camp everybody's got a hungry heart 》hunting patrol return ◡̈


nature chews on me
Jul 17, 2024
The clan has had its hardships the past moon, sure, but it makes Kitestorm appreciate all their small victories so much more. The tabby had been tasked to lead a patrol, such a responsibility briefly lifts them their grief for Sweetnose. They'd led their patrol into the depths of the pine forest, telling their patrolmates they wouldn't return to camp until they all had prey to take back to camp. Luck was on their side and each of the hunters have something to show for their efforts. As the dark tabby enters into camp with a squirrel dangling from her jaws they send silent thanks to Sweetnose for blessing the patrol with such good luck.

"Good work," Kitestorm murmurs around fur to Falcongaze, Spicepurr and Edenberry. "We did... well!" As the clan resigns to the fact that Leafbare comes so soon, the warriors' labor will not go unrecognized, Kitestorm is sure. Their ears flick excitedly as they nod graciously to the three before turning away and trotting off towards the nursery, the fresh-kill swinging from their maw. "Owlheart!" Kitestorm presses against the red tabby, hovering outside the nursery, and purrs lightly. "For your children and mates..." They set the squirrel down and moves it closer with a paw, directing a phantom-like smile towards Owlheart. They're most concerned by the Queens and kits weathering the harsh season and is happy to provide for them, a perk being they can be around the clan's future.

  • @spicepurr @falcongaze @edenberry ?! anddddd speaking to @Owlheart
  • oxtKNAr.png
    — a black tabby with a small stature and compact muscles. they're perceptive & clever and very in touch with clanmates. may appear unfriendly due to neutral expressions but is very sociable. very soft spoken and careful with their words.
    ✧ 39, ages every 21st ✧ they/them ✧ mate to Florabreeze
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed, all opinions IC
They are overjoyed to be of use finally... so many of their hunts have ended in various kinds of disaster. Either outright failing to track anything, missing by a whisker length on their jump or just having it flat out stolen by hungry predators... all of it feels cruel. They return every day with a full belly and are made to feel queasy with their guilt. They think of leaf-litter tones, a sharp gaze and an even sharper tongue and their mood sours- it is not something even Kitestorm's cheerful praise can unravel.

They tread after the warrior with a bird trapped carefully between their teeth, the tickle of feathers on the roof of their mouth threatening a sneeze. Something about the way the dark-furred cat presses up against Owlheart in greeting makes their stomach twist, green eyes fleeing from a normally friendly, copper stare.

They glance towards Falcongaze instead, finding relief in his company before turning to find Spicepurr too- everyone really had caught something.. and that was a blessing worth celebrating. And half of us are daylight warriors... Chew on that Slatesnarl. How fortunate for him that these meals could feed his whiny new twins today (and then some).

  • eeb-banner.png
  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 19 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69
  • Love
Reactions: Floppie

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Tired eyes slide open at the chatter spurred by a returning hunt. Usually there was none - no prey and no chatter to address it as if simply not talking about it would bring the sun back - but this time there was chatter. Shaking off sleep, Sorrelsong unspooled herself and padded into the open camp, the sun warming her as much the air freezes. We should just build a giant warriors den to keep us all warm, it's way to cold out here. Her grumbles are dismissed with a whiff.
Yes, just as the chatter promised. Prey!
"Good hunting?" She merps, split lips curling up in a playful ask as she greets the patrol. Kitestorm's press against Owlheart draws an invisible eyebrow up as her gaze flicks to Florabreeze to gauge a response. She'd follow in Flora's footsteps to address whatever this was if it needed addressing, but she tried to move the conversation on as she did so.
"Good catch, these guys are usually gone in leaf-bare," She mews to Edenberry, nodding towards their catch.

↪ OOC:


It's cold today... The weather doesn't seem to be changing for the better anytime soon despite her hopes and desperate pleas for the sake of her sickly kits. Instead she's forced to accept it, as she rests within earshot of the nursery and rasps her tongue over her paws in an attempt to smooth out fur that she had admittingly let go in terms of upkeep. Priorities falling between hunting, material gathering and checking on her mates and kits. Her name being called is a welcome reprieve from the daunting task, head perking up with her regular owlish stare as Kitestorm approaches with the patrol in tow.

Her gaze lingers on Edenberry for a beat longer than anyone else, before glancing to Falcongaze and Spicepurr. "Ah, hello?" She thought Kitestorm would have said her name in passing but no, the black tabby is approaching her. Not only that the tabby seems particularly affectionate today, wide eyes somehow manage to find a way to grow wider at the contact. Blinking rapidly in confusion, she can feel her tail bristle uncomfortably, though it's hard to notice in it's current messy and overly bushy state.

It was nothing against Kitestorm, she had always been not the most affectionate. Her own anxieties holding her back for the longest time for displaying the slightest of public endearment towards her own mates. Though that had eased in time it was still overly present in the way she tries to keep an overly formal distance with her friends. "Oh!" There is a crack in her voice as she registers what the other says, this should hopefully keep her family fed. She bows her head gratefully and pulls the squirrel closer to her slightly. "Thank you, I'm sure everyone will be sure to pop their heads out to say thank you too when I tell them" her gaze falls back on the nursery, hopefully where Oddgleam and the kits were getting a well earned nap.

Sorrelsong's voice is quick to bring her attention back to the rest of the patrol, once again she seeks out the adverted gaze of Edenberry. Then she glances to Kitestorm "you'll have to show the rest of us where you hunted, hopefully this good luck can continue."

  • ooc.
    She / her ||Warrior of SkyClan || 19 moons
    An orange tabby with low white and an owls feather tucked in her tail.
    Mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight | Mother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit and Ravenkit.
    Mentoring Hollypaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
Spicepurr remains in her usual silence. It seems that only Hawkspine can draw much out of her anymore - something that even she mournfully recognizes. And yet she does very little to correct her behavior. The warrior does what she's supposed to for the Clan that's taken her in - two mice swing from her jaws by their measly tails, and though her stomach growls, she moves along with the other plentiful warriors to drop them by other hungry mouths. These are for cats that live here from sundown to sunrise, after all - not for felines like her, who can eat kibble and slop until they're fat.

Her glance with Edenberry pulls a sorrowful thought of wonder - do you think the same as me? Useful for only this. Useful to be nothing but a faceless sentry in the battle against time and seasons. Her tail sweeps low behind her as she nods her goodbye to the other cats, deciding to ward away from the nursery and offer her catches to the elder's den instead.​
  • Sad
Reactions: edenberry ?!