- Jun 17, 2024
- 91
- 31
- 18
*+:。.。 Bugchaser enters the gathering place with a beaming smile set to rival moonhigh's glow. The second gathering she's been to, but this time as a full warrior of Thunderclan! EEK She's so excited! What fun it'll be, introducing herself as BugChaser!
The second her paws step foot within neutral territory, already filled to overflowing with all kinds of scents and faces, her pale yellow eyes scour the sea to find a specific chimera. I wonder if Rowanpaw is here she thinks, but finds no such Windclanner among the throng. What a shame! Disappointment is, unfortunately, compounded by discomfort as, instead of Rowanpaw she notes closely every Riverclan and Shadowclan cat milling amongst the other clans. Fur prickling, she very nearly takes a step back when instead she's pulled from her thoughts by @shroudedbeam 's presence. It's very comforting.
Fulling pressing against her friend, Bugchaser purrs, "Aren't you excited? Today we're going to introduce ourselves as WARRIORS!" she cheers, tail waving back and forth with all the overflowing energy she has no other place to expel. Sadly for Shroudedbeam, Bugchaser is too wrapped up in her eagerness to show off to consider her friend's reluctance. Like a gunshot in a horse race, his question instantly sets her off -
Bouncing on her feet, Bugchaser peers around those gathered, "I have no idea! But lets see who's available to chat with!" she purrs, wrapping her tail around Shroudedbeam's and pulling him along as the two dive into the crowd. Preferably not Riverclan or Shadowclan she thinks offhandedly...trying not to picture Campionsong and Freckleflame's faces....and failing.
The second her paws step foot within neutral territory, already filled to overflowing with all kinds of scents and faces, her pale yellow eyes scour the sea to find a specific chimera. I wonder if Rowanpaw is here she thinks, but finds no such Windclanner among the throng. What a shame! Disappointment is, unfortunately, compounded by discomfort as, instead of Rowanpaw she notes closely every Riverclan and Shadowclan cat milling amongst the other clans. Fur prickling, she very nearly takes a step back when instead she's pulled from her thoughts by @shroudedbeam 's presence. It's very comforting.
Fulling pressing against her friend, Bugchaser purrs, "Aren't you excited? Today we're going to introduce ourselves as WARRIORS!" she cheers, tail waving back and forth with all the overflowing energy she has no other place to expel. Sadly for Shroudedbeam, Bugchaser is too wrapped up in her eagerness to show off to consider her friend's reluctance. Like a gunshot in a horse race, his question instantly sets her off -
Bouncing on her feet, Bugchaser peers around those gathered, "I have no idea! But lets see who's available to chat with!" she purrs, wrapping her tail around Shroudedbeam's and pulling him along as the two dive into the crowd. Preferably not Riverclan or Shadowclan she thinks offhandedly...trying not to picture Campionsong and Freckleflame's faces....and failing.
- //Dragging along Shroudedbeam, OPEN TO INTERACTS! Note: she'll be stiff with any Riverclanner or Shadowclanner that attempts to speak to them,,, but don't let that stop you from throwing them over >:3c
♫ Bugchaser
♫ DFAB— She/Her
♫ 12 moons
♫ Daughter to Flamewhisker andFlycatcher
♫ Sibling to Falconheart, Stormfeather,Lilykit, Butterflykit, Ravenblaze, Squirrelsong, Sunbird
♫ Thunderclan — warrior
♫ Physically semi-hard | mentally hard
♫ Attack in bold pink
injuries: None currently