Burdock. Marigold. Horsetail. She recites the names of the herbs she is searching for in her head, draws up a mental image of them. She knows what little knowledge she possesses well and she clings to it desperately, especially during times like these. She should not be out here alone. The threat of the rogue that took the life of her brother still looms. Pitchstar's killer is still out there. But she needs this distraction and she is quiet, agile. She knows she can slip through the shadows without being seen because it is something she has done her whole life. Besides, if she were to join her brother, her mother, her father in the stars would that truly be so bad? She is no longer certain.
It is the grief talking. She tells herself this as she paws through the swampy dirt, green eyes scanning for anything that could be of use. She does not want this trip to be for nothing, does not want to return to the camp with empty paws because she is afraid. Afraid of being seen like they had once seen Bonejaw. Useless. She wants to be needed by the clan, wants them to trust in her and she cannot do that if she cannot heal because right now, it is all she has.
New-leaf had been a promise spoken upon her clanmates lips. A time of healing and re-growth. So far it has only brought her more grief.
// please do not post in this thread until I give the okay! Thank you guys!
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