- Mar 11, 2024
- 103
- 22
- 18
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 The boy has been quiet, strangely so. He goes on patrols and hunts with Cicadaflight as usual, but the time spent with his mentor isn't filled with a carefree sense of joy anymore. Cicadaflight, for his part, hasn't really acknowledged the situation; Crabpaw isn't sure whether he's grateful for that or not. It gives a sense of normalcy to his continued training, but at the same time it feels wrong for his mentor to simply… not acknowledge it. The lingering fear of being shunned and hated still hangs over him, and it extends to his mentor as well.
He's just returned from a cold, awful border patrol alongside Cicadaflight, with sore paws and a jaw that aches from how tightly he's been clenching it. His empty stomach growls, and a juicy fish seems like the best way to quiet it. So when Crabpaw makes his way back into camp to find the perfect-looking fish perched right on top of the prey pile, his heart leaps in his chest. Prey has been scarce lately, and with the blizzard raging it's been days since the boy has eaten a good meal. That fish… it's exactly what he needs.
His paw brushes gingerly against the scales of the fish atop the pile, but he doesn't manage to get a grip on it. Before he can pick it up, another paw enters his field of view and snatches the fish away in an instant. "Hey," he snaps, turning cold green eyes on the fish-thief. That off-balance feeling, the one that's been following him around since the reveal of his true heritage, returns in full force. His heart pounds against his chest, nerves set alight and jaw tightly clenched. He doesn't bare his teeth, but it's a near thing. He knew this was coming eventually; his clanmates have decided that he doesn't belong, so he shouldn't deserve to eat. The thought makes his lip curl, and his ginger-splashed ears swivel backward irritably. The idea that he may have misinterpreted an innocent coincidence as intentional cruelty doesn't even cross his mind. "That's mine. Give it back."
He's just returned from a cold, awful border patrol alongside Cicadaflight, with sore paws and a jaw that aches from how tightly he's been clenching it. His empty stomach growls, and a juicy fish seems like the best way to quiet it. So when Crabpaw makes his way back into camp to find the perfect-looking fish perched right on top of the prey pile, his heart leaps in his chest. Prey has been scarce lately, and with the blizzard raging it's been days since the boy has eaten a good meal. That fish… it's exactly what he needs.
His paw brushes gingerly against the scales of the fish atop the pile, but he doesn't manage to get a grip on it. Before he can pick it up, another paw enters his field of view and snatches the fish away in an instant. "Hey," he snaps, turning cold green eyes on the fish-thief. That off-balance feeling, the one that's been following him around since the reveal of his true heritage, returns in full force. His heart pounds against his chest, nerves set alight and jaw tightly clenched. He doesn't bare his teeth, but it's a near thing. He knew this was coming eventually; his clanmates have decided that he doesn't belong, so he shouldn't deserve to eat. The thought makes his lip curl, and his ginger-splashed ears swivel backward irritably. The idea that he may have misinterpreted an innocent coincidence as intentional cruelty doesn't even cross his mind. "That's mine. Give it back."
PROMPT: Tensions over limited resources lead to arguments within the Clan. Your character gets into a disagreement with a Clanmate over fresh-kill or bedding. Do they resolve it peacefully or will tension continue to simmer?
CRABPAW 𓆝 he/him, apprentice of riverclan
𓆟 ginger and cream tabby with rippling white spotting and mossy green eyes. closed-off and unnaturally quiet.
𓆟 mentored by cicadaflight
𓆟 son of iciclefang & stormywing ; brother to cragpaw & pinepaw
𓆟 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
𓆟 penned by foxlore