don't change her ways || herb searching (phase 2)

Sep 2, 2024
〕She had been one of the more fortunate souls to return home with nothing more than minor scratches. The apprentice she had fought was younger than her, less skilled, and easier to scare away. Nothing had prepared her for her littermate to have to be carried back by Stormywing. Squirrelpaw had been asleep when she tried to visit her this morning, and instead of hanging around worrying and waiting for her to wake up, Wildheart had suggested to look for herbs. There were many other things she would rather be doing right now, but with so many injured clanmates, Gentlestorm and Hopepaw's stocks were sure to take a blow.

Even though she was with her clanmates, she crept through the forest cautiously, as though an enemy patrol would leap from the bushes at any given moment. Thunderclan had already lost two pieces of territory, what was stopping them from taking the rest? What was stopping Skyclan and Windclan from joining in, to drive Thunderclan out of the forest? A shudder shook down her spine, but she tried to push the nightmare away for now. There were herbs to be found, even if she didn't know exactly what to look for.

A rock that was propped up against another caught her eye, and she padded towards it. Underneath was full of cobwebs, one herb that she did know! Gentlestorm used these all the time. Carefully she stuck her paw underneath into the cobwebs, and twirled them around her paw. Her whiskers twitched uncomfortably, not enjoying how they felt around her paw at all...but they weren't like leaves, she couldn't just carry them in her mouth. "I found some cobwebs!"


  • ooc.
    mentor tag @WILDHEART
    rolled a 10
  • RAVENPAW —— apprentice of thunderclan , mentored by wildheart . flamestar x flycatcher . sibling to bugpaw, squirrelpaw, sunpaw, falconheart, stormfeather, sparrowpaw ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 10 moons & ages every 1st
    single / heterosexual/ mono / open to crushes
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— easy in battle

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 89645169_F0CHiNd3mnvulHh.png

    a longhaired tortoiseshell with low white and green eyes. Ravenpaw bares a pitch black pelt, broken up by vibrant blazes of red fire. Her fur is long, curling up around her face. She has dark green eyes like her mother, and carries a light, athletic build like her mother. She has very minimal white like her father, only having a little spot above her nose on her face, and her front left toes. Her front left leg is encapsulated by blazing fire, wrapping around her back up into her bushy fox-like tail.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- he's trying to distract himself, honestly. there is a lot going on within thunderclan, and the cold snap does not help at all. but he's gotta be a light. it's his purpose in life. he doesn't have fall back plan. to make others happy is all he really is good at, the only thing he's confident about. as he slowly moves around, his bones ache but he finds a reason to make it okay. at least he's alive enough to feel anything at all. his ears perk up when he hears ravenpaw say that she caught something.

"good job, ravenpaw."

he offers a wide smile and a dip of his head before turning off to go and find something of his own. it's hard when it's just so cold, but he somehow manages. his nose twitches as he sneezes, ears pinning back. oh, okay!

"found some marigold, I think. anyone else find anything?"

// rolled an 8, found marigold! mentor tag @leafhusk


Beetlepaw, while he wanted to forget.. couldn't. Not for the life of him. Maybe this was repetenace, being able to find the very things that would be used to heal and put together his clanmates. The exact opposite of what his paws did. His eyes are dull as he follows the other apprentices, of which were younger, but he didn't bother right now. His paws moved across cold, frosted, dead grass, shifting across the earth in front of him.

He nearly jumped out of his skin at Orangepaw's sneeze, turning his head with a sharp curse on his tongue, but he didn't speak. Green eyes widened as something glimmered above- head tilted backwards, vision lifting towards the tree branch above Orangepaw's head. He moves then. The one thing he wasn't useless at beyond basic movements and tracking (even though he was yet to catch anything), was climbing. Fat, clawed paws dug into the tree bark as he lifted himself up, wrapping a paw about the webs before hopping down, wobbling on three legs.

"Cobwebs." He mumbled, hopping back towards the rest.
  • "speech"
    // @BURNSTORM mentor tag
    // rolled an 8, 1 point
  • BEETLEPAW he/him, kit of thunderclan, nine moons.
    LH black smoke with bright green eyes. is growing into a very broad and built tom-cat of average height, mirroring his father's build. has a nick in his right ear and a new scar on his muzzle.
    mentored by BURNSTORM/ / mentoring no one
    no romantic interests / / BURNSTORM X ROEFLAME - sibling to dovepaw and littlepaw, adoptive sibling to hopepaw and coalpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Shadowedpaw had been so eager to be put on a hunting patrol, but after everything that has happened between here and the last herb patrol he'd been stuck on... He'll get his opportunity to hunt later, but —

He almost... He almost feels grateful for this. For something slow, for something that doesn't draw blood.

Now that he sort of knows what he's looking for, the flame-point sets his focus on that instead of the throes of battle, instead of fallen clanmates, instead of cries across the way. But it's inevitable for his mind to falter, for his thoughts to drift before he knows how far his paws have strayed. Blue eyes blink, and Shadowedpaw looks around for what he'd found last time, only for the strange herb to be nowhere to be found. With a frown, he searches the area once more — and before he can lose all hope, he finds something recognizable. Cobwebs.

Gathered at the base of a tree, nestled between rocks and underbrush, Shadowedpaw collects what he can around his paw before making his return to the group. " I found cobwebs too! " he calls out to them. At least they'll have plenty for the next battle. At least they'll be prepared.

// rolled an 11! +1 point!

Stormywing's gaze sweeps over the forest floor, her ears flicking at the rustle of the frosty underbrush. She has been restless since Sunningrocks, the heavy guilt continuing to press down on her and making her chest feel tight with each breath. Now, she volunteers for tasks like these, hoping each show of effort would chip away at the hollow feeling gnawing at her and help prove to the clan who she's loyal to.

"Good work, Ravenpaw," She calls in a more subdued tone, nodding to the apprentice as she gathered cobwebs around her paw. Orangepaw, Beetlepaw, and Shadowedpaw all follow suit, each collecting something useful and she pricks her ears proudly. This would be a very productive outing, apparently.

She pushes forward, determined to contribute something herself. Her paws carry her a little farther until the sharp, bitter scent of something catches her attention. She pauses by a cluster of green leaves with tiny, white-tipped flowers at their base. The scent is familiar, tickling at the back of her mind. This must be useful, She thinks, her tail twitching with uncertainty. But what was it called? The name dances just out of reach, frustratingly close. "I found something," She calls, already precisely picking some of the least frosty leaves.

// rolled an 18 and found chervil for 2 points
everything has felt like a blur to spiderpaw, one second they're in camp trying to keep warm then suddenly in the next second they were being thrown into the claws of battle with shadowclan and riverclan pinching them from different sides. so much blood was spilled that there was no telling if what stained their paws was from enemies or friends. it wasn't like spiderpaw was any help at all. shame eats away them at this thought, so much so that there was hardly any effort put into searching for herbs because no matter where his gaze flicked he could only see brief flashes of lifeless bodies.

spiderpaw could only look around a while longer before giving up and returning to the patrol with a lowered head and avoidant gaze. "i co-couldn't find an-anything. . ."

  • ooc. rolled a 6, no lettuce :(
  • 1ucymTo.png
  • MbZmtkO.png
    SPIDERPAWskittish apprentice of thunderclan
    🟐 a scrawny, short-haired black tom with oversized ears and gold eyes.
    🟐 amab, demiboy, he / they | bisexual, no lean.
    🟐 8 moons, ages every 9th | created 08.14.24
    🟐 npc x npc | sibling to myrtlepaw | mentored by wildheart
    🟐 actions, 'thoughts', "speech"
    🟐 penned by cobatic | toyhouse | pinterest |
Wildheart padded a little further from the rest of the group, only just keeping them in hearing range as he let the trickle of successes and failures reach him. A determination burned within him as he searched for something, just anything that could be brought back! His hunts had been poor as of late and it left a bitterness in his heart. He couldn't allow further failure.

He soon found himself at the base of a rather large tree, and it was here that he found a number of leaves that had been untouched by the worst of the frost thanks to the shelter cast by the mighty oak above. "I think I've got something!" He carefully collected up a number of the more intact leaves in his mouth before carrying it back to the group. The smell was rather pleasant, now he just hoped that it was of use. Alas, despite his time spent in the medicine den he never had stopped to learn anything about the herbs used to treat his various injuries over the moons.

//rolled a 17 for Oak Leaves!! +2 points