. Reactions and dialogue are encouraged! But do not physically interfere or change the course of the thread. Please use IC cues and follow the direction it's going in ♡
Once @HOWLINGSTAR posts, this thread will be open for replies :) ]
The camp has been on high alert. Everyone is on edge after the news of what their clanmates had done, at what Skyclaw had done. After Gentlestorm had checked her over, she'd summoned her council to the Highrock so she could speak with them. As her lead warriors surround the base of the rock, Flamewhisker sits higher up, with Howlingstar at the peak of her perch. She murmurs low to them, telling exactly what had happened. About being pushed. About Lakemoon saving her. About Fallowbite. About what she'd heard Wrathpaw and Sproutpaw say from her hiding place. Everything.

Their whispers are silenced, however, when gasps of shock erupt from around the. Ears pricked, Howlingstar stands and turns herself towards the camp entrance. A leafy gaze meets amber, grandmother and grandson. To see him here now sends a chill down her back, but she will not show weakness. She draws herself to her full height from her perch on the Highstock, her head and tail held high. Her eyes flick from Skyclaw to the cats at his side, including those who had been banished from this forest. She tries to keep her heart from bursting out of her chest as she addresses him, "Grandson. What are you doing with ThunderClan exiles, and my murderers, at your flank?" She already knows, and this confirms it.

Fighting to keep her breathing level, she looks to her shocked clanmates and notices several cats stepping out of rank, their gazes fixed on Skyclaw, and then on her. Her chin angles up in solemn understanding. Beneath the calm of her gaze, however, there is fear. There is far more of them than she could have ever thought. How many ThunderClanners are traitors? How many called for her execution along with so many others?
Exile never suited him. No, he was never suited to laying just outside of camp in loner lands, scrounging for his own meals with two of the other exiles. He wasn't suited to the way the sunlight soaked his fur and boredom ate, or how he had to sit there and pick blood from his claws time and time again with nothing to show for it. He missed his brother. He missed his den, his nest. He ached for the peace that a kittypet-less clan could give to them.

Skyclaw had a way to do that. That is why Darkthistle trusted him- though, Darkthistle was just as tempted to ask to change his name, the words given to him by Howlingstar herself. Another name might suit him... he had time to think about these things, time to hear about other successes in the clan, whispered to him by passing Skyclaw-loyalists from where he lay in the trees. He had chosen to be patient and lie in wait, like a good hunter, like a good Thunderclanner.

The time come, perhaps sooner then expected, and later yet then that. He had gathered on the border with the other exiles, amber eyes flashing as they turned and headed for camp. Camp, which felt nearly unfamiliar stepping into, dark-inked fur glimmering beneath traitorous sun. His lips were pulled back, teeth wide and glimmering. Ploverhop, or Everkit, had been his kill. Others had succeeded in warriors closer to camp, where it was too risky for Darkthistle to tread, but pride glowered in his expression. His eyes quickly searched for his brother, and he only grew more sure in his steps seeing him still present.

There was one more cat that was yet to be toppled, and he supposed that was Skyclaw's plan right now. His amber eyes lifted towards Howlingstar, and a tiny laugh left him. "She's cracking." He all but purred, his voice melodic, happy. The rise of the Warrior-Queen was long past, and the fall was here before their paws.​

ˏˋ*⁀➷ She trails back in slowly, paws dragging throught dusty earth with every step. The weight of decision weighs heavy upon her. She had spared Howlingstar's life... Or, maybe she had just prolonged her death. Skyclaw and his followers will stop at nothing, they have proven as much. Maybe it would have been more merciful to tear out the old woman's throat, just as she had her mother's.

It lets its gait slow, lets the more loyal followers stay by their leader's side. She has condemned herself even moreso, made herself not just rogue but traitor - and yet, they still let her in among their ranks. How long can she keep this up? She interfered before, but she fears her paws will be idle when the killing blow comes.

She stops. Her eye slips shut for a moment, and she breathes out slowly through her nose. She has one priority here, she always has: keeping her family safe.

As Skyclaw stares down his own grandmother, as muderers gather at his sides, Fallowbite opens her lone eye and seeks out her sisters. She places herself in between them and the throng of killers, a protective shield. A snarl builds in her throat. "Stay back," she growls lowly to the two of them, pelt bristling. A glance to @doepath ࿔ first, before her narrowed gaze settles on @antlerbreeze . A pang of guilt strikes a chord through her chest. She's grown braver than Fallowbite could have ever imagined - but now is not the time for heroism. It is time to keep their heads down.

Skyclaw won't back down, she knows now. He has a hunger for death, and has lost all sense in hiding it. Maybe she should have spared her sister the sight of her mentor's death.

She steels herself, flashes her teeth in a frightened warning. "Don't get yourselves involved in this, got it?" At the least, she can spare her siblings the murderers' ire. She has made herself one of them, and it is a far safer place than standing against.

  • 84967151_9ydGxfWsqAPcif1.png
  • FALLOWBITE ⁀➷ she / it, warrior of thunderclan, twelve moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerbreeze & doepath.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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She still couldn't understand it. The others had moved off now, the council sitting somewhere behind her as they listened to Howlingstar recount the details of what had happened. But Palefire still sat stock-still in the center of camp, unmoved from where she'd been when her leader had first announced that it had been Skyclaw who had ordered her death. Skyclaw. The one cat she thought she could trust with her heart. The one she thought understood her, after everything that they had both been through. Shock and disbelief still thrummed through her veins, but Howlingstar had no reason to lie. She wouldn't lay blame on her own grandson if it weren't true.

Stars above, she had been so stupid. She was always so stupid. When would she finally learn her lesson? Time after time, mistake after mistake, she could not seem to stop treading the wrong paths. This one might top all the mousebrained things she'd done in the past, though. Her skin burned with shame when she thought of all the time she'd wasted in his company, feeling sorry for all that he'd lost, feeding into his ridiculous slander towards the non-true born members of their clan. For Starclan's sake, he'd been the one to orchestrate the attempted murder of her apprentice; or at the very least, had been the driving force behind it. Her blood began to boil, festering rage now mixing with grief and heartache in an all-consuming storm of emotion.

She wanted to kill him. She hated that she still cared for him.

But speak of the devil, and he shall appear… She'd been so consumed by her torrential feelings that she hadn't even noticed they'd walked in. It wasn't until she heard Howlingstar's voice addressing him, speaking his accursed name aloud, that she finally looked up. Fierce blue eyes lifted to settle on a familiar pelt of chocolate and ebony, and her heart lurched at the sight of him. He looked the same as ever, the same as all those nights under the stars he'd lain beside her. She used to feel safe with him; what cruel a joke. And then her gaze traveled to his side, to that wretched creature she'd hoped to never see again. And Redflower was standing so close to him, and he was pressed so tightly against her.

Jealousy bloomed like a bitter monster in her gut, clutching at her chest and squeezing her lungs shut until she struggled to breath. Why? Why did she still care? Why did it still hurt her so much to see them together, when they stood before the clan, heads held high as the murderers they were? She should hate him. She did hate him. But her heart ached at the sight of them together all the same, and she hated herself for that even more. So consumed by his sudden appearance, with the tortoiseshell molly she detested so much, Palefire had failed to notice how many of her clanmates had stepped forward to support him.

Howlingstar questioned him and comments flew around them but it was all noise in the jumble of her mind now. Her tear-filled gaze narrowed dangerously on Skyclaw, standing at the head of his band of killers. Her claws flexed painfully as she dragged them into the earth, trembling with the effort it took to stay still. She wanted to hurt him, like he'd hurt her. Like he'd hurt Howlingstar, and tried to hurt Ivorypaw. "Traitor," she choked out venomously, but her voice broke and her ears flattened against her skull. "Murderer," she managed to snarl louder now, with all the malice she felt. "Liar."

He betrayed me. He betrayed us all.

  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 17 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentoring meadowpaw & ivorypaw / mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.

Shaken is easily the first word that comes to mind in this instance. Shaken by the things that have been happening. She doesn't want to keep recounting them, doesn't want to speak everything she knows into existence again and again. Three bodies. Ash on her tongue. Two kits, nearly murdered. A deathberry clutched between her claws. Soaked fur pressed into her side- a mutiny, just as she said, just as she feared. Bile is the taste in her throat now. She might be sick.

It's Fallowbite's actions that cause her to finally rise from where she had been pressed against her sister, having cleaned herself of the riverwater that had clung to her after she let Gentlestorm look at Howlingstar. It's Fallowbite's demand to stay safe and pressed away that caused a burning, irritated anger to flash and rise, one that rarely did in Antlerbreeze's gentle nature. Bile, ash, red. What was the difference anymore, when the killers were before them? What was the difference, when the cats who came to claim Howlingstar's... life, position? were right before her?

Antlerbreeze's lips pull back in an unusual show of defiance to her sister. "We're all involved. Every last one of us." Antlerbreeze utters to Fallowbite, her oranges dragging from the ground, where they'd been cemented for the last hour or so, to pin directly to it's single eye. Why would she stand back, when she could save lives again? She had saved two, three. She had saved kits lives, ones that would stand strong beside them eventually, ones that had been sent off for protection.

Weakened. It occurred to her then that the lack of kittypet-born cats made them.. an open target. How many had left? Her eyes turned, narrowed in anger, in terror of what might happen. A rattled breath was inhaled as Antlerbreeze pushed back the invisible bubble, standing just past Fallowbite, a challenging look in her eye, upon her face, lips pulled back and teeth grit sharply together.

Starclan, are you here? Are you watching?
  • "speech"
  • ANTLERBREEZE she/her, warrior of thunderclan, twelve moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    previously mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowbite and doepath
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Howlingstar had exposed Skyclaw, as well as three of their 'traitors' as she called them. He had pretended to looked shocked, as if he had no idea. Took her long enough. The elder was discussing with her council about what he could only assume would be their plan on what to do next, when suddenly Skyclaw emerged through the camp's tunnel. Behind him trailed the exiled, as well as Howlingstar's failed murderers. He had a bone to pick with those three later, but there had been the risk that the plan would not work. His pelt caught in the sunlight, and he looked like a leader. A true leader.

It was time. There was no turning back now. Golden eyes meet with his brother's, and he stepped away to join Skyclaw's ranks. He couldn't believe the Thunderclanners were so mouse-brained that they couldn't figure out who the murderers were. He found Darkthistle and Ravenstrike in the crowd, and came to stand near them. His tail lashed dangerously, and he turned his focus on Howlingstar. Skyclaw addressed her now, so he turned his muzzle to speak to Darkthistle. "Should've stayed in the river." Whoever fished the old she-cat out would pay.

She addresses him. Skyclaw does not bow his head as grandson sounds across the hollow, does not lower his tail or give in to shame. He frowns, instead, as she presses formality to him, inquires why he has returned many cats to their rightful home. He pulls away from the rank he has set, only a few steps at first.

His gaze surfs the Clan as it is - cats who fear him and those who follow his path. They know - they know. He had hoped for some grand reveal, at least one he would be privy to, but this... He casts his disappointment aside as he welcomes Smokefur alongside his brother, Fallowbite falling to the wayside with her sisters. Numbers - it's a game of numbers, and he gathers them readily even if terror shines in their eyes.

He tries to not look at Palefire for too long. He will speak with her later; she will understand.

"ThunderClan -" he addresses them with his own booming voice, standing center to them all. "We have grown weak with the addition of ever hungry maws but paws too soft to work. The decisions made by Howlingstar to allow cats like Morningcloud and Ploverhop into the Clan have damned us. But now, see how we thrive with many of them gone!" He motions first to the abundant and meticulous fresh kill pile, the warrior's den who's nests no longer spill to the open. He takes several more strides closer to the high rock as he speaks, his voice rivaling that of Howlingstar.

"She- Howlingstar, has done wrong by ThunderClan. More can be achieved if she is no longer in control -" a tyrant he makes her out to be. An ill one, lost to the throws of her fragility and age. Skyclaw takes this opportunity of confusion and fear, of outrage and fury, to launch himself upwards. He stands in front of Howlingstar, staring into her woodland green eyes. He greets her with the soft touch of his nose to her cheek, should she not swat him away. His frown softens but the corners do not tilt up.

"Retire, grandmother. Watch your kin grow, let the Clan fall to someone more capable to handle it," he almost pleads to her. His voice is soft, but not necessarily unheard to those closest to them. Should Howlingstar look at him equally, she would see that he does not intend to beg or cry. His words are demands, ones that he will not budge on. "You have no other choice."
  • Angry

So let's pretend we like each other

They had failed in their task to kill Howlingstar and rid Thunderclan of its weakness, he had failed Skyclaw, and his parents and here he stood-glaring his blue,brown gaze to Howlingstar as she spoke to her kin, anger seering his gaze while her tail flick side to side. Had Starclan made their stand clear? Did they support allowing kitty-pets within the hollows of Thunderclan? To allow Howlingstar to live, to allow Wrathpaw, Sproutpaw and Yewflame fail in their mission to once again make Thunderclan strong.

His eyes flashed towards Fallowbite as a low growl ripped through his throat, it made its decision and his plumed tail lashed slightly as he neard Palefire scream, and yell at Skyclaw and Yewflame softly made a tch noise before lifting his chin slightly. "Sorry Howlingstar, but this is for the best" he stated calmly, coldly even. She had looked up to the leader, admired Howlingstar and at one point wanted to be like Howlingstar, but she saw it now-Howlingstar was weak and where she was weak, Skyclaw was strong despite him being a half-blood.

Soon enough, Skyclaw would speak, tell the truth and a grin flicked across his lips while he stared at Howlingstar, and those weaklings. Surely, she will understand, surely she wouldn't fight back. Afterall she saw the strength of Skyclaw's group, of what they could do. Starclan allowed them to take one of her lives, and surely hopefully they'd would allow them to take her last here and now. The kitty-pets could not be allowed to return.
· · ───────────── ·𖥸· ───────────── · ·
This might've been prevented... if circumstances had been kinder. If fate had been less prickly about the pillars of her growth. Verdant eyes scour the camp between friend, family... and foe... though they wouldn't know until today that was their nature. Her chin remains high as Skyclaw speaks and despite her turmoil that her great grandmother is one of her great treasures... it is clear that this gem is dulling... it does not hold the sparkle it once did. Her uncle's keen eyes had shown her that... had taught her the necessity in a strong spine and that ThunderClan's true value lied in its strong bloodlines. In loyalty. In capable bodies and the future generations. She was a star amongst them and could help to guide them if they'd just listen. If they'd stop this stupid, pointless arguing.

She stares up at her kin with a frown-thin lip, memory of stories and adventure trickling through her mind, becoming toned in antiqued shades of sepia. Howlingstar was too hold to keep going... right? Mottledpaw and her ilk could carry the torch from here. If anyone could make her grandmaw see reason it must be Skyclaw, who stood proudly and proved in a show of numbers that the clan didn't want the mixed-blood ThunderClan that their leader coddled and encouraged.

The dappled she-cat looks for her sisters first and foremost, offering them a look of apology, knowing this is just as hard for them to swallow. They know though, they have to know that this is the only option. It is time to pluck the weeds. Remove the binding coils that hinder their growth and success. Beetlepaw comes to mind as a most notable adversary but she doesn't look for his scowling face... fixating instead of the conversation happening high above her.

"It's time for a new ThunderClan... a stronger ThunderClan..." You've done so much Howlingstar... please take a rest. Let us help.
〕Howlingstar's refusal to send out a search patrol for Skyclaw had left her on edge. Burnstorm had offered to take out a patrol, and her heart screamed to let him take one out, but their leader had insisted it was too dangerous. I will not risk more lives. She felt like sitting ducks...just like it had been with the wolves. Now they had to wait and be hunted like prey. She did her best to listen in as Howlingstar filled them in on what had happened...Lakemoon saving her, Fallowbite distracting the villains for her, the names of the three assassins. Her gaze kept wondering off, scanning the camp for any sign of their return.

The wind shifted, carrying the scent of a large patrol.

Flamewhisker turned her head, locking eyes with one of Skyclaw's followers. Her body stiffened, and the air inside the camp seemed to turn cold. He had brought back all the exiled, and as he began to speak, more and more of their clanmates started to filter into his ranks. Starclan help us. Was Starclan watching this? They had tried to strike Sootstar down with lightning before, surely they could strike him down too? The fiery tabby rises to her paws, and extends her claws. Just give the word Howlingstar...I'll end this here and now. Her head lowers, and she pulls her lips back into a snarl. She listens as their leader begins to speak, but she does not call for an attack. What are you waiting for?


Skyclaw's voice echoes throughout the camp. Her pelt began to prickle angrily. What authority did he think he has to address the clan like that? His argument was weak, and it fell upon her own deaf ears. There were no kitty pets here, nor anyone who did not contribute to the clan. She was beyond tired of listening to those statements. How had he managed to brainwash so many of his clanmates by spewing out such nonsense? She watched as even more cats joined in behind him, and anxiety began to bubble in her belly.

Suddenly, he leaped up at the Highrock to face Howlingstar. Flamewhisker darted forward to chase him up, but Smokefur broke the line to block her path. With a powerful slash, he smacked her backwards, back to the ground. The deputy let out a warning hiss, ordering the tom to move.

  • ooc. Smokefur is now blocking the way onto the Highrock!
  • FLAMEWHISKER —— deputy of thunderclan , mentoring none . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 35 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 74170852_bklpiIOmSWVpAVE.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.
She watches him with narrowing eyes as he pads closer. She flicks her tail for her council to step back from the rock. If he wants to talk face to face, fine. She will talk face to face. Howlingstar takes a step closer to the edge of the rock as her grandson spews his lies. Her ears flatten, the tips of her fangs revealing themselves. How dare he speak the names of those who'd been murdered under his orders? "Those warriors have always been ThunderClan since Emberstar's reign. I would never toss them o-" But he cuts her off and her snout wrinkles. Morningcloud, Ploverhop, Pebblestep…Leafhusk, Bigfang, Stormywing…they'd all trained to be warriors just like anyone else. Sure, she'd never been the one to accept them in - nor would she, now, but that isn't out of any hate in her heart. What has always been important is their hearts, their loyalty, their honor. Things she now realizes her grandson does not have.

She looks down to see more cats joining him. Her heart breaks to see even her own great granddaughter standing there. Mottledpaw, no...

The tabby leader shifts her position on the boulder as Skyclaw climbs to share her perch. She stares at him with an unwavering gaze, unyielding in her powerful stance. She will not cower beneath his tactics to intimidate. She will not give him what he wants. So fallen from grace he has become, she wonders what Little Wolf must be thinking as she watches from the stars above. "I will not," She growls, the fur along her shoulder blades bristling and her ears angling sideways. "ThunderClan will always have its honor and its strength. I will not let it fall to the cowardly paws of murderers and traitors." She takes a step forward, appearing stronger than she has in over a moon. Down below, her deputy is struck and sent backwards and she looks down with wide eyes. No... "Stop this, please, Skyclaw." She jerks her head back to him. Pained eyes soften ever-so-slightly with sadness, with heart-wrenching love. With a gentle shake of her head and a helpless confusion in her voice, the grandmother utters, "Why are you doing this?" This is not the grandson she helped to raise. This is not the apprentice she trained. This is a stranger to her. But maybe, just maybe, she can appeal to the tom she knows is still there, somewhere. She doesn't want to hurt him.

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After everything that had come before, Softpaw never thought that she would be facing the day when her own Clanmates would turn against Howlingstar - Howlingstar, who was all some of them had ever known as a leader, now turning their backs on her, and for what reason? Her age? Her Skyclaw-accused crimes? No, this wasn't right - Howlingstar was a great matriarch, an era that would come to an end one day, but today was not going to be that day. Howlingstar held too much wisdom and power despite - or because of - her old age, and she would not bow to a young upstart's sudden disagreement with the way she led.

The amount of Clanmates who choose to stand beside Skyclaw is gut-wrenching, and Softpaw scowls at the familiar faces - especially at the faces of her fellow apprentices, who should know better than to be acting like children. Her claws unsheathe, digging into the ground beneath her paws. She's never fought before - sparring, sure, even if she hasn't been the best at it. But the thought of fighting now sends a shiver down Softpaw's spine. Will it come to that? Will Softpaw have her first real fight - against her own Clanmates? She hopes not.

She stiffens when Skyclaw jumps up to proclaim himself as equal to Howlingstar, and she watches with a flash of fear in her eyes when Smokefur prevents Flamewhisker from going to her leader's side to help. The tension is thick enough to be sliced by a claw.


Watchful disapproval blazed in the sky above, Thundergleam knew it. Even when StarClan's eyes did not blink in a voided sky, they were still their. Argent and just... she felt their eyes on Skyclaw's back as venom flooded from his mouth, spit quick. No, she felt the tendrils of darkness in his words- she was sickened by the turn of them, scorched, poisonous; pristine fangs knit together in a grimace. Thundergleam felt a blistering beneath her skin, and she was sickened-sure of the Stars anger ...

And yet, it was not her place. The moment Howlingstar uttered that they burst forth for attack, Thundergleam would; she was loyal no matter what to the Stars-sworn leader. There had been no mistake in the breaths Howlingstar still took- a cat had tried to kill her once, and she had lived. As she defied her mutinous grandson, Thundergleam felt within her a premature flare of victory. There would be a fight, prehaps- not simply armed with words as their sharpness. There may be claws, but Howlingstar's silvered protection, sent from Silverpelt itself, would envelop them all on the side of right.

And this is what is keeping Stormywing away. And all of this was why Thundergleam's destiny had not yet come to fruition - all of these cats who thrust themselves in the path of fate, struggled against it, refusing to acept the bounties brought to them! "The Stars are not on his side," Thundergleam murmured quiet to whoever was closest, spotless paws visibly tensing upon the earth. Haunches grew taut, her tufted tail whipped ... there need only be a word, and her judgement would slice clean through this growing crowd. They were not on the side of the Truth ... they could not win.
penned by pin ☾
Emberface had hoped that the veins of bark - rot spreading amidst ThunderClan's trees were just that—veins, never to swell to more. A shove in the warrior's den or a nasty remark on patrol would be the extent of things, keeping it restrained to problems she could handle. Instead, the decay has flowered in greenleaf's heat, spread throughout the forest and choked the ancient roots that had stood for so long, felling once - strong trunks and eating up everything in its path.

Heads turn when Skyclaw and his band of murderers enter camp, and Emberface's golden back ripples with the tide of pelts, pale blues fixing on the chimera where he helms the rogues. Howlingstar is as steadfast as ever atop the Highrock, looking down on the pack of hounds that had been wearing the skins of Clanmates. Anger ripples in the pit of Emberface's belly like it never has before—a fury she's never felt, kindling in her stomach and blossoming up to singe her throat.

This isn't the ThunderClan my father died for. Her heavy claws curve into the leaf - littered earth beneath, white muzzle rippling back to expose her fangs in a snarl much like the wolves that had claimed Sunfreckle's life, soft sloping shoulders squaring into the posture of a brute. Skyclaw spews his poisonous gospel, and her tired eyes drop wide with a momentary shock when her Clanmates begin to break rank, to raise their voices in agreement with a band of cats no better than rogues—murderers and traitors, the lot of them, just as Palefire yowls.

Anger presses demure kisses along her shoulders, her hackles lifting like the rays of the sun as Skyclaw dares to stand before Howlingstar, demanding things of her. It stokes the embers to catch into flame, a consuming wildfire, when she hears Mottledpaw speak—one of the little kits she'd seen in her many visits to the nursery, pledging her voice to a traitor's vow. The quiet conflict atop Highrock does not catch much attention in the heat of her fury, but the far louder one at its base does. Smokefur smacks Flamewhisker aside, and his form prevents anyone from getting in—or out.

" Traitors! " she yowls, and though she does not quite break rank, she takes a half - step forward. Her heavy limbs and soft paws tremble with fury, all the rounded slopes of her body snapping into hard lines. A blue gaze dances over the rebellious ones, daring them to meet her eye and tell her that this is what Sunfreckle died for—Darkthistle, Yewflame, even young Mottledpaw. It is this last she fixes her gaze on when she snarls, " My father died for you! "

I'm where I belong. ThunderClan is her Clan, her home, and Skyclaw's flank pressed to hers, their tails twined behind them, only solidifies this for her. Amber eyes blaze with pride and glory as she shivers into camp alongside her true Clanmates. There are gasps of dismay, hisses of protest, as Skyclaw leads his followers into the clearing, as he addresses the she-cat who still tries and falters to lead them.

Redflower tilts her chin high, giving any cat who glances her direction a fierce, stubborn look. She searches the crowd for Foxfang, for Poppyfoot, but it's Palefire's blue gaze she ends up meeting. The ochre-streaked molly looks at Skyclaw with undisguised hurt in her eyes, but her words are vicious. "Traitor," Palefire hisses wretchedly. "Murderer." Malice flares as she lifts her lip. "Liar."

The tortoiseshell warrior's mottled pelt begins to spike at the shoulders. She squares up to Palefire, her smile rich with victory. "Don't be a sore loser, Palefire. He's where he belongs." She lashes her tail, holding her ground as Flamewhisker tries to make a move and is roughly shoved aside by Smokefur.

The moment of reckoning is here. Redflower waits for Howlingstar's response with trembling paws. Step down, you old fool. She doesn't, instead asking inane, desperate questions, searching her kin's golden eyes for mercy.

Redflower sinks her claws into the forest floor, prepared to spring if she must.

  • ooc:
  • Redkit . Redpaw . Redflower, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 15th.
    — mentored by NPC ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh tortoiseshell with low white and pale yellow eyes. bright, spiteful, impressionable.

𓍊𓋼 He's been on edge since Howlingstar had told them the news. Skyclaw… how could Skyclaw do such a thing? It seems impossible that the same dappled kit he'd once wrestled with under Little Wolf's watchful gaze could have become so resentful, so coldhearted. To go so far as to order the murder of his own grandmother, the leader of ThunderClan since before either of them were even born—Skyclaw has truly become someone that Falconheart can't recognize anymore. And as the tom barges his way into camp with his new friends (better friends, stronger friends, he thinks as he spots the ashen form of Smokefur among them), the cream tabby sucks in a deep breath. Bicolored eyes widen, shock and horror in his gaze. Skyclaw and his band of exiles and traitors march right up to Howlingstar's perch, and leaps up to face her.

His mother rushes for the Highrock after him, but Smokefur blocks her path, sending her back to the ground. He knows the sting of defeat at the younger warrior's paws, and now he makes a venomous vow: I'll kill you for that. But Skyclaw threatens Howlingstar, calling for her to step down, and before he knows it, he's speaking. "Skyclaw, don't—don't do this! Just because your-" father… He stops short, nearly biting the tip of his tongue off in his haste to cut off the rest of his words. He shouldn't say anything like that, even if the clan already knows. But he has to say something. Anything to stop Skyclaw from doing whatever he's planning on doing. "Is this what Duskbird would have wanted? Your mother?" His question turns harsh, desperate. Please… don't do this. Don't doom yourself and all these cats to exile. I can't lose both of you.

  • ooc:
  • 82611636_I7otEt4vDdutjcB.png
  • FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedpaw, bugpaw, sunpaw, squirrelpaw, sparrowpaw
    mentoring bugpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
Last edited:

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Blue gaze watched as her mentor moved with the group of exiles, with the murderers and watched as more and more began to flood into his group, including Mottledpaw, the other she was supposed to train with which made her chest tightened as she backed up slightly moving closer into the crowd that stood with Howlingstar, her eyes wide as she glanced towards where her mentor stood.

Would they believe she was with him? No... she had made it clear, very abundantly clear she hadn't known but still she kept mentally apologizing for something she didn't know of. "Please don't do this..." she silently begged before her siblings came to mind and she began to scan the clearing for them, would any of them join her mentor in his ranks or stay loyal to Thunderclan... to Howlingstar? None of thus was right, she was hardly trained, only knowing some basics, things that a traitor had taught her and she winced. He had killed innocent clanmembers and for what?

"This isn't right!" she cried out in her protest, this wasn't right. Yet seeing so many join in his side made her flinch, and to see their deputy be blocked off by one of Skyclaw's own made her anxious, would Howlingstar be killed here and now? What about Flamewhisker? Her blue eyes were wide, still trying to wrap her mind around how her mentor-one of Howlingstar's own kin could betray Thunderclan.
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingpaw She/Her, Apprentice of Thunderclan, 7 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-cat with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

"She's way more capable than any of you mange-pelt traitors!" He hisses, his copper eyes narrowed at the self-proclaimed true warriors of ThunderClan. His fur bristles as he circles the group, his paw-steps heavy and his muscles rigid awaiting a possible attack. This was madness. Several ex-clanmates died at the paws of these foxhearts, several clanmates had died for them, and now here they were with stupid ideas.

He stands beside Palefire as the she-cat faces Redflower, offering his support. "Where he belongs? None of you belong in ThunderClan, not anymore. You're dishonorable and more rogue than you ever were a true warrior. Leave." Rowanthorn growls, his claws slipping out. His tail lashes behind him as he briefly glances at the chimera atop the Highrock - like he has any right to put his dirty paws upon it - and yells:

"You will never be half the cat Blazestar was, Skyclaw! Stand down!"

  • // #FF7661
  • A muscular and chubby scarred chocolate tabby tom with striking copper eyes.
  • ROWANTHORN — 36 moons, warrior of ThunderClan. Ages every 31st.
It's surprising... Her heart seizes in her chest again and it wrenches so painful it feels like dying. She doesn't need sight to recognize the paw-steps of an army amassing at their door, to hear Skyclaw's self-righteous claims. What madness is this... A nightmare that she can't seem to wake from. Suddenly mortality seems closer to its end than ever, as if she has already been found dead behind dirt place, just like Pebblestep. No one to see it... no one to help while blood bubbles up from the gouges in her throat where hatred had sliced clean through the skin.

Her breath catches again, struggling to cling to Gentlestorm's voice telling her to breathe. Just breathe. Fallowbite creeps towards her like a specter of fortune, hissing as if it knows what's coming. Her eyes swim with confusion and hurt, fumbling to understand why... why fall in with this crowd of murderers... did she truly think herself so evil that it's where she belonged? She chokes on a pleading, "Fallow..." a whine as pathetic as a fawn crying for its mother. "What... what have you done...?"

Antlerbreeze has always been ready to fight, ready to defend... she knows even as she feels her touch leaving her side to stand at the ready that she'll lose her. She'd die if she had to... Everyone always did. Wallowing in her own self-pity and fear before anything has even begun, Doepath's ears pin themselves to her skull as she retreats one step back... then two...

She can't watch. She can't be a pawn of bloodshed. I'm.. I'm sorry Howlingstar... because she'd made a promise. To fight for ThunderClan and die for ThunderClan... she hadn't thought herself a liar when she'd said she would... but today proves her a coward first and foremost. Or maybe... just a selfish survivalist- The.. the little ones, she remembers abruptly, swallowing past the way her lips have been sewn shut by her fear.

Turning on her heels, the pale she-cat rushes towards the nursery, "Yip! Howl! Thrash!" If nothing else... she could keep them safe. She could imagine a purpose for herself and see them better protected than she had been at their tiny age.​