- Dec 11, 2024
- 37
- 11
- 8
it had been an accident -- at least, it had been on lostkit's part. still getting used to shadowclan's camp and the muddy ground, lost had been quite prone to various accidents her first few days in shadowclan, slipping around or stumbling. fortunately, most of the clan had been quite nice to her as she acclimated, or at least neutral enough not to laugh at her or get annoyed. still, she had noticed some of the darker looks she had gotten, from elders who muttered underneath their breath about how shadowclan's standards had plummeted, from some of the queens in the nursery who ensured their own kits slept a distance away from her, from the kits her age. that wasn't to say that she hadn't made any friends -- overall, she was quite happy with her new life as a shadowclanner, upholding her promise to ternstar when she had first joined to learn their ways and not cause trouble.
all that being said, though, it was quite the miracle that she had made it a moon past her joining without drawing the more explicit ire of some of her peers.
despite being more used to the footing change and the various obstacles around camp now, the kitten didn't quite have the muscle memory of the other older kits who ducked easily into small corners and various dens to cause a ruckus. plus, she had been growing recently, now that she was getting a more steady supply of food, and of course having reached the age where she was starting to fill out a little (though her overall form was, disappointingly, still quite slender and certainly not on par with some of the more well-muscled members of the clan). all of this combined made the thorn-tangled entrance to the nursery just a bit harder to navigate -- not drastically of course, just a few brushes here and there, certainly not more than a minor annoyance.
tonight, though, lostkit had stayed out quite a bit later than normal, enjoying the surprisingly mild weather for leafbare that day. the evening wind brought a pleasant freshness, not the biting chill that she had come to expect of the season, and if she squinted past the shadows of their sheltered hollow, she could see the stars above (whether she yet believed in that their ancestors lay in the silverpelt above was, of course, a different story). with no doting mother to hustle her to bed, it was easy to lose track of time, the sounds of activity around camp dwindling as the night passed.
when lostkit finally rolled herself up and glanced around blearily with a yawn, she could only see a few shadowy figures heading back towards their respective dens. sleepy and content, the cream tabby stretched before padding back towards the nursery for a good night's sleep. what happened next could only be called a true string of bad luck, a combination of lostkit's tiredness, the slippery footing, the thorns, and bramblekit's own distraction in the moment.
as she slid into the nursery, sleep clouding her eyes, she crashed into a solid but small body, accidentally bumping it into a stray branch of thorns. the she-kit jolted in horror, immediately wide awake as she registered the other kit's presence. bramblekit, almost six moons old and quite unwilling to shut up about how he had just missed being an apprentice last moon, was one of the most hot-tempered kits in the nursery. lostkit had been hoping to stay completely out of his way until he left for the apprentice's den (and hopefully cooled down a little there) after her last few interactions with him had almost ended in physical altercation.
and of course, bramblekit was fuming mad now, shaking a spare thorn out of his long brown tabby fur, yellow eyes glaring heatedly at lostkit. never mind what the older kit was doing sneaking out of the nursery this late anyways (a peek behind him showed the rest of the nursery, including his mother, sleeping soundly), lostkit could feel her senses telling her to run. "i'm - so sorry, i didn't see you," she gasped, careful to keep her voice down. "how dare you," bramblekit responded in a low snarl. "should've known letting some loner trash in would just cause trouble for the rest of us. you'll be actually sorry soon," he snapped, advancing quickly on her.
senses in overdrive now, lostkit immediately started backing away from the entrance, but the larger kit had already darted his head out, grabbing her upper front leg with pin-needle teeth, and yanked. for a brief moment of panic, lostkit was afraid he would try to rip her leg completely off, but the kit's intention became clear as she tripped forward from the assault, straight into the thorns she had been trying to avoid. she had the consciousness to turn her head to avoid her most delicate parts, but the thorns quickly pierced her thinner pelt. from the sharp warmth that erupted along her back leg, she could tell that they had drawn blood. a yelp threatened to erupt from her throat, but winded on impact, only a pained wheeze escaped. bramblekit had clambered outside the nursery at this point and loomed ominously over her.
"wow, lostkit, i had no clue you were so clumsy," he said, the threat in his glare apparent enough. "you better see marblepaw about that. maybe you should watch out more in the future -- it's such a shame to see an outsider like you drain our medicine cat's precious resources." the kit waited until she nodded, then, satisfied with himself, whirled around and disappeared back into the nursery, whatever he had been doing sneaking out in the first place forgotten.
lostkit winced as she untangled herself from the thorns, peeking over her side carefully. a patch of them had dug into her skin on her right hindquarters and leg, and she could tell they had scratched up her pelt more than a little. though she had felt blood earlier, the wounds were thankfully small, mostly small pinpricks staining her pelt red. she almost considered cleaning it off and ducking back into the nursery to sleep and forget about it, but she didnt quite fancy following bramblekit in so soon, and she knew that injuries that broke skin, even if small, should at least be checked over. at least it was small enough to still convincingly have been a drowsiness-induced incident -- she didn't have to admit that she had been so easily pushed over.
hissing, the she-kit pushed herself to her paws and padded towards the medicine cat den. it was only as she stuck her head in that she realized that, at this late hour, she wasn't even sure if marblepaw was up. still, it was too late now, not with her halfway inside.
"um, marblepaw? are you up?"
all that being said, though, it was quite the miracle that she had made it a moon past her joining without drawing the more explicit ire of some of her peers.
despite being more used to the footing change and the various obstacles around camp now, the kitten didn't quite have the muscle memory of the other older kits who ducked easily into small corners and various dens to cause a ruckus. plus, she had been growing recently, now that she was getting a more steady supply of food, and of course having reached the age where she was starting to fill out a little (though her overall form was, disappointingly, still quite slender and certainly not on par with some of the more well-muscled members of the clan). all of this combined made the thorn-tangled entrance to the nursery just a bit harder to navigate -- not drastically of course, just a few brushes here and there, certainly not more than a minor annoyance.
tonight, though, lostkit had stayed out quite a bit later than normal, enjoying the surprisingly mild weather for leafbare that day. the evening wind brought a pleasant freshness, not the biting chill that she had come to expect of the season, and if she squinted past the shadows of their sheltered hollow, she could see the stars above (whether she yet believed in that their ancestors lay in the silverpelt above was, of course, a different story). with no doting mother to hustle her to bed, it was easy to lose track of time, the sounds of activity around camp dwindling as the night passed.
when lostkit finally rolled herself up and glanced around blearily with a yawn, she could only see a few shadowy figures heading back towards their respective dens. sleepy and content, the cream tabby stretched before padding back towards the nursery for a good night's sleep. what happened next could only be called a true string of bad luck, a combination of lostkit's tiredness, the slippery footing, the thorns, and bramblekit's own distraction in the moment.
as she slid into the nursery, sleep clouding her eyes, she crashed into a solid but small body, accidentally bumping it into a stray branch of thorns. the she-kit jolted in horror, immediately wide awake as she registered the other kit's presence. bramblekit, almost six moons old and quite unwilling to shut up about how he had just missed being an apprentice last moon, was one of the most hot-tempered kits in the nursery. lostkit had been hoping to stay completely out of his way until he left for the apprentice's den (and hopefully cooled down a little there) after her last few interactions with him had almost ended in physical altercation.
and of course, bramblekit was fuming mad now, shaking a spare thorn out of his long brown tabby fur, yellow eyes glaring heatedly at lostkit. never mind what the older kit was doing sneaking out of the nursery this late anyways (a peek behind him showed the rest of the nursery, including his mother, sleeping soundly), lostkit could feel her senses telling her to run. "i'm - so sorry, i didn't see you," she gasped, careful to keep her voice down. "how dare you," bramblekit responded in a low snarl. "should've known letting some loner trash in would just cause trouble for the rest of us. you'll be actually sorry soon," he snapped, advancing quickly on her.
senses in overdrive now, lostkit immediately started backing away from the entrance, but the larger kit had already darted his head out, grabbing her upper front leg with pin-needle teeth, and yanked. for a brief moment of panic, lostkit was afraid he would try to rip her leg completely off, but the kit's intention became clear as she tripped forward from the assault, straight into the thorns she had been trying to avoid. she had the consciousness to turn her head to avoid her most delicate parts, but the thorns quickly pierced her thinner pelt. from the sharp warmth that erupted along her back leg, she could tell that they had drawn blood. a yelp threatened to erupt from her throat, but winded on impact, only a pained wheeze escaped. bramblekit had clambered outside the nursery at this point and loomed ominously over her.
"wow, lostkit, i had no clue you were so clumsy," he said, the threat in his glare apparent enough. "you better see marblepaw about that. maybe you should watch out more in the future -- it's such a shame to see an outsider like you drain our medicine cat's precious resources." the kit waited until she nodded, then, satisfied with himself, whirled around and disappeared back into the nursery, whatever he had been doing sneaking out in the first place forgotten.
lostkit winced as she untangled herself from the thorns, peeking over her side carefully. a patch of them had dug into her skin on her right hindquarters and leg, and she could tell they had scratched up her pelt more than a little. though she had felt blood earlier, the wounds were thankfully small, mostly small pinpricks staining her pelt red. she almost considered cleaning it off and ducking back into the nursery to sleep and forget about it, but she didnt quite fancy following bramblekit in so soon, and she knew that injuries that broke skin, even if small, should at least be checked over. at least it was small enough to still convincingly have been a drowsiness-induced incident -- she didn't have to admit that she had been so easily pushed over.
hissing, the she-kit pushed herself to her paws and padded towards the medicine cat den. it was only as she stuck her head in that she realized that, at this late hour, she wasn't even sure if marblepaw was up. still, it was too late now, not with her halfway inside.
"um, marblepaw? are you up?"
- ooc. @MARBLEPAW i am so sorry something possessed me in the first half of this... please do not match this muse i am never writing this much again. feel free to powerplay any healing / guiding her inside the den! injuries are the following: thorn in her right front pawpad, four puncture wounds running down right hindquarter/leg, various scratches/scrapes along her right side (surface level).
LOSTKIT (she/her) is a four moon old shadowclan kit with shorthair cream tabby fur with low white and blue-green eyes. she is the gen1 daughter of two rogue npc's.
TAGS. penned by riyue. dm me on discord (xriyue) for plots.