- Aug 9, 2022
- 689
- 327
- 63

The inkspill of a tom ambled along the log to the end before slowly dipping his paws into the water and gradually sliding in until all but the top of his head was submerged, swimming alone was not really something he'd recommend to anyone not used to the water but he'd done this often enough times before it came natural; like a second pelt being pulled over his first. Lifting his legs up into a neat tuck into his sides he floated, fur pooling up around him and tail listlessly drifting behind. Sometimes, he thought to himself, that if he could have anything he desired in the entire world he would wish for the gills of a fish and live beneath the pulsing river surface for the rest of his life; fully submerged and sleeping among the reeds and gentle current. Perhaps it was silly, but he felt more comfortable in the water than on land, felt he could handle socializing more if he could just be in the river to talk to others as if its cold and wet presence was an encouraging embrace. If only life were so simple. He rolled with a twist to his back, let himself float and drift from the shore like a lazy otter.