pafp EASY DOES IT [ ✦ ] reinforcing walls . prompt


just pretend . 𓆩♡𓆪
Nov 8, 2023

Springpaw takes the task that she had been assigned to by her mentor very seriously. For a long while, she just walks along the border to the camp, her movements slow, meticulous, her turquoise eyes glued on the wall as she scans it for imperfections. Orangeblossom had said she had a good eye for these things but she isn’t too sure. Either way, she doesn’t want to let her mentor down, not when she had given her such an important job! The camp barrier, to her, symbolized safety and protection. It was their last line of defense against cats or other animals that wished them harm. If there were gaps then that meant they were vulnerable. It meant kits like Fluffykit and Weedkit and Daisykit could be in danger.

When she is done walking the circumference of camp, her first order of business is to find one of the lead warriors, like her mentor had instructed her to do. Slate was too scary, Bobbie was nice but she was the mentor of her enemy, and she doesn’t know where Johnnyflame is currently so that only leaves one cat she could possibly report to. Twitchbolt. She finds the brown and tan furred warrior in camp and immediately goes to him, tail held high. Once she had told him about the gaps she had found he would know what to do about them, he was an adult after all and Springpaw had no reason to distrust the adults in the camp. They could handle anything!

"Hello Mr.Twitchbolt!" she chirps as she approaches, her tail waving in greeting "Ms.Orangeblossom told me to find weaknesses in the wall and then report to a lead warrior about it and you’re the first lead warrior I could find so that means you have to help me because Ms.Orangeblossom told me so." and she was like higher than everyone except Blazestar in the clan hierarchy so that meant they had to listen to her right? Without waiting for a response she launches into the next part of her spiel "I found five parts of the wall that seem like they could use some reinforcing, what do you want me to do?" and she looks up at him with wide, expectant eyes as she waits to be told what to do next.

// please wait for @TWITCHBOLT to reply!
Prompt is : Our camp needs strong barriers! Collect supplies and reinforce the fern-and-bramble barrier guarding camp!

  • Love
Reactions: mercibun

Springpaw's timing was perfect- surprise still glimmered in Twitchbolt's gaze at beaing approached in the first place, though. When would he get used to it? The responsibility wasn't so bad anymore, but- but the disbelief that anyone would willingly pick him, it was ingrained in him forever, despite all the progress he made. Still, he tried not to make it noticeable on his face- Springpaw didn't need that sort of confusion, not at such a tumultuous time when her apprenticeship was stuck in some odd limbo.

He'd been out gathering supplies, coincidentally... the collection of defensive brambles were woven into his fur. Tangled, rather. Caught on the mats that even Quillstrike couldn't work out of his fur- but briefly, Twitchbolt managed to dress himself with a cursory smile. Small, shaky, but a smile nonetheless. "Um- yes! Great, great work, Springpaw. We- we can work together, uh- doing the reinforcing, if you want... since you're the expert on the wall's weaknesses," he explained, genuine despite his dithering.

An apologetic expression wrinkled his nose. "But, uh- first, we might need to get the supplies out of my... my fur..."

\ anyone feel free to powerplay getting the brambles out so they can work on the wall!!
penned by pin ✧

Passing by Figfeather lets loose an amused snort at the sight of Twitchbolt, tangled in brambles he had collected. "How did you even get into such a mess? Oh- it's tangled in your fur even!" She exclaims in light-hearted dismay. This is worse than rolling around in a patch of burs! "I'll get it, hold still, I don't want to prick you." Or myself..., she thinks, imagining the brown and cream tom jerking only for the sharp edge of a bramble to scrape across her face.

Several moments pass, some fussing from Figfeather, until at last Twitchbolt is for the most part free. "Do me a favor and don't go tangling yourself in brambles again. Next time I won't be untangling it from your fur!" She jokes, a grin evident and strong on her face as she glances from Twitchbolt to Springpaw. "Do you two need an extra paw? Orangeblossom hasn't assigned me to any patrol yet, I think I might need to remind her I'm off light duty now..." The white and orange deputy has not spoken to Figfeather much at all since the incident with the rogues. The red tabby doesn't have the intuition to suspect its intentional, however, and just assumes their limited interactions has merely been thanks to chance.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
  • Haha
Reactions: waluigipinball
If you’d left the brambles in, we could have just set Twitchbolt at the camp’s entrance,” comes a good-natured, warm voice. Blazestar had just left his den, snow crunching underpaw. His blue eyes are bright as berries in the daylight sun. It’s inspiring to see his Clan rally together in spite of the tragedy that had spurned the uptick in activity; young Springpaw, stuck in camp since the invention of the new warrior code, has nonetheless been put to work examining the barriers surrounding camp, while Twitchbolt’s bramble-laden pelt is carefully cleaned by Figfeather.

He sits beside the young warriors and Springpaw, his tail curling about massive amber-colored paws. “Let me help, too,” he mews to the group. He lowers his head and loads his jaws carefully with a wad of brambles, careful to avoid pricking the roof of his mouth or his lips. “Springpaw, show us where the weaknesses are, and the rest of us will fill the holes!” He mumbles this through his mouthful of supplies.

, ”
Bobbie trails after her mate, rubbing sleep from her eyes with little success. Her early-morning drowsiness makes perfect sense now, but she wants to get all the extra working time in that she can before she's once again relegated to nursery duties—this time for nearly six and half turns of the moon instead of closer to four and a bit. She's got a mere pawful of days, less than a half-moon, before that eagerly awaited-slash-dreaded day arrives, and for now she follows Blazestar to the clump of cats tending to the camp's barriers.

The tabby cracks a grin at the easy camaderie between the pair of warriors and Springpaw, watching appreciatively as Blazestar scoops up a wad of brambles. She's always loved that about him—the way her mate stubbornly refuses to rule from on high. If she's looking for him in camp, odds are he's chatting with the newest apprentices, giving a new warrior some encouragement, helping out the queens by playing kitten-games. "Maybe you ought to rename him Twitchbramble," she jokes, smiling at her frazzled-looking friend.

"I'd like to help, too, Springpaw," she mews, seizing her own ball of brambles between long fangs that allow her to avoid any discomfort. "Hopefully the rogues will end up looking like Twitchbolt after we're done with this."



Coffeekit was looking to escape his sister's keen eyes the rounded tabby had managed to slip out of the nursery entrance. His parents were off on duty it seemed but Figfeather's scent was still present. Eager to seek his mom out the tiny tom tracked her down towards the front of camp. A place he was usually ushered away from during daylight hours and ushered through prior to nightfall. Eventually, his bright gaze landed on several pelts with his intended find picking out strange bits from the skittish tom he'd met a few days back. Curious he bounded closer eavesdropping in on their conversation. It seemed the weird things were called brambles and his clanmates were patching up the barrier. Something the kit had indeed noticed wrapped around the camps borders.

What a silly dude. He thought bemused before rushing forward and aiming to bunt against Figfeather's legs. Loudly and excitedly he chirruped upward. "Can I help too! Please! Can I?" His pupils enlarged to a comical degree as he pleaded with the vibrant she-cat. Tail wrapped cutely around his paws as their chocolate features intentionally softened. He wanted to hang with all the cool cats too and so Coffeekit wasted no time pulling out all the stops.
[penned by tasmagoric]


Having heard Springpaw’s report to his fellow lead warrior and his response there after, Greeneyes arrival is marked with a laugh.

Stars above, Twitch! “ he meows to his bramble-clad friend as Figfeather comes to the brown and white tom’s aid, “ Did you roll in it?

He isn’t quite sure how Twitchbolt managed such a conundrum, but reminds himself it’s not wholly impossible as he remembers getting his tail tangled in thick underbrush himself amid his journeying days. A smile is shared with Blazestar and Bobbie as they arrive, a nod in agreement. Twitchbramble would suit his friend.

But, the lead warrior’s tangled fur is not Greeneyes’ main purpose for coming over here. His paws itch for a distraction, for something to do in stressful times, and this — repairing the walls, keeping the camp safe — just might be the solution. “ I’ll help too! “ he tells them, moving to pick up his own bundle of supplies. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack

Twitchbolt was her brothers mentor so of course he was as nice as Springpaw was expecting! She blinks up at him with wide blue green eyes and smiles and nods while he talks. He praises her for her good work and she cannot help the purr that rises to her throat. Roseblaze would be so proud of her when she finally came home! Twitchbolt and Orangeblossom and even Blazestar would tell her and Cricketchase how good she was. She didn't even complain about not being able to leave camp anymore like some of the other apprentices under six moons had. But, if she was honest she didn't want to anyways. Seeing Blazingpaw Wolfpaw and Hawkpaw come home all torn up had really scared her. Was that something that could happen to her one day? She doesn't want to get hurt... No. She was safer here, within the confines and the safety of the barrier and she doesn't mind it one bit. "The brambles are supposed to go in the wall not your fur!" she meows with a loud giggle.

And then Ms.Figfeather is there to save the day because of course she is! She's so cool and awesome and she quickly untangles the brambles from the lead warriors fur with expert paws. "I'd love if you helped!" she exclaims, feeling suddenly a bit starstruck. Certainly she had better, cooler, adult things to do, but here she was offering to help her instead! Later she would tell Hawkpaw and Wolfpaw about it loudly enough for Blazingpaw to hear too and he would probably be so jealous, shes so excited for it.

Little does she know, though, it's about to get so much better because now Blazestar is here along with Bobbie and Blazestr is like the top guy and he wants her to be in charge of all of them. It feels kinda like a lot of pressure and for a second, she blanches, but she recovers quickly. She would have some story to tell her parents when they came home. Greeneyes, too, offers his assistance and she nods at all of them "Of course! Right this way all of you" she says, not recognizing her own voice when it is used to boss others around. She much preferred to follow than lead, she's discovered, but this was fun too!