EBONY SKY // o, honey and wet moss

Honey, wet moss. Honey, wet moss. Honey, wet moss.

The short list looped in Tybalt's head as he padded through the territory scraping moss from trees. He took as much as he could carry in his jaws and tucked the rest beneath his chin, though he made no move to soak it. At least not yet. He carried it out of the territory and then skirted along the edge of the river--feeling completely miserable the wetter he became--until he was standing on the edge of Twolegplace beside his parents' graves. Gingerly, he tucked the moss between the stones and then went slithering between twoleg garden fences, eyes flitting up toward the treetops every few seconds. There had to be at least one of what he was looking for around. He'd seen enough of them around as a kit, and the inner twolegplace hadn't even had many trees.

After some time of careful searching, amber optics finally settled on what he'd been looking for. A bee's nest in the lower branches of a tree, too far from the forest territories to be completely polluted by smoke yet. He slipped over the fence and stood looking up at his target for a few moments, considering how best to tackle it. He wouldn't be able to carry whatever he got out back along with the moss--unless he wrapped it in moss, and he didn't want to waste it by getting it sticky.

A glint of shiny black caught the tom's eye then, and he caught sight of a silver trash can with the top off, empty except for the thin black skin that was meant to hold twoleg garbage. Scrabbling up the sides of the slick container, he grabbed the skin between his teeth and yanked. It ripped, but he came away with a sizable chunk, still attached to the red string on it's edge. Good enough.

Turning his attention back to the tree, Tybalt sank his claws into the bark and clambered up onto the branches. He crept toward the hive, flinching as the agitated bees peppered him with warning stings. He smacked the nest with a forceful paw, gritting his teeth through the stings until it fell and broke on the hard ground. The bees scattered after a moment, most of them coming back to sting him.

Tybalt scrambled down the tree and breathed a relieved sigh as he confirmed that the honey was not, in fact, polluted by smoke as he had initially feared. Hurriedly, he shoved the honeycomb into the black skin that had been left fluttering on the ground, yanked it closed as tightly as he could manage, slung the red strap around his neck, and bolted back over the fence the way he had come, bag of honeycomb flailing wildly. He reached the forest boundary, grabbed the moss, and began his miserable trek skirting along the river again, becoming very wet in the process. The moss soaked, but the black skin full of honeycomb bobbed lightly on the water behind him.

He staggered up onto dry land, his sides heaving as he dragged his bounty back towards the camp, wincing at the angry, blistering stings that were scattered over his skin. Triumphantly, he shoved his way back through the camp, dropped the still dripping moss, and slipped the tangle of red strap back over his neck. The black bag fell open and the honeycombs tumbled out onto the grass. He dragged them over to Cinderfrost and then wordlessly took to yanking the stingers out of his pelt.

// Light @cinderfrost tag but feel free to reply before!!

(basically he's been gone a hot minute from the sore throats thread and has now staggered back into camp looking like a literal drowned rat)
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The medicine cat's hastily created patrol returned a few moments before the singular tom did. Teal eyes narrowed as the tom returned with a black think in his mouth. What in the world? Then, it spilled out a valuable resource. Honeycombs.

"Where did you find these?" She thought she'd checked every nook and cranny of ThunderClan. Her ears burned in embarrassment at the thought of overlooking the valuable resource. Softly, her tired voice added, "Thank you."

A curious paw touched the foreign object, startling the molly when it seemingly moved on its own accord. It felt slick and strange. "Eat some of the honey. It'll soothe your throat." She wasn't sure where he'd been but given his current condition...

"Warm up and rest." she added. If he tried to argue, she'd ignore him. The drowned rat tom cat needed to rest. "It's getting closer. We need you rested and healthy," healthy meaning "not about to keel over" in this situation, "especially if the fire continues its steady approach."
Cinderfrost's brow furrowed in confusion, and then once she realized what she was looking at, inquired where he had found it. "Twolegplace," Tybalt answered through gritted teeth as he yanked another stinger free. He'd realized pretty early on in his excursion that he was most likely not supposed to be venturing out of the territory, let alone into Twolegplace, but nobody had directly told him not to, and even if they had, he probably still would have gone anyway. "Thought it'd be far enough out to look for some that wasn't burnt to a crisp."

He gave a small nod in response to her thanks, and then eyed the honey uncertainly. He leaned down to quickly lap some of it up and the took a step back. "Save the rest of it for someone who needs it more," he said, leaning down to lap at his wet pelt. "I'll be all right." He'd rather it go to kits and elders. They'd have more trouble withstanding the smoke.

The brown tom followed the medic's gaze upward, ears twitching as Cinderfrost spoke of the approaching fire. "Where will we go when it does get here?" he asked. It could burn the whole forest to ash, and then what?
Well, that was surprising. The twolegs had beehives? It was hard to believe considering the naked beasts destroyed everything they touched. So, to hear they hadn't completely eradicated the bee population came as a shock.

"It appears your assumptions were correct." Her gaze prodded at every inch of his body. Despite the nasty stingers (something which she could sympathize with), he appeared to be well enough. "Normally, I wouldn't condone an apprentice going out by themselves, especially with how dangerous it is now, but.. I'll let it slide. Thank you for gathering it." Besides, he was nearing the age of most of their warriors.

"Where will we go..?" Her tail flicked toward Emberstar, silently becking her closer. "While I hope it doesn't come to that, I'm sure Emberstar has a plan." For once, the she-cat was being sincere. Surely Emberstar and Howling Wind had come up with a plan for the worst case scenario. ​
Emberstar had been flitting around camp all day, doing whatever needed doing. Since the fire had been discovered this morning there had not been a moment she had been off her paws. Though panic was beginning to set in, she tried not to do it. It felt like there was nothing they could do as the fire crept closer and closer, and part of her feared it would soon engulf the camp and all her friends within. She didn't want to believe that though, so she didn't. All she had to do was keep working, and together her clan would figure this out.

So when Cinderfrost flicked her tail to her, she bounded over without question, ready to lend her aid. Only for the molly to insist that she already had some sort of plan.

She blinked.

"Right!" she lied, shooting Tybalt a confident grin. "I've got everything under control, so don't you worry about a thing!" It was the most boldfaced lie she had ever told. Emberstar had absolutely no idea how to deal with any of this. She needed to keep spirits high though. If they panicked things would just get worse. She'd just... figure out a plan. Quickly.
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