(emo music plays) ive been so good ive been so good this year || climbing on top of the nursery

Aug 1, 2022



Ashkit has been a good bean. She knows for sure. She's stayed in camp and learned about weaving and asked the grown-ups' permission for EVERYTHING. And she knows a few other things for sure, too:

  1. Kittens who are very good for a long time deserve FUN AND EXCITINGS THINGS
  2. She likes to be tall, and getting on top of things is the BEST (10/10, would recommend to other grounded children)
  3. She's gonna be an apprentice soon and she's gotta practice her skills!!

The kitten nods to herself. That settles it. There's only one answer to the facts presented.

She will climb on top of the nursery. As a treat.

Ashkit pads over to the den in question. She's small and weighs basically nothing. The den is strong. And she has claws of steel and amazing incredible strength, of course. There are no possible downsides!

Ash glances around, then braces herself-- crouches, takes a big deep breath, and LEAPS at the outer wall of the nursery.

The little furball clings to the reeds, shimmying and scampering upward just as fast as she can manage. (Not particularly fast.)

She can't help the way she giggles and squeaks with excitement as she pulls herself up the side of the den, higher and higher above the ground. This is awesome!!

—— i found gold in the wreckage

  • in case you're wondering, no, she hasn't thought for a moment about how she'll get down
  • - 3 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - will bite you
    - and then apologize bc she's trying to be good, really, she is
    - latches onto anyone who shows her affection
"Wo-hoah! Ashkit you're so high up!" Steepkit's citrus gaze swung from the floor to the top of the patchwork nursery. Atop its woven heights was a scrap of terracotta, latching onto the twisted lattice. She didn't know the tabby had it in her! But now she knew, and a fellow cat of adventure wouldn't be forgotten.

Eager monochrome paws met the leafy wall, ready. That looked super fun and Steepkit wasn't one to back down from a challenge. Briefly, she looked about to check for any of her family. What would Ma' and Da' think...?

Oh it didn't matter, no way she wouldn't join in. Braced limbs bobbed once, twice, then erupted into a leap that got her to a satisfying distance from the floor. Her weight fell on her in the impact, tail flicking for a beat as she tested her sturdy stance. It was solid. "You had the right idea, this is great! We're gonna be the strongest of the bunch come apprenticeship. " Words puffed between grabs at the uneven, vertical surface, Steepkit spoke with gusto.

His return to camp, fish in tow, immediately went from the calm relief of coming from a successful hunt to the jerking reality of just how troublesome kittens were. His trout was dropped unceremoniously at the edge of the tall reeds surrounding their little domicile and he sprinted forward to the nursery where two of the little furballs were racing to see who could get themselves killed the fasted. Kittens were horribly fragile, terribly soft and he doubted a fall from high enough would be survivable especially with their clumsy paws and the angle of it. The image of tiny broken bodies in his head had him stopping just under the dynamic duo in their escapade.
He was much too heavy to climb up as well, he might cave in the entire roof in his floundering about (and climbing was not his strong suit anyways) so he stood there under them with growing unease.
"You two get down from there right now before you fall." Despite Smokethroat's impulse to just call them stupid and yell at them, he managed to keep his tone sharp but steady and sternly insistent rather than angry. If there was one thing he learned from seeing the kits about the camp: it was they treated you being angry as a challenge more often than not.
He also learned that there was one threat that worked most of the time, "I will go and fetch your MOTHERS."

  • Haha
Reactions: Steepsnout
Deeply frightened by the sound of something rattling the nursery walls, Peachkit had curled herself into a tight ball as she watched the entrance with wide eyes. Were they being attacked? Had a monster of some kind found the camp? What if it ate her? With a frightened squeak, she scurried further back into the den.

And then she could hear conversation coming from outside, and the little dilute tortie slowly worked up the nerve to go and investigate. Nervously, she poked her head out of the nursery and saw Smokethroat staring up at...something. Peachkit shuffled out and stood next to him, standing on her toes to try and get a better view, only to see two of her denmates sitting atop their leafy sanctuary.

"But..." Peachkit said after a moment of consideration, "How are you going to get down?" Climbing up the den was one thing, but climbing down was completely different. "What if you fall?" Maybe she ought to go and get Beesong to be on standby. Just in case.

Smokethroat's threat reached Fernkit's ears, and immediately his eyes shot wide- wider. Icesparkle was not a strict she-cat by any means, and she did not revel in shouting at her children... but, if Steepkit was doing something wrong she'd definitely get a light scolding, and even that was generally enough to make Fernkit feel awfully guilty. Sidling up in a clumsy today beside Peachkit, he was similarly too frozen with apprehension to join the two of them up there, his stick-thin legs trembling even as he took a seat.

Unlike the dilute calico beside him, though, he did not think of the logic of their escape. He only surmised that they needed to do it, or the almighty jaws of their mothers would clamp around their scruffs and drag them, kicking and thrashing, into a scolding. "Yeah, huh-what if you fall? Guysssss!" A tiny cranium blurred to and fro, behind and forward behind and forward behind and forward. No sign of the fabled mothers yet. "You'll- you'll get told off, 'n you'll get- you'll get in trouble! Steepkit!" He urged his sister particularly, pond-grime eyes so full of urgency they looked almost as if they were popping out of his skull.
( penned by pin )
  • Love
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Clay is having a good day. Another fishing attempt was made, and even though he failed he felt a bit better about his skills than he had before. He was having a good day. But as he passes by the nursery, he spots a familiar scrap of fur somewhere much higher than that little rascal had any right to be. He knows as well as anyone that he isn't her parent, but he feels protective of the little kit. So he's off running for the nursery without a second thought, mind racing with thoughts of what could happen if she falls.

Smokethroat is there before him—and by the stars, Clayfur could almost hug the guy. He's too serious sometimes and definitely needs, like, a spa day or something, but! He has his head on straight; a stark contrast to Clayfur, whose entire plan was to just freak out and run around outside the nursery like a headless chicken. He takes a deep breath—the lead warrior has this under control. Threatening to tell their moms, that's a good one. This is fine.

Then Fernkit shouts for his sister, and Clay? Clay needs to lie down. Because sure enough, without a single paw on the ground, there's Steepkit. "Oh my-" Icesparkle is going to flip. Mudpelt is… also probably going to freak out. "Ashkit, Steepkit!" He isn't panicking. Nope. Just calm down. Deep breaths.

The tom shakes his head as though to clear it, then squints up at the two troublesome kits. "That sure looks like fun, being up so high! I bet you guys would have a lot more fun down here with us, though." He glances around at the others, flicking his tail in the direction of Peachkit, who has brought up the question of how they're going to actually get down. And yeah, he's got no idea. Maybe he should go get someone more capable—Cicadastar would know what to do! Or maybe even Buckgait, or Willowroot. They're all smart cats, they'd know what to do.


Ashkit laughs, giddy with delight, as Steepkit joins her on the nursery wall. Two determined little fuzzballs clambering as fast as they can to the top!

"We ARE gonna be!" Ashkit meows, triumphant, in response to Steep's assertion. "The BESTEST of the bunch!"

Their enthusiasm, however, is not matched by anybody else. Clanmates gather pretty quickly below them-- Smokethroat threatens, very angry and sour and grown-uppy (Ash doesn't understand how scared he is)-- Peachkit frets over how they'll get down (Oh. Hmm. Ash makes a mental note of this. Peachkit has a worrying point)-- while Fernkit panics about scoldings and whips his head back and forth and back and forth and back and forth.

"DON'T WORRY!" Ash yells down to all of them. For a tiny kitten, she can be VERY loud, and now she's waaaay up high! With nothing to keep her voice from carrying, she bets EVERYONE can hear her. "WE ARE REALLY AWESOME AND STRONG! SO WE WON'T FALL!"

Panting, tiny muscles straining, the little orange kitten finally heaves herself up over the curve. Wow! Wow, wow, wow! She's on TOP! Clayfur calls up to them that the ground is funner, but that's crazy! It's probably just because he's never been up here. This is the most fun Ash has had in weeks.

It's still curved but flatter up here, so as long as she digs her claws in she can stand. Wiggling and dancing with excitement, she adds, still at the top of her lungs, "ALSO I CAN'T GET DOWN SO I THINK WE HAVE TO LIVE UP HERE NOW!"

It's a pretty good solution, honestly. She's basically a genius. If they live up here then they can't get scolded, now can they? And she'll have company! Ashkit and Steepkit, refugees from the faraway ground-world, taking on the perilous roof-world with nothing but the power of friendship! (And super strong muscles.)

—— i found gold in the wreckage

  • ooc text goes here
  • - 3 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - will bite you
    - and then apologize bc she's trying to be good, really, she is
    - latches onto anyone who shows her affection
A few final stretches dragged the kit over the hump with Ashkit. Steepkit let out a huff of satisfaction, the pride painted all along her posture. What cut through it though, was the gravelled declaration called from below. Her mother? Oh man oh man! Amber shock met Smokethroat's concern, a disappointed, accusatory frown levelled at the snow-spotted warrior. "I won't forget this!" A cutting threat, a ferocious promise. Icesparkle wouldn't be mean, but Steepkit wanted to avoid disappointing her for sure.

Her brother's wailing cries brought the kit from her staredown with her new nemesis. "Ferrnnn" The mimicry was teasing, her eyes crinkled with glee. "Do not fear my, stinky, stinky brother! I've got this." Declaration made midstep, Steepkit wobbled closer to the edge of the nursery. Once her front paws hit an angle almost horizontal, the tiny cat sprang towards the floor. Fearless!

Two feet hit the floor, bracing and then-"Oumf-" Dust coated her tongue, jaw bumped against the ground hard. Snapping her lids shut and swaying a little, it took the monochrome kit a second to bounce back. But she did! A small chuckle of embarrassment followed her journey back onto her feet. Steepkit looked around at those gathered, who had warned her not to jump. "Ha- you guys were right! That hurt... I fink I bit my cheek. Maybe try something else Ashkit!" Cheeks puffed out this way and that as she rolled her tongue around her teeth, she looked back up at her co-conspirator.

Steepkit cursed him, her little threat made with an absolution that in an older and experienced warrior he might have taken seriously; but she was like a few moons and was probably going to forget this the literal next time something even remotely exciting happened so he could live with this burden of having disappointed a child. It would not have been the first time and it will not be the last time he had earned someone's ire and such big talk from someone he could pick up and throw was not even a little daunting.
As the monochrome kitten moves to clamber back down he moves to try and catch her but she thumps down before he can react, though it was far from a high tumble and she didn't seem hurt outside a little bumped otherwise. With a careful dip of his head he attempted to nudge her closer to Clayfur who was being about as useful as he expected given one of the kits into mischief was his family, "Let your uncle see if you chipped a tooth or something."
Now onto the final matter. Ashkit. Her bold insistence in continuing was met with a disapproving stare and the earthen-toned tabby next to him's comment about 'sure its fun up there' was met with a sharp look that spoke enough without him saying a word. The fierce little she-cat was already at the top by the time they had situated Steepkit and he frowned intently at her declaration as he considered what best to do. The nursery was reinforced well enough, the kits were all outside it currently and it was empty, would he risk trying to climb atop it? The worse case scenario was having to rebuild it from scratch but that was fine; they could just have the kits with the warriors until it was done; he was sure the little furballs would even enjoy that.
With a huffing sigh he rose onto his hindlegs and braced himself against the side of the folded reeds before putting a hindpaw up to try and lift himself slowly, carefully to the top. Smokethroat would admit climbing was not his strong suit at all, but something had to be done.
"I can help you down, Ashkit. Do you really want to live up there? You'll not get to play with the others again, you won't get to learn to fish or collect seashells. Cicadastar will make your name 'Ashnurseryroof' because nothing else would be suiting."
Fully climbing up was a little too risky, but he had so far managed to get just high enough, braced against it, that if the kitten moved toward him he could grab her by her scruff (or her entire head at this rate) and get down safely.


Steepkit drops from her perch and—Clayfur is going to keel over from stress, he's sure of it. He's getting gray hairs, can practically feel them growing in. He lurches forward too slowly, watching his niece hit the ground with a thud that causes him to pin his ears back. She hops back up quickly enough, but Ashkit is still up on the top of the nursery, and she doesn't seem to be giving up all her bravado yet.

Icesparkle is not going to be happy if she finds out that Steepkit got hurt under his watch. Even though it's not actually his watch, he just happened to stumble upon a couple of kits being, well, kits. And Mudpelt—he's going to smack Clay for real this time! It was bad enough when Clayfur encouraged Darkkit's cursing, but his precious niece getting injured will probably be enough to warrant a cuff or two over the ears.

As soon as he's able to, the brown tabby sweeps his way over to the black and white kit, hunkering down to get closer to her level. Smokethroat mentions chipped teeth, and he nearly chokes on air. "A chipped tooth? Oh my stars, Steep, are you alright? Not dizzy or anything?" If his voice is strained, well, that's not really his concern. He turns to glance at Fernkit, then Peachkit. Angel children, he decides they are. "Ferny, Peachkit, you two are such good kits. Maybe you can help us find Beesong after we get Ashkit down?" Beesong will know what to do. They're the, uh—the mediciner, or whatever.

Smokethroat begins to scale the side of the nursery, stretching up as far as he can without taking the wall down in its entirety. Of course, he's a man of action, and Clay respects that about him. If anyone will ensure that Ashkit doesn't fall, it's RiverClan's badass lead warrior. "Ashnurseryroof, could you please just let Smokethroat help you come back down here?" His ear is beginning to ring again, probably brought on by the stress he's putting himself under.
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