sensitive topics DO YOU MISS ME TOO? [ thunderclan tragedy litter ]

Fallowbite and Braveheart could not be more different.

Fallowbite is a child of the wilderness, born to a rogue mother and brought to ThunderClan by tragic happenstance. It carries itself with the fear of a prey-animal and the rage of a predator, feral and lawless. Blood stains its paws from clanmates and enemies alike. Loyal to its family alone, all who come near are met with bared teeth. Only when its clan was taken by tyranny did it find a kinder side of itself. Newly hopeful and fiercely protective of its younger siblings, the lonely beast found itself wanting for love.

Braveheart was ThunderClan through and through, child of a council member and a respected warrior. He bounded through life with an easy laugh and a righteous glint in his eye. He dedicated himself to living up to his name even when bravery fit him awkwardly. As his parents joined StarClan, he soldiered on with a smile covering any hurt, and assured himself that they were watching over him still. Never was he phased by his denmate's aggression, growing up alongside it and meeting it with kindness at every turn. When Fallowbite was ready to let down its thorny barriers, Braveheart met it with open paws.

And then tragedy struck.

The pair decided to start a family together only days before a battle with RiverClan left Braveheart terribly injured. At first, it looked like he could recover... But his injuries only got worse and worse. Blood poisoning set in, draining the life from the once-bright tom. Fallowbite's excitement over raising kits together soon turned to dread as Braveheart slowly slipped away.

In his memory, Fallowbite takes on the name Fallowheart. It faces the terrifying task of raising kittens alone as it grieves, finding respite in its sister's shared motherhood.

Fallowheart must learn to be gentle, in the hopes of giving its kittens a kinder life than it ever knew.

  • This is not FCFS. Applications will close at midnight EST on February 21st and chosen applicants will be announced on February 22nd.
  • Kits will be born on March 1st, with the birthing thread backwritten to January 1st.
  • Kits will begin at 2 moons and age up on the 1st of each month
  • There are 3 slots for this litter. This is unlikely to change.
  • Please follow the naming lists and include alternate name options in case of duplicate prefixes. Please note if you would like your character named ICly, as this is both welcomed and encouraged!
  • It is highly preferred that these kits are active enough to remain on the census. Upon 1 month with no posting and no ooc inactivity notice, kits will be rehomed.
  • Characters should not die or permanently leave ThunderClan until the age of 12 moons, unless a plot is discussed prior. Upon reaching 12 moons, kits will only be rehomed per request and RPers can do with them whatever they wish.
  • While tragic characters are permitted, these kits will be deeply loved. Please do not make characters who are evil without reason.
  • Disabilities and birth defects are permitted, given that they are thoroughly researched and played respectfully.

Sire: LH chocolate rosette tabby w/ low white, vitiligo (carrying solid, sepia, dilute)
Dam: LH chocolate sepia w/ low white (carrying cinnamon, dilute)
Kits can be chocolate, chocolate tabby, chocolate sepia, chocolate lynx sepia, lilac, lilac tabby, lilac sepia, or lilac lynx sepia

— kits will be longhaired
— kits can have no white, low white, or high white
— kits may or may not develop vitligo in adulthood
— tabby kits will display the rosette pattern
— sepia kits will have gold eyes; full color kits without white can have any realistic she color besides blue; full color kits with white can have any realistic eye color
— tabbies will carry solid; full color kits will carry sepia; kits may or may not carry cinnamon; non-dilute kits may or may not carry dilute

Braveheart is gen 2 | Fallowbite is gen 2 | Kits will be gen 3
— Grandkits to Batwing, Leopardtongue, (through Braveheart), Baying Hound (through Fallowbite)
— Niblings to Cardinalpaw, Hopepaw, (through Braveheart) Antlerbreeze, Doepath, Howlpaw, Thrashpaw, Yippingpaw (through Fallowbite)
— Cousins to Calfkit, Daffodilkit, Warmkit, Sneezekit, Hailkit, Dovekit (through Doepath)
for her lovepatiencekit, bravekit, boldkit, dapple/dkit, loudkit, brightkit, heartkit
for her homebark-kit, rootkit, sapkit, hollowkit, acornkit, mudkit, burrkit, nettlekit, thornkit
for her kin ➳ elk-kit, moosekit, cariboukit, buck-kit, hoofkit, hartkit
for her clan ➳ crashkit, rumblekit, roarkit, squallkit
for her youth ➳ trufflekit, centipedekit, millipedekit, antkit, leafkit, rustlekit
for her wildness ➳ raggedkit, tanglekit, shaggykit, scruffykit, scrawnykit, tusk-kit

legacy names : ̗̀➛ leopardkit, lynxkit (mom), batkit, nightkit (dad)
inspired names : ̗̀➛ firekit (sunfreckle), stagkit (fallow), reindeerkit (doe), lovekit, softkit (gentlestorm), seedkit, soulkit (berryheart), kindlekit, singekit (burnstorm), glowkit (sunshinespot)
strong names : ̗̀➛ pinekit, cedarkit, coalkit, flashkit, crashkit
admirable names: ̗̀➛ growlkit, bearkit, lionkit, bigkit, rumblekit
literal/appearance names ̗̀➛ spot/tedkit, speck/ledkit, sandkit, mudkit, mousekit, volekit, hootkit

HYPOKIT 1: LH chocolate tabby


HYPOKIT 2: LH chocolate lynx sepia w/ low white


HYPOKIT 3: LH lilac sepia w/ low white (CLAIMED)


HYPOKIT 4: LH lilac tabby


patiencekit (raenya)​

slot two​

slot three​
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(name choices in no particular order: scruffy-, truffle-, tusk-, hart-, roar-, growl-, rumble-, brave-, burr-, hoof-, big-, hoot-, reindeer-))



masking n/a; carrying solid, dilute, cinnamon; has underbite, may develop vitiligo

this kitten, a longhaired chocolate rosetted tabby, is the epitome of scrappy charm. its coat is a rich tapestry of warm chocolate hues, adorned with dark, swirling rosettes that ripple across its body like the patterns of a forest floor. the fur is scruffy and uneven, giving it a rugged, almost windswept appearance, as though it has just emerged from some grand adventure. despite its scruffy coat, its fur holds a subtle, natural sheen, catching the light in golden tones that bring warmth to its earthy palette. the kitten's legs taper into paws that are darker in color, almost like it has stepped through soot or dipped them in ink. its tail is similarly marked, the tip a darker, almost black shade that stands out as a stark punctuation to the warm tones of its body.

the kitten's face is as scrappy as the rest of it. its green eyes are like bright gems nestled amid the scruffy fur, their hue reminiscent of the fresh leaves of spring. they are sharp and watchful, brimming with curiosity and a hint of mischief, always darting from one point of interest to another. its nose is a soft, dusky pink, set above a defining feature that gives the kitten its unique character—a pronounced underbite. this quirk causes its lower canines to jut slightly out from its mouth, resembling miniature tusks. the effect is striking, adding a rugged touch that stands out even among its already unkempt features. far from detracting from its appearance, this unusual feature only enhances its charm, making it a memorable and distinctive presence.

physically, the kitten carries itself with a confidence that belies its small frame. its body is lean but sturdy, built for quick bursts of movement and sudden pounces. even in its youth, it moves with a raw, untamed energy, its scruffy fur often bristling with excitement. its playful nature is evident in every motion—it bounds into action with little hesitation, claws scrabbling against the ground as it dives after leaves or chases the shadows of passing clouds. despite its slightly unkempt appearance, the kitten has a surprising amount of tenacity. it rarely gives up once it sets its mind to something, whether it's conquering a particularly challenging patch of grass or asserting its claim over the sunniest spot in the den.

  • this kitten is a scrappy and adventurous spirit wrapped in a longhaired chocolate rosetted tabby coat. its fur is an untamed mess of rich chocolate hues, adorned with striking rosettes that ripple across its body like shadows in the undergrowth. a natural sheen catches the light, adding a warmth to its rugged appearance, while its dark paws and tail tip give the impression that it has been forever dipped in ink. its green eyes gleam with sharp curiosity and mischief, always flitting from one point of interest to another, and its defining feature—an unmistakable underbite—gives it a rugged, almost wild look. with tiny tusk-like canines peeking out, this kitten's appearance perfectly matches its bold, confident personality.

    from the moment it stirs in the nursery, it exudes energy and determination, throwing itself headfirst into the world. it carries itself with an air of self-assurance that seems too big for its small frame, never hesitating to explore or challenge boundaries. obstacles are nothing more than puzzles to be solved, and rules are flexible suggestions meant to be tested. mischievous and clever, it delights in pushing limits, whether by sneaking off on an adventure, outsmarting a clanmate in play, or orchestrating harmless pranks. yet, for all its wild tendencies, this kitten is fiercely protective of those it considers its own. though it might tussle with littermates, it won't stand for anyone else mistreating them, stepping up without fear despite its size. beneath its bravado, there's a softer side hidden in quiet moments—staring at the sky, thoughtfully observing the world, or gently tending to a sibling when no one is looking. its intelligence and adaptability make it a quick learner, always eager to understand more about its surroundings. whether getting into trouble or finding a way out of it, this kitten is impossible to ignore—a whirlwind of curiosity, courage, and untamed spirit.
    = WILD = BOLD

    CON ●●●●●●●○○○
    DEX ●●●●●●○○○○
    INT ●●●●●●●○○○
    WIS ●●●●●●●●○○
    CHA ●●●●○○○○○○

    this kitten's personality is as untamed as its fur, brimming with energy, boldness, and an unshakable determination to take on the world. from the moment it opens its green eyes in the morning to the time it curls up in an exhausted heap at night, it approaches life with an adventurous, devil-may-care attitude that makes it a bold presence to be around. this kitten is the embodiment of resilience, always ready to tackle challenges, explore the unknown, and stake its claim on everything it deems important. confidence practically radiates from it, despite its small size and scrappy build. it moves with an air of self-assurance, striding into situations that would make most kits hesitate. whether it's investigating a suspicious rustling in the bushes or squaring off in a playful tussle with a much larger clanmate, this kitten is fearless. it does not back down easily, meeting every obstacle with an unyielding determination that seems far too big for its small frame. its scruffy appearance and prominent underbite—resembling tiny tusks—only add to this impression, making it look like a miniature warrior always prepared for battle.

    despite its confident demeanor, this kitten has a mischievous streak that keeps everyone around it on their toes. it loves pushing boundaries, often testing the patience of elders or sneaking off to explore forbidden corners. rules, to this kitten, are more like guidelines to bend or break depending on its mood. its sharp green eyes are always glinting with mischief, and it seems to take particular delight in outsmarting others, whether by hiding a prized belonging or springing an ambush on an unsuspecting littermate. yet its antics are rarely malicious; it's more interested in having fun and seeing what it can get away with than in causing harm.

    this playful, adventurous nature is balanced by a surprising amount of loyalty and protectiveness. while it enjoys teasing and tussling with its littermates, it won't tolerate anyone else mistreating them. if another cat dares to pick a fight with its siblings, this kitten is the first to step in, standing tall—or as tall as it can manage—and puffing up its scruffy fur to look as intimidating as possible. it takes pride in defending what it considers its own, whether that's a family member, a special spot in the sun, or a treasured trinket it's managed to scavenge. beneath the bravado and mischief, this kitten has a softer side that it doesn't show often.

    in quiet moments, when it thinks no one is watching, it can be found lying on its back in the grass, staring at the sky, or gently grooming a sibling it usually pretends to find annoying. it's deeply curious about the world around it, and its adventurous spirit is often driven by a genuine desire to learn and understand. this kitten isn't just brave—it's clever, quick to pick up on patterns and adapt to new situations. it has a knack for finding creative solutions to problems, even if those solutions sometimes involve breaking a rule or two. it's the type of cat who charges headfirst into trouble but also finds a way to wiggle out of it with a cheeky grin. though its scrappy nature and rebellious streak may cause the occasional headache, its unwavering courage and fierce love for those it cares about make it impossible not to admire.

  • PLOT: from the moment it can walk, this kitten resists authority and tests boundaries, preferring to learn through experience rather than obedience. it isn't outright disrespectful but questions rules instinctively, refusing to follow orders blindly. this rebellious nature can lead to admiration for its independence or frustration from those who expect compliance. over time, it must grapple with the balance between personal freedom and clan expectations, to either learn to temper its defiance with wisdom, or continue to follow only its own desire.

    PLOT: from a young age, this kitten stands out—not just for its personality but for its unique features. its underbite, while giving it a distinctive and rugged charm, might cause challenges in hunting or combat training. later in life, the potential onset of vitiligo could add another layer of insecurity, as its appearance gradually changes in a way it cannot control. teasing from peers or self-imposed doubts might push it toward frustration, leading to a struggle between its natural confidence and an underlying fear of being perceived as lesser because of these differences. the focus of this would be on how it navigates the tension between pride and self-doubt. initially, it may brush off concerns with bravado, refusing to acknowledge any struggles. if hunting proves difficult due to its bite, it might stubbornly insist on using traditional techniques, unwilling to adapt for fear of seeming weak. as its vitiligo spreads, it may react with irritation or dismissiveness, downplaying any discomfort about its changing appearance. however, the real conflict isn't just external—it's an internal battle against the idea that it must meet an arbitrary standard to be strong or capable.

    PLOT: though bold, mischievous, and chaotic, this kitten has a deeply protective streak when it comes to those it cares about. it may tease its siblings or cause trouble, but when push comes to shove, it defends its loved ones without hesitation. its acts of kindness are subtle—dragging extra moss to a sibling's nest, standing between a friend and trouble, or offering food without expecting thanks. however, it may struggle with openly expressing its emotions, downplaying its care with jokes or brushing off gratitude. this idea revolves around how it handles loyalty, vulnerability, and connection. it will take a while for it to learn that true strength isn't just about protecting others but also allowing itself to be cared for in return.

  • clear — twenty one pilots

    dog days are over — florence + the machine

    the hype — twenty one pilots

    i want to break free — queen

    my blood — twenty one pilots

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  • Love
Reactions: beatae and SATURNID
bravekit for the love fallowbite has for braveheart/the memory of her father, heartkit for the memory of braveheart, centipedekit for fallowbite's youth, soulkit for the inspiration of berryheart, leopardkit for the legacy & memory of braveheart's mother and/or after his mother.
— cisgender female ; she / her ; asexual demiromantic
— kit of thunderclan ; loyal to thunderclan
— created 03.01.2025 at 2 moons ; ages every 1st

— lh lilac rosette tabby, vitiligo (carrying solid, sepia, cinnamon)

the youngling's appearance is a perfect blend of the traits of both dam and sire, with braveheart's traits emerging later in life and fallowheart's traits more prominent in youth. unkempt long hair from their mother that falls over her adolescent body, which is as short and stocky as a kitten, as if it were slapped on her. sharp almond eyes and a bright orange hue that complements her diluted coat give her a predatory-like gaze. much like the tales told of leopardclan told throughout time, rosettes and stripes blossom through her lilac coat. heavyset paws blessed to her by fallowheart that will land serious blows when she has learned to wield them to protect and fight for thunderclan that cause her to be clumsy as a kit as she grows into them; often stumbles or trips whenever she plays around.

with a little leverage on the tall-average height, the lilac tabby's long, disheveled hair finds a suitable length as she approaches mid- to late apprenticeship. the childhood features that mirrored her dam prominently mellow out as she begins to look like her father in height and structure. like her grandmother before her, she stands tall and proud, devoid of the rough slouching she inherited from fallowheart. a glance at the lilac tabby may confuse some with believing braveheart or leopardtongue had resurrected from the dead with how familiar she may remind others of the past warriors. stark, sharp facial features tend to make her seem unapproachable; that gives her an aloof aura when she is outside of conversation due to a serious case of RBF.


has qualifying personality traits that both her sire and dam exhibited, picking up the positives and negatives and qualities from braveheart from the tales told of him. thoroughly protective and loyal to her family rather than her clan, as her family takes first priority in any setting in her mindset. she'll take risks that many won't that reflect her courageous aspects yet also reckless as she doesn't always properly prepare beforehand. the lilac tabby doesn't bother to necessarily extend her relationships and connections with many, as she much prefers the solitude or companionship of family instead. this changes a bit as she ages with the moons and realizes that maybe friends aren't such a bad thing as long as they keep their drama and negative energy away from her. she aspires to be a strong role model for others and occasionally worries that relationships will prevent her from developing into a capable warrior who can protect her clan and family.

will probably wish for fallowheart to mentor her as she hears tales of her dam's capabilities as a warrior, whether from the chocolate sepia herself or from others. being a flexible and quick learner, she develops a strong fighting skill set with tracking as her next strength, and the others follow suit. the lilac tabby could be considered a 'prodigy' as she has a curious nature since youth, where she questions a lot, always attempting to absorb all the knowledge that her brain can hold. she takes pride in her lineage and smarts but isn't overly cocky about how much better she is, as she'll help others practice if they're willing to put the effort in as she has. she doesn't bother playing too many games or much, as she's young; she instead watches the warriors and clan aspects intently as she studies it.
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  • Love
Reactions: beatae and SATURNID
  • Name(s): Brightkit, Softkit, Bigkit, or maybe Seedkit (I don't really have a name preference but using Seedkit as a placeholder).
    She/her or her/him



  • This kit often has his head kept low with long kinky fur almost completely covering their eyes. They tend to scurry around and can often be found in corners people-watching. While they appear avoidant that that isn't their truth, they love to love on others and are very sweet! This kit is big on gift giving but will try to sneak around so you don't know it's them.

    Seedkit doesn't like being in the spotlight, preferring to bring up others instead. Their mind is always running often think of ways things can go wrong. Despite not liking a crowd they fear being left alone, especially in the dark. So they never stray far from another.

    Unsurprisingly seedkit has trouble regulating their emotions. So they'll develop a habit of emotionally latching onto others, like their mother and sibling using their feelings and opinions as validation.

    Oddly, they go into a blank state when frightened… in this fearful state they may attack others and appear very violent out of nowhere.

    As an apprentice, Seedpaw is a bit of a risk taker and frequently impulsive. They don't really like misbehaving but are easily influenced and aren't one to say no. They are a hopeless romantic and will go to great lengths to get their crushes to notice them. They enjoy showering others with praise, aren't one to openly criticize anyone and are often worried about hurting someone's feelings.

    Fun facts:
    - enjoys giving nicknames to their friends (has trouble remembering names).

    - They are very picky with food; as a result, they are not heavy at all and are frequently tired.
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  • Love
Reactions: beatae and SATURNID
shruggies x3
2/20 mostly done so good enough

name tbd
potential names: ragged, rumble, tangle(d), singe(d), mud, rustle, root, shaggy
  • — amab, he/him
    — 2 moons / ages on [DATE]
    — created on 02/16/25
    — thunderclan kit
    — inspos / links / extras
  • — LH chocolate ( carrying sepia, cinnamon, dilute )
    — small, pudgy and looking like a swamp monster is how [NAME] is born. solid chocolate fur, darker in shade with a grayer undertone than typical. oil greased fur hangs like a blackout curtain over his frame, scraggly and shaping up similarly to his mother's the way it dangles in front of his face. the shagginess of it does little to hide his thinner frame, bony and gaunt as soon as his kitten chub sloughs off. typical kitten blue eyes fitted into drowsy half-lidded sockets will eventually give way to yellow ochre eyes with splinters of pale algae green dotted through them. hardly visible are two small lumps where slightly longer than average fangs press uncomfortably against the inside of his top lip. a muzzle just a hair longer than any of his littermates or either of his parents has a noticeable ridge leaving it arched.

    — fur is thin, straggly and generally straight with some loose waves rather than outright fluffy like his family's
    — less than stellar at self-care, fur is often matted and tangled from laying about too long
    — claws easily become overgrown and uncomfortable till he's reminded to sharpen them down
    — smells inexplicably wet like mildew and dirt with an undertone of stone dust
    — posture is very poor so whatever height he has over clanmates is negated by his harsh slouch / is on the taller side like braveheart but is too thin to be a heavy-hitter
  • — lazy, dull, unempathetic, captain obvious, indecisive, inconsiderate, high-strung
    — very easy to interact with but not very interesting. he's difficult to relate to with all he does being lazing around. where other kits may be full of life and energy and excitement, [NAME] is more subdued. he may be interested in something but he'll never be as interested in it as someone else. something could enthuse him but not enough to really show it with his typical facial expression of sleep-heavy eyelids and a fish-mouthed muzzle. a conversation with him is like pulling teeth and mostly one-sided, speaking in an irritatingly slow crawl and never really expressing any form of opinion and instead just obvious and generalized statements.

    getting a reaction out of him isn't difficult though, he has poor instincts and panics at the drop of a whisker. put him in a situation where he needs to make a decision and it will go poorly for everyone there, so it's always good to keep him with cats more assertive and decisive than he. the worst part is that it could simply be a choice of whether to eat squirrel or robin as a meal and it would still take him ages to make up his mind.

    to be unempathetic isn't to say he doesn't care- well, technically it does, but he tries to. straight off the rip, no, he doesn't care about or understand his clanmates or their feelings. he cares about himself and his sleep. but what kit isn't a little bit selfish? with age he'll likely develop a better understanding of how it's necessary to care for his clanmates. don't get me wrong, he still won't, but he can certainly pretend to. for family it's a little different.

    he does love them and certainly doesn't treat them with the same blasé attitude. their issues are not his issues, but he will somewhat listen should they ( for some questionable reason ) ever want to hang out and talk with him. for them, he feels just enough... something, to put in the effort. it's a small effort though and one that is likely very transparent.

    — ^ that isn't very well written and poorly explained but i know what i meant when i wrote it so that's all that matters /j
    — motivation is to be ignored as much as possible, to spend all day everyday sleeping
    — habit of putting all his weight onto his littermates when he has to stand
    — speaks in a sleepy monotonous drawl, yawns frequently and sighs just as much
    — kind of guy that incidentally talks mad shit and then gets his ass kicked
  • — fallowheart x braveheart / other family
    — siblings blah blah
    — friends / enemies / etc...
    — how do they interact? / are they easy to befriend or not?
    — trust yada yada
    — mentor / apprentice / other crap
  • — overtime he'll likely learn to care more about others and blah blah blah but probs still won't be very good at understanding their feelings
    — i think it'd be pretty funny if he got a mentor who was equally as bad at decision making as him and they get into situations™
    — the more ive considered him, the less i think he'd be the type to get into border skirmishes but instead simply just freeze up like a deer should anyone or anything try and attack him - so someone else beating his ass should some sort of scuffle arise would be very funny
    — i think he'd be very good at tracking and hunting and just sort of meh at fighting

— name tbd by fallow out of : ragged, rumble, singe, mud, rustle, coal, shaggy
— he/him probby

— solid chocolate thats it bro is so boring to look at, all their pretty littermates with their markings n such and then this guy is just ,, brown. greasiest fur you've ever seen though looks like they were used to clean out the inside of a deep fryer. very long and draping and shaggy just kind of hangs there like a wet towel. grows to be pretty average in height, maybe a little taller, but they're about as thin as a rail. walks with fallow's same signature slouch all hunched into themselves and head hanging low. dark brown or maybe ochre-y eyes. nose is on the longer side and has a little ridge in it. overall very boring to look at, talk to, generally to interact with
— hair takes the same general layout of fallow's but is mostly straight and in thinner clumps and maybe a little bit longer
— very late growth spurt, doesn't get any height till they're all like 10 moons and then they just shoot up like a tree
— very long and dull claws cause they never sharpen them ( maybe they grow too long at some point and start growing into their pads )

— overall pretty laidback and just kind of follows their littermates around like some kind of ghost / speaks in a pretty monotonous tone of voice / probby pretty low empathy like low-low / probably comes off as an ass, sort of a selfish jerk, not intentionally but heyy / likely has a habit of pointing out the obvious / not, not violent but their incredible laziness takes priority over any aggressive urges / kind of high strung, gets upset easily, never put them in a situation / indecisive, ask them a question and you need to wait a whole business week for an answer / "i may be stupid but at least i'm not an idiot" / all in all they bring nothing to the table whatsoever
— their one motivation is to just sort of fly under the radar and be pretty much disregarded by everyone
— possibly changes as an apprentice when they realize they kinda want attention and potentially begin acting out, getting into scuffles with other apprentices or on border patrols
— eventually they'll have to find a happy medium between getting no attention and lots of attention, likely leaving them latching onto and being dependent on one particular cat ( leaving whoever that is, very unhappy )
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  • Love
Reactions: beatae and SATURNID
IT IS TIME!!! saturn and i loved each and every applicant and read over your kits, and we appreciate everyone's efforts and creativity given for this family. we had written these two independently for over a year and we're so excited to expand their story. our kit winners are:

@Ghostunes !
@reaver !

you two will receive an invitation to the family discord server soon, we're so excited to see your guys! :D
  • Love
Reactions: reaver and SATURNID