pafp fall from your throne ☾ ThunderClan Altercation

SkyClan's border is her least favorite to patrol frankly, for obvious reasons but also the kittypet scent makes her nose wrinkle in disgust whenever the wind carries it her way. They are only hunting, wandering this close had been an accident on her part but she wasn't going to give up on her mouse just because of the area. A well-placed pounce lands her directly atop it where she leans in to end its tiny life before it can give her the slip and she hums to herself over one more piece of prey for the pile courtesy of her; quite some paces back she had a thrush buried as well. A decent hunting trip, especially so since Raccoonstripe was on patrol elsewhere and not breathing down her back over her form or anything either. Moonpaw sits back on her haunches, a paw raised to clean her whiskers briefly when she catches SkyClan scent more strongly than a mere border line. The tortie apprentice turns, blue eyes widening as she looks for what she assumes to be an oncoming patrol only to see a single cat in the distance.

A cream cat wanders to the border and she stares from where she is still crouched over her mouse, eyes narrowing as the cat walks ever closer to the scent line of their territory and then simply walks over it. Moonpaw is stunned, appalled at the audacity of what is obviously a SkyClan cat traipsing right onto their land without even a little hesitation. Once her initial shock wears off she shoves her mouse under the bush next to her to fetch later and moves forward through the foliage on swift but silent steps. It is only when she is within a few tail lengths does she drop her attempts to be quiet as the cat seems to not even be paying a little attention. Her muscles coil tight and she springs, slamming into the other with surprising ease and shoving the tom down onto his side where she easily dwarfs him and keeps a paw firmly pinning his neck so he makes no attempt to snap his teeth at her. Though, she doubts he will-that take down was alarmingly easy. Whose untrained apprentice was this just left to wander? Did SkyClan have any sense at all?
"You have a LOT of nerve just walking over our border like that, kittypet!" Her teeth bare, tortie point face twisted into a snarl, "You're lucky I don't rip you apart for this!" Had her mentor been here he would not have hesitated to shred this fool of a cat to pieces for his ignorance; she is still debating doing so as she looks around for the rest of the idiot's patrol and whether or not her own clanmates heard her shout.

ThunderClan Patrol - @STORMYWING & @WILDHEART
don't rush something you want to last forever .
Yukio hadn’t ventured outside of camp much until the kits he’d taken under his wing became apprentices. No longer welcomed by small bundles but apprentices growing into their own skin, making a name for themselves in the clan as Yukio watched from afar, smiling until his lips grew tired. He never did bond with them as much as he had hoped, but Yukio was content, giving them a place to rest their helm until they left the nursery in search of greater things.

It left Yukio in quite a predicament. What would happen to him now that he wasn’t of use? It was a constant thought, worrying into the late hours of the night thinking of what he could offer the clan, but came up empty-pawed. He wasn’t very good at anything, but hadn’t the clan reassured him they wouldn’t leave him?

Yukio blinked, nearly tripping over his paws while peering up at the tall pines that loomed over him. Oh, heavens. He always wondered how they got so big. He was curious about a lot of things which seemed to get him into a lot of trouble than what he was really worth.

The cream-ticked tabby blinked, peering down at the rock he just kicked. Oh! Pretty! With bubbly curiosity, Yukio reached towards it, tripping over himself, sending the rock sailing further ahead. He yelped, skidding after it unceremoniously, trapping the object between small paws, grinning happily. “Look—!” He paused, staring widely at the apprentice, heart dropping to his paws. Oh no.

Yukio squeaked, stumbling back from the angered she-cat with owlish optics, maw gaping. “N, No! I—” He fumbled, nearly tripping over himself with shame running hotly down his spine. “I’m s, sorry!” He all but gasped out, nerves frayed, flinching.
thought speech
Hunting seemed like it would be a straightforward job; catch some prey, head home. Do well and get to head back early. Things had been going well all in all, but it seemed as though the fates were insistent that he wouldn't be slinking back to camp any earlier than planned. The calico tom was just sinking into a crouch as he stalked after a songbird when he overheard Moonpaw's voice not far off, and it wasn't happy noises either.

In an instant Wildheart abandoned his hunt in favour of rushing to his clanmate, one he had once trained alongside under Raccoonstripe's gruelling mentorship. His hackles were already raised as he arrived on the scene and he locked his amber sights on the pinned SkyClan trespasser. "Now that's quite the catch. So then, what inspired some filthy kittypet-loving vermin to cross the border uninvited?" A snarl rumbled from the depths of his throat as he circled around the pair with his teeth flashing in warning. It was probably lucky for Yukio that it had been Moonpaw who had caught them first, because if it had been Wildheart then he would be sending them back to SkyClan in pieces by now.


Howlfire was on patrol not far from Yukio when she was aware of the older cat straying too close to the ThunderClan border. Yukio had not been born in the clans but was a part of SkyClan regardless. Howlfire did not know how well he knew of the clan borderlines given that for much of the time she had known of him he had been in the nursery. She hoped he had some knowledge of it, but by how carelessly he was edging closer and closer to it, and then wandering across perhaps he did not.

"Yukio! Yukio's in ThunderClan territory," Howlfire hissed in a panic, hoping to alert the other SkyClan cats nearby. Howlfire moved to try and catch the tom before too much damage was done, but as she caught up she could already hear angry hisses and yells. "HEY!" Howlfire yelled as she appeared on the ThunderClan side, eyes glancing between Moonpaw and Wildheart. "It was an accident!" She mewed, trying to justify whatever reason Yukio had for crossing. Yes, it had to be an accident. Howlfire could see the way the two ThunderClan cats were looking at him, their teeth exposed, tails lashing, looking as though they might have shredded him right there and then. "Let him stand up," She urged. "He is no threat to you."


A low growl of warning rumbled forth from Johnnyflames chest as he came to a halt at the very edge of the border, molten eyes blazing with barely bridled ferocity s they landed on Wildheart and his apprentice. Reason told him they were within his right to confront a trespasser (even if this was a bit overboard), but instinct told him to protect his clanmate.

"That's enough!" he called, voice clipped but still bordering on civil. "Yukio has made a mistake, that's all- one I'm sure they won't be eager to repeat after this. There's no need to torment them when no actual harms been done." he called to the pair, hoping they were willing to listen to reason.

He could understand if the Skyclanner had been caught stealing prey or sneaking about, but Johnny and his patrol had literally just spotted Yukio a few minutes prior. They couldn't have gotten far enough to do any trouble, surely? And surely nothing with malicious intent behind it.

"If your leader feels fit to punish someone for the trespass, they can punish the warrior that was supposed to be watching them; me. But either way I'll have to ask you to unhand our queen."

Johnny hadn't actually been assigned to watch them, but the Thunderclnners didn't need to know that, and he'd be damned if he was going to stand there and let them scare Yukio like that over a simple misunderstanding.

"And you have Skyclans apology for this mistake. Rest assured of that." he added quickly, not wanting the clear tension to be mistaken for outright hostility. He hadn't forgotten what Thunderclan had done for them and he wasn't eager to see this escalate any farther, but he also wouldn't be able to stand by and let the pair antagonize an innocent cat like Yukio either.


"Coming onto our territory isn't a threat? What was he trying to do? Hunting our prey? Taking our herbs?" Moonpaw stares down her sister unblinking, expression tightening and anger burning in her gaze; the icecaps melted, gave way to fire and she presses a paw down harder to maintain her footing, "Unlike SkyClan we will guard our borders as fiercely as LionClan." Wildheart arrives at her side, her former co-apprentice under Raccoonstripe and he immediately makes clear his stance as well; they are justified.

A tortiseshell cat approaches, scarred and with authority in his tone growls at them in a way that hardly makes them look any less like fools caught with paws in the freshkill pile though the realization of what rank this cat actually was does give her pause.
"..a queen? Why is a queen out here? " Her voice pitches, unamused by the explaination that she had shoved down a cat who wasn't even supposed to be out here. What softheaded idiot let a queen this close to the border? What fool of a queen would wander out here? Did he not know the rules? Did he willingly disobey them? She remembers Howlingstar scolding Sunfreckle for a lapse in judgement similar but he hadn't crossed into another clan's territory at least. What if this one had been carrying kits? What if she'd hurt them? "Do you have bees for a brain or something?" She asked, growling downward at the cream tabby still pinned under her paw. 'Let him go', they plead, 'it was an accident', they say. She recalls Stormywing telling her of some weird talking kittypet who had done similarly not too long ago and her hackles raise.

"How many more mistakes will SkyClan be allowed to make before they learn what a border is?" She snaps to the collared tom, black lips curling as she examines him; already she has decided she does not care for whatever rank he might be with that garbage around his neck. "What good is your apology when this keeps happening?" Why should she not thrash this kittypet fool and send him crying back across the border as a reminder?
Badgerstrike didn't need to be told to join the others when she heard talk of a trespasser. Ever the one to jump at the chance for a fight, she stalked over on eager paws to catch the words of Skyclan cats trying to get their wayward friend back.

She laughs.

"A Skyclanner not knowing where the border is? Seen that before." She says.

She looks to Yukio. "What's your excuse, huh? Sniffer not working?" She hisses.

Johnnyflame regards this cat as a queen, and she laughs again. "A queen? What's he doing out here then!? Can you lot not keep an eye on your most vulnerable?? Embarrassing."

Her paw rests near Yukios face, claws unsheathed. She was bluffing now, but with her, it's hard to tell. Will she hit him??? Will she not??? Who knows.

"This is the second time an airheaded kittypet has crossed this border. Sometimes a lesson is best learned the hard way." She snarls.​
Howlfire's call interrupts the relatively peaceful patrol, informing them all that Yukio had gone and crossed ThunderClan's border. An exasperated sigh huffs from a broad maw before he swiftly follows Blazestar's daughter toward the quickly unfolding conflict. How did this possibly happen? Slate was ready to verbally rip into Yukio for their mistake. A piece of prey he could understand... but a rock? Stars above.

It doesn't take long for the opinionated brute to butt into the exchange, "So what're we supposed to do? Stand here while you tear him to shreds?" Slate can't say that he totally disagrees with Moonpaw's confusion and frustration, but he's growing annoyed with how much these ThunderClanners are trying to push this idea of punishing Yukio. If anyone was punishing Yukio, it was Blazestar. "Just drop it, yeah? It won't happen again. If it does, then he'll get whatever's comin' to him." Ever-equipped with blunt remarks, Slate wasn't going to pretend that Yukio's actions weren't foolish. He knew damn well there was a border present and he crossed it, and for what? A dumb rock? What a joke. Maybe Yukio getting beat up would be enough to teach him a lesson, but not today. The queen simply made a mistake and, if he was smart, wouldn't be making it again.

The hulking Maine Coon gave a lash of his tail, snorting, "And iIf you had any brains in those tiny skulls of yours, you'd think before underestimating SkyClan. Not all of us are kittypets." Slate didn't even like them. Would they still assume he was some soft-pawed house cat who didn't know how to fight? Now that he considered it, it would bring him great amusement to see them try it.

He doesn't care if SkyClan's leader has family living in ThunderClan. Frankly, they were cocky idiots looking for a giant ass-kicking. He wouldn't be opposed to serving it to them; Howlfire and Johnnyflame's presence here doesn't deter him much from the very idea.

A flaming amber stare darts toward Badgerstrike as she draws far too close to the stammering queen, making blatant threats as his clanmates stood by. ThunderClan had every right to defend their territory from a plausible threat, but they weren't going to get away with spitting in Yukio's face and foaming at the mouth to skin them alive for a petty mistake. Not while he was present. "Lay one claw on him and I'll show you how we fight back where I'm from." The massive street cat lets forth a snarl, broad shoulders rippling as he steps forward menacingly. Just because Slate was living in SkyClan now didn't mean that he had completely given up his old ways of living; how could he, after roaming the streets for a majority of his life? If anything he jumped at any opportunity to sink his teeth into some numbskull who ran their mouth.
This border is Blazestar’s least favorite, too. It had been where Little Wolf had given birth to his kits twelve moons ago, but it had also been where Morningpaw had died. The Ragdoll’s jaw is clenched long before he hears Howlfire’s frantic call, sees Johnnyflame and Slate move swiftly to defend a cowering Yukio. Crouched above him is a cat nearly his size, with the same thick, pale fur and blue eyes—only Moonpaw’s are glinting like ice, cold and without mercy.

What is the meaning of this?” Roughly, he shoulders between a snarling Slate and Johnnyflame; at least the latter speaks with a semblance of diplomacy. He stares Moonpaw in her eyes, astonished at the aggression spewing from her mouth, at her teeth bared so easily to a cat who is blubbering and harmless. “We will not be attacking ThunderClan on their own territory.” His voice rings, commanding, scathing, hoping it is enough to cause the fur on his warriors’ shoulders to lie flat. “Yukio, explain at once what you are doing trespassing. You have been a Clan cat for enough moons to recognize a scent marker, and you should be in the nursery.

He knows the cowering cream-colored queen had meant no harm, but dread is crawling through Blazestar’s fur like spiders. He does not want to make an enemy of ThunderClan, but the bird-brained, untrained cats he allows into his Clan have crossed this border twice now and faced a trigger-happy patrol’s wrath.

He looks at Badgerstrike, his frown deepening at the mockery she displays. “This is a cat who can hardly take care of himself. He is no threat to ThunderClan.” He levels with her, assuming her to be the patrol leader. Surely it is not his daughter, though she acts with the arrogance of ten warriors despite carrying paw behind her name still. “Let him go, and I will see to it he does not make this mistake again.

And yet, what good is such a promise, when only moons ago another foolish kittypet had blundered over the scent line? Blazestar sinks his claws into the turf, cursing the soft heart that has let too many cats with no sense of Clan loyalty or Clan ideals into SkyClan.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
  • Wow
Reactions: dejavu and pearlpaw
// @skypaw . apprentice tag!

Howlingstar is able to pick up on what has happened fairly quickly as she rushes towards the conflict, her mottled apprentice in tow. What was meant to be a quiet outing for hunting training has turned into what appears to be a border scuffle, and when she bursts from the foliage she spots her granddaughter on top of a SkyClanner, on ThunderClan's side of the border. A blatant breaking of the Warrior Code. Her ears pin angrily, but it soon becomes clear this cat is practically harmless. A queen, they call him. But her clanmates don't ease up.

"Let him up," She orders, stalking forward with a lashing a tail, head rising in a clear show of dominance. "You defended the border. You taught him a lesson," She speaks to Moonpaw directly, coming to a stop at the gathering of cats. Her tone is not angry or chiding, but matter-of-fact. Moonpaw did what she was supposed to. "But bloodshed is not justified if there is no reason for it. He's not fighting back. He's frightened. Let him up." There is a part of her that worries about the hints of cruelty her clanmates were showing as they argued to keep him there, teach him more of a lesson. She warily eyes Badgerstrike and Wildheart before her attention snaps to Blazestar.

"There will be no fighting at all," She reiterates his words in agreement, glad to know they have an understanding. Blazestar is a friend, and she does not wish for him to think she stands by such needless violence. But still, this situation is a repeated one. "Blazestar, I of course don't want trouble between our clans, you know that well when we warned you of WindClan's attack. But this is the second time in a pawful of moons one of yours has crossed this border accidentally. What will be done?" Her tone is not unkind, but it is assertive. SkyClan may be in her favor, but that doesn't mean she'll allow them to continue crossing their border without consequence.


The last thing Johnny wanted was an altercation with Thunderclan. The patched tomcat hadn't forgotten what Howlingstar and her cats had done for them- had not forgotten the lives that had been spared and the injuries that were avoided all thanks to the simple feline decency they'd displayed that night- something Windclan had apparently never heard of. It's what made this particular incident so frustrating, because as much as he was annoyed by Wildheart and Moonpaws behavior, they were cats who ultimately belonged to a group who'd done right by his own, and attacking them felt like spitting in the face of that.

But Slate was right- did these Thunderclanners truly expect their patrol to juststand there on the border while they pinned and assaulted a trembling, regretful Skyclanner? One who'd ultimately done no harm beyond disrespecting a boundaryline?

As Badgerstrikes claws flexed near a scared Yukios face, Johnnys hackles rose in a clear threat of his own- no border would keep him nd his cts back if they put their claws on that Skyclanner.

"You've got no right teaching anyone lessons when you haven't got the sense to judge a crime a properly- he's outnumbered, pinned, and shaking like a leaf, and your all carrying on about hurting him farther. Your idea of a justice hardly fits the crime they've committed." he shot back, not at all disagreeing that Yukio was in the wrong, but certainly against whatever roguish plans of retribution the trio planned on carrying out.

He was grateful when the leaders finally made their appearance, Starclan apparently looking down on them all that day and deciding bloodshed would not be an option. Some of the tension slipped from his shoulders at the realization that neither Blaze nor Howling wanted war to come from this, and he swallowed down whatever barbed remark he'd had poised to slip free. Instead, the lead warrior turned his gaze to Howlingstar. He'd never addressed her firsthand before, but he believed in giving thanks were it was due.

"Thank you, Howlingstar. Yukio is kind cat, but they tend to wander, and we take full responsibility for that." Johnny agreed, having no excuse. Their cats were their responsability, and there was no reason for them to be crossing into any other groups territory.

Yukios punishment -or the preventative measures to come- were Blazestars decision though, and Johnny allowed the two leaders to continue speaker as his burning yellow eyes shifted to land on Duskpools child, nodding for them to hurry back to their side of the border where they belonged- and to thank Howlingstar when they did.

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"If it smells like a kittypet and lives with kittypets, then its a kittypet-sorry you had to find out from me." Moonpaw says coolly to Slate's insistence otherwise. Why was he even in SkyClan if he didn't seem to like them? Why didn't he just leave or better yet, join a clan with some self-respect.
She can not even answer his question on expections yet to tell him that she would insist on their leaders showing up, that she would ask Wildheart to return swiftly with Howlingstar, before said leaders arrive on their own terms and she immediately turns away from Blazestar's order. He is not her leader, she will not obey a word he says and it is not until Howlingstar herself tells her to let the cat go does she do so with a polite nod, raising a paw with a warning hiss that they not try anything as they scurry back to their side of the border.
Flexing her claws against the ground before she resheathes them the apprentice moves back to stand next to her grandmother and regard the gathered SkyClan cats with narrowed eyes and an unimpressed expression.
What she should have done and what she will be doing going forward, is mauling them first and asking questions later so she hoped sincerely for their sake that Blazestar could keep a better reign on his fool warriors (or queens in this instance) than he currently had.
As she stands there she becomes alarmingly more aware of the spot, the location, blue eyes dance across the ground that so long ago was covered in snow drenched red; her sister's body still warm and melting it around her. They were right next to that exact place she died, if SkyClan didn't stop acting like fools the border would be coated further. Moonpaw inhales and holds it, waiting.
don't rush something you want to last forever .
His skin prickled with unfamiliar scents and bristled beyond belief, but it barely made him any bigger, tears prickled along his waterline with choked, queasy breaths at the words tossed back and forth, not quite registering what was being said other than the impending doom that his blood was about o coat the very ground they walked on.

He hadn’t intended to cross borders, not all that familiar with the term, but he knew some deal about it, enough to know better. He bit back another sputtered apology, wrangling back a squeal at the sudden flash of claws near his opened maw, chest shuddering with loud wheezes permitting the air, subtle against the voices, but evident, nonetheless. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

Were they going to punish him? He hadn’t—Yukio flinched, curling into himself tighter, willing the ground to swallow him whole. He felt shame churn in his stomach, overpowered by fear as flashes of Kyungmin danced behind owlish optics of times when he too would punish Yukio for things.

Will it hurt? He wanted to ask. They always did.

Yukio wondered if they all were like Kyungmin, cruel and easily angered as he was, but they had the right to be angry. To do whatever they pleased, even if his body were to be rippled to shreds, nothing more than bloodied bone when the others returned. They had every right to kill him, maybe then he’d meet his kits in StarClan allowed him after causing such a ruckus.

At Blazestar’s voice, the cream-ticked tabby flinched, guilt overtaking his fear. “I–” He wasn’t sure what to say. “I, I didn’t know—” He stumbled, expression flickering between heavy-lidded guilt and the prickling fear of being mauled right where he stood. “I tripped o, over a rock and chased i, it.” He finally managed out with a gasp, wanting to scoot back with ears flat against his helm, watching the ThunderClanners, only now turning his helm to peer at the others, noting the subtle nod of Johnnyflame’s helm at Howlingstar’s voice.

“I, I’m sorry.” He mumbled, glancing over at Howlingstar with a skittish apology, mind foggy at the briefest glance in Blazestar’s direction. He caused such a mess, even after Blazestar accepted him despite his ditzy ways, and yet he briefly wondered if this was where he had to say goodbye. Blinking back the tears, Yukio hurried across the border, hiding behind Slate and Johnnyflame with a rattled breath, peering around them with owlish optics, expression uncertain.

thought speech
She glances to Slate, who threatens her in turn for her bluff. It excites her. Thankfully for everyone involved, the responsible adults arrive to diffuse the situation. She gives Slate a crooked grin.

"Fight like where you come from, huh? Well fluffy, I'd like to show you the same~" She says.

To show she is not actually going to bite and maim and kill poor Yukio here, she steps away from him with sheathed claws to let him go to his clanmates after Moonpaw lets him up.

She stares down Johnny. "Trespassers are dealt with in a way that lets them know not to do it again. I will not show mercy to some, and not others." She says. After all, every time she has shown mercy, it has bitten her in the ass and gotten her hurt.

"I don't know how you all defend your borders, but I defend mine with claws and teeth." She says as she moves to sit beside Moonpaw.

She watches Yukio skitter back to the Skyclanners, and she realizes she doesn't feel bad at all. She realizes she's annoyed. Annoyed that such a cat was left unattended. Someone she could so easily crush beneath her paws, wandering over the border like he owned the forest.

"Even wanderers must mind their steps." She says, recalling how Johnnyflame said the queen tended to wander. After these words, she remains quiet to let the two leaders speak.​
Wildheart scowled as the SkyClanners arrived on the scene to plea for mercy for their wayward comrade. It's then that they come to learn that the trespasser is a queen as well, and he finds himself shaking his head in disbelief. How could any clan be so reckless? Sure, he understood that queens could get bored, but they could wander around the outskirts of the camp, not go prancing by a border!

Before he could offer up any of his own opinion Howlingstar arrived and made it clear what the proceedings would be. He wasn't in full agreement but he wasn't going to challenge her decision either. The tom let his fur lay flat as he moved to stand near Moonpaw as he stared at the SkyClanners across the border in a bemused manner. And to think that it had been caused by a rock at that as well!


It is a mercy Blazestar and Howlingstar appear, no doubt drawn over by the angry braying of their clanmates. It's even more of a mercy Howlfire has held her tongue this long.

In truth, Howlfire knows the ThunderClan cats are not unjustified in defending their borders. Accident or not Yukio had still crossed over. It is simply their reaction that she thinks is overblown, especially given that Ykio was clearly not a threat to them. Moonpaw had retorted about how he could have been hunting their prey or trying to steal herbs, and Howlfire had found her eyes rolling at that point. Who did her sister think he was exactly? A WindClan raiding their camp for no good reason? As if Moonpaw had any idea what that was like.

"Oh I'm sure he learnt his lesson when you knocked him over," Howlfire responded to Badgerstrike's comment about defending her borders. Although the response was aimed Badgerstrike, her eyes glance towards her sister. She remains largely silent whilst the older cats talk, though her attention is caught when Moonpaw makes a comment about Slate being a kittypet, and then by extension living with and smelling like kittypets must have made all of SkyClan kittypets.

Howlfire takes a step forward, tail lashing, though she is careful not to overstep. "Slate is a SkyClan warrior," She corrects sharply, quick to defend her mentor. Her amber eyes look her sister up and down before scoffing. "I think perhaps you should take a look at your reflection in a puddle, sister," Howlfire said snarkily. "All these harsh words about kittypets and stinking like kittypets...have you forgotten who our father is? Have you forgotten where you come from?" Howlfire took a deep, forceful inhale. "I'm sure our uncle tells you otherwise to make you and himself feel better but you can't hide the truth, Moonpaw. You're just as much a kittypet as I am."
Skypaw wonders if it's youthful naivety that keeps him going. The gathering is weeks behind him and he figures he won't need to worry about SkyClanners, namely Blazestar, for the many more ahead (just so long as he avoids their border.) And yet, by the cruelest of fates for them all, a commotion alerts Howlingstar and he has no choice but to follow her thundering pawsteps.

It's easy to parse his Clanmates from the huddle of cats, his sisters among them. Sisters, plural. Moonpaw is there, of course, but so is Howlfire. It's odd to recognize the SkyClanner as family, though he must lest he forget the reasoning for his own name. Family aside, however, he finds distaste in how sister goes after sister. The mottled tom allows a growl to roll in his chest - this whole mess could've been something to sweep under the rug, but now it's become personal. He dwells in the silent grace that what can be said for the two of them cannot be for him; having an absent father is more of a blessing in the moment than it's ever been.

"Howlingstar...?" he murmurs his mentor's name, standing closer to her side. Yukio's been released, however clearly the situation remains unresolved. He looks for direction, biting the edges of his tongue until the pain hides the bitter feelings crawling up his throat.​

She was not humoring this childish argument from the kittypet clan, they could lament all they wanted that they were real warriors but the two-leg scent that lingered their territory claimed otherwise. Unlike Howlfire she wasn't going to embarrass her leader by being loud and abrasive, her reply is calm and cool and not a single word raised higher than her normal speaking volume.
"You are wrong on two parts. The first is I am not your sister." Ice blue eyes darted from the patchwork tortie to Blazestar, coldly narrowing, "Because I have no father."
Blazestar chose SkyClan over keeping their family together and that was his decision, he made it clear what he valued more; that Howlfire and Fireflypaw willingly went with him also drew the line blatantly across the dirt. They had all made their choice, they could wallow in it together alone but Moonpaw was having none of it. She was not involved in their kittypet lifestyle, she was not yeilding to such a weak clan and she was not claiming any of them as kin. Perhaps now they would understand that more clearly. Perhaps now she would be left alone at last.
Her gaze darts to Skypaw as he approaches and she lifts her head up so that her younger sibling could see her facing the other clan proudly and refined, she had done her duty and she was unapologetic for it.
They were lucky she had not cut that cat up the second he crossed the border.
  • Crying
Reactions: dejavu
Badgerstrike knew about the tension between Little Wolf's kits who resided in Skyclan and those who stayed. It's not like they made it secret, and while she couldn't relate, having not even known her birth parents, she found it frustrating how they chose to hate each other. If she were to meet Sweetybee or Mountainheart in battle, she would honor them with a good fight, just as she was taught. Their bonds are stronger than borders and clans.

Why can't it be the same for them?

She found it to be a narrowminded point of view. She wouldn't dare speak now, though. This was between the members of a broken family, and not her place to do so.

But Moonpaw's words and their frigid delivery shock her. To so easily disown family.... Was anything even there at all? She knows the story. But she thinks of Morningpaw, who resides in the stars. This can't be what she wanted.

Again, she dares not speak. She only scoots a little away from Moonpaw, fully expecting Howlfire to retaliate for such comments.​

Badgerstrike is wise to step back, Howlfire thinks. As soon as Moonpaw speaks, she can feel the rage building in her chest, even more so when she sees her sister look at Skypaw with a proud look. Howlfire is furious. Furious for herself, furious for Blazestar, and furious for Morningpaw.

"!" Howlfire stammers. Tail lashing, fur bristling, she takes another step forward. "Our father already lost one daughter on this very border and now you're making him lose another?" She hisses, claws flexing in the dirt. Oh, how she longs to make a swipe for her sister, to try and knock some sense into her head. "I hate that you're the one who looks like Morningpaw. She was so good and kind and pure and you're just...cold."

Howlfire started to back up, and as she did so her eyes briefly looked at Skypaw. Her half-sibling...the replacement. "Have fun with that one then," Howlfire mewed at Moonpaw, before making a sneer at Skypaw. She felt bad directing some of her ire towards Skypaw, especially given that she hardly knew her younger brother, but he was there now and within her sights. "I hope you know the only reason our mother ever had you and Duskpaw was to replace the kits she lost," She said spitefully. There was more to it than that, but that was the childish opinion Howlfire still had, the very same one that had led to her eventual brief capture.

Howlfire shook her head and despite how evidently angry she was, there were tears forming in her eyes. She looked at her father and grandmother apologetically, before turning tail and running back to camp.

/ Out!