periwinklebreeze 20 moons demi-boy windclan lead warrior
Newleaf has been surprisingly kind - to windclan, at least. Not that he truly spares more than a passing though to the other four clans - as much as he is a friendlier face upon the moorlands, windclan has always been his home.

And stars is it beautiful.

Blue eyes are wide and mesmerized as he lays sprawled out in camp - cloud watching, originally. Watching the silver shapes as they drift by, mind blissfully empty - no time to worry over what he knows will come any day now. Instead, he simply breathes in the sharp scent of rain and softer undertones of florals floating along the breeze. One particularity strong gust buffets his fur - sending petals flying - he watches in rapt attention as they dance, spinning dizzy whirlwinds around him and his clanmates.

And then it rains.

It's no downpour - just a gentle flick of a droplet here, another there. One turns into two and then its a gentle shower - not even enough to have him stirring from his comfortable sprawl. This - this is home,

A gentle laugh rings out, slipping past his lips before he been notices it. He doesn't know why - doesn't know where sch amusement has bubbled up from, but he basks in it none the less. Head rolls as he peers at his clanmates, sharp-fanged grin stretching across his scarred face - " P-pretty, isn't it? " he says, all but breathless.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
// This is the final milestone for our March Badge Event - don't worry though, you still have a few days to get through nay prompts you need to!

She has no frame of reference but Firefang would still say Windclan had the prettiest territory during Newleaf, it was bathed in colors of the rainbow during the day the grass healthy and green and among it sprinkled flower of every color and shape. Sure it had it's annoyance she's given up trying to pluck every petal and leaf from her fur but she'd rather deal with a minor nuisance then the biting cold of leafbare or the almost blazing sun of Greenleaf. The temperature was fair, the spring showers didn't allow for things to heat up. She's used to them, though she can't make herself enjoy the feeling of her fur wet it's not annoying enough for it to prevent her from hunting or from lounging in her usual spot which she was doing now, her paws curled under her body and her tail wrapped around her - a loaf of Firefang.

A fat droplet of rain lands on her nose and she looks up to the cloudy sky, there's blue still in it mingled with the greys of the pregnant clouds that swathe around it. She hears the nearby voice of Periwinklebreeze as more raindrops fall on her and she huffs "For once you're right" and sadly that may be the most amicable thing she's said or thought directed at him in moons.

──ᨒ↟↟ᨒ↟ᨒ↟↟ᨒ── It is undeniably breathtaking. Even in his apprehensive state, Wolfsong can recognize the unique elegance of the moor breeze toying with wildflowers under a gentle, even dainty rainfall. Every season has its own moods and expressions, and as fond as he is of leafbare's pale landscapes, there is much to enjoy about newleaf's unapologetic growth and the forms it takes while exhaling verdant life into meadows and trees. Perhaps even more miraculous is its effect on the brash Firefang, normally so antagonistic, especially where personalities like Periwinklebreeze's are concerned.

"For once?" Wolfsong echoes with audible amusement, sole eye crinkling slightly. "I have seen everything now: snow-toothed mountains, rivers of moor flowers, devastating plagues— and now Firefang, conceding. All with just the one eye."
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.
    ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."
    ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.
    ★★★☆☆ KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart and his own pregnancy, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.
    ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.
  • Like
Reactions: Firefang
Spotkit is playing outside in camp, with his mother lounging nearby, chattering with someone about the weather or something. Not that Spotkit cared for silly little boring conversations, not at all! He would much rather try and pick the worms out of the dirt and make a pile of them. He'll make Wormclan come true... And one day they'll take over Windclan! Muahaha!

He hears Periwinkles quip from where he plays, momentarily stopping as he looks over just in time to get pelted with petals, a small squeak of surprise leaving his lips. He begins to giggle, swatting at the petals that float in the wind. He was having fun until something begins splattering on his head in a few drops at first. He tilts his head up, confused, just about ready to complain until the cats in camp are pattered with raindrops.

He does guess Periwinkle is right: it was very pretty. Firefang even agrees!

He makes his way over to the gathered cats, flopping down to the ground. Wolfsong mentions he's seen a mountain and Spotkit has never seen a mountain before; he's opening his mouth to ask about it, but what comes out is completely different. "D'ya guys think the worms'll come out now?" cause they like the rain, or something, right?

  • 78638605_3Hzs4nvfAIDJvhi.png
    amab ,, he/him ,, 5 months
    kitten of windclan
    small & oddly proportioned cinnamon tom with high white
    "speech, afd9f2" ,, thoughts
    unknown sexuality ,, single
    smells like windblown heather
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff

[ ༻ ❊ ༺ ] Lakekit had been watching Spotkit from where he longued before feeling droplets of rain against his fur and Periwinklebreeze asking if it was beautiful with a delighted tone. Firefang and Wolfsong bot had agreed to his question while Spotkit asked if the worms would come out. He slowly approached, taking in the smell of the rain while letting a soft sigh out. It was indeed pretty, from the color of the flowers to the feeling of the breeze that came in and the warmth that new leaf brought.

Though he disliked what the rain would bring after, pools of water that sprinkled about, Lakekit would be sure to avoid any such things once they form. "We can go worm hunting if you like Spotkit" he softly offered to his denmate before looking back up at the greying skies, feeling the breeze rustle through his own fur and... he could not imagine living in a different clan, not when one can enjoy the rain so openingly and see the beauty that new leaf brought with it.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Lakekit AMAB, He/Him, Kit of Windclan, 4 moons.
    LH Rosette Lynx Minx with low white and bi-color eyes, blind in left eye
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

𓆝 . ° ✦ It was really pretty. He didn't dwell on the beauty long, he didn't exactly have the attention span for it. The rain dappled his fur, which was a much different look to his usual dusty coat. Funny how light fur gets darker when it was wet. "Spotkit, look, I look like you!" he giggled. Grasskit lifted his head at the mention of worms. He bounced over to Spotkit and Lakekit and added, "Can I join?"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 53fac3ddf1437ce63593b72ee6ae2086.jpg
    Small fawn tabby with pale green eyes.
    "speak" thoughts action
    — peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed
༄༄ The spring season's beginning has brought good fortune upon WindClan, from the blooming of flowers to the cementing of their identity as a clan led by Sunstar, and not a mere relic of Sootstar’s rule. The completion of the clan’s very first long-term tunneling project has only further lifted Scorchstreak’s spirits; when she looks back over the past month, all that she sees is positives. She has fitted herself back into her role as lead warrior with few issues outside of Sootspot, and she has found a mate in her fellow lead warrior. Bluepool is certainly the best thing to have happened to her recently. Hard as it is to believe that she truly has a mate, she must admit that it feels nice. The comfort of someone at her side through better or worse is something that the calico has never been familiar with—but she enjoys it nonetheless.

The gentle breeze that stirs the moorland's blossoms brings a soft smile to the she-cat's face, golden eyes looking across the camp as flower petals come showering down from the air alongside the smattering of raindrops. She drops herself into a deep stretch before lying down to bask in the cool droplets that shower across all of them, dappled tail flicking gracefully against the dirt. As expected, the kits are excited for the rain and what else it may bring; something warm stirs in her chest, looking at the younger cats with narrowed eyes. Her kits were once that size, that age. Young and innocent, concerned only with catching worms—Scorchstreak nods to Spotkit as he asks the other kits whether worms will come out with the rain. "The rain brings worms to the surface. I'm certain you'll find plenty." The tunnels are crawling with worms as it is. Surely the kits will find several even above the surface.
It is beautiful. And something about that almost. . . hurts. He has been quiet as of late. Going about his patrols as if in a daze, taking in the new life that they were supposed to lead. It was everything he had been taught to hate. Flowers. Trust. A gentle lull when the work was done, without tension or drive. His kin would flourish. Sparkspirit, though. He doesn't think he can. He remembers looking up at Weaselclaw, and the satisfaction on Sootstar's face, and how horribly he must have disappointed the both of them in the choice that he made. Why have the others all moved on? Why are they okay to just sit in the flowers and decorate their pelts and work as if nothing around them has changed? Or, worse, as if this change was okay?

The rain tumbles down in slow, fat droplets. They rain down upon the flowers, showering petals in a slow float, striking the bridge of his nose and the inside of his ears. He flicks them, one-two, to shake the wetness, and thinks about breaking. Considers it heavily, for a moment, turning away to curl up and close his eyes so that the beauty before him would fade away and he could go back to living in quiet ignorance of everything around them. But instead his breath shudders out and the young moor runner pads closer to the gathered group. His peers. His clanmates. "Is this how it will always be now?" he whispers.

  • OOC.
    ——  a trim mock tortoiseshell tom with mostly black fur splashed with the occasional patch orange. he has a singular white mark on the back of his neck shaped similarly to a lightning strike, and a small scar across the bridge of his nose. his eyes are a shocking electric blue.
  • "speech"
The rain is nice. It washes away any worries and eases her aches. She remains silent, laying beside her sister Scorchstreak. The voices of her clanmates nearly lull her asleep, but she can't help from smile at the kits asking about worms. Her sister answers their question. I see worms every day, but guess it's harder for the little ones to see a lot of them when it doesn't rain. "What're you gonna do with the worms anyway?" The lilac tortie mumbles to herself, not caring if anyone else, especially the kits heard her. It wasn't like she was insulting them. Anyhow, she yawns and rests her head on her paws. Ears flick at a new voice that joins their little group.

The tunneler would turn to Sparkspirit, "Who knows?" It may sound sarcastic to the younger warrior, but for once she speaks the truth. Things have been peaceful for them as of late, but nothing lasts. As much as they want things to remain as it is, life will not allow it. Who knows what next new-leaf will bring? Will she live? Who will join the stars? And how many kittens will join them? I hope we don't have anymore. There's too many to keep track of. Honestly, it was stressful having so many little ones running around and she swears she'll flip if someone announces that they'll be having kittens any time soon. "I'd say just enjoy this while you can." Who knows when we'll be fighting again.
  • — rabbitclaw / windclan tunneler / feminine pronouns / 48 moons
    — pansexual / single, crushing on fogbound / not looking
    — scar riddled short-haired lilac tortoiseshell with blue eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

Rivepaw didn't really enjoy the rain.

It was no question that she had a deep love for the moors- the place she was born, heather and grass she ran alongside for moons. Battles were fought and warred here, ones she suffered for- but in defense of the.. of her home. Pride bloomed gently as she stared out across the camp, to the fields, where flowers swayed and pollen was sure to be in bounds, though the cloudy sky would soon turn dark.

Ears flattened as water began to patter, then drizzle, then it was raining, and Rivepaw inhaled gently. This time, she didn't run, didn't flinch from the water descending upon them. After all, it was far from a thunderstorm, right? As long as no thunder cracked, she'd be okay. She stood, humming softly as she padded near her ðir, pressing her shoulder against Wolfsong's leg gently. She ignored the conversation of worms, vision drifting up to her parent. "You think I'll ever get to see the mountains?"
The first touch of a cool droplet upon the kit’s muzzle causes them to blink harshly, their nose wrinkling as they shake their head. Pale pink eyes widen, rounded with wonder as they stare up at the petals fluttering through the air in shades of pink, violet, and every other color that they can think of. There are even colors that they cannot name—a scattering of petals that fall somewhere between orange and red. Amazement swells in their chest, little tail swishing back and forth as they watch petals and raindrops fall from the sky like…

Like snow. They quickly disregard the thought, beaming up at the lilac-patched tunneler. "Worms are… cool," they murmur, a small smile crossing their snowy muzzle. Rabbitclaw’s question means little to them—they do not need to do anything with the worms. Just seeing them is good enough. But before they say anything else, their attention is captured by something writhing in the dirt. "Oh! Found one…" Their paw is gentle, handling the worm with a delicate touch of their paw as they scoop it up. They offer it to the other kits with a flourish, a bright grin blossoming upon their maw. "Look! What is its name?" They rest the worm on the damp dirt once more, allowing it to wiggle as it pleases—they just hope it doesn’t disappear back into the earth before the other kits see it.

⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ It's strange, this peace. Not something Sunflowermask has ever known in all their moons, the constant undertone of war and worry worming its way into the marrow of their bones. Peace was something snatched up in little moments. Found in the rush of wind through their fur, the scent of hoarded flowers before they dry, the curve of another's smile. Not anything meant to last.

They don't know if this will last, either. Rain falls soft against their tangled fur, far from the thunderous downpours that would have them running for the tunnels. Those will come too, in time. But for now they watch the kits play and hunt for worms, a rare smile curving across their maw. The flowers droop with droplets and Sparkspirit's hushed words reach the warrior's pricked ears: "Is this how it will always be now?"

They can't but to hope. Even Rabbitclaw's doubt is light. "Enjoy this while you can." Sunflowermask's eyes slip closed, letting the sounds and the rain wash over them. They turn their face up to the sky, and their heart is light.

  • 64267309_IEuvGOmxnhCCLcz.png

  • SUNFLOWERMASK ☀︎ they / them, moor runner of windclan, sixteen moons.
    lithe lilac tortoiseshell with messy fur and bright golden eyes.
    rarely speaks & has very muted expressions. dislikes physical touch.
    walks with a slight limp & tends to hold left forepaw off the ground when idle.
    rain x npc; half-sibling to vulturemask & littermate to goldenstrike & shadowrunner.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
⁀➷ Foxglare didn't mind the rain. Despite not being able to swim for shit, he liked the feeling of water on his pelt and the clean petrichor smell of the rain-soaked moors. It beat the bleakness of snow, that was for sure.

He's settled near the others, watching the kits idly with an odd coloring of nostalgia on his mind. He recalled old memories of playing with worms and sticks in a time that felt like a dream looking back on it. Those dreams, though, were spent alone, or with his father. Yeah, the clan seemed bursting at the seams with kittens nowadays, but seeing them have plenty of company to play with and knowing they were getting to experience a real childhood at all... it was nice to see.

His ear twitches to hear Sparkspirit's whisper, and he's inclined to agree with Rabbitclaw. He couldn't speak to the lingering pains reverberating through the clan, he could hardly wrap his head around his own foolish emotions on a good day. He glances sideways toward the dark moor-runner, and wonders how he felt about it, how he thought about the prospect of it being like this.

"...'Always' is a big word," He mutters in response. Nothing lasted always. Sootstar had gone mad trying to extend herself past her mortal coil. Foxglare felt odd watching the snow fall as they stood against her and her army, knowing that he had lived long enough to see the snow falling again. He didn't put too much weight in whether he would be able to see the snow fall once more, so long as it meant bringing more moments of peace like this one.

"Here. Have a worm." A freckled paw scooped up one of the pink wrigglers arriving to the surface of the ground, and tossed it lightly toward his clanmates' feet.

  • OOC:
  • sun . fox . foxpaw . foxglare
    — he/him. 16mo moor-runner of windclan. currently mentoring sunlitpaw.
    — a large, scarred white and golden tabby tom with grey eyes
    — smells like dewy oak and sedge
    — sounds like leon kennedy, with a vague texan drawl.
    — the straight-faced and taciturn adopted son of houndthistle, lived as a twolegplace loner until 7 moons old, now a moor-runner of windclan. steadfast and reserved, in an era of attempting to forge bonds with others and create a future to look toward.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by antiigone, hs by tropics
    — penned by eezy
Last edited:
Midnightkit never really minded the rain. It certainly never kept her from going outside to play, because even being drenched by a downpour was better than being trapped inside the nursery all day. She really liked when the sky lit up with flashes of light during thunderstorms. It made her think of starclan, and she wondered if it meant that the warriors above were fighting some great battle. But today it seemed like the rest of her clanmates were out enjoying the rain as well, and the ebony furred girl toddled around behind her brother. As Blizzardkit offered them her all her little worm friend, asking for a name, Middy tilted her head in deep thought. I think his name should be Wiggles,” she nodded very seriously as she watched the slimy bug crawl on the damp earth, barely resisting the urge to poke it with a claw.

"You should absolutely eat worms if you wanna be a tunneler. I heard it makes you dig better." Mintshade's smile is bright, blossoming stark white across her dark pelt and her sharp teeth glint menacingly despite her lack of animosity. She just had the sort of smile that made you think she was up to something at all times and maybe she was. Maybe a small part of her would always be inwardly conniving and scheming, coming up with mischief and pranks to pull but she had the sense to be more withdrawn about it now than she once was. It was not a kindness so much as an adaption, a clan of scared rabbits no longer beneath the shadow of a hawk did not need more things to jump at so she kept herself tame but the wildness inside never dampened.
The dark molly chuffed as she slid her way up alongside Wolfsong in a manner far more friendly than it really should have been given their vitrolic relationship, she snapped her teeth encouragingly before stepped past him to flip a wriggling pink worm with her paw up into the air before lunging with her teeth to claim it in her maw with an audible click of fangs. It tasted like dirt, mud, the scum on the edge of the sunwarmed pool at midday - disgusting, but she grinned rather than grimaced, how else to encourage the kits to try a squirming treat.


  • 75204806_tvd1Fn4G7YPpsOD.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior (Moor Runner) of WindClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Solid black cat w/ acid green eyes.

The cats that swarm around him are answer enough to whatever hope he may have. His eyes are still saucer-wide, drinking in the rain. The splinter of pain as they chisel away at his bitter hope is enough to nearly make tears well to his eyes, but Sparkspirit had not even cried when he lost his mom so many moons ago. He had not cried over Weaselclaw, or his sister. (Had he? He can't– he can't remember, now, with the walls he has built around each vulnerable part of his mind.) There would be no crying now. No matter how badly he thinks that he needs it. The rusted tom exhales shakily. Acceptance in a single sound. It wouldn't be like this. Not forever. This wound would not always be present. In seasons to come, he would die. They would die. WindClan would go on, and so would StarClan. There would be new pains, and new things to celebrate, and this would be far from anyone's mind.

He doesn't think he's supposed to find peace in that. But he does anyway.

Gathering himself up, he turns from the beauty of it and back into the mud, this time with an unpracticed smile on his maw. "Look," he says, "there's another one over there. It's good nutrition, like Mintshade says."

  • OOC.
    ——  a trim mock tortoiseshell tom with mostly black fur splashed with the occasional patch orange. he has a singular white mark on the back of his neck shaped similarly to a lightning strike, and a small scar across the bridge of his nose. his eyes are a shocking electric blue.
  • "speech"
˚₊⋅───────── /ᐠ - ˕ -マ ─────────⋅ ˚₊

There are reasons to admire the other clans.. sometimes. ThunderClan for the tall trees that cover them. ShadowClan for the long shadows that shroud them. SkyClan for their... free labor from kittypets? But today... RiverClan was the subject of his amusement. In the downpour that had begun, Gracklestep thinks of river water splashed across his thin, color-void coat and how their healthy diet of slimy, fatty fish would spare them from instant chill unlike his spindly cohort.

The discussion moves to worms... those that drown beneath the surface and spring up like new blooms to escape- apparently it is only a death mission as Mintshade decorates her teeth pink and prompts other, more foolish members to do the same.

He hides his grimace by carefully twitching his whiskers, pollen-dusted lashes drawing towards the hazy, empty distance where the clouds end and sunshine begins again. "Hopefully the storm passes soon... before the mud swallows us."

The wet smell of the ground and grass filled Goldenstrike's lungs. It had been a long time since he was reminded of why he loved WindClan, why he followed Sunstar to the barn, why he let his stomach go hungry, why he gave his strength to the clan. A small smile stayed on his face as kits played with worms and other cats being pleasantly pelted by some water. They were almost like the freshly bloomed plants among the moors, soaking in the fresh newness of Newleaf. It was peace.

He saddled up next to his sibling, letting drops of rain slip off his wiry coat. He would sit there for awhile, stewing in the peace. Stewing because truly he wasn't sure if he knew how to fully relax, he hadn't really had a chance to since he was Goldenkit. Which brought him to set a gaze on the kittens watching in awe at worms among the damp dirt. He wished for them to grow up without the same pressures he did. He knew it was too much of an ask, they still were clan cats. Yet, he still held the hope up.


✧ . Lemontongue’s never liked the rain much. With ears once too big for his head, the world he’d been born into had already been loud, and rain — perhaps even in its gentlest form — only added to ever-persistent volumes. Not to mention, who would want to walk about in such weather? To soak their fur in cold waters bestowed upon them from the sky?

He’s never liked rain much, but he stands in it with his clanmates now. For it is sudden and warm, for it is different today, in the moors’ new beauty.

Is this how it will always be now? A question woven between droplets against his ears, the moor runner can only hope this is how his home will be for the rest of time — beautiful and at peace, warm and bright. How it should’ve been, always.

Enjoy it while you can, another clanmate says. He fears Rabbitclaw speaks the truth, fears a battle that leaves the plains shattered once more.

But as he stands among his clanmates’ chatter, as kits greet emerging worms, as rain falls against his fur and echoes around him, he pushes his fears down and his shoulders back, and hopes instead. And for once, for once, he feels a sense of calm wash over him. ​
  • 75352118_XH2ROymgRJzK9qk.png
    LEMONTONGUE AMAB. He / Him. Moor Runner of WindClan.
    ✧ . A cinnamon tabby and white tom with yellow eyes.
    ✧ . Honeytwist x Lionsnarl
    ✧ . Mentored by Flaxenjump
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack