private don't frame yourself useless // family

Sunshinespot lazes in a beam of light, kittens curled by his side. His lover is nearby, too, enjoying the burst of newly warm weather (all before temperatures drop again.) His tail draws along the spine of their littlest child, only a pawful of sunrises younger than her siblings, but still just as spritely. They've all become hissy, startling messes in the recent days - someone said that it's because their senses are clearing up. "They'll be seein' better than we can...!" He had said at the time, a jest to spite their circumstances.

He looks over their lot, making notes for their differences. The two palest are starting to show colors at their extremities, one of which seems to have sniffles rivaling their youngest sibling. One is mouthy, a constant little chatterbox with no real words to say, and another seems to echo that seniment. His tail twitches as he looks towards Doepath, eyebrows knit together at the center.

"Hey, Doe?" he murmurs, as if the daylight itself is listening too closely. "When do we... uh..." His nose screws up as he tried to find the words he needs. "Name 'em, I suppose. It's gettin' t'be easier to tell'em apart, now."

@doepath ࿔ @Honk-kit @Tuffy-kit @.sneezekit @Calfkit – @DAFFODILKIT.
It grows easier to know them with every little revelation... every milestone defines them as something unique. Special. Individual. In equal measure Doepath finds it daunting, knowing that she still gazes upon them with a gaze wary and uncertain. They represented newness, life... had nearly symbolized an end, death.

With the gentle rise and fall of Sunshinespot's flank, she can find peace in that rhythm... the consistency a means of grounding. While he makes loving notes of their appearances, commemorates this version of them to his memory, her own honeyed stare is covered by a more powerful urge to rest. To pretend everything is the same.

The sound of her name, an inquisitive hum draws back the sleepy haze to let sunlight's warm wakefulness in. She peeks open pools of amber, knowing that nothing she sees will be anything of wondrous clarity but seeking out the illusion of eye contact out of formed habit. "Oh..." It had been several weeks and now that she thought about it, Badgerstripe had been far more put together in that regard.

Were they already doing this wrong? The fear seizes her breath from her lungs, a hesitant withdrawal into panic. Already they were ruining things...? Was she just a fractured shard of all she feared? Only able to draw the blood she tried so desperately to keep caged? She wets her lips nervously, trying to find her breath again, "Do we... have to do all of them now? They're so little... what if we name them wrong?"

She lets out a deep breath through her nose, resting her chin on Sunshinespot's body as her vision shifts over nebulous shades of fur. "That tiny she-kit's nose never stops running, huh?" Her lashes flutter closed, crawling through the images of words in her head. Running... Snot... No, that feels mean... Drizzle? "Sneezy little thing..."

    sixteen month old warrior of thunderclan
    she/her fawn sepia with low white and yellow eyes
Life was easy so far for the bundle of red and brown – it was just eat, sleep, repeat; all day, every day. He didn't know about the harsh leaf-bare outside of the nursery, the previous complexity of his parents' relationship, that he wasn't of ThunderClan blood. If he were to know, what would he think? What would he say? It was a good thing he was far, far too young to worry his little head about such dramatics.

Snuggling into his mother's fur with a trilling purr, he grasped at the softness of her fur, inhaled the scent of her fur much more deeply than before. He had begun to experience the first wonders of life, understanding the senses he was born with. His father's voice made him let out an annoyed chirp, little ears pressed as much as they could be to his head with whatever willpower he possessed. Noises were... new, scary. But he loved his voice, his mother's voice. It would take the kit a little though to become comfortable with Sunshinespot's voice, it seemed.

Bumping his head into Doepath's stomach as though aware that they hadn't been speaking about him, he let out a pitiful, long mewl for attention, paws outstretched and pressing onto her stomach. He wanted to be named, too, even if he didn't know what was happening!
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Reactions: sunshinespot
*+:。.。 Existence will never again be as warm as it was during the "baking" stage, but 'Tuffy' is slowly growing used to her new situation. It was a give-and-take dynamic, you see - lose the safety and comfort of the kick-boxing playground with no consequences and get instead a whole new army of soft-pelted foes to wiggle her weak paws and legs at. One of these days, she'll grow big and strong and really cause some damage- but for now, she's happy to pat instead of punch. In her inexperienced, blind world, she's sure she's causing immense damage on Thunderclan's future favorite ruffian can.
Her parents can claim none of her mercy as she waggles a leg at her kindly father, affectionately shielding her from the cold - but unable to child himself from her kicks - wham! bam! pow!. He'd be wheezing harder than Sneezekit if she had her strength. Lucky bastard...

One, perhaps Gentlestorm or Hopepaw, might foolishly claim that it was all just the instinctual need to hone clumsy motor skills that had her acting so aggressively - but let's be honest - Tuffy was pretty mad!!! Angry, furious, offended, for "Tuffy" surely can't be her name! What is she to these life-bearers but Chatterbox #2? Not even Chatterbox #1 - she's NUMBER TWO! BAM! Pow! WHAM! get kicked, jerks!

Eventually - rather quickly, actually - she tires. It takes a lot out of you, fighting a literal uphill battle. So she returns to the comforts of sinking into her pappa's soft pastel fur. His scent isn't the same as Mamma's, but it's no less pleasant. Home. Love. A future awesome sparring partner - expectedly one-sided. She listens in the way only a deaf kitten can as Sunshinespots speaks. Rumbling vibrations shake her little body as she presses herself against his stomach, tickled by his fur.

She wonders what her name will feel like.
She can't wait to hear him - to hear mamma, too - speak it from the heart.

But for now, she's happy to snooze away, their exhausted little nameless warrior.

    DFAB— She/Her
    0 moons[/url]
    Daughter of Doepath and Sunshinespot
    Sibling to Daffodilkit, Calfkit, Honk-kit,
    Thunderclan — Kit

    Physically super easy | mentally nonexistant
    Attack in bold #db801f
    injuries: None currently
His smile doesn't fade. Sunshinespot drapes his tail over her, and likely over a few wayward kittens, and muses a quiet, "Then we try again," in response. No use in trying to be perfect when more often than not, they're anything but. He cannot fathom Doepath being considered imperfect, of course, yet he figures after the moons of knowing her that her mind is a beast he will never fully know. Nothing cowardly like a mouse - something daunting, a vulture, picking at her, causing her to tremor with fear and worry. He is to be her warmth, her stability. It's easy to do so. "Just one or two," he says after, "Not all o' them; just enough t'get started..."

Their shared parental gaze drifts over the little bodies, and he falsifies a meager cry of pain as one of them pummels him endlessly. All, until, she flops against him in exhaustion. His tail pulls from Doepath's side to brush against his little daughter, "Y'don't suppose Flamestar will allow us a Punchkit, hmm?" They've pulled Scarkit from out of the blizzard, so it doesn't seem far off. "Or, Brawlkit..." he continues to tease, in hopes of lightening the air between them.

"Sneezy little thing..." Doepath comments on the bundle of snow and coal, her breathing almost entirely through her mouth. What little she does from her nose sounds awful, but he keeps his thoughts inward. Gentlestorm should be around to visit again soon... He can bring it up then. "See, y'got it!" he cheers for her quietly, "Sneezekit. For her snifflin', y'know?" And, perhaps, for family lost. Mousenose, Rabbitnose... are they seeing him now? Are they happy, in some way, for him?

One of the other kits reacts to their voices, now heightened in conversation, with something loud and morose - he's heard worse chirping out of pheasants and turkeys, though admittedly the little tom isn't that far off. "He sounds like a little bird...!" Sunshinespot jests next. "Well, maybe not a little bird. Somethin' like a... a goose, maybe. What d'ya think about Goosekit, for him?"
𖤣𖥧⚘ Snuffling and wheezing through stuffed-up nostrils, the nameless kit is blissfully unaware of the conversation happening around him. His eyes and ears are only just beginning to function, both senses proving too much for the kit to handle. A cranky whine leaves his crooked mouth, and little paws press insistently against his mother's flank. Pay attention to me, his actions scream, because he has no voice yet to do so. Feed me, cuddle me, name me! But today is about his siblings, not him. Little does he know, one of them has just been named, with another soon to follow. And still the boy remains unnamed, his existence marked only by a description. The one who sniffles when he moves, the one who was born last, the one with the odd jaw that doesn't sit right on his face. Existing only in epithets, what does that make him? And when will he become something tangible, something with a name? That is not for the boy to know, and so he drops into a light sleep without so much as another mew of protest.

  • ooc:
  • 93199011_uRobGZHfUBcSHhx.png
  • UNNAMED KIT 𖡼 he/him, kit of thunderclan
    𖤓 cinnamon lynx mink with white underside and pale blue eyes. has a twisted jaw and is lethargic and sickly.
    𖤓 son of doepath & sunshinespot ; brother to sneezekit, warmkit, calfkit, hailkit
    𖤓 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𖤓 penned by foxlore
Hmph... Just enough to get started. It wasn't a very specific number but maybe it would come naturally... Sunshinespot jests about an option for the little paw-thrower that smacks against his side as if he is prey in need of defeating, groaning a dramatic sound despite how weak said kicking is. Her brows lift in mild amusement, coaxed from the bitter shell that makes her so wary of getting close to them. "Flamestar's probably been kicked plenty- you've met her kits. Kick-kit and Clawkit could be great suggestions for the next queen that enters the nursery." Surely it was not an experience unique to their rambunctious little one...

The eager suggestion to cling to that comment is enough to make her blush under her fur- Doepath had not expected something so direct to be so wholly wanted. Sneezekit... her nose twitches as if sympathetically prone to a sneeze herself... It was kind of cute, if you pretended that it was not a worrying sign of a weak body. "Sneezekit then..." she agrees with a decisive nod.

A tiny pile of fur presses closer to her, earning the unnamed, pale kitten a quick swipe of her tongue across his head- an act of practiced obligation or assumption of nature. That was what she was supposed to do, right? But Sunshinespot is already prattling on about another kitten, a much more vocal one. A bird... a goose even... it is a loud kind of barkish wail. "Already so cultured... to think he knows what a goose sounds like well enough to replicate it," she jokes, leaning into her mate with a delighted sigh. "We could name them all after animal noises... Squeak-kit... Bark-kit... Honk-kit... for our sweet gosling," it is mostly unserious, especially the suggestion to name one after the harsh growling of a dog but... she's not entirely disinterested in her own suggestion.

    sixteen month old warrior of thunderclan
    she/her fawn sepia with low white and yellow eyes