sensitive topics everybody knows || bullying


// cw for ableism, both internal and external. specifically with regards to autism (flat affect and nonverbality) and an injured leg.

Sunflowerpaw has become accustomed to watching cats come and go from the medicine den, their vantage point at its entrance giving them a good view of every patient who comes to see Vulturemask. It's gotten a bit less busy in the days since the raid, but every so often someone new filters in. Two apprentices, today, faces that Sunflowerpaw recognizes from the nursery. Dawnpaw and Duskpaw, inseparable siblings, only a moon older than themself. They've barely seen the two of them since their apprentice ceremony, both tunnelers. Sunflowerpaw doesn't like them very much.

The two hover at the medicine den's entrance, Dawnpaw chattering away to his sister, and Sunflowerpaw is content to idly eavesdrop. Seems Duskpaw was scratched up in the raid, but refused to see Vulturemask about it -- she's scared of him, they know, has good reason to be -- and now her injury has only worsened. They stick close to the entrance, clearly not wanting to seek the medicine cat out themselves. Their words filter through the younger apprentice' ears, only catching their full attention when they hear their own name.

"Oh hey, is that -- is that Sunflowerkit?" says Dawnpaw, voice ever too loud to prevent eavesdropping.

"Sunflowerpaw, now." Duskpaw responds, softer.

"Right, right, Sunflowerpaw. The one who's always like -- " He strops abruptly, and Sunflowerpaw glances over. His eyes are bugged out, face a parody of their own wide-eyed neutrality. It's frankly insulting, doesn't look like them at all. Duskpaw huffs a laugh, though, causing her brother to chuckle along with her. "Yeah, yeah, the silent one with the weird stare, you know 'em! Vulturemask's uh --" Dawnpaw's gaze flicks to their own, and they quickly turn away, busy themself in fiddling with their nest. His voice grows quieter. "You know. One of the kits he brought in. Weird that they're here, I didn't see 'em in the raid."

"And you're only just now noticing them, so clearly your observational skills could use some work." A pause. "They weren't in the raid. You really didn't hear...?" Dawnpaw shakes his head, they presume. Duskpaw's response is too hushed to hear.

"Wait, really? Makes sense I guess, they always were wandering off." A bit of amusement enters his voice as he lowers it, clearly thinking they can't hear. "Wonder if they cried. We could never get 'em to cry, remember? Bet the little freak doesn't even have emotions." Sunflowerpaw's heart lurches. They haven't changed, then. This is exactly why they dislike the two, all the things they'd say and do leaving a pit in the kit's stomach, yet they never had the words to respond.

"Mm. I heard they stopped speaking again when they came back." They curl up a bit tighter in their nest out of shame. Neither of the siblings seems to notice.

"Oh, huh. I didn't think they ever spoke. You haven't heard 'em, right? Maybe you've been lied to Duskie, I think the kid's a mute. No thoughts in that little head of theirs, huh? I mean, look at 'em. Fuckin' idiot."

"Keep your voice down, Dawnie, you don't want Vulturemask hearing you."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Don't know why he gets so pissy about the little weirdo. Hey, hey, you think that paw's gonna heal? It'd be real funny to see 'em try and walk, all stumbling around and falling over and shit." he snickers. "You know, I think they're gonna just stay in here forever! Then Vulturemask can keep his dumbass little pet all to himself. Good riddance, heh."

A growl starts building in Sunflowerpaw's throat. Shut up, shut up, shut up! They bury their face in their good paw, tail lashing, body held tense.

An Oh shit, from Dawnpaw, and a Come on, from Duskpaw precede the pattering of pawsteps further into the medicine den; it seems the two heard them. Their giggles echo throughout the den. Even once they've left, though, their words stick in Sunflowerpaw's mind like burrs in their pelt, thorny and impossible to ignore. They can't refute them, is the worst part. Nothing they said was untrue, if worded cruelly. They can hardly speak, hardly express themself, and now they can't walk. What good even are they?


  • // sorry for the long post! don't feel pressured to match it ^^; considered making it a oneshot, but i figured i'd leave it open for anyone who wants to respond. go wild!!

    duskpaw & dawnpaw are just one off npcs, feel free to do powerplay them in your own posts 👍
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 4 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled121_20230316165404.png
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❪ TAGS ❫ — Snakepaw has a keen ear for gossip. He is quick to pick up on the snickering between Duskpaw and Dawnpaw, two siblings with whom he's acquainted and chats with occasionally. They are all clearly very... similar to one another.

The obsidian tom is not directly involved in their conversation, as they are lingering near the entrance of the medicine den. Snakepaw himself hadn't received any major injuries in the raid, meaning that he had no reason to stick around in Vulturemask's presence, though he is close enough to catch some of their words. "You know, I think they're gonna just stay in here forever! Then Vulturemask can keep his dumbass little pet all to himself."

"Hmph." Snakepaw huffs through his nostrils, seemingly in agreement with the duo. He's talking aloud at this point, not to anybody in particular, and is seated from a distance that should be out of earshot from the tortie. "What good will they be if they can't leave the medicine den? Talk about a waste of space." Even the thought of the other apprentice being a permanent patient brewed annoyance within Snakepaw. Why should Sunflowerpaw get to eat and sleep for free while everybody else worked their tails off hunting, checking the borders, training, and tunneling? Even if they did heal enough to become mobile again, would they ever walk normally? Would they ever be a competent tunneler?

Sheer prejudice and venom spit from Snakepaw's maw now as he grumbles, "Maybe StarClan was punishing Vulturemask for bringing them here in the first place." What if that was an omen in disguise, a means to warn WindClan that enough was enough? First the influx of battered rogues, then Silverpaw, then the recent orphan that Badgermoon brought into camp. Surely StarClan wasn't happy about a bunch of outsiders living on their ancestral lands! His father certainly wasn't, which meant that he certainly wasn't, either.
  • Crying
──⇌•〘 INFO Wolfsong has always made it a point to hear and see much of the goings on in camp, though today, he's sure there are three apprentices who might wish he didn't. "Sometimes," Wolfsong begins, leaning in close to Snakepaw, his voice the picture of pleasantry, "when you are silent, I can imagine the blissful peace that existed before your birth." He smiles at the apprentice as though praising him, then turns his gaze thoughtfully to the sky. "I was not convinced of StarClan's power until it became clear to me they had cursed you with a skull filled with three, lonely, dried hare turds. I hear them rattling around when you walk." When he looks back to Snakepaw, the smile is gone. "The elder's den will be your nursery for the next seven days. You will clean every nest and ensure every elder's needs are met. I've heard a few might be home to ticks."

He stands and considers pursuing the two other apprentices, but his priority for now is his own. Wolfsong will remember their faces, and if Vulturemask doesn't get to them before the end of the day, he will. Though he knows they are all just foolish children, it does little to appease the protective snake in his chest, rearing and showing its curved fangs on their behalf.

He slips into the medicine den, approaching their pale silhouette until he's able to sit beside them. "Your paw will heal," he says softly. "And when it does, I will show you how to send apprentices like that begging for your mercy." One can only hope it is a lesson those children would take to heart. "Before Sootstar gave you to my care, I hoped you would be my apprentice. When I first saw you attacking Gravelpaw's tail, I saw potential. I saw clever eyes and how they might rival a raven's." He inhales, thinks, then adjusts. "If speaking often were a sign of intelligence, you wouldn't be able to see the sun through Dawnpaw's ears."
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Firefang has always seen the appeal of bullying; as horrible as that sounded. It was a shove to do better to prove someone wrong and improve. Someone needed to be a pusher to throw their weight around and inspire those who were worthy and beat down those who weren’t. The difference between her Dawnpaw, Duskpaw, and Snakepaw is she had merit she could back up her words and had earned the right to dominate. She’s calmed down plenty since her early days as an apprentice with a chip on her shoulder and everything to prove when she became a Moor-Runner apprentice yet she still holds back much more, her sharpness was still there only holstered for when it was appropriate.

She’s seen so many apprentices she once tormented become stronger and worthy of their place in Windclan - she’s also seen plenty of them become little shitbag mousehearted bastards; she doubts Sunflowerpaw would be the ladder. Like Wolfsong she believes they showed promise and while they were a little oddly silent they seemed enthusiastic to be an apprentice until an accident that was out of their control rendered them stuck in the medicine den. Their physical weakness wasn’t something that could be controlled, she can’t fault them for listening to their older brothers orders and taking time to heal. Though she has to wonder how they haven’t gone insane, she couldn’t even take a day stuck in this stuffy den without wanting to pull out her fur and choke Vulturemask.

She’d been heading towards the medicine den herself to see if she could get her shoulder checked out when she’d overheard the discussion between the two young apprentices. She only catches the tail end of it, only really beginning to pay attention when Snakepaw decides to join in his infuriating smarmy voice making the fur on her neck and back prickle. Before she can get to him Wolfsong is already there and she’s thankful it’s him and not her who has to deal with the toms fancy words. She still hasn’t quite forgiven him for defending Azaleapaw from her - though she’s quick to make peace when it comes to Snakepaw the enemy of my enemy is my friend or some lame ass quote like that!
She smirks as she approaches Snakepaw ❝Aww, did the widdle kit get in trouble❞ she coos as she approaches coming close to him only to attempt to shoulder him to the side as she passes by a taunting laugh dancing it’s way out of her jaws.

She’d follow Wolfsong slipping right in, at first not coming to visit the apprentice and their mentor, she searches for Vulturemask only to concede as she listens to the warriors advice. ❝If you don’t defend yourself they’ll get worse❞ she doesn’t hold back, her words are minced because she knows the type of apprentices they were. Wolfsong may have helped them this time but the punishments of warriors made things worse when it came to her, they couldn’t hide beneath their mentor forever. ❝Dawnpaw and Duskpaw are inexperienced and mousebrained, they’re gonna stay smaller then you too… And they ran the moment they saw Wolfsong, you won’t have trouble with them long as you tell them to buzz off and unsheathe your claws. They won’t call your bluff❞ she would start, she feels she could just tell with these things ❝Snakepaw’s weak but he doesn’t shut up, if you want him to stop talkin’ shit you need to lay into him. He’s all ego strip it away from him and leave him with bruises to remember you by❞ she shrugs, he might still try and pick on them regardless if he got his ass kicked or not but it’d do him some good to get some beatings.

She’d finally come padding over to sit by the two of them. ❝That’s just how’d I’d handle them❞ not that she’d be in their situation, nah not at all. ❝hurt paw or not you’re probably stronger then all three❞
( )
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Vulturemask had heared every single word this little rats had spat out from this filthy disgusting mouth of theirs. He wanted to gut them open right there and then like the vermin they where. He would then feed their inside to the crows. How delightful that would have been!. Unfortunately he couldn't because they where suppose to be their 'clanmates', a rank which clearly wasn't deserved by the lot of them.

HIs temper was running short, his blood boiling and as the medicine stood up from his spot he would be quick to head towards the exit of his den meeting Wolfsong out there. Hearing them already scolding Snakepaw he left that worm to them to lecture as he headed after the other two with a snarl upon his maw. " You little rats stop right there!" he voice was thounderous, furious and the two apprentices had a brain big enough to freeze like the spineless cowards they where.

" How dare you lil shits come to my den and spatting devil words like that to one of my patients!!. You will learn some damn respect when it comes to show some fucking sympathy to one of your own clanmates!. I will report this to one of the lead warriors and let them deal with your pathetic asses. I'm gonna make sure your punishment if gonna fit well with your vile comments. Now get out of my sight!." he snarled at them and watched them flee like the cowards they where.

Vulturemask then turned around now locking his eyes on Snakepaw. He stormed right over to them now when Wolfsong had retreated into the den to comfort Sunflowerpaw along with Firefang. " You need to wash your fucking mouth." he would snarl and would bring himself dangerously close to them as his head hover over their head considering how tall the medic was. His tail was lashing back and forth with rage, his eyes burning with it. He looked ready to tear them apart. " You talk alot about starclan when you know absolutely nothing about them. If starclan has ever punished us with anything it is to give us you. All you ever do is run that fucking mouth of yours seems to be the only thing you're good at. Waste of space....that is clearly what i would describe you like!" he growled at them before he just turned his back at them with a hiss, dismissing them with a lash of his tail as he retreated himself back to the medicine den to join Wolfsong and Firefang. He said nothing for now just searching through his siblings expression after signs how they where feeling right now.



Vulturemask's snarls to the other two apprentices have Sunflowerpaw suppressing a flinch. Wow, he is loud. For as much as they admire the medicine cat, as attached as they have grown to the cat who has cared for them when none else did, they still hate to see him like this. He's scary. They're just glad it's not directed at them. They can't help but feel bad for the two apprentices, despite everything. It's not their first time facing his wrath, they know, there's a reason they haven't seen the two since their apprentice ceremony. They don't look up when Dawnpaw and Duskpaw flee, don't look up when Vulturemask storms past them on his path to Snakepaw. Before, when they were just a kit, they would always feel grateful for his protection, but now it just leaves a pit in their stomach. They shouldn't have to rely on him like this, shouldn't be hiding while they wait for a bigger, scarier cat to take care of things.

It is only when Wolfsong comes over that they look up. His words are soft, a balm for their wounded pride. You paw will heal, he says, and though they try to take comfort in his certainty, it is his next words that find a truer home. I will show you how to send apprentices like that begging for your mercy. Right. Right, they'll learn, and they'll be strong like Wolfsong, like Vulturemask. No one will mess with them, then. They can be the one chasing off cruel apprentices, for themself and for those as powerless as they are now. They like that thought.

His next words are more reassurance, and they let it begin to soothe the swirling fears stirred up by Dawnpaw and Duskpaw's words. Wolfsong didn't choose them for no reason. He is a very wise and clever cat, and if he saw potential, then he must have been right to. They hope they will be able to live up to it.

Firefang comes then, and they are not quite sure how to feel about her. They don't know her, like they do Wolfsong. If you don’t defend yourself they’ll get worse. She's right, they know, and they feel a bit chastised. They nod to her with grim determination. She tells them then, how she would deal with each, and they find themself surprised they never noticed how clever she is. A different approach for each cat, unlike Vulturemask's unchanging intimidation, words betraying a careful calculation, preying on each cat's weakness. That, they think they could do. They may not be big or strong, but they do like to think themself observant, at least. Ah, but Firefang thinks them strong it seems, and they give a surprised, sheepish smile as she comes to sit by them. Between the two warriors, this is far more kindness than they had expected.

And then Vulturemask returns, keeping distance, and it is not as much comfort as they would perhaps hope. He gives no words of encouragement, nothing more than reprimand for those who wronged them. They only meet his eyes briefly before glancing away, not wanting to approach the strange sense of resentment his actions have brought. It will pass, they know. But they're not a kit anymore, and they want so badly for him to see that.

Sunflowerpaw tries to push the apprentices' words from their mind, tries to focus on the three cats that surround them, each looking out for them in their own way.


  • //
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 4 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled121_20230316165404.png
❪ TAGS ❫ — Well damn. Snakepaw would have just kept his trap shut if he knew that a few one-off comments to himself would be overheard by every clanmate around him. His opinions were much too valuable not to be shared most of the time, but right now, he fully regrets doing so as Wolfsong seems to materialize out of thin air right next to him.

He cranes his neck to look up at the lead warrior through narrowed, reptilian-like eyes. Snakepaw does not fear Wolfsong the way he does Sootstar or his own father, but he knows that the golden tom was a lowly rogue. The claw marks that rake across his left hemisphere only serves as a permanent reminder of the rough and tumble life he lived before he joined WindClan. Were the things that his father had forged into his head true? Could a rogue truly tame themselves and bow down to clan law and leadership or was there always a potential for them to snap back into their lawless ways at a moment's notice?

As if Wolfsong's insult wasn't offensive enough, Snakepaw scoffs as he is assigned to elder duty for a week. He— He couldn't do that! Could he? Snakepaw's urge to mouth off to the golden warrior is overshadowed by a fear of receiving an even harsher sentence. In the back of his mind, too, he imagines Wolfsong's seaglass eyes tinting blood red as he lunged toward him with outsretched claws and jagged teeth.

The lead warrior stalks off, and only then does Snakepaw gather the courage to blurt out, "M... My father will hear about this!" Shadowsight surely must be able to do something, right?

He clenches his jaw as Firefang shoulders past him, hardly paying any mind to her attempt to rile him. Snakepaw's gut was already boiling from Wolfsong's punishment, and it only begins to hurt more as Vulturemask stalks out of the medicine den to unleash his fiery wrath upon him. Seething vexation makes his blood pressure rise as the medicine cat lashes him with his tongue, though he's certain that the dark-colored feline would do much more if he was not bound by clan law. Snakepaw folds his ears against his head as Vulturemask rants and raves about how he was a waste of space, about how he was StarClan's punishment.

Unfortunately, none of the medicine cat's fury would be enough to strike sense into the bratty apprentice. Snakepaw figures that Vulturemask is only heated because of their protectiveness over Sunflowerpaw and their siblings; bias at its finest. Of course he would defend his little orphans. It was the same with Wolfsong, probably, as complaining about his new apprentice probably struck a nerve. It surely did not give him the right to punish him, especially without Badgermoon's approval.

As a crowd began to form around poor little Sunflowerpaw, Snakepaw huffed and stormed off to seek out his father.

// out!