It's a miserable day; the sky is gray as the river, and a thin, chilly mist hangs in the air. Iciclefang follows her hunting patrol, solemn; she parts her jaws, tasting little but cold, moisture, and the tang of the running water slicing through their wetlands. "I'll try over here," she murmurs quietly to her patrol, twisting away from the bulk of the other cats.
Her slim tortoiseshell shape borders on skinny, now — though she is better off than some Clanmates, with her muscular build, her ribs protrude like branches through dulled fur. Exhaustion comes to her quickly, but there is so much work to be done to keep the Clan fed. The Twoleg camp fire had ruined any chances they'd had at stocking up on land prey, and the river is so cold that few dare to submerge more than a paw. The early frost had showed their Clan how dangerous frigid water could be, numbing extremities, cats falling ill...
Iciclefang exhales softly. Her breath plumes. Sunningrocks should have ensured our survival. Is StarClan angry with us? A haunting thought, one she has not been able to escape since Stormywing's revelation. Iciclefang shivers. Is StarClan angry with me? Surely they would not punish all my Clan for what I did so many moons ago...
She tastes the air again, this time catching the faint scent of something live and warm. Vole. The creature is thin, leafbare-starved, but it would feed at least one cat. She lowers her belly to the reeds, her blue gaze sharp as claws.
But something snaps underpaw — something stiff with frost — and the creature is alerted. Iciclefang pounces, a streak of color against the snow, but she had moved just a hair too late. The creature finds a tiny crack in the stone and squirms inside. She halts just outside, her frustration mounting. "Foxdung," she spits, raking her claws uselessly across the pebbles. I was so close!
She hears paws crunch across the stony shore, and she turns, her ears flat and her gaze apologetic. "I lost it," she says. "I'm a little... distracted, I guess." She bites her tongue. Am I unfit to be even a warrior any longer? Has StarClan taken my skill, my sense, and left me with nothing?
[ open to anyone <3 this is meant to be a harmony prompt where y/c cheers someone up after losing a catch! ]
Her slim tortoiseshell shape borders on skinny, now — though she is better off than some Clanmates, with her muscular build, her ribs protrude like branches through dulled fur. Exhaustion comes to her quickly, but there is so much work to be done to keep the Clan fed. The Twoleg camp fire had ruined any chances they'd had at stocking up on land prey, and the river is so cold that few dare to submerge more than a paw. The early frost had showed their Clan how dangerous frigid water could be, numbing extremities, cats falling ill...
Iciclefang exhales softly. Her breath plumes. Sunningrocks should have ensured our survival. Is StarClan angry with us? A haunting thought, one she has not been able to escape since Stormywing's revelation. Iciclefang shivers. Is StarClan angry with me? Surely they would not punish all my Clan for what I did so many moons ago...
She tastes the air again, this time catching the faint scent of something live and warm. Vole. The creature is thin, leafbare-starved, but it would feed at least one cat. She lowers her belly to the reeds, her blue gaze sharp as claws.
But something snaps underpaw — something stiff with frost — and the creature is alerted. Iciclefang pounces, a streak of color against the snow, but she had moved just a hair too late. The creature finds a tiny crack in the stone and squirms inside. She halts just outside, her frustration mounting. "Foxdung," she spits, raking her claws uselessly across the pebbles. I was so close!
She hears paws crunch across the stony shore, and she turns, her ears flat and her gaze apologetic. "I lost it," she says. "I'm a little... distracted, I guess." She bites her tongue. Am I unfit to be even a warrior any longer? Has StarClan taken my skill, my sense, and left me with nothing?
[ open to anyone <3 this is meant to be a harmony prompt where y/c cheers someone up after losing a catch! ]
… ❞