pafp down on bended knee // attempting to apologise

He really should have come sooner to see Sandpaw, but his own fear and shame had very much gotten in the way of things. But no more. He had spoken to other cats, had time to process all that had occurred, and now he wished to begin the long road towards doing something. Sunnyday knew that things would never be the same again, but he knew that it shouldn't stop him from trying to do the right thing. Sooner or later he would have to face his former apprentices, and he decided that today would be the one that he approached Sandpaw.

After spending the early hours gathering a collection of beautiful wildflowers the older tom made his way to the camp, intending to slip in after the dawn patrols had already left. Even now he still longed to avoid the vast majority of the clan, plus he didn't want an entire camp's worth of cats pouncing him if things went sour with Sandpaw. As he finally approached the med den he could feel his heart racing with nervousness. Just how would she react? Would she even tolerate his presence at all? He... he had to try, whatever the outcome. He drew in a deep breath to steel his nerves before he stepped inside with a soft mrrw to announce his arrival. "Sandpaw? Are you free? I brought you some flowers, and... and I was hoping to speak with you. I want to apologise for what I did, I failed you as a mentor and as a clanmate, I put you in here when it could have been avoided entirely if... if I had just been a better ThunderClanner."

//please wait for @sandpaw

a tall figure stood outside of the den, the gentle lights of dawn making it nearly impossible to identify. curiously she watched as they hesitated for a moment, their form swelling with a breath. suspiciously, her eyes narrowed. the flood of herbs made it difficult to decipher sunnyday's scent, but as soon as she heard her name she knew.

tufted ears flicked backwards. was she free? was he serious? there was nothing but free time on her paws, their pink pads had grown soft from misuse. she trailed to the flowers, there were many of them. different sizes and colors, still pricked and fresh from their recent collection. they were pretty, but she wasn't so easily won over by beauty.

he continued to speak, but it felt muffled in her ears as she continued to stare at the flowers. when he was done, apology concluded, sandpaw still continued to look at them. her short tail tapped quietly against her nest. it would be easy to accept the apology, make her old mentor feel better. but her jaws remained shut, hesitating, waiting for someone else do deal with him so she didn't have to. "okay," her words were firm as she finally dragged her gaze to meet sunnyday's. she usually didn't like to see her clanmates feeling upset, but something new was brewing. a small part of her that wanted him to feel bad for as long as she was stuck in this damned den, as long as she struggled to get back to where she was.

"is there anything else?" her words were uncharacteristically cold as she shifted her weight beneath her. there was nothing else she wanted to hear, only that he had said what he needed and was now done. she was up earlier than usual, in need of a meal and possibly a nap after. even if she wanted to yell or fight, she had no energy to do so.
✦ 𖤓 ✦


"Lovely flowers, Sunnyday." Her voice is a calm, cool breeze, her steps heavy despite her haughty posture and curled fur. Though she did have a fondness for flowers herself, often tucking petals of the blue ones she was most fond of into her fur, they were like the apology she had overheard; pretty and nothing more. Useless, like the golden tom crawling forward pitifully around their camp. Moonpaw trotted forward to deposite the mouse she'd been sent to fetch the still injured apprentice, her brief respite from Raccoonstripe before they set about out for another training session. If Sandpaw had forgiven him she might have held back, but the hurt caused was more than mere words nor dainty blossoms could mend and he a lot more work to do if he would ever be considered a proper ThunderClanner again. Moonpaw found herself wondering why Howlingstar had not just cast him out, but her grandmother was a kind cat, lovingly devoted to her clan and wanting to never assume the worst if she could help it. It was a penance, if anything.
"Are they medicinal? Can they mend sprains of the leg or tears in the heart? Have you discovered a cure Berryheart is unfamiliar with? Or is this more for you than Sandpaw?"
She takes a proper stand next to her fellow apprentice, who would be lagging behind now despite having started well before Moonpaw herself did; if she got her name before Sandpaw, she would feel heartbroken for the other. It was not only a diservice to her but to ThunderClan that they lost having a skilled warrior in favor of this sniveling golden tom.
" don't care about ThunderClan. Why don't you go join RiverClan since you weep for them so."

Visits to his uncles den are not unheard of. Especially not when a former denmate had been swept away to its depths, put there by her own mentor of all things. He cannot imagine Flycatcher doing such a thing to him or to Roeflame. Cannot imagine himself ever forgiving him if he did. Mentors were supposed to guide, to teach and to train. They were not supposed to hurt. He trusted Flycatcher with his life. To betray that trust… he doesn’t want to think about it.

He wants to ask Sandpaw if she wants the rest of the mouse he had been eating, his mood suddenly soured by the thoughts of his mentor lifting his claws to him or to his friend but before he can open his mouth and let the words out a shadow darkens the entrance and Sunnyday is stepping into the medicine cats den, a bundle of flowers clutched in his jaws. He sets them down and Burnpaw watches through slanted yellow eyes as the tom apologizes.

He had his own words in mind, a few choice phrases, but he is blown back by Moonpaws coldness, the way she speaks to the disgraced warrior. Instead, he gets to his paws and stands, watching him carefully, tail swinging side to side behind him.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
It was coincidence that Lightpaw had only just considered bringing something to Sandpaw as he dragged himself over to the fresh-kill pile, still half-asleep and pelt partially rumpled, when Moonpaw hurried over to do the same. With a vague request to tag along, if only to say 'hi' before he was dragged out for training or who knew what else, the golden apprentice wasn't far behind the younger she-cat.

The mention of Sunnyday had him stopping in his tracks, however. "Huh?" he uttered, leaning to peer around her as he waited for a chance to squeeze into the den. The scent of the flowers hit his nose, and he frowned. Had he listened to him after all, then? Crawling in for an apology rather than hiding in his flower-filled nest out in the forest? He was silent as Moonpaw swept on coldly.

Squeezing into the den along with them, Lightpaw only gave Sunnyday a sidelong glance before seating himself nearby Sandpaw. He gauged her expression as she stared down her former mentor, and then the tom in turn. He snorted. "Save your breath," he nearly growled at the warrior. "If you're gonna sit there and look that sad and pathetic, maybe you should have thought twice before trying to rip her leg off just to prove some stupid point. If only you put that much energy into actually defending our territory." The Sunningrocks, that they had earned, no matter what he said.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

Sunnyday clung to the small fact that he hadn't been outright sent away by Sandpaw so he took the opportunity to cautiously step further into the med den so he could set the flowers down at the edge of the nest before retreating back. However, whatever privacy he had hoped to maintain whilst he spoke with his former apprentice was dashed as a collection of voices greeted his ears. Moonpaw and Lightpaw, and he was aware of Burnpaw's presence as well even though the other had not yet spoken.

The warrior longed to defend himself against the barrage of words but he was forced to bite his tongue. In the end he couldn't risk it, as frustrating as it was. Admittedly Moonpaw's remark about him not caring about ThunderClan hurt the worst, and still he found himself unable to rise up to deny it. "Can I ask for a bit of quiet, please? I won't be able to hear Sandpaw if everyone is talking over each other. You can make whatever remarks you want after I've stepped back outside." He kept his voice level as he made his request, and once he was done talking he returned his focus to that of Sandpaw. Though as he did so he couldn't help the deepening feeling of unease. Apprentices. Everyone gathered there were apprentices, and it left him feeling nervous about how any passing warriors would react. Worse still if Howlingstar came by. Maybe this was a mistake...

Now then, was there anything else? Sunnyday took a moment to think before he finally spoke up again. "Is there anything that I can do for you? Fresh bedding? Food? Water?" He decided to put the offers out there since he was actually present. Though if she just wanted him to leave again then he would, though he knew that he would likely encounter further verbal barrages the second he left the den.
"You don't need to hear what she has to say." Duskpaw's voice is quiet, still, and as awkwardly obeisant as it had ever been for a warrior of ThunderClan, but there's a firmness to them now despite the way their throat starts to quake with fear of disappointing another. Dark eyes flit between the other apprentices, searching for some strength in them. Somewhere between his siblings and his fellow apprentices, he finds it. "Not unless she says so." He was only here in search of Berryheart, needing just another moment of collapse in one of the den's spare nests to breathe out the day's troubles around the smell of bitter herbs, but instead he found something much more. Still, he slinks around the group to a spare nest near Sandpaw; it's just him clinging to that line between deference and defense.

Feeling silly and small but still hopeful that he can help, the tortoiseshell tom scooches a little closer to Sandpaw and puts one paw on her nest. Not quite touching her, yet still close enough to perhaps show his support. "You hurt her. We're here to keep her safe. If she needs something, we can get it for her." Right? He glances between the older group.

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. he / they.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of his father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of their tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"
A burly cream-colored shape comes to stand in solidarity with Duskpaw. Pale blue eyes through a tabby-striped mask skim first Sandpaw, who looks uncomfortable and a little disdainful, then Sunnyday, who is pleading for some type of forgiveness. He’s aware he’s only one of many apprentices coming to Sandpaw’s aid—perhaps the pale she-cat isn’t asking for that.

Sunnyday, though, asks for the rest of them to be quiet, and Skypaw’s ears flick in annoyance. “Listen, old man, you’ve had your chance. She ain’t impressed. If she wants to talk to you, she’ll come to you.” He narrows his eyes, tail swinging behind him like a pendulum. His older siblings are present, along with Lightpaw. He can hear the vitriol in their voices, and he can tell that’s what had emboldened Duskpaw.

WE'RE GETTING LOST! Another spar had left Killdeercry's nerves riding high from the adrenaline. She scampered into camp, pelt still dirty from the rough tussle and debris practically trailing behind her. In her search for something to do before her next patrol, it was hard to miss what looked like the entire apprentice's den all collected outside of Berryhearts. At first she assumed the worst, that all of the trainees were hurt of some sort, but as she grew closer she could spot Sunnyday between them.

The ruddy she-cats tail twitched while looking between them all. "Okay, that's enough. Back up everyone." Killdeercry would round the entrance of Berryheart's den in attempts to herd them away. "Where are all your mentors? Stars, don't some of you have assessments to prepare for, anything but stand around and gawk?" Though she wouldn't consider herself ready to immediately jump to Sunnyday's defense for what he had done, she saw this as unnecessary.

"Howlingstar didn't ban him from camp, if Sandpaw wants him to leave, she's a big girl and can say so. And to act like she can't speak for herself is an insult to her. Now, if no one has anything else helpful to say, I suggest you all turn around and go back to whatever tasks your mentors gave you before you deal with me next. Is that clear? The stocky she-cat's expression is like stone, tilting her chin up to show she was serious.— tags
Although Crowflower had been observing the interaction from the moment Sunnyday wandered into camp with a bundle of flowers clamped in her jaw, she had been unable to find the right moment to step in when things began to spiral out of control. Her sister, however, has a much stronger constitution in the face of conflict. Emboldened by the presence of Killdeercry, the skunk-furred molly takes her place beside her sibling with an affectionate nudge and levels her mossy gaze upon the gathered apprentices. "It's honorable to defend your friend," she says, soft where her sister is stoic. "But this is a good lesson. When you hurt someone," her gaze flicks to Sunnyday and she offers him a solemn nod in greeting. "you need to make amends. Even if you don't expect to be forgiven." Sunnyday made his bed, now he must lie in it. She is pleased to see him trying to do the right thing and impressed that he managed to keep his temper despite the imposing gaggle of protective apprentices.

She decides that her sister covered all that needed to be said and is content to step aside to allow the dismissed youngsters to file out of the medicine den. Although she tries to be stern, Crowflower cannot help but smile at how they all stood together. They will make great warriors, she is certain of it.​
Why don’t the two of you worry about your own apprentices?

A stern voice lashes, whiplike, from tensed white jaws. The lead warrior had been on his way to visit his brother, but was instead greeted—even at this morning hour—by a crowd bustling about the medicine cat’s den. He can see at its heart that its Sunnyday, and that the cats bristling at him are mainly apprentices.

The tabby finds his own apprentice in the crowd, stoic and cool, and he gives her a nod. “Moonpaw, carry on. I’ll come get you when it’s time for us to leave.” He meets Killdeercry’s blue gaze, dark eyes smoldering, before turning his attention to Crowflower. “I think the lesson here is to let sleeping dogs lie, don’t you? Stop trying to force forgiveness. No one here has forgotten what you’ve done, least of all the cat you injured trying to prove a traitorous point.” His contained but wrathful voice is directed now towards the skinny golden tom being defended now by two warriors.

After a few heartbeats, he says, “Sunnyday, why don't you find something better to do. Sandpaw is resting and my brother has plenty to attend to without worrying about his patient being pestered.” He smiles, but it's small and tight, the muscles barely twitching.

Ah, Racconstripe. Crowflower usually does her best to avoid the silver-tongued tomcat with all his flirtations and haughty speech. He is the sort of cat she both respects and admires for his dedication to the clan, but struggles to bring herself to like him up close. The sharpness of his tone cuts at her confidence like the slash of claws against her pelt and she averts her gaze, feeling scolded. She might have retreated were it not for the presence of her sister and the fire of indignation simmering in her belly. In a rare show of defiance, Crowflower lifts her chin and forces herself to meet Racconstripe's piercing stare.

"We are all entitled to our own feelings," she says diplomatically. "Sandpaw is owed an apology, and only she can decide how to respond." Can't everyone see that they are making it about themselves? Sunnyday needs to apologize. Not for himself, but for the apprentice he harmed. Only Sandpaw's opinion truly matters, and, well-meaning as they all are, everyone is speaking over her. Even Crow. She tries to ignore the pang of guilt stabbing through her heart. "There's no need to make this more of a spectacle than it already is." She frowns at Racconstripe and then looks to Sandpaw again. "If you'd like your friends to stay, it is your decision." With a polite nod, she finally excuses herself from the crush of strong personalities to wait patiently outside. ​

Moonpaw is a dutiful apprentice, not one to talk back to warrior's or step a paw out of line when it comes to ranking and authority but she is almost tempted to rebel angrily against the two molly's pleading leniency for the tom that should have been thrown out the second he raised a paw to a clanmate; let alone his own apprentice. Her mouth opens and snaps closed as Raccoonstripe arrives but rather than chide her he is in agreement and backs he entirely. There is no hiding his disdain of the cream tom and his actions and she feels a brief surge of affection for her uncle; he was rough, callous, but he did care about his clan and his clanmates.
Emboldened by her mentor's presence and affirmation the tortie point lifts her head high, "Anyone with eyes can see she's uncomfortable and not interested and her comfort comes before his feelings." Killdeercry earns a sharp look from both ice blue eyes that she'd never dare direct at a warrior if not for Raccoonstripe's encouragement.
She's a big girl and can so say.
She remembers the mess the apprentice was in when brought back to camp, Sandpaw was a loud and proud she-cat and they had often bumped heads in the past over trivial things like holes being dug and dirt being thrown but seeing her in such a way stung and to have a warrior expect her to stand up to her abuser when she was injured and alone in a den?
"I would rather Sandpaw be upset at me for speaking for her than sit and watch." The adults of the clan had failed them by not seeing the signs of this prior, Sunnyday had always been opposed to her grandmother, always taking the black tabby's kindness and warping it to justify his own foolish ideals. He had mocked her injury, he had spoken out against Sunningrocks and he was lucky she had offered him a second chance at all.

WE'RE GETTING LOST! Typically Killdeercry would back down to the authority of those appointed by Howlingstar. Typically she would bow out and maybe dish out one last remark before collecting herself and moving on. But unfortunate for Raccoonstripe, Killdeercry held little respect for his authority. If only he had kept his distance from Wrenflutter, he wouldn't have caught her ire from the start.

Crowflower is softer in her words than what stirred in Killdeercry. She flicked her tail to dismiss Moonpaw's words, uncaring. She wouldn't blame the she-cat for inheriting her mentors impetuous behavior. Her eyes lit like a pyre as she met Raccoonstripe's, her tongue swiping over her jaws in taste of the flames the burned at her tongue. In the depths of her core Killdeercry knew this would only inflate the situation, but the words were already tumbling from her mouth.

"I don't have to worry about what @Sleekpaw. or @barleypaw. are up to, they're not here crowding Berryheart's nest. Instead actually being productive like I've trained them to be. Like the prime example a warrior should be, instead of encouraging disruption." The brashness of her namesake has finally come to play.

"Is this what Lead Warriors do, Raccoonstripe? Encourage disruption within the Clan? Emboldening your apprentice, and subsequently the apprentices that look up to you, to succumb to infighting rather than learning how to overcome? I mean, might as well call ourselves a band of rogues rather than a Clan then, yeah? There might as well have been smoke coming fron her mouth. She's in for it now, she knows. Oh she can already hear the clamp of jaws around her throat for what she's said, but Killdeercry looks completely satisfied. Not a hint of remorse. This was beyond Sunnyday for her. She wanted the tom to hate her, maybe that would keep him away from her sister.
— tags

There is something about the insinuation that Burnpaw doesn’t work hard that sets him on edge. His irritation becomes visible through the hair raising on the back of his neck and along his spine, his lips curling back in a snarl. Adults. They think they are owed the world just for living past twelve moons it seemed.

Killdeercry’s voice is like a fly in Burnpaw’s ear. Insignificant. Annoying. It buzzes and buzzes and it doesn’t stop, even when an ebony appendage flicks backwards in irritation. "Are you saying I am not allowed to sit and enjoy a meal in my uncles den with my friend? With my family? That I must be working at all times or else I’m lesser somehow? Is that how you train your apprentices Killdeercry?" he asks, feigning innocence. He has never particularly held any fondness for his uncle, but as his voice pipes up from the entrance of the den, he cannot help but feel thankful for the lead warriors presence.

"She owes him nothing." he says to Crowflower with a soft growl, his intense yellow eyes never leaving the disgraced warriors form, even as the black pelted she cat turns and retreats, unwilling to defend her stance. He however, stands strong next to her sister, nodding his head in agreement. He too would rather say something than do nothing. He had been a helpless bystander before, never again. "and what kind of example are you setting ?" he asks, pelt brushing against his sisters as he takes a small step forward "You think what Sunnyday did aren’t the actions of a rogue? You would do something like this to Sleekpaw, to Barleypaw, then expect to come crawling to their paws with a flower and think that fixes the damage you’ve done?" his eyes flick to Sunnyday as he speaks. He wants it to hurt, for his words to sting worse than claws could. He knows from experience that those wounds could hurt worse, that they cut deeper. "Youre right, Sandpaw can speak for herself. But she also has friends willing to speak for her when she is at her lowest, and isn’t that what a clanmate is for? Aren’t we supposed to be there for each other, aren’t we supposed to protect one another? Isn’t that what being a warrior is?" its what he thought, anyways. He would fight tooth and claw for any one of them. Killdeercry included.
Sparkpaw listened to the argument with intrigue at first, curious to see how Sunnyday would be received in the medicine den. He was wary of him, and decided to keep an eye on the situation in case things got violent, regardless of who started it.

He was grappling with his own tumultuous feelings and the scene was an almost welcome distraction. Most of his ire was towards Riverclan, and all of his stress was from worrying about Sunfreckle.

So indulging in someone else's problem was a minor relief.

But as it carried on, it began to give him a headache.

"You guys are being so dramatic." He said. " I would have kicked you all out already."

If he were recovering from an injury and a bunch of cats started arguing outside the den he would have gotten up and bitten them by now.

He was sure the problem would disperse if Sunnyday left. He wasn't sure about Raccoonstripe and Killdeercry though. Something else was going on there.

"Sunnyday.... I think you should go for now." He added.

He worried if the tom stayed things would get violent. Nobody needs that right now.​

sandpaw released a breath that she did not know was held as moonpaw, lightpaw, and burnpaw joined her. she nodded thankfully for the delivery of prey, but quiet did not last long. both lightpaw and moonpaw berated sunnyday where he stood. burnpaw remaining quiet, but she could not miss the tension in his narrowed yellow gaze. her own flickered back to the warrior, requesting quiet yet refraining from sending them all out, sandpaw doubted they would listen anyways. he continued, asking if she needed anything. the time she took to ponder was filled by duskpaw and skypaw, all jumping to her defense. the sentiment warmed her, even some of thunderclan's youngest trainee's were willing to take on the golden warrior.

"i'll be okay," she shook her head softly to her former mentor, tail continuing to tap behind her. it was true, there wasn't necessarily anything else she needed. food had been brought, she would be brought water eventually as well. company was no problem either, considering berryheart's den was growing quite full.

an authoritative voice came from the entrance of the den, the blonde fur along her neck spiked as killdeercry chastised her denmates. the warrior's chin tilted up as she bossed them all around. the stony feline noted that she was a big girl, could handle this on her own. sandpaw's pale lips tilted into a frown. obviously she could not. if she could, she would be training right now. the comment felt like a jab, even if it wasn't delivered as such. the warrior's dark furred sister backed her up. called this a good lesson. sandpaw's breath hitched as she bit her tongue, gaze now narrowed onto crowflower. this was no lesson. her life was not to be used as only an example. raccoonstripe arrived, the lead warrior using his actual authority towards the siblings, but most of his arguments did not reach her. as she burned into both crowflower and killdeercry, who responded defensively. moonpaw and burnpaw also argued back. it seemed the ebony apprentice had finally boiled over. she was about to as well.

"nobody was disruptive until you showed up," her rasped voice ripped through the den, "you come in here, berate my friends who are helping me, for what? you're the only one who insults me, not them." sandpaw's gaze rakes across to crowflower who had retreated to a spot just outside of the den. as timid as the warrior was, at the moment sandpaw would have no qualms with dragging her by her scruff into this den. make her a resident, let her be a lesson. "you know nothing," her eyes momentarily shifted back to killdeercry as she spat the phrase meant for both of their ears. "sit there now, keep informing everyone about how perfect of a lesson this is. but when i'm out of here, stay the hell away from me."

she returned to killdeercry, taking in her disrespect to the lead warrior amongst them. she could practically feel her claws itching as she preached on what a warrior looked like while squabbling like a kit. if the grey molly wished to fight with raccoonstripe so bad, then she could do it somewhere else. "this is not about you, get the fuck out!" she growled with more force than she had expressed in weeks. with her eyes narrowed, locked on the warrior viciously.
✦ 𖤓 ✦

He’s not terribly surprised when Crowflower begins to talk back to him, but he only twitches his ear. At least she’s relatively polite, unlike her sister, who explodes with ill-gotten arrogance and self-importance. Raccoonstripe listens to her patiently, his ears beginning to flick as though her voice is buzzing against them like horseflies. He absorbs her every word, a smirk beginning to creep over his muzzle.

He doesn’t expect cats to show him the same respect he expects them to show his mother, his brother, or Flycatcher. But he certainly hadn’t expected such vehement insubordination from a warrior. He wonders briefly if Killdeercry is remembering his advances on Wrenflutter, and his smile only widens. What interesting information to have, if it is indeed the case!

Poor Sandpaw explodes, her friends coming to her defense again. She tells Killdeercry to get out of the den, and he clears his throat in the silence that results. “You heard Sandpaw. If you aren’t visiting with good intentions, leave. Berryheart is too busy to be crowded out by shouting warriors and traitors.” An ever-scornful pair of dark eyes rakes again over Sunnyday.

He begins to pad away, almost nonchalantly, when he stops in front of Killdeercry. He lowers his face until their noses are inches apart. “You claim you are a prime example of what a warrior should be, but even the greenest warrior knows to respect authority. If you are going to act worse than even the unruliest apprentice, then you can join Sleekpaw and Barleypaw in their chores for the next week.” His smile does not waver. “I expect to see you in the elder’s den before sunhigh. If I don’t, I will be reporting to Howlingstar and Flycatcher about your disrespect for your superiors.

He flicks her playfully with the tip of his tail, knowing it will infuriate her even more. “Maybe your prime examples of apprentices can show you the best ways to do chores.” He takes satisfaction in speaking this last bit with a low drawl.

After a moment, he turns back toward the medicine cat’s den. “Moonpaw, finish up and eat something if there’s anything left in the fresh-kill pile. We’re going hunting today.

// out!

Wolfwind awakes to a commotion. She can hear shouting and harsh whispers from the warrior's den as she pushes her way past the bramble walls. White-flecked ears swivel to find the sound, and evidently, it's the mass of cats by the warrior's den. Wolfwind purses her lips.

Perhaps the only reason she does not pad over immediately is that berryheart already seems in high demand, or something. That's not to say that she isn't trying to pick apart the familiar faces as she stretches. That's not to say she isn't totally angling her ears toward the den as she pads toward the fresh - kill pile. Raccoonstripe, Moonpaw, Kildeercry, Crowflower. Some others. Her apprentice's presence is what finally encourages her to pad over. She strains to pick up on different bits of information, but one thing is clear. It's about Sunnyday.

Killdeercry quickly puts a sour taste in Wolfwind's mouth. Evidently, the same bile seeps into her uncle's own. Poor Killdeer cry is demoted to an apprentice for all that. Wolfwind can't say she's sympathetic, though.

Rather than learning how to overcome, what the fuck does that mean? That they should 'overcome' Sunnyday's treachery?

Wolfwind does not bother snapping back at her, instead, taking to frowning at her sister. Crowflower has good intentions. She always does. " No one is speaking for Sandpaw. They're speaking with her, " she points out. And while Wolfwind has never struggled to make herself heard, it's evident that's not what she's trying to do right now. Her voice is distant. sunburst eyes glaze over nothing in particular in the moment, but she's talking to someone, that's for sure.

If anything was a matter of avoiding spectacle, Sunnyday should've ran from ThunderClan with his tail between his legs long ago. He should've sat and stewed in his stupid ideas instead of breaking every rule to make them of true. He shouldn't have dislocated an apprentice's fucking leg to begin with, for star's sake. His presence molds conflict. But I suppose everyone's supposed to sit with their tail tucked around their paws and not mind him. " If we didn't want a spectacle, maybe we shouldn't dislocate apprentice's limbs. Just a thought. I cannot believe we're calling the cats who are upset about it the disruptive ones, actually. " She casts an exasperated look to Killdeercry and Sparkpaw both. She avoids the other gaze she's referring to.

" That's what everyone's tryin' to do, but the sad old cat can't take a hint, Sparky, " She bumps her apprentice with a shoulder, raising a questioning brow. At least most of ThunderClan's youth were on track. A shame about Killdeercry, though. " C'mon, we're going out. " One last furtive glance is cast to Crowflower before she pads behind her retreating uncle.

Noise. So much noise, and everything seemed to spiral out of control. Things could have been so quick and simple if everyone had not interfered, but now it had turned into something horrid and revealed something to him that he hadn't wished to see. Despite all the remarks being made he wasn't angry, but the distress was as clear as day upon his withered features. He just wanted to leave now, he didn't want to be there anymore.

Killdeercry and Crowflower's arrival didn't help the matter, how could it when ThunderClan held such dark hearts? Though the way they went about things was certainly all wrong so of course the apprentices and Raccoonstripe responded to their presence. Sunnyday looked on helplessly as things only became increasingly more frayed. "Please stop..." Why was Killdeercry trying to rile up the situation? He just wanted it to stop! "Why did I ever bother coming here? I should have stayed away, I shouldn't have believed that things would ever change." His chest grew increasingly tighter and he swore it was getting harder to breathe. He just wanted to run away at that point but there were so many cats! How was he meant to get out without pushing past someone? He didn't want to get clawed or bitten by the mob who swarmed the place. All he could do was sink down low and fight to suck in every following breath.

Words meant to hurt filled his ears and only made him sink further to the den floor as he tried to avoid looking back at the stares and glares being shot his way. Burnpaw's outburst was the final blow needed to leave him utterly broken. The older tom found himself unable to subdue the tremble that enveloped his body and the first of the tears began to flow as whatever slither of strength abandoned him. This... this wasn't his home anymore. Maybe it never was.

As the likes of Raccoonstripe and Wolfwind began to leave he wasted little time in utilising the additional space to make his escape from the den. His movements were frantic, more akin to that of a terrified rabbit trying to escape a snake in a warren. If anyone happened to be in his way they would likely be knocked aside in his flight of panic as he raced into the camp's clearing. With wide wild eyes he searched for the entrance before making a dive towards it with the sole goal of escaping the camp entirely before a single soul more could lay into him. The sandy-gold tom barely avoided crashing into the returning patrol just outside as he bolted out into the forest leaving the camp for likely the very last time.

It wasn't like he expected to be forgiven after a single act or attempt, he knew it would have been a long road requiring much effort and patience. But it seemed as though ThunderClan was keen to give him no road to follow at all. What was even the point in trying anymore? Why had Howlingstar bothered allowing him to stay in the first place? Maybe it was simply time to leave...