• GENERALI call your name as I fall from life
    white for her pigment-less form dawn for her hope and optimistic nature
    cisgender female, she/her
    ↪ hetero-demisexual - slow developing crush on Addervenom
    17 moons, ages the 28th of every month or at rper's description
    windclan; tunneler warrior
    penned by euphoria

  • APPEARANCEThe blue and red and white all are
    petite albino she-cat with long wispy fur and rosy eyes
    Petite, while born to already a pair of small cats, Whitedawn is notably runty and very petite. She is made up mostly of dainty limbs and could be considered tall if she was an average-small-built cat. Born as an albino, Whitedawn lacks all forms of pigment on her being, with pink being the only faint color someone could pick out from her ivory form. Her eyes are naturally wide, though almost always appearing serene and soft, while in the typical pink hue of an albino. She is a longhaired cat, her fur made of soft, semi-curled wisps that catch on things very easily. Her fur is also very long and willowy, giving her an almost ethereal appearance to her form. During the warmer seasons, her fur will usually have pink (of varying shades) blossoms and petals tangled within her coat of the wildflowers dotted amongst Windclan's moors.
    smells like sugar and wild flowers, with a faint hint of dirt given her rank as a tunneler
    sounds like Kilia Kurayami
    weak immune system, sensitive eyes and skin from albinism

    ↪ link to toyhouse!
  • PERSONALITYBlurring with the light and I
    POSITIVE TRAITS: Agreeable, Charming, Genuine, Observant, Sweet, Sentimental
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: Dreamy, Emotional, Impressionable, Mellow, Quiet, Devoted
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: Anxious, Delicate, Dependent, Insecure, Shy

    ↪ One could easily consider Whitedawn as a rather empathetic and gentle-hearted soul, who appears heavily optimistic. However, often on the first meeting, she's rather quiet and shy. She doesn't speak often unless around someone she's familiar with, and even then, she is very soft-spoken, usually speaking above a whisper or a murmur. She's emotionally sensitive, and very anxious, constantly worrying about offending those she deems important to her. This allows her to be extremely observant, always watching and listening to how people behave. She tends to wear a bit of a "mask" where she appears demurely happy, even if she's not happy deep down, at least until she reaches a breaking. She is easy to upset and even more prone to stress. She also seems prone to moments of shock-induced apathy, commonly during traumatic events, yet only involving the death of those she isn't close with. For those she knows well, it is a heavy emotional blow to her, one that she will typically carry for a great period. A notable trait is Whitepaw's persistent loyalty to those she is close to. It is an almost unwavering devotion and one that she follows through completely. Of course, her devotion isn't as ironclad as it appears, as she is still very sensitive, and her loyalty to individuals can easily wane if she perceives she's being treated too aggressively or cruelly.
    social anxiety disorder
    ↪ ISFJ

    ↪ Hufflepuff, Fairy & Normal Type
  • RELATIONSHIPSShout within this world that is muted
    ↪ 4 deceased siblings - all unnamed
    ↪ cousin to SNAKEHISS
    cousin (1x removed) to Cricketkit, Violetkit, and Privetkit
    mates with??
    ↪ any offspring???
    mentored by AMBERTAIL, Owlface
    ↪ currently mentoring SPOTPAW
    ↪ mentored...
    ACQUAINTANCES: Burnetpaw
    LIKES: Sparrowbreeze
    CASUAL FRIENDS: Harrierstripe Petalpaw Peonybreeze Thriftfeather
    CLOSE FRIENDS: Moorblossom Bluefrost
    BEST FRIENDS:Sunflowermask Addervenom Cottonpaw
    DISLIKES: Riverclan, Snakehiss, Heathermoon, Skyclan
    HATES: Sootstar, Loyalists

  • INTERACTIONTell me exactly what you are looking for
    what are they like in battle? difficulty level
    will rarely start fights, likely to finish them, and will run away if solo

    ↪ STRENGTH: ★☆☆☆☆

    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★☆☆☆

    ↪ SPEED: ★★★★☆

    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★

    ↪ SWIMMING: ☆☆☆☆

    ↪ HUNTING: ★★
    Complex to Befriend
    on the surface, Whitedawn is immensely easy to befriend, however, due to her anxiety, a negative interaction that she may perceive as her fault, may make her more hesitant toward further interactions.
    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★★☆☆

    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★★☆☆

    ↪ MEMORY: ★★★★☆

    ↪ HEALING: ☆☆☆☆

    ↪ WISDOM: ★★★☆☆

    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★★
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  • whitekit, whitepaw whitedawn; white for her pigment-less form dawn for her hope and optimism
    ─ windclan tunneler warrior; no previous allegiances
    ─ afab, she/her; demiromantic heterosexual, monogamist / polyamorous─ likely monogamist
    ─ created 03.01.23 at 2 moons / 17 moons / ages every 28th or at rper's discretion
    ↳ penned by euphoria

    ↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    petite albino she-cat with long wispy fur and rosy eyes / reference
    Petite, while born to already a pair of small cats, Whitedawn is notably runty and very petite. She is made up mostly of dainty limbs and could be considered tall if she was an average-small-built cat. Born as an albino, Whitedawn lacks all forms of pigment on her being, with pink being the only faint color someone could pick out from her ivory form. Her eyes are naturally wide, though almost always appearing serene and soft, while in the typical pink hue of an albino. She is a longhaired cat, her fur made of soft, semi-curled wisps that catch on things very easily. Her fur is also very long and willowy, giving her an almost ethereal appearance to her form. During the warmer seasons, her fur will usually have pink (of varying shades) blossoms and petals tangled within her coat of the wildflowers dotted amongst Windclan's moors.
    ↳ [genetics] LH Albino w/ pink eyes - Masking Solid White / Lilac Rosette tabby with low white (carrying solid & non bengal modifier)​

    ↳ ( Mentality ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    Intelligence ●●●●●●●○○○
    Confidence ●●●●○○○○○○
    Charisma ●●●●●○○○○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●●●○○
    Empathy ●●●●●●●●●○
    Humor ●●●●●○○○○○
    neutral good, ISFJ ❝ the defender ❞
    (+) Agreeable, Charming, Genuine, Observant, Sweet, Sentimental (/) Dreamy, Emotional, Impressionable, Mellow, Quiet, Devoted (-) Anxious, Delicate, Dependent, Insecure, Shy. One could easily consider Whitedawn a rather empathetic and gentle-hearted soul, who appears heavily optimistic. However, often on the first meeting, she's rather quiet and shy. She doesn't often speak unless around someone she's familiar with, and even then, she is very soft-spoken, rarely speaking above a whisper or a murmur. She's emotionally sensitive, and very anxious, constantly worrying about offending those she deems important to her. This allows her to be extremely observant, always watching and listening to people's behavior. She tends to wear a bit of a "mask" where she appears demurely happy, even if she's not happy deep down, at least until she reaches a breaking. She is easy to upset and even more prone to stress. She also seems prone to moments of shock-induced apathy, commonly during traumatic events, yet only involving the death of those she isn’t close with. For those she knows well, it is a heavy emotional blow to her, one that she will typically carry for a great period. A notable trait is Whitedawn’s persistent loyalty to those she is close to. It is an almost unwavering devotion and one that she follows through completely. Of course, her devotion isn’t as ironclad as it appears, as she is still susceptible, and her loyalty to individuals can easily wane if she perceives she’s being treated too aggressively or cruelly.
    ↳ mannerisms Speaks softly, Apologizes often, Looks down when walking, Tilts her head when listening, Stares briefly when thinking, has a tendency to break eye contact when hesitant, shifts from paw to paw, ears and tail are frequently twitching or flicking.

    ↳ ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    GREYHAWK x ALDERPATH sibling to four deceased and unnamed siblings | mentoring Spotpaw, mentored by Ambertail, Owlface
    Mate to no one| Parent to no one | Maternal cousin to Snakehiss, cousin (1x removed) to Cricketkit, Violetkit, and Privetkit
    — Admires Tigerfrost, Ambertail, Spiderbloom, Sunflowermask
    — Acquaintances Burnetpaw, Windclan
    — Casual Friends Harrierstripe, Petalpaw, Peonypaw, Thriftfeather
    — Close Friends Bluefrost, Moorblossom
    — Best Friends Sunflowermask, Addervenom, Cottonfang
    — Likes Sparrowbreeze
    — Dislikes Riverclan, Snakehiss, Heathermoon, Skyclan
    — Loathes Sootstar, Loyalists

    ↳ ( Interaction ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    strength ●●●○○○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●●●○○○
    agility ●●●●●●●●●○
    hunting ●●●●●○○○○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ○○○○○○○○○○
    grace ●●●●●●●●●○
    single [not actively looking/would likely occur on those she’s very close with ]; hetero/demi-sexual/romantic, likely monogamist/slightly beginning to crush on Addervenom
    Whitedawn trusts very easily and is immensely easy to befriend, however, due to her anxiety, a negative interaction that she may perceive as her fault may make her more hesitant toward further interactions.
    — physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 60% ]
    — (will not) start fights | (will) end fights | (will) flee (if solo) | (will) show mercy
    excels at speed and stealth
    poor at skill fighting, swimming and climbing
    sounds like soft-spoken and sweet sounding (with a slight british accent) / kilia kurayami
    smells like sugar and flowers
    — healing & peaceful & playful powerplay allowed, etc.
    — speech is #FFE6F6
  • ( Backstory / simplified history )
    Whitedawn was born to a couple named Greyhawk and Alderpath, with four other siblings who did not survive. Alderpath had passed a moon before her birth, and Greyhawk neglected her, leaving the cats of the clan to name her, and not naming any of her late siblings. Greyhawk nursed her until she was weaned, and then left the nursery.

    ( Important Threads )
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development

    (☆)little dreamer ღ intro ──── whitekit's intro
    (☆)Way Too Young to Lie Here Forever ღ tug of war ──── whitekit challenges adderkit to a game of tug of war and looses
    (☆)rather nap than wonder || gift for whitekit. ──── sunflowerpaw gifts whitekit a dove feather
    (★)burdened heart ღ confrontation ──── during a rainy day, whitekit has an unpleasant encounter with her estranged mother
    (★)a sharp drop and a sudden stop — return with juniper's body ──── juniperfrost is murdered and sootstar summons the kits to see the body (white post n/a; she is there in spirit)
    (☆)moonlit playtime ღ prompt/hide and seek ──── whitekit challenges her denmates to a game of hunters and hares
    (☆)zippin' & zoomin' ღ race ──── whitekit challenges harrierkit to a race
    (☆)KILL ON GOD'S COMMAND ↺ [ war ] ──── after witnessing Juniperfrost's body, Moorkit takes out her emotional frustrations on an unsuspecting whitekit
    (☆)JUST LIKE A WALTZ || nest decorating ──── sunflowerpaw is injured, so whitekit, cottonkit and goldenpaw offered to help decorate their nest.
    (★)LUZ Y SOMBRA [✨] meeting 03.16. ──── whitekit attends the meeting; earns the name whitepaw and is a tunneler apprentice assigned to Ambertail
    (★)atonement|whitepaw ──── adderpaw apologizes for roughly dragging whitepaw in the tug of war thread.
    (☆)NEVER WALK ALONE // explaining duties] ──── shadowpaw takes whitepaw on a tour of the duties of an apprentice after the meeting.
    (★)if i didn't care — training ──── whitepaw’s first time in the tunnels while training with Ambertail.
    (☆)delicate weavings ღ flowers ──── whitepaw learns of flower weaving and weaves flower crowns with her denmates and Vulturemask.
    (☆)blooming shadows ღ olive branch ──── whitepaw brings gifts in an attempt to befriend Windclan’s reclusive medicine cat, Vulturemask.
    Thread Name ──── brief description.
    Thread Name ──── brief description.
  • text here

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text here

[box=50%][justify][font=georgia]text here[/font][/justify] [right][font="georgia"][color=#FFD6F0][[/color][color=#FFD8F1]I[/color][color=#FFDBF2]'[/color][color=#FFDEF3]M[/color] [color=#FFE3F5]B[/color][color=#FFE6F6]R[/color][color=#FFE9F7]E[/color][color=#FFEBF8]A[/color][color=#FFEEF9]T[/color][color=#FFF1FA]H[/color][color=#FFF4FB]I[/color][color=#FFF6FC]N[/color][color=#FFF9FD]G[/color][color=#FFFCFE]][/color][/font][/right]
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Heart Chart and Opinions!

Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

Reply with your characters here to see how Whitepaw feels about them!
” I really like Sunflowerpaw.” Whitepaw speaks softly, kneading the earth beneath her paws.“They’re nice. I don’t have to make myself louder to be heard and comfortable with them.” She adds, tilting her head.“I dunno, we don’t know each other well but I guess a sorta “clicked” with them and I consider them a close friend.”

Snakepaw /
Whitepaw’s gentle expression switches to a frown.“Snakepaw,” She starts. “He’s my cousin, though it’s easy to forget given he avoids me most of the time.” She huffs.“How I feel about him is… complicated, I guess. I wanna get to know him, but from what I've seen and heard, he’s… rude.” Whitepaw huffs.“It’s… not a great feeling, to know you have family and for some reason, they just… don’t like you. I don’t fully understand really, he seems close with his mom and dad, yet none of them really talk to me.” She murmurs, seeming a bit sad. “I wish they did.”

Adderpaw /
Whitepaw perks up again.“I like Adderpaw! I don’t know him fully, I know him about as well as you could know anyone you shared a den with if I’m being honest.” She shrugged but smiled.“I think he’s nice, though he doesn’t seem to show it a lot for some reason.” She tilts her head.“A while ago I challenged him to a game of tug of war, and I lost fairly badly, but I didn’t mind. Adderpaw had stormed off though…” She murmured, pouting somewhat.“For a while, I thought I made him upset but he apologized! So it’s okay now.” She beamed before she froze and gave a sheepish smile.“Uhh don’t tell him I said that though… I don’t think he’d be happy about it.” She sheepishly giggles.

Tigerfrost /
” I really admire Tigerfrost, I think he’s really cool.” Whitepaw hums. ”I don’t interact with many of the warriors but he’s one of the few that seems to look out for me and it’s nice.” She admitted.”He gave me shade during my apprentice ceremony! I know it’s a little odd but it meant a lot to me. I really don’t like daytime meetings.” She pouts for a second before smiling. ”I know some of my clanmates seem to find him scary? I don’t really get why… I feel safe with him.” She shrugged. “Which is more than I can say for a majority of my clanmates if I have, to be honest.”

write your character's opinion on them <3
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