〔✦〕To be out collecting materials after their mentor's death was no easy feat. Darktuft had been killed by a fox a few sunrises ago, mauled beyond recognition — Honeypaw hadn't really. . . mourned, instead choosing to brave the storm and spend time working on providing for the Clan. What kind of cat would they be if they chose to sit in their nest and do nothing all day? Like a lazy kittypet.
Snow sprinkles their golden pelt as the patrol steps through the gorse tunnel. Honeypaw's bones feel like ice, completely frozen and like they will break if someone bumps into them. Their paws are numb, walking is so difficult — like they don't have paws at all. But they found some feathers to show for their efforts. They leave the feathers for someone else to use before deciding that maybe it'd be a good idea to see Gentlestorm and Hopepaw.
The tabby cannot stop shivering as they pad towards the medicine cats' den. A loud sneeze is what makes their presence known to Gentlestorm and Hopepaw. Continuing to tremble, the young apprentice stands at the entrance while waiting for either to come to them. "Co-Cold. . ." Is spoken through chattering teeth, then followed by "C-C-Can't feel. . . paws. . ."
Snow sprinkles their golden pelt as the patrol steps through the gorse tunnel. Honeypaw's bones feel like ice, completely frozen and like they will break if someone bumps into them. Their paws are numb, walking is so difficult — like they don't have paws at all. But they found some feathers to show for their efforts. They leave the feathers for someone else to use before deciding that maybe it'd be a good idea to see Gentlestorm and Hopepaw.
The tabby cannot stop shivering as they pad towards the medicine cats' den. A loud sneeze is what makes their presence known to Gentlestorm and Hopepaw. Continuing to tremble, the young apprentice stands at the entrance while waiting for either to come to them. "Co-Cold. . ." Is spoken through chattering teeth, then followed by "C-C-Can't feel. . . paws. . ."

ooc. 7 health roll (frostbite) and chills for fun + 14 mats roll (feathers) / 2 points
HONEYPAW —— apprentice of thunderclan , mentored by
npc. waspchaser xsorrelmist. littermate to none. ✦ penned by nocthymia
✦ they/them / 6 moons & ages every 7ᵗʰ
✦ single / too young
✦ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
—— combat details here / battle notes
✦ "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
✦ biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
reference image here
a longhaired red tabby with low white, vitiligo and dichroic eyes.