everyone looks the same in this town ☁️ SLATEHEART (4.27.2024)

SLATEHEARTa reminder of his strength and growth that he wears with pride.
  • —— slate slatepaw slatetooth SLATEHEART
    named slate for his fever coat at birth. given the prefix 'tooth' in honor of lynxtooth and to represent the ideals of his father and sootstar; changed to 'heart' to represent his change and resilience.
    —— CIS MALE + HE/HIM
    of loner origins
    —— 22 MOONS
    created 12.27.2022 at 6 moons,, ages every 6th
  • 78016400_CTX.png
    named for his fever coat, slateheart was born with an ashy-grey cape that gradually gave way to a void-black pelt. despite being born outside of windclan, at a glance anyone would guess he was a pure-blood moor runner with his long, well-muscled legs, tall stature and well-worn paws with a strong connection to the moorland. his only markings consist of a white 'v' shape on his chest, and low patches of white on his toes and tail tip - and contrasting his dark colors are green eyes, bright under the sunlight and forest-like in the dark.

    slateheart's visible battle scars consist of a torn left ear, a nick under his right eye, and large (yet thin) scars on both flanks.
    voice claim — chris pratt / starlord
    SCENT— heather
    PHYSIQUE — tall, skinny yet decently muscled
    —— HEALTH
    slateheart has acquired some recent burns from windclan's fire event. though they have healed since, he's struggled with his breathing after smoke inhalation. the recovery for his lungs is so far, unknown.
    SCARS — tattered left ear. nick under right eye. long claw scars on both flanks.

    once a cold and guarded cat under the oppression of his father and sootstar, slateheart has shown remarkable improvements in his social life as he grows and re-connects with his clanmates. when socializing with others, slateheart appears awkward and uncertain, either carefully choosing his words or blurting out the first to come to his mind. unlike the older cats of the clan with moons of wisdom to their words, slateheart is no poet and speaks his thoughts as they are - sometimes appearing blunt or insensitive. as a result of this, slateheart is very easily embarrassed by his own mistakes, profusely apologizing and sulking over his shame for excessively long times.

    while slateheart can question his place in his clan and often feels uncertain about his belonging, he is a loyal and dutiful warrior to the end. working hard is his specialty - hunting and completing chores is a comfort to him, something he has done for moons as a distraction but now does to cure his boredom and prove his place in the clan. though, in his free time, he may also enjoy running through the moors, racing others or chatting over shared prey. in battle, slateheart is a formidable foe - vicious and guiltless, he will fight tooth and claw for those he loves. however, this does not come without honor and empathy; slateheart has been known to ask questions first and shoot last, as well as offering mercy to the vulnerable - but when push comes to shove, he does not back down.
    LIKES the moors, cool weather, flowers (secretly), calm and reasonable cats
    DISLIKES shadowclan, former windclan loyalists, boisterous personalities
    FEARS duskclan, fire
    SIBLING TO — gravelsnap and ashpaw
    EXTENDED FAMILY — juniperfrost , coyotecrest
    —— ADMIRES sunstar, rattleheart
    —— DISLIKES sootspot, firefang, mintshade
    —— FRIENDSHIPS dimmingsun, rattleheart, blizzardkit, gravelsnap, troutsnap
    —— ENEMIES ???
    ORIENTATION — bicurious ,, mono
    DIFFICULT TO CRUSH / DIFFICULT TO FALL IN LOVE — 'love' is a concept wholly unfamiliar to slateheart. he has not (knowingly) experienced romantic feelings for any cat, and will not easily identify it when it happens.
    DIFFICULT TO TRUST / EASY TO BEFRIEND — though he has grown more comfortable with his clanmates since sootstar's death and the exile of her loyalists, slateheart still finds it difficult to trust others. however, once this trust is gained, he will become a loyal and protective friend for life, infatuated with his new friendships for moons to come.
    MATE — none
    CRUSHING ON — ???

  • —— KITHOOD
    KIT APPLICATION THREAD. slate was born to adelaide and her mate, silverfoot. both mothers were loving and protective, and with his siblings gravel and ash, he knew only happiness in his early days. slateheart fondly looks back on the days that he would play with his siblings by day and cuddle up to his mothers at night.

    the kittens' sanctuary came to an abrupt end when a menacing moor-cat named lynx arrived, seeking revenge on adelaide for 'stealing his kits' from him. while silverfoot and ash were away on a walk, lynx took the opportunity to slay adelaide, revealing himself as the kits' father afterword and threatening the same fate on them if they refused to go with him. slate and gravel were then taken away to windclan, where they became slatepaw and gravelpaw, two promised soldiers to sootstar.
    upon receiving their apprentice names, gravelpaw was apprenticed to houndstride and slatepaw was apprenticed to his father, lynxtooth, who trained him with excessive cruelty, treating him as a punching bag and an outlet for his frustrations. slatepaw was viewed by his father as a humiliation and a disappointment, and was treated as such, even infront of other cats. while his brother thrived amongst the hostile environment and found an idol in sootstar, slatepaw became increasingly reclusive and irritable in the shadow of his 'golden child' brother, even struggling to interact with his fellow apprentices - though he often hung around to get a glimpse of who he could trust. any attempts at socializing with others are often followed by silence - under the watchful gaze of his expectant father, Slatepaw found himself unable to speak at all, despite the other apprentice's attempts to include him - stunned with anxiety, and fear of his father's oppressive nature.[/color][/url]

    on one fateful patrol at the riverclan border, slatepaw is shocked to see his long lost sister, ashpaw, on the other side. the two recognize and greet each other, much to the annoyance and concern of lynxtooth, and meet again to discuss the circumstances of their separation. it is then that slatepaw informs her that adelaide was killed by their father, and he additionally finds out that his other mother, silverfoot, resides alive in riverclan. unfortunately, this is the last time they meet as tensions grow between the clans.
    at long last, after moons of enduring his father's abuse, slatepaw is finally ready to become a warrior. unlike his brother, though, slatepaw finds it hard to anticipate his warrior ceremony, an apathy which is further cemented when he receives the name of slatetooth, in honor of his father - and a symbolism of the strong, ruthless warrior that sootstar wants him to be.

    after moons of seclusion and at the height of tension within the clan, slatetooth makes an awkward attempt at reconnecting with his brother, gravelsnap, who he has pushed away for the majority of his apprenticeship, which fails for the time being. during this time, slatetooth also begins to show open resentment towards sootstar's loyalists, a stark contrast to his meek acceptance of them as an apprentice.

    after sunstride is outed as a traitor to sootstar for returning shadowclan's stolen kits, slatetooth takes his side in the battle and fights against harbringermoon and nightmarefouce, denouncing their wrongly-placed loyalty as dishonorable and losing a chunk of his ear in the process. with the belief that windclan took everything from him, he disagrees with their claims that he is throwing everything away, and solidifies his stance as one of sunstride's followers - the rebels. during this father, slatetooth comes face-to-face with his father. in his anger and disappointment that has built up for moons, lynxtooth attacks him. slatetooth eventually kills him, putting a tragic (yet triumphant) end to his father's grip over his life.

    chased from their camp, sunstride's followers take shelter in horseplace while they gather their numbers and prepare to take back their home. following a terrific blizzard, slatetooth comes across a stranded kitten on the brink of death and brings him back to the barn. the kitten is later named blizzardkit and is looked after by most of the clan, though slatetooth forms a particular bond with him, viewing him as a little brother and opting to spend time with him and ensure his safety in the barn. during this time, he also befriends another warrior named rattleheart, bonding over their shared affection for blizzardkit. the two promise each other that, if one shall fall in the coming battle, the other would make sure blizzardkit is safe and looked after.

    in the final battle between sunstride and sootstar, slatetooth is attacked by harbringermoon, who is expecting kits. he obtains a wound on his flanks from the opposing warrior, but refuses to attack, and eventually chases him out of camp so he can bear his kits in safety. with windclan reclaimed by sunstride, slatetooth begins to take a series of steps towards establishing new friendships with his clanmates and building trust, including paying visits to harbringermoon's kits (who were brought to windclan after their father's death) and their milk-mother nightingalecry, bonding with blizzardkit, and even finally re-kindling a relationship with his brother, gravelsnap.
    in sunstar's first meeting to the clan, slatetooth is proudly renamed to slateheart in honor of his resilience and courage, a final act of defiance towards his late father and a checkpoint in his independence and freedom. as newleaf arrives, slateheart embarks on a new journey towards finding his belonging in the clan and getting to know his clanmates. he befriends a warrior named dimmingsun, continues to watch over blizzardkit, and spends some time reminiscing about the past and hoping for the future with gravelsnap. however, not all is as easy as that - slateheart quickly finds a dislike in some of sootstar's loyalists that stayed behind, and similarly struggles with his self-confidence in the face of scorn from the other clans.

    —— THE END
    death lore if applicable
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultricies ornare nunc vel placerat. In dui lacus, interdum nec ligula non, vestibulum tincidunt ex. Mauris bibendum velit magna, vel pellentesque lorem blandit et. Mauris ullamcorper semper malesuada. Pellentesque vitae rhoncus arcu, id consectetur mauris. Suspendisse porttitor neque sagittis massa elementum, et volutpat nisl tempus. Curabitur in sodales tortor. Curabitur varius aliquam lorem pharetra placerat. Nullam eget consectetur nibh. Vestibulum volutpat nec sem sed dictum. Vestibulum tincidunt odio in neque mollis, ac cursus lectus finibus. Donec facilisis lacinia sapien, sit amet vehicula odio. Curabitur augue nisl, vulputate at lacinia a, posuere nec lacus. Proin vehicula mauris eget ornare bibendum.

Fusce tincidunt sapien rutrum felis finibus, eu sagittis quam maximus. Nunc cursus nisi eget risus vulputate, a congue mauris feugiat. Nulla vitae nisi ex. Nam at velit sem. Ut ornare auctor porta. Phasellus scelerisque maximus justo sit amet sagittis. Sed pulvinar odio porttitor nulla tempus lobortis. Pellentesque consectetur quam in erat interdum dapibus. Nullam sagittis dolor nec orci fermentum, vitae pharetra purus tempus. Pellentesque bibendum sed nisi vel rutrum. Nam gravida neque quis pretium tempor.

Integer fermentum vitae mauris ut malesuada. Aenean elementum diam vel sapien ornare, id euismod neque luctus. Duis quis laoreet arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur imperdiet aliquet quam, quis tincidunt dolor. Etiam ac suscipit libero. Mauris et velit blandit, lobortis sapien vel, sollicitudin risus. Sed varius, lorem eget accumsan sollicitudin, ex enim mattis urna, a mollis velit arcu non purus.
  • slate-page-doll-low-res.png
    slate slatepaw slatetooth SLATEHEART
    ━━ 24 MOONS,, ages every 6th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♡ | generally healthy, but experiencing shortness of breath.
  • 78016217_relDzXG2vj7CiMr.png

  • speech is #bbbb88

[box=55%][justify][font=georgia]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultricies ornare nunc vel placerat. In dui lacus, interdum nec ligula non, vestibulum tincidunt ex. Mauris bibendum velit magna, vel pellentesque lorem blandit et. Mauris ullamcorper semper malesuada. Pellentesque vitae rhoncus arcu, id consectetur mauris. Suspendisse porttitor neque sagittis massa elementum, et volutpat nisl tempus. Curabitur in sodales tortor. Curabitur varius aliquam lorem pharetra placerat. Nullam eget consectetur nibh. Vestibulum volutpat nec sem sed dictum. Vestibulum tincidunt odio in neque mollis, ac cursus lectus finibus. Donec facilisis lacinia sapien, sit amet vehicula odio. Curabitur augue nisl, vulputate at lacinia a, posuere nec lacus. Proin vehicula mauris eget ornare bibendum.

Fusce tincidunt sapien rutrum felis finibus, eu sagittis quam maximus. Nunc cursus nisi eget risus vulputate, a congue mauris feugiat. Nulla vitae nisi ex. Nam at velit sem. Ut ornare auctor porta. Phasellus scelerisque maximus justo sit amet sagittis. Sed pulvinar odio porttitor nulla tempus lobortis. Pellentesque consectetur quam in erat interdum dapibus. Nullam sagittis dolor nec orci fermentum, vitae pharetra purus tempus. Pellentesque bibendum sed nisi vel rutrum. Nam gravida neque quis pretium tempor.

Integer fermentum vitae mauris ut malesuada. Aenean elementum diam vel sapien ornare, id euismod neque luctus. Duis quis laoreet arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur imperdiet aliquet quam, quis tincidunt dolor. Etiam ac suscipit libero. Mauris et velit blandit, lobortis sapien vel, sollicitudin risus. Sed varius, lorem eget accumsan sollicitudin, ex enim mattis urna, a mollis velit arcu non purus.[/font][/justify]
[slide=CHARACTER INFORMATION — ♡][justify][fleft][img width=150px]https://i.postimg.cc/7YxcQT8M/slate-page-doll-low-res.png[/img][/fleft][b][size=18px][color=#779977][s]slate[/s] [s]slatepaw[/s] [s]slatetooth[/s] SLATEHEART[/color][/size][/b][size=18px][/size]
━━ [abbr=created 12.27.22 at 6m]24 MOONS,, ages every 6th[/abbr]
━━ [abbr=penned by tinyleafs][s][color=#ececaf]LYNXTOOTH[/color][/s][/abbr] xx [abbr=npc][s][color=#ececaf]ADELAIDE[/color][/s][/abbr] xx [abbr=penned by loki | adoptive][color=#ececaf]SILVERFOOT[/color][/abbr]
━━  SIBLING to [i][abbr=penned by foxlore][color=#ececaf]GRAVELSNAP[/color][/abbr] and [abbr=penned by tinyleafs][color=#ececaf]ASHPAW[/color][/abbr][/i] 
━━ MATE to [i]none[/i] | PARENT to [i]none[/i]
━━ MENTOR to [i][abbr=penned by wren][color=#ececaf]BEEPAW[/color][/abbr][/i] | MENTORED by [i][abbr=penned by tinyleafs][s][color=#ececaf]LYNXTOOTH[/color][/s][/abbr][/i][/justify]
━━ HEALTH [abbr=updated 5.12.24]♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♡[/abbr] | generally healthy, but experiencing shortness of breath.
[slide= ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗][img width=500px]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/78016217_relDzXG2vj7CiMr.png[/img]
[slide= ♡ — OUT OF CHARACTER][justify]speech is [b][color=#bbbb88]#bbbb88[/color][/b][/justify]
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Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

Reach out to me in my WindClan channel #ixoras-sanctuary if you'd like to see your character here!

name / hearts
write your character's opinion on them <3
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