✧ tree treestride
— tree for the swirling barklike pattern of her coat. stride for her confident and brash nature.
— agender \ she/they \ lesbian
— 23 moons \ ages on the 1st of every month
— member of marsh group, warrior of windclan
✧ npc xx npc
✧ single, polyamorous
✧ mentoring n/a
— previously mentored n/a
— mentored by n/a
✧ dark chocolate braided tabby with hazel eyes.
— tree is a slender, long-legged beauty of a feline, taking great pride in her appearance. their fur is patched and swirled all over with flashes of pale browns cut through with darker, near-black stripes. her tail is long and fluffy, with silky fur that she flicks into the faces of those who annoy her.
— n/a
✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: strategic, intelligent, cheery
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: ambitious, selfish, undetermined
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: vain, judgmental, harsh
— although easily flustered around pretty she-cats, tree is the picture of self-confidence. she knows that she is good-looking, and she knows that she can achieve just about anything that she sets her mind to. they keep themself meticulously clean, and is often found grooming their lustrous coat instead of whatever other tasks should be done first thing in the morning. her vanity can bleed into a judgmental eye, which she turns upon each and every cat she crosses paths with. though she strives to reach the top of her class in everything that she does, tree lacks the determination to see things through to the end, and often abandons things halfway through, when she's lost interest in them. while normally a bright and cheery gal, they can be cold toward those they consider outsiders—not necessarily all strangers, but those who they do not understand. they are willing to do what is best for themself, their family, and their clan; no one else matters to them, though this selfishness can quickly transform into generosity around those they consider allies. she is a strategic, thorough she-cat, and plans her days out with care.
— neutral good
✧ approach to others
✧ very stealthy, quick runner
✧ poor fighter, hates getting dirty
✧ peaceful or healing powerplay allowed
✧ smells like honey
✧ voiceclaim: [here]
— penned by foxlore