- Jun 20, 2023
- 151
- 109
- 43
She lived. Skyclaw feels sick, the churning in his stomach unending as he glares down at the three cats - three - who should've taken Howlingstar's last lives. Someone had to have pulled her from the water, he knows, but it is no job of his to sniff out what water-loving freak decided to fish for ThunderClan Leaders that afternoon. It is his job to believe this injustice done unto him by cats too caring of their leader to mar her with something she cannot come back from. He grimaces, stalking through the undergrowth, wondering if he would struggle the same.
She knows, they told him. She knows of the three, in the least, that still idle within her claws' grasp. Skyclaw could turn them loose like he had Redflower and the others - or he could gather them, he could storm camp with them, with more. His plan may be flawed but he is not wrong to think that Howlingstar is past her prime, that her judgment has failed her too many times now. Their plan is simple, their plan is infallible. Skyclaw keeps his cats to his flank, and whilst treading the border, gathers a few more.
"Blood will spill today," he says. He does not look at his Clanmates, but his amber eyes are lit ablaze, as if he could set fire to the very plantlife they stalk around. "Many cats will not agree with our choices - we know this - but we will not stand down. We are true ThunderClanners. It is with our guidance and effort that these lands will be rid of house-pet blood…" Finally, he looks to his gathered many, thinks of the many more that must litter camp, gasping at the news that flutters from Howlingstar's lips. What are you telling them, grandmother? He wonders. It doesn't matter. Too many of them take your delusional word as law. We will fix that. It is what they must do.
"Stay strong, stay steady," he says with an inch of finality, a short grin forming on his face. He takes this moment to twine his tail with Redflower, a union that continues to go unspoken. "This will be over before we know it."
Once unified, Skyclaw brings his cats into ThunderClan camp. He stands steadily close to Redflower, with Sproutpaw on his opposite side. His gaze floats the camp, connects with the eyes of many that he's indoctrinated for moons now. A subtle nod, an influx of power, and he turns his gaze forward.
He sees Howlingstar on her pedestal, soaked to her frail bones still with the water she drowned in. Flamewhisker stands in beside her but Skyclaw pays little mind to the former queen. He looks directly and only at his kin, head and tail raised.
[ PLEASE NOTE !! This is a plot thread with a set direction. Reactions and dialogue are encouraged! But do not physically interfere or change the course of the thread. Please use IC cues and follow the direction it's going in ♡
Once @HOWLINGSTAR posts, this thread will be open for replies :) ]
She knows, they told him. She knows of the three, in the least, that still idle within her claws' grasp. Skyclaw could turn them loose like he had Redflower and the others - or he could gather them, he could storm camp with them, with more. His plan may be flawed but he is not wrong to think that Howlingstar is past her prime, that her judgment has failed her too many times now. Their plan is simple, their plan is infallible. Skyclaw keeps his cats to his flank, and whilst treading the border, gathers a few more.
"Blood will spill today," he says. He does not look at his Clanmates, but his amber eyes are lit ablaze, as if he could set fire to the very plantlife they stalk around. "Many cats will not agree with our choices - we know this - but we will not stand down. We are true ThunderClanners. It is with our guidance and effort that these lands will be rid of house-pet blood…" Finally, he looks to his gathered many, thinks of the many more that must litter camp, gasping at the news that flutters from Howlingstar's lips. What are you telling them, grandmother? He wonders. It doesn't matter. Too many of them take your delusional word as law. We will fix that. It is what they must do.
"Stay strong, stay steady," he says with an inch of finality, a short grin forming on his face. He takes this moment to twine his tail with Redflower, a union that continues to go unspoken. "This will be over before we know it."
Once unified, Skyclaw brings his cats into ThunderClan camp. He stands steadily close to Redflower, with Sproutpaw on his opposite side. His gaze floats the camp, connects with the eyes of many that he's indoctrinated for moons now. A subtle nod, an influx of power, and he turns his gaze forward.
He sees Howlingstar on her pedestal, soaked to her frail bones still with the water she drowned in. Flamewhisker stands in beside her but Skyclaw pays little mind to the former queen. He looks directly and only at his kin, head and tail raised.
[ PLEASE NOTE !! This is a plot thread with a set direction. Reactions and dialogue are encouraged! But do not physically interfere or change the course of the thread. Please use IC cues and follow the direction it's going in ♡
Once @HOWLINGSTAR posts, this thread will be open for replies :) ]