"We're the new order, mutt." Ravenstrike, murderous and traitorous to the Clan who'd fought and hunted alongside her since kithood, sneers in Mousenose's face. The mostly-white tortoiseshell bristles again, her ears flattening against her skull. "You think I'll let you foxhearts boss us around? I'll kill you!" Her eyes brim with acid rage, but her pounce is clumsy with emotion, and Ravenstrike's paw finds the back of her head easily.

She tastes dirt. Her teeth sting, clipping into her cheeks and tongue. Blood rushes into her mouth as well as dust and leafmold. "Help me —" she chokes, but Ravenstrike moves again, her teeth shearing through the flesh and fur of her scruff. She howls, her paws thrumming, panicked, against the camp floor.

She can't move her head away. Ravenstrike's teeth are deep in her flesh, and before she can utter any pleas for mercy, before she can take it back, claws sink into the softness of her throat. Warmth spurts from the opening they create; gore splashes the white fur on her chest. Her jaws creak open, wordless, shocked, but she slumps to the ground without ceremony.

Her sightless eyes are fixed on Emberface and Sunshinespot. Beyond them, does she see her father? Does she see her sister, lost so long ago?... Her spirit flees her corpse, bitter tears like rain on her cheeks.

  • ooc:
  • Mousekit . Mousepaw . Mousenose, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 25th.
    — mentored by Silverlightning ; mentoring Shroudedpaw ; previously mentored Sunshinespot
    — thunderclan warrior. sunfreckle x rabbitnose, gen 2.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh messy-furred tortoiseshell with high white and bright green eyes. demanding, exuberant, selfish, sensitive, oblivious, obnoxious.


glowingpaw & 07 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan apprentice

When Skyclaw and the exiles come parading in, Glowingpaw only has eyes for one. Head bobs from where she stands, cowered behind her siblings, claws digging into the earth anxiously. " Wrathpaw - Wrathpaw, please, " comes quiet voice, pleading. She doesn't want this - any of this, whatever this is. Because it feels like something, and the fear alone is enough to leave her shaking.

" You can't - I know you don't want this... I-, " she says again, ignoring the simmilar cries of fear, pain, and outrage that echo around her. 'I didn't tell anyone' she wants to say, 'I didn't tell them what you did to Pebblestep,' Surely, Wrathpaw can still try and do the right thing. If he just explained - he can tell Howlingstar what he'd told her, and surely, their leader would be understanding. It was just a mistake. He hadn't wanted this either.

But Fadingpaws voice rings out beside her, and she flinches - ice blue eyes filling with tears. More and more cats step forwards, a live forming between two sides - and suddenly Glowingpaw i painfully aware of the eyes that watch her, and she no longer knows where she belongs. Foxhearts, cowards, murderers - each word spoken by her siblings cuts sharp, like claws raked across her heart.

Holwingstars body falls to the ground, and all Glowingpaw can think is what would her sisters think, if they knew what she had done?

What she didn't do.

Somehow, espite everything, it is Skyclaw and the kittypet haters that reign victorious, claiming new leadership and exile of those who they feel don't belong. death, to those who try to fight it. Nub tail twitches, and she goes silent once more, no longer bothering to hide her tears or hold back her sniffles.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

W E ' L L - A L W A Y S -B E -S O -P E R F E C T L Y- H A P P Y

  • Sad
Reactions: WRATHHOWL
With the way things were going, Skyclaw's attack shouldn't come as a surprise. And yet, it does. It happens so fast - he lunges for her throat, and she falls on the ground, a pool of blood forming beneath her. He'd killed her ( his own grandmother ), and she wasn't coming back - she would've by now, surely. . . Rowanthorn is distraught.

"You are no leader, Skyclaw." He rasps, his hackles raised. And then he hears Mousenose's voice rising in defiance, he sees Ravenstrike skulking towards her. He steps forward to intervene, to help — but it's too late. It's a bloody scene, shocking him. They were not Thunderclanners. They were rogues, villains, surely StarClan wouldn't approve of this.

"Flamewhisker is the deputy chosen by StarClan." Rowanthorn mutters gritting his teeth. May you never see the light of StarClan, foxhearts. May your soul be lost forever.

  • // #FF7661
  • A muscular and chubby scarred chocolate tabby tom with striking copper eyes.
  • ROWANTHORN — 36 moons, warrior of ThunderClan. Ages every 31st.

ˏˋ*⁀➷ Her words are futile. Antlerbreeze stands her ground - and she remembers the same thing happening all those moons ago with their mother. It steals the breath from her lungs. Is that what she's become now? She's a murderer, abiding tyrants, no better than the cat who made her. It feels like she never had the chance to be anything else.

She is shocked from her stupor as Antlerbreeze charges forwards, brushing past her. "Mousebrain! Get back here!" Her voice is a rough snarl, the kind she has never used for her siblings before. Fear digs claws into her throat. No, no, no - it can't all have been for nothing. At least Doepath has the sense to keep back - it shoots her a narrowed glance, mulling over its words for a moment. "Did what was best," it says gruffly. It can't say anything more for fear of retribution, and frustration drips from its maw. "Tell you 'bout it later. Keep the kits outta trouble."

And it's charging forwards to meet Antlerbreeze -

And Howlingstar's body is hitting the ground.

All at once, everything explodes. Her ears are full of screaming, her sister is running to meet a corpse. The pit of dread in her stomach opens wide and hollow. Skyclaw has done it - in front of all the clan.

What has it done? It's failed.

It failed to protect the leader, its sister's mentor. She carries her name now like an elegy. It failed to stand up until it was far too late. It failed to be better than its mother. It failed in every rotten choice its ever made, a path of blood left in its wake.

It creeps closer to Antlerbreeze, and it is shaking. "Antler..." I'm sorry, rests on the tip of her tongue. She can't say it. Instead she swallows. Her sister isn't fighting back, at least. Skyclaw has made plenty clear that his death sentences do not extend only to kittypets. "She's at rest now," is all she can manage, shaky and weak.

No, it can't break yet. Its siblings still need that protection. Its betrayal was for nothing, the least it can do is keep its place among the murderers' ranks, keep itself from becoming their target. It whirls to face the rest of the clan, stood by Howlingstar's body.

It has to suppress a flinch as Mousenose falls to Ravenstrike's paws. She's always scared it, and now it knows that fear was warranted. It steels itself, raises its voice in a growl. "None of you do anythin' you're gonna regret, got it? 'Less you wanna end up like her." A paw sweeps towards Mousenose.

Please, it does not say. Too much blood has already shed today.

  • 84967151_9ydGxfWsqAPcif1.png
  • FALLOWBITE ⁀➷ she / it, warrior of thunderclan, twelve moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerbreeze & doepath.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Sad

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Everything was happening so fast, horror in her blue eyes watching as Howlingstar's crimbling body fell to the ground with a loud thud making her flinch, words caught in her throat before she aimed to move herself slightly in front of Dwindlingpaw and Glowingpaw, she couldn't let her siblings see this... witness this, what her mentor has done. She gritted her teeth as she tried to keep the tears away, Howlingstar was dead, the leader was dead. She had looked up to her and she was gone, helplessness stuck her like an arrow and all she could do was watch.

"Stay close to me, don't...don't say a word, it'll be okay... everything will be okay" she said speaking softly to her siblings while forcing a weak smile on her lips, what other choice did she have? She was scared, terrified. Fadingpaw had just witnessed the death of her leader at the paws of her own kin, and Fadingpaw couldn't do anything but stand there trying to stay strong for her siblings.

Everything will be fine, right? Someone will save them... Starclan wouldn't allow this would they? Her heart thudded in her chest as she looked at Skyclaw; her and Mottledpaw's mentor, and she feared for what will happen next. He was her mentor, and she had defied him, but... but this still all wasn't right, and all she wanted to do was crawl back into the nursery and just hide. "Everything is going to be okay" she would repeat softly to her siblings, trying to hide how she trembled with fear, how she just wanted to cry.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingpaw She/Her, Apprentice of Thunderclan, 7 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-cat with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Sad
Howlingstar refuses to raise her claws to Little Wolf's kit. Skyclaw grasps her by her throat, lets her blood fill his jaws, and shoves her over the edge of the Highrock. She hits the ground with a sickening crack!, and Flamewhisker's cry sears the air. Others follow, cats who have never known another leader, cats who should never have to know another leader, and Raccoonstripe's body fills with ice, numb to the touch.

Raccoonstripe is wordless, though. His limbs are thick with grief he cannot express. He stumbles wordlessly through the crowd, toward his mother's body, and sinks into a haphazard pile of tabby fur. Their pelts blend as he bends over her, as he presses his dark nose into her fur and inhales her scent for the final time.

And the first time... He'd come into the world blind, deaf, all slicked-tabby fur and mewls, no different than Bayingkit or Tigerkit had. He'd pressed his face into her rotund white belly and he'd drawn the milk from her body. He'd felt her gentle cuffs to the ear when he'd bite his littermates too hard; he'd felt her guiding paws as he learned to hunt, to brawl, to defend what mattered to him. He'd become a warrior under Howlingstar's gentle, firm guidance, and she was gone.

He would never see her eyes flicker open again.

"I'm so proud of you," she'd mewed, her green eyes soft with love for her son.

Raccoonstripe kneads her pelt with his forepaws. The tears streak his face, but he does not sob. Skyclaw continues to talk above him, above those who grieve. He banishes those with kittypet blood, and the lead warrior stiffens, lifting his face from Howlingstar's body. Ravenstrike wastes no time in slaughtering young Mousenose, a cat he'd watch grow up. Cats begin to wail their terror, begin to shrink in place.

Flamewhisker tells them to stand down, and Raccoonstripe gives her a wordless look. Stand down? I would rather die with my claws in his pelt. He stares at the ginger-furred deputy for a long time before he rises from his mother's body.

The camp reeks of blood.

Raccoonstripe murmurs, "I will sit vigil." He can hardly bring himself to face his Clanmates or Skyclaw's followers.

Howlingstar, I am so sorry.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 44 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.


So much was happening. So much- Beetlepaw knew that the cats had been caught, they knew who it was, but it cost a life of Howlingstar's. He was angry, so angry for that, angry for the bloodshed that kept happening. It boiled his blood and made him want to leap at the killers when they arrived, his green eyes studying his father and mother from afar, pressed near where Dovepaw and Littlepaw were standing. He'd protect them, no matter what happening.

And so much had happening. Yelling of dissent, Skyclaw begging his great-grandmother to step down. She refused, and blood shot skywards, then down. Antlerbreeze was screaming, so many cats were screaming, but all he did was wrap his tail around one sibling and press to the other, sending threatening looks to anyone who stepped too close. Yeah, they had protection under Skyclaw's word, but that didn't mean shit. Who knew who would try something because they only kittypet-blooded cats allowed to stay in camp stood stock still?

Mousenose fell next- the spirited warrior hoping to stand their ground but Ravenstrike's cruel claws cut them down. Blood spilled on the ravine floor. He doesn't think he's ever seen so much of it, and never wants to again. Is this what it meant to learn to become a warrior? Train for moons, step up to the mantle, and die in a mere few minutes?

His breath was ragged, heartbeat in his ears, but he could hear everything that Flamewhisker said. Stand down. Tears sprung to his eyes, and panicked looks were shot to his parents once more, afraid for their lives. Afraid of what came next, as Raccoonstripe staggered to the corpse of his great-grandmother. He hoped his uncle would stand up, say something, he begged for his family to take charge... but it wasn't to be. "PLEASE- Please.." He begs. "L-let me help with... her body." Green eyes, so wide, the splitting image of Little Wolf, lifted towards Skyclaw.

"Don't take that right from us, too." Beetlepaw begged. Begged to be able to give his great-grandmother the funeral she deserved, despite the way she had met her end. Despite the bitter, bitter anger and fury pooling in his heart, despite the way he wished he could kill him.
  • "speech"
  • BEETLEPAW he/him, apprentice of thunderclan, six moons.
    LH black smoke with bright green eyes. growing into a very broad and built tom-cat, mirroring his father's build. of average height, with a shit-eating grin more often then not.
    being mentored by burnstorm / / mentoring no one
    no romantic interests / / BURNSTORM X ROEFLAME - sibling to dovepaw and littlepaw, adoptive sibling to hopepaw and coalpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Crying
Everything bursts in to flames too quick, too fast, someone stokes the fire by uttering Blazestars name. His eyes are on Skyclaw and Howlingstar at the peak of high rock, and they’re talking but Cobweb can’t exactly hear what theyre talking about.

He thinks its going fine. Skyclaw reaches across to put his nose on his cheek.

MAMA!” his voice rises and cracks like thunder, lightning split across the sky as Skyclaw buries his teeth in her throat. “Mama, no- no, no, no, no!” he struggles against the gathering crowd, trying to push forwards when they’re getting pushed back by Skyclaws followers. Skyclaw has his mothers body in his jaws and he hauls her off of the rock. Shes falling. Dear Starclan, shes falling and Cobweb cannot do anything but watch, slack-jawed and sick to his stomach.

And then… Crack. Screams erupt all around him and finally he can draw up tall enough to see where she had landed, hoping, praying to his sisters, his brothers in Starclan that she was just rising from losing a life. She lays upon the ground in an unnatural position. Get up, mama. Thunderclan still needs her. Flamewhisker is besides the body and again, in some way, Cobweb feels undeserving to be right there besides her. Shes gone again to try and face off against them. He fights to get closer, though. Get up, mama!Mama,” he breathes her name like a mantra. “Mama, get up,” his throat is all dry and scratchy and it feels bad and this feels bad and everything feels bad.

His kin wails. Raccoonstripe, his baby brother, kneads his mothers pelt. Just like he had, and his sisters had, and… “Mama, get up, get up mama, I need you.” he finally draws close, tears dripping from his cheeks as he shudders with a silent sob. Never again will he find himself looking for her in the crowd, trying to find her steady gaze that always reassured him. “Lily Pad,” he manages to get a choked noise out of his littermates name, looking up to try to find her. She should be here. She should be by her body. Her kits, those that remain, should be here…

He regrets not staying close to her when she had returned to camp. He regrets feeling so weird about being undeserving. He regrets not telling her that he loved her more. He regrets not spending enough time with her.

Don’t take that right from us, too. Little Beetlepaw cries. Skyclaw- monster as he is, wouldn’t, shouldn’t, can’t.. Cobweb finally settles besides Raccoonstripe, silently grooming the fur slicked with blood on her body, avoiding Raccoonstripes paws. The least he could do is send her off as she always had looked: regal and pretty, his mother had always been regal and pretty and proud and strong and had so much love in her heart that it shined in her shes. He’ll restore that back to her.

His mother is gone, and Cobweb feels all too alone and afraid. He cries, silent, as he grooms her.

/ mobile
In the midst of all of this, there is a selfish thought: Is this how they see me? Howlingstar is dead. The clan is forever changed. All of the anger he had turned from the bloodied stump of his lineage out into the clan is reflected back upon him in full force. Kittypets. They– it was their fault, this wouldn't have happened if Howlingstar had just been stronger, but now as he faces Skyclaw's rule, he realizes that nothing at all has changed. He is still the kin of kittypets. To their eyes, Thistlepaw could never be anything different. Howlingstar had sent away those that had lived in twoleg dens. For their safety. Had she shared in her grandson's shame? Would she have sent him away too, if her eyes opened again? For his safety? For the clan's?

"Wait–" His voice cracks and warbles. The warriors grieve. Everyone rages against Howlingstar's demise, but what about him? Do any of them care? Bitterly ensnared by his youth, Thistlepaw's amber eyes sting beneath acidic tears. His teeth grit so hard that his jaw creaks. Deep, panicked breaths start to pour out of him, and he stares at Raccoonstripe, at SkyClaw, at all the cats he had once thought had his back.

And now they will watch him leave. They will make him leave.

He will never be anything but a kittypet to them.

Voice small in the midst of their grief, selfishly wallowing in his own, Thistlepaw whispers: "I don't know where to go."

  • OOC.
  • 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐀𝐖. HE - HIM. YOUNG APPRENTICE OF THUNDERCLAN. ————— the son of an ex-kittypet has spent most of his life confined to the medicine den. bad circumstances and worse healing left him in a limbo between life and death which he only just escaped. he feels he must prove himself a great warrior so his clanmates will see him as anything more than a weak kittypet.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a prickly-furred chocolate and slate cat with amber eyes. finally growing into his frame with moons of hard work and steady enough food, thistlepaw has taken a blocky, bulky shape with broad shoulders and densely muscled hindlimbs. his fur remains a tough-edged cloak, but now carries a well-groomed sheen despite how unruly it is.
Blood spilled on the dusty earth, a sight Lovelight had always dreaded but never thought would unfold in the heart of ThunderClan’s camp. The chaos was undeniable, with Skyclaw's rebellion now tearing apart the rule of Howlingstar. Lovelight froze, eyes wide and unblinking, as he watched the once unthinkable unfold before the entire Clan. The gruesome act was a blow not just to their leader but to everything Lovelight had believed in. His heart pounded in his chest, his mind a whirlwind of confusion and fear. For a moment, he was paralyzed, rooted to the spot with his mouth slightly open, unable to process the atrocity before him. How could he ever find the words to address the madness that had just shattered the peace of his home? He couldn't. His eyes darted around the clearing, frantic, desperate to find a familiar face, someone who might share in his horror.

Lightflower. She was the first cat he spotted, and with a determined yet trembling resolve, Lovelight began weaving his way through the crowd toward her. He moved cautiously, his every step calculated to avoid attracting attention from Skyclaw or his supporters. When he finally reached Lightflower, his voice was a mere whisper, almost drowned out by the rising murmurs of the other cats. "I..." He faltered, struggling to find the right words, his tone laced with a desperate quiet. "I can’t just stand by and let this happen. I can’t stay here, not after this. Will... will you come with me?" His voice trembled, a plea buried in the softness of his words as he sought her support, hoping she, too, couldn't bear to remain under Skyclaw's new and cruel reign.

"We, we could take others with us," he continued, speaking faster now as names tumbled from his lips—cats he trusted, those who had been close to him, those he thought might have similar views to him. "Palefire, or, or Badgerstripe, Laughblossom, Hopepaw... anyone who wants to leave." His gaze was intense, his eyes betraying the desperation and resolve bubbling within him. He knew staying meant submitting to a tyrant, and he couldn’t do it—not after what he had just witnessed. How could anyone expect him to? He had to leave, and he wanted—needed—Lightflower and the others to join him, to refuse to bow to the treachery that had just claimed their leader. "Please," he says softly, stepping closer, voice as low as he can make it, hoping to avoid the attention of any of the traitors.

[ @Lightflower since he is talking to her :3 ]​
Oh, life isn't fair, is it. He was on the road to recovery, the gaping wound left by Sunfreckle's death was finally beginning to mend. It was a wound that would never heal, but he was trying. Every day was a struggle to keep his head above water. Perhaps the redirection of his focus to the current atmosphere helped him, somewhat. He knew there were cats in the clan who hated kittypets. Who looked down on them no matter what. That these same cats looked at him and his kits with the same look. He never thought any of whats happened in recent moons would happen.

And now, he stands amongst his clanmates in the midst of a mutiny.

To see Howlingstar struck down by her own kin, his voice fails to find itself as his eyes widen in horror before they narrow in anger. Grief bites at his heart once more. He considered Howlingstar family. She was strong and brave and compassionate- she didn't deserve to die at the hands of her own grandson. The rage boiling inside him threatens to overflow, his claws gripping the ground. Reason still finds him, he can't just rush in and tear open Skyclaw's throat. There are too many of these....Filth... Surrounding them.

But its the voice of his daughter that draws his attention. Mousenose shouting back in defiance at these....Rogues. He agrees with her, but perhaps a retreat is the smarter move. Let them think they've won and then tear open their throats when they become comfortable.

His eyes catch Ravenstrike approach his daughter, and he begins to stalk forward with teeth on full display. It happens so quick, Ravenstrike slamming her down, the last words out of his daughters mouth a choked "Help me-" before the ground is stained crimson. The horror that he prayed he'd never feel again grips him like iron.

"MOUSENOSE!!!" He screeches, tears welling in his eyes. He rushes forward with newfound adrenaline fueled by grief and rage. "GET YOUR PAWS OFF MY DAUGHTER, YOU TRAITOROUS PILE OF HORSEDUNG!!" He shrieks, rushing for Ravenstrike with claws extended and jaws open, thirsting for the blood of the cat who murdered his daughter.

His darling daughter, his little mouse. Always so full of life and energy, now a lifeless corpse slain by someone who was once a clanmate. Her choked last words will haunt him, just as Sunfreckle's last moments still do.

It's not fair. His family is doomed to suffer loss after loss, isn't it?

Flamewhisker's call to hold back is more salt in the wound than he can bear. Why should he? Why should he hold back when his daughter is dead before him and her murderer stands smugly before him? He spots Emberface, spattered in Mousenose's blood and draws to a halt, just before his target.

To attack her would risk his own death. He can't die in front of his remaining family, and that aside, it will help no one. Hatred and frustration boil inside him.

"Count your blessings....While you still can." It is an icy threat he hisses, full of malice and murderous intent. He feels sick as he attempts to grip Mousenose's scruff to pull her away from Ravenstrike, tears of hatred and grief overflowing from his eyes. His throat is tight and he wants to lash out, he wants to scream. He wants to thrash, rend and flay the cats who have taken over.

But for now, if allowed.... He has to leave. He doesn't know what will happen now, but he is simply a leaf caught in a raging river. There is nothing he can do but hope the current doesn't rip him apart.
At long last, Sleekserpent steps up and answers a question that's been long since brewing in Badgerstripe's brain. But where one is answered, more sprout. Just how long had he been a part of this? Did he know about this plan to kill Howlingstar? Did he take part in the killings?

The cream-colored warrior speaks to her with a sharpness she hadn't heard since the first argument they ever had, way back when they first spoke. Be quiet, Sleekserpent says, cold and commanding - as if Badgerstripe were a kit speaking out of place. " Don't you tell me what to do, asshole, " comes a quick retort as she stares at him with disbelieving eyes. A rage brews inside her like a thousand suns - but at the same time, her stomach churns with raw fear. She feels sick.

As her voice swiftly rises at her companion, she feels a couple pairs of eyes turn her way to burn into her, daring and speculating. At the same time, she becomes keenly aware of Sleekserpent's claws - how long had she had them unsheathed? Badgerstripe's pelt prickles uncomfortably as she takes the hint and quiets down as commanded, listening her to spew the same ramblings that Skyclaw and his lackeys have been saying for weeks.

The claws, the looks, the commands - stars, Badgerstripe had never felt so small. Fuck you all, she thinks bitterly, casting a pained glare towards Sleekserpent, but suddenly feels she lacks the bravery to stay angry. Not with so many cats watching. Not after Mousenose had been ruthlessly slaughtered for the same sentiments she thinks now. For now, the tortoiseshell holds her tongue, and instead leans into Sleekserpent with her shivering, fear-ridden body, wishing desperately for his fur to comfort hers like it had only a mere days ago. Instead, she feels all shades of sorrow and anger and longing; she feels disgusting.

There is no out, she discovers, as Flamewhisker quickly relinquishes her power. There is no hope. They are stuck, under a ruthless paw that is undeserving of the leaders' title. Tell me it will be okay, she wills, despite all the hatred that left her mouth just a moment ago, as she glances sideways to Sleekserpent once again. Tell me it's okay. It can all go back to normal.

Will it ever?

BADGERSTRIPE ( she/her )​

( ooc ) text
𓍊𓋼 There’s shouting, a faceoff, and before he can blink there’s death. Blood spills, a sickening crack echoes through camp, and for a moment all is still. Howlingstar lies dead, eyes empty, drained of their last sparks of life. And Skyclaw stands proudly atop the Highrock, spitting half-clan hypocrisy as he banishes every cat with kittypet heritage except his own. Sunfreckle’s kits will be made to leave, and that is perhaps the greatest slight of them all. Sunfreckle had fought proudly for his clan. He had died to keep Skyclaw’s miserable sister safe so she could have kits who are allowed the pleasure of continuing to live in a clan that Skyclaw is ripping out the foundation of. The dappled tom doesn’t only spit on his grave and Howlingstar’s, but Emberstar’s as well. Little Wolf’s. Duskbird’s.

His mother gives the order to stand down, and Falconheart flashes her an icy glance. Why would she simply tell them to stand down? They could kill all of these traitors right now, tear them to shreds—some ThunderClanners might die in the process, but they could get rid of Skyclaw’s rogues right here and right now. Of course, they’d have an easier time if the rest of their clan wasn’t sent away into the wilderness, but still, it isn’t impossible… is it? He looks into the faces of cats he’d thought he knew, and they stand on the opposite side of the invisible line that’s been drawn. He looks up at Skyclaw, and he doesn’t recognize the bloodied face that he sees. He sees empty eyes, unfeeling and wrong, wrong, wrong. Cream fur bristles, and-

Suddenly, he isn’t in ThunderClan’s camp anymore, and Skyclaw isn’t on that bloodstained rock pretending to be a hero. Suddenly they’re kits, playing and wrestling in the nursery, with their mothers looking on. Suddenly they’re apprentices, growing closer as they grow older. Then they’re warriors, receiving their names simultaneously, and he’s looking at Skyclaw as though the other tom is the moon. Then they’re not talking, the ash of bitterness filling the space in Falconheart’s chest where once a fond candle flickered.

Bitterness has long been blown away on the wind of change, and something different has settled in its place. Barbed, brutalizing everything that it touches, the raging beast has claimed its place in his chest. He looks up at Skyclaw, and without words he swears to kill him. Him, and all the traitorous scum who follow in his wake. Darkthistle, Smokefur, Fallowbite—he wishes he’d never touched the shaggy-furred warrior, wishes he’d never befriended it. He wishes his clanmates would have left it for dead, for that bird to swoop up and carry away. All he can think is that this is wrong, this is dirty, this is scorned by the stars themselves. “This is ThunderClan, now and forever more.” Lies. This isn’t ThunderClan. It’s a shadowed, ember-glow mockery of what Howlingstar had built. That StarClan would let a false leader rule their ThunderClan seems impossible.

He doesn't want to be a part of a clan like this. What’s stopping him from leaving? Skyclaw’s lackeys would have to rip the pelt from his bones to stop him from shoving his way out of camp. But if they believed he was of kittypet blood, then maybe they would just allow him to walk out… No. He has to talk to his mother first. If there’s a chance that he can convince her to leave with him, to take his younger siblings and run for the hills before the madman who calls himself their new leader kills them all… he’ll take it.

He draws close to his mother’s side, baring his teeth at a rogue who stalks too close for comfort. "Tell me what to do," he says to her, a promise and a plea rolled into one. I stand by you. I need you.

  • ooc:
  • 82611636_I7otEt4vDdutjcB.png
  • FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedpaw, bugpaw, sunpaw, squirrelpaw, sparrowpaw
    mentoring bugpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

There was nothing like the pit of dread that formed in her stomach as she spotted Skyclaw and his lackies stroll back into camp like they owned the place. More and more cats silently (or not so silently) pledged their allegiance to the murderer. The fear in her chest grew, tendrils gripping her ribs as Skyclaw jumped up to challenge Howlingstar face-to-face. She felt as though she were being crushed by her naivete. How could she have not seen it? Where had she been? She hadn't been close with any of them. But her friends were. She should've seen something. Anything. There was a tense quiet covering camp as she strained to hear what they said. Only for the unthinkable to happen.

"No!" the screech ripped out of her throat as she lurched forward. One of the traitors intercepted her with a rough shoulder check. She stumbled upon the impact, shaking. Howlingstar was dead. Her final life ripped from her in cold blood. That same blood shared with her. Lightflower staggered backward, away from the cat who'd assaulted her. Mousenose, killed ruthlessly. There was nothing she could do here. Her clan... shattered. Flamewhisker called for them to stand down. She thought of Squirrelpaw, who she hadn't even had the chance to truly get to know. Lovelight's voice jolted her back to reality. "will... will you come with me?" he asked her. Could she trust him? The thought pained her, nearly made her retch. Of course she could. And she would. "I- yes," she choked out, meeting his deep blue eyes. "Anywhere with you,"

// @lovelight

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- everything feels cold. a little too cold for the approaching leaf fall air. he doesn't like this. his stomach only twists and turns when the noise outside of the den makes him stand. he forces himself to keep his weight off his healing limb, his eyes widening when hopepaw comes inside the den. he shakes his head and gestures towards his nest. he has to do this. he has to be brave and strong for those who just can't. he has to.

"stay here, okay? im just going to make sure everything's okay. don't move."

he offers a smile and a lick to the young cat's head before he limps outside. it all happens so fast. howlingstar... she's... his gaze moves in horror, the thumping in his chest worst than it's ever been. he's scared, and he can't stop himself from being scared. and yet...

"y-you can't do this... starclan won't– they're going to... you can't do this... you can't!"

he insists, shaking his head as his smile finally leaves. his claws dig into the ground shakily, and he keeps his guard as best he can. he can't let this happen. everyone is hurting each other and... there is no bright side. what does he do? how can he stop the pain? how... how is he supposed to keep his promise when there is little light to hold on to?

// while he is opposing all of this, he can easily be shut up with fear. minimal injury is allowed but that is all it will take for him to keep quiet and keep his head down <3[/color]

Eyes were narrowed, his messy fur has not settled down. He watches as Skyclaw, and his band of disgusting filth entered camp like a pack of hungry hounds. His back skin ripples in distaste, as Skyclaw called out to Thunderclan like he owned them. He feels so itchy at the sound of the murderer's voice.

The amount of once-clanmates who chose to stand with Skyclaw and his filthy band, doesn't matter to him. Deerpaw scowls at the familiar faces – especially at the apprentices who decided it was good to betray the clan. They should know better then act like children. His claws unsheathed, pressing into the ground as he stood on Howlingstar's side. He's never... fought before. Never sparred with others. But... he will not back down. The thought of fighting sends a shiver down his spine, he doesn't like fighting. At all... His tail lashes behind him, like a feathered snake as he frowns at the younger apprentice's taking Skyclaw's side. Naive followers.

Lifting his head towards Skyclaw, as the other tom jumps to proclaim himself as equal to Howlingstar. He feels his exposed fang dig into his lip as he watches Flamewhisker get prevented from reaching the older molly's side. Anger pushes against his body like a feral creature, as he hears Mottledpaw speak. He whips his head at the younger apprentice, baring his teeth at his once - denmate. "S-shut up, you follower!" He hisses out, ears flat towards his darkened skull. He hates this. He hates the rot spreading, plaguing and taking root in his so easily, naive denmates. Hazel gaze dances over the traitors, with a sneer upon his face. "C-cowards! Murderers! Disgusting, filthy traitors!" He yowls, voice cracking. This first time he spoken up and out.

The gangly tortoiseshell turns his figure around to quickly drift towards Fadingpaw and his friend's... siblings. His gut twists at the thought of own siblings, he wouldn't know what he would do if his littermates were here. He spots Fadingpaw, perking his ears up he slithers up at the flame point's side with a lash of his usually limp tail.

An ear twitches at sudden yowls and and grief stricken cries, he turns his head to watch as Howlingstar's body drop to the ground. Eyes widening as he stood watching the leader's body. Not moving. No. No. NO! HOWLINGSTAR! Why!? A choked noise escapes his maw, as dark lips twitches and curls in a slow shaky smile. The one... who has accepted him into the clan from the cold, harsh weather. The one had bestowed him with a new name. She was gone... Fear clings onto his throat like a claw. Flitting his eyes up to stare at other clanmates running to meet the corpse, even her own kin. His eyes twitch, he felt them get wet and salty. A burst of laughter breaks free from his mouth, his dark shoulders shaking. Deerpaw lets his head fall, to stare at the ground. Choked up snickers, are released. Free from between his clenched teeth while he closed his eyes shut. Trying to stop his horrible, sickening laughs. Examining the scene from afar... the bloody scene. The apprentice wants to lash out and scream his throat raw to the heavens how it wasn't fair.

The camp reeks of blood and now... death.

Deerpaw snaps his jaw shut, keeping his shaky laughter at bay while tears streak onto his face. He doesn't like crying, he wants it to stop. His tail lashes across the ground behind him. He shifts forward to stand in front of Fadingpaw and her siblings, muscles twitching from under his unruly coat. Glaring at the traitors, with hateful eyes. He will defend Fadingpaw, she was a friend. He didn't want a friend to die.

  • no ref yet
  • ( I-I CAN'T HANDLE IT! ) ˚₊‧꒰ა ♰ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ DEERPAW. ╱ thunderclan apprentice
    ⸝⸝ amab ; HE / HIM ; 7 MOONS & AGES EVERY 26TH.
    undecided / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    a scrawny longhaired black/dark ginger tortie and white tom with hazel eyes.
    thoughts ; "Speech, ff7844" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramelized apples & damp earth musk
    all opinions are ic! he's morbid and he sucks </3

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ her kits had been left under tansyshine's experienced gaze as nightbird learned of the most recent treacheries to befall thunderclan. her brow is narrowed, jaw set. skyclaw had ordered a murder to his leader, his grandmother. when did this situation get so out of grasp?

she sits straight as a stiffness settled over camp, follows howlingstar's gaze to the entrance where skyclaw and his lackeys have entered. they do not stop, bow their heads and beg for forgiveness, and as the usurping tyrant draws closer nightbird feels her claws arch into the ground. skyclaw takes a spot next to howlingstar, marring the rock with his sickening speech. for a moment, she wishes howlingstar would give into his demands. claim to step down, give them time to figure something out.

but she holds her ground nobly as she always had. nightbird could feel the energy building, the way each cat who follows in skyclaw's pawsteps watches eagerly. they are hungry and as howlingstar dismisses her council, she sends a glance to raccoonstripe before it trails over to the nursery. there were too many to fight, they were cornered, outnumbered. how had they let so many slip through the cracks?

the queen stands, looks desperately for a hole within the blockade. she had to get to her kits before this escalated, the charge in the air proved it would. she had to, but skyclaw is speaking again. for a moment, everything is still, a quiet envelops camp and her paws trudge forward. she is blocked by the row of betrayers, stepping quickly to try and get around them.

nightbird halts as something, someone hits the ground. her breath is caught in her throat as she slowly turns her jaw to see howlingstar, reduced to an unmoving clump of tabby fur. the lead warrior's jaws part, eyes drawing wide as chaos descends upon them like she had never seen. cats lurch for howlingstar's body, for eachother, there is blood that she can smell but cannot see.

she hears flamewhisker's call to stand down as she pelts towards the nursery, muscles stretching and lungs screaming as she darts around any who stood in her way. nightbird slides to a stop just outside, shoving herself in through the entry and performing a rapid head count. as each kit was accounted for, her tail flicks to the darkest corner of the den. "go, go! face the wall, be quiet," nightbird practically pleads with each resident, out of breath and panic edging her tone. if there were one moment for them to listen, it needed to be now.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 35 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes. currently a queen residing in the nursery.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Sad
Reactions: alloy and Marquette

He is there, of course. Before she needs him, steadfast and reliable, as he always was in life. He stands among the living as Dapples' voice rises, tainted by anger, by a madness that will lead him to turn claws against his kin. The truth of it twists Berryheart's stomach to sickness, but in corporeal sequins, there is nothing to be done but watch.

Once, spangled paws could heal. Perhaps he could have beought life to settle within her again, with the right herbs- but that is not the way the story is supposed to be written. Despite the truth of it, it settles like a boulder in Berryheart's chest, weighing every breath ferociously. Guilt crawls through him even in death for daring to die when she still needed him. A fleeting thought, severed from the divine widsom that finds him now, thinks perhaps I could have made a difference.

He has never been much of a believer in fate, after all. Even after beginning to commune with StarClan, he had thought so; now he is a part of them, even more. There is no desire to dictate the living within him. They can always choose not to listen.

Looking at Dapples now, Berryheart feels a pang of something lost. For all the improbable resemblance between them, Dapples' paws are decidedly not those that will mend. In the end, these paws will only take away. Immature bitterness winding through him, he holds his head high to combat it, a sigh flowing through him. There is nothing to be done but watch. His mind supplies it again, and that feeling slowly bleeds out of him. Conflicted love glitters in ethereal eyes, uneven green brushed silver by death. His nephew, a dear one ... a cat he had told many stories, taught many a thing. Perhaps a different apprentice would have brought a different outcome.

His mother hits the ground, hurled from atop the Highrock- Berryheart already crouches where she lies. A speckled tail curls around her and white-toed paws cradle her body, feeling her spirit pulsing like a heartbeat, brightening and dimming. For a brief moment, he takes the liberty of burying his nose in her chest, which only rises and falls for a short time longer. Crooked jaws rise to her ear, in these slipping moments, to murmur "They will be alright."

The blood sickens him as it always does. Even in death he is not free of faintness, and refuses to look at it. Gladly, he does not have to for very long ... green eyes rise, leaving a shell behind. A spirit that has slowly been fading into StarClan, life after life, arrives wholly now. Berryheart's broken jaw curves in what his mother would recognise as a smile, as genuine as it could be, despite the twinge of sadness there.

He would have given his place in StarClan for her to have a peaceful death. But there is nothing to be done but watch.

A starlit muzzle touches hers, embracing her fully; despite his better judgement, for a moment he feels that tears might wetten the newly-healed fur on Mama's neck. "I'm sorry," he speaks, but for what he does not say. She is here with him, now ... and everyone waits. She seeks them soon after him, running to greet each of them individually, to tumble over them with a trail of glimmer behind her. Wisps smiles, Papa looks on with love in his eyes - the first time they had seen each other in a lifetime, Berryheart realises. Since before he and his brothers were born. Clamours, with that wolfish smile of hers- Jack-jack, Scamp- Shady, Kindles. All here.

Where else would they be?

She seeks comfort- to know what will happen. And Berryheart wishes he could regale her with everything, but of course does not. He settles for what he always did in life- simplicity. "Our ThunderClan will survive." It will be alright, he had whispered, and had not been lying. He has never told a lie, and is not eager to start.

Big Mama moves on, beginning the trek- Berryheart, though, lingers for a moment. Green eyes sweep over the chaos to find the striped pelt of his only remaining littermate. He has kits now, a truth that aches him as if he is dying again. Conflict burns in umber eyes, Berryheart sees it plainly - vigil, he says, because he knows Stripes cannot leave ThunderClan, cannot risk it. He knows how eager he would have been to fight, how, for Mama, he would have thrown his life to the dirt in a moment. But now she is dead, he must remain steadfast - Inky, too, for their kittens.

Berryheart lets a silver whisper take the wind. He does not know, even in this afterlife, whether it will reach Stripes at all- but he had always liked to experiment. "Stay strong, brother. I know you are."

It will be his parting gift.
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commotion from just beyond the nursery would rouse spiderkit from his slumber, head lifting from its resting postion upon lanky forelimbs as golden eyes would blearily begin to peel open to welcome in the familiar surroundings of his shelter. at first, the world still looked and sounded fuzzy as their brain began to chug into activeness but once it did they'd be greeted by a tidal wave of voices that clamoured over one another in a competition to be heard but even with ears as large as his everything ended up just a blend of incoherentness leaving behind an expression of perplexity upon their face.

and for just the briefest of seconds did the world become eerily still before the clan suddenly exploded into a cacophony of wailing howls and combative threats, the air tainted by the suffocating smell of blood that causes the fur along the nape of the kit's neck to prickle upwards. his odd, gangly limbs that were far too long for his stature would unfurl beneath his body and push upwards so that he would be standing, whip-like tail whisking anxiously.

paws would creep carefully towards the entrance in an attempt to peek outside but there wasn't alot he could see from the blockade of bodies cluttering the clearing before spiderkit is startled backwards into the den again by the appearance of nightbird who is clearly frantic in her movements while herding her children to face the wall and not make a peep.

"wh-whats happening outs-outside?" their voice squeaks out in a funny stutter, body now crouched closer to the ground.

  • ooc.
  • SPIDERKIT a strange thunderclan kit
    a gangly, large-eared solid black kitten with wide golden eyes.
    npx x npc, sibling to myrtlekit. ages every 9th.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    he isn't the best at socializing. . .
    penned by cobicobatic on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
If she had just agreed, then it wouldn't have gotten this chaotic. Skyclaw seats himself as the body of ThunderClan surges over itself - he watches Ravenstrike cut down Mousenose, a short stand off between Sleekserpent and Badgerstripe before they join sides. Flamewhisker threatens his life but his cats block her from getting any closer - he looks at her with flat boredom, his tail lashing. He has half the mind to dismiss the entire council in his tirade, but leaves it as is. Their slights will be forgiven, this time.

Antlerbreeze joins Howlingstar's side beneath him, members of his family crowding his grandmother's body and pushing her away. He feels something akin to sadness - of course he does, that's his kin, too! - but it sours when Beetlepaw looks at him. Pathetic. He didn't see his mother in the child - just a scared kitten, narrowly missed by the carnage due to Skyclaw's own graciousness.

"I'm not cruel," the tom hisses. Again if she simply retired, a vigil wouldn't be necessary. It's too bad that her blood paints the camp ground now, he supposes. He looks over the camp again, briefly, seeing plenty of cats murmuring, shouting, a pawful leaving (Sunfreckle's lot, he notes. Must be awful sad to watch a member of their kin be stricken down (the irony is not lost on him,)) and he soon addresses the Clan once more.

"No cat is to leave the camp tonight. Out of respect for Howlingstar," he pulls on heartstrings, for the she-cat acted as kin to all of ThunderClan. In spite of the moons before her death, she was truly a decently good leader. Skyclaw rolls his shoulders back, "A vigil will be hosted by Raccoonstripe and the remainder of her kin. The rest of the Clan is expected to attend to the best of their ability. Send her off nicely, yeah?" He can't manage a grin, truly saddened by the events. The blood on his muzzle still isn't so quickly cleaned.

"Tomorrow, we start anew," Skyclaw says. He leaves no room for arguments. "ThunderClan, you are dismissed."