pafp dream for better 𖥸 ninja warriors

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The name of the game was stealth... and also hunting... and also fighting... it was like all of the things that made the adults super good at their jobs smacked into one silly game. Wild eyes slice through the camp for a familiar patchy pelt and she is hyper-aware of the way her messy fur aids in the illusion of fallen twigs and branches she lingers nearby. Born something more-like a burr than a kitten, Mottledkit seems more than comfortable to camouflage herself between shades of dirt and bark despite their less than 'pretty' aesthetics.

Where's Deerkit? she thinks, oblivious to the way a white tipped tail sticks out like a flag of defeat behind her- all she has to do to win their game is tag her den-mate first and with a blood-line like hers, she believes herself not to be a threat to scoff at. Generations of power, skill, wisdom (and of course beauty, if Moonwhisper is any indication!) trickled and purified into the epitome of perfection! Three perfect, perfect daughters to carry on the family name.

Something shifts amongst some loose leaf-litter nearby and in an instant, she stumbles towards it with a shrill laugh of victory, smacking a pale-dipped paw at the small pile with a self-assured righteousness that she has won. But when her pinkish-dappled pad hits the stiff earth beneath it and not the plushy, tell-tale warmth of someone she tussles among mossy nests with... A frown so dour it could be believed she'd witnessed a great disappointment nestles upon her round, milk-stained maw.

"S...stupid leaves," she declares, raking tiny claws through them to shred at them and win some sort of instant gratification to hurt what had spited her most in this moment! It seems forgotten then, that she is supposed to be hiding too.

Deerkit was... playing a game surprisingly with one of the newer kits. Usually he would've out right declined the offer to play, but he would've felt bad about a whiny kit complaining about him being mean. He scrunches his muzzle up, as he watches Mottlekit run around trying to find him. Looks, more like a burr then a kitten.. Today, they were playing tag. He knows how to play it since he and his other littermates played it all the time, before quickly escalating to biting each other. He was hiding in a dark corner concealed with leaves, curling his ginger plumed tail around himself.

Hazel eyes darted to were Mottekit was zipping and zooming her way around trying to find him. He flinches at the shrilly cry from the small kitten. Loud. Brows knitted as he frowns slightly at the Mottlekit shredding the leaves with her tiny needle claws. Deerkit sighs, Might as well, come out he gets up onto his paws, shaking his patchy pelt from any wayward grass bits. "M-mottlekit.." speaking with a stutter, as he made his way to his.. denmate. The young tom twitched his tail, as he stopped in front of Mottlekit. "W-want to.. hide this t-time, then I c-could find y-you?" An eye twitches at his words, Stupid, stutter.. As he peered down at the earthed patch kit.


  • no ref yet </3

  • ( i can't handle it.. ) DEERKIT HE / HIM ; questioning, but doesn't get it. unlabeled / single / not actively looking - SMELLS OF FRESH CARAMELIZED APPLES AND FAINT DAMP EARTH MUSK ; FOUR MOONS OLD. kitten of thunderclan. ages every 26th. ╱ PENNED BY CALZONE ----------------------------------------
    a scrawny longhaired black/dark ginger tortie and white tom with hazel eyes. he is a lithe scruffy furred feline with long legs, deerkit looks more like a windclanner then a thunderclanner. his coat is pitch black, with orange splattered on the side of his face with with a white patch settled on his chest going down to his stomach. with a long plumed tail hanged limp against the ground, always getting it dirty. he is always seen slouching in dark corners of dens, keeping a nervous eye out for potential enemies. he is a fidgety being, a jittery nervous creature. he likes to hide in dark places that are comfortable to him, uncomfortable with the eyes of others on him. he's slowly trying to get out of his shell.. though it's hard.
    GASMASK xx ???, 2rd brother to an unknown littermates. —— WANTS TO SEE HIS FAMILY AGAIN

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ everywhere she looked, a tiny, uncoordinated version of one of her clanmates was running around. maybe if it were just one the sight would be endearing, but nightbird had lost track of exactly how many kits were now apart of their ranks. what was even the point in attempting a headcount when four more sprung up every other day?

she is passing by mottledkit's outburst, tiny claws releasing all frustrations onto some leaves. deerkit approaches with an idea to switch up whatever childish game they are playing, hopefully it will stop mottledkit from making such a mess. "i don't suppose you intend to clean up your mess before that?" her inquiry was dry, she knew it was likely a waste of breath to suggest to kittens that they must clean before playing another game.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 32 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to none
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The ammount of kits scampering about camp is something that, in the past, Burnstorm would have taken as a nuisance. There was a time where he would have acted in a similar manner to Nightbird, annoyed about the mess that the youth left behind in their playful wake. But now? Now he was a father to three kits who resided in the nursery now, and he liked to think that he was a figure that many of the other young ones looked up to and it was perhaps the best feeling in the world to be that for another cat.

"Don't worry Nightbird, I'll make sure it gets cleaned up" he says as he comes to stand next to the his fellow lead warrior, fluffy tail flicking in greeting to her and to the kits. Whether he would be cleaning it or they would was still up for debate. He would try to make them clean as much as their short attention spans could manage, but everyone knew how kits were, how quickly they just wanted to move on to the next thing. "Why don't we sweep these leaves to the edge of camp with our tails, then you guys can play another round." he suggests. Why Mottledkit had shredded them in the first place was of little consequence to him but she made the mess and she should at the very least be encouraged to clean it up.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
. ° ✦ Where Nightbird may have found the number of kittens a headache, Bravepaw found it only sensible given his own journey in the nursery. Aside from his siblings he also had Spiderlily's kittens to play with, a similar number to how many little paws tumbled about now.

It was strange to think he fulfilled the role of the same cats he looked up to from the shadows of the nursery. An apprentice was all he ever wanted to be, trekking out into the forest with a mentor and learning all it had to offer. Now he understood why they weren't all so eager to play with him. Why some would rather nap for even just a few minutes than entertain his questions.

"I can help!" Bravepaw offered loudly as he padded forward, already assigned to do some tidying around camp anyhow. "Were you two playing a game with these?"
° . . °
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.
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She turns with a look of righteous indignation still etched on round features when her den-mate appears behind her and triumphantly, she pats his shoulder with a leaf-litter paw, "A-ha! Found you," she declares confidently. He suggests that maybe it should be her turn to hide instead and Mottledkit is immediately enamored by the suggestion (distraction), tail raised high behind her- "'Course!" That was the most obvious course of action, of course, in a game that involved taking turns. One then the other and then the other again... or something. But it seems they have a very rude eavesdropper, one that she recognizes from a meeting once prior, whose sullen 'idea' to clean-up some leaf clippings sounds more like an idle threat than anything else.

Furrowing her brow, the tortoiseshell molly's nose scrunches in distaste for such a demand- "It's just leaves," she argues, and thinks to go further into her lecture on how silly this is to call a proper mess when her uncle appears. All anger is forgotten in the moment she recognizes a patch of pitch fur alike some of her own, a nasty little smile spread across her face in sickening sweetness as the kit rubs up against her kin's leg like she is marking him as her personal territory that Nightbird can't have.

Another, bigger kit shows up with an offer to help and Mottledkit can feel a smug sense of satisfaction welling in her chest- she wouldn't have to clean up hardly anything with how big their tails were compared to her own... And uncle Burnstorm would never be mean to her if she got too tired to help, right? "My tail's not big enough," she insists, giving her most pathetic attempt at sweeping the stray leaves with a practiced frown. Surely that would exempt her?​
  • Dead
Reactions: nightbird
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ she should not be surprised that a child of lightstrike's could be so petulant. argumentative, insistent on closing her ears to the warrior's demands. the resemblance would be cute if it did not make her want to pull her own fur out.

she could list off multiple reasons why shredded leaves in the middle of camp were a nuisance, but it was obvious by mottledkit's sarcastically saccharine grin that it would fall upon deaf ears. nightbird's tail begins to twitch in irritation, but burnstorm's promise seems to relax her before it begins to lash. he was not known as a cat disloyal to his word.

and just as soon as the other lead warrior asks the same thing of the kits, the spotted child begins to help only to whine after a few seconds of pitiful attempts. "i think you can try harder than that," she grunts in dissatisfaction before abandoning the scene. best to let burnstorm deal with all these children anyhow, with the help of bravepaw there would certainly be some improvement.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 32 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to none
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.