storage fantasy garden ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ (fennel's dumping grounds)


( icon by 7Na5Go )
Feb 29, 2024
hiya, this is just a place for me to dump character notes, and to practice making codes for myself! :p
all characters will have their own storages eventually
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  • u66UlAS.png
    Ant -inspired by her mother's love of bugs (which she inherited), and her dark fur (potential suffixes: -wing, -whisker, -flight, and more)
    — apprentice of thunderclan
    — cis female, she/her; pansexual
    — created 3/1/24 at 6 moons / ages realistically, at the 1st day of each month

    ↳ penned by @fennel
  • fluffy black and white cat / reference
    antpaw is a fluffy, black and white she-cat. white markings cover her throat and underbelly. she has white socks on three feet, and only two white toes on her front right paw. her face is a solid black, except for a tiny stripe extending from her mouth to her chin. she is a little bit stocky for her age, though it is hard to tell under all of the fluff. her eyes, always bright and full of life, are a muted green.
    ↳ black cat w/ low white​
  • alightment, mbti, whatever
    Intelligence ●●●●○○○○○○
    Confidence ●●●●●●●●○○
    Charisma ●●●○○○○○○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●○○○○
    Empathy ●●●●●●○○○○
    Humor ●●●●●●●○○○

    small note: still developing her as i go tbh. will edit the description later :p

    (+) outgoing, cheerful (/) confident, passionate, (-) quick-tempered, stubborn.

    Antpaw is incredibly outgoing, with a great passion for Thunderclan, and the world as a whole. She is very outspoken about this, and it can come off as quite intense to those who are not used to it. She's quick to start conversations or be nosy about other peoples' business. When she's not trying to chat up other members of Thunderclan, it's common to find her closely inspecting the bugs around the territory.

    She is incredibly confident and quick to boast about her accomplishments. Her ego is just as quick to deflate, however, when she is faced with any amount of criticism. She tends to take things rather personally, which can lead her to butt heads with others, or sulk when things aren't going her way.

    As she is still relatively young, she is adjusting to her apprenticeship. Some concepts go in one ear and out the other. It's quite the learning curve for her. Despite her faults, she is still trying.

    ↳ mannerisms elaborate.
  • NPC x NPC sibling to NPCs | mentoring no one, mentored by (NPC, until otherwise specified)
    Mate to no one | Parent to no one | No notable kin
    — Admires
    — Close friends with
    — Friends with
    — Likes
    — Dislikes
    — Loathes
  • strength ●●●●●○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●●○○○○
    agility ●●●●●○○○○○
    hunting ●●●●●○○○○○
    swimming ●●○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●●●○○○
    grace ●●●●○○○○○○
    single; pansexual; crushing on no one, not looking
    Antpaw (currently) trusts all of her clanmates, regardless of who she gets along with. She is always looking to befriend her clanmates, but can sometimes come across as intense to others.
    — physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
    — may start fights | will flee | will show mercy
    excels at bug catching, climbing
    poor at combat
    smells like moss
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
    — speech is #A48E59
  • will update later :)
  • Backstory / simplified history
    Antpaw's life is average, as far as she's concerned. She grew up in a small litter and had a close relationship with her parents. Her mother loved bugs, and would often show her different places (in camp) to catch them. Antpaw idolized warriors, growing up listening to tall tales about her parents' accomplishments. Her mother was just as good at telling exaggerated stories as she was at finding bugs. She wants to be just like them! Hopefully, she can grow the be the best warrior that she can be.

    Important Threads
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    Thread Name brief description.
    Thread Name brief description.
  • posting format
    posting format
    [box="margin: auto; width: 75%; max-width:600px; text-align: justify;"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ullamcorper urna purus, vel dignissim nisi dictum ut. Maecenas tortor ante, convallis tincidunt augue in, commodo maximus enim. Proin a mi vel urna facilisis ullamcorper. Proin aliquam leo vel mi vulputate ultricies. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce purus tellus, rhoncus ut augue in, lacinia egestas velit. Aliquam ante turpis, ornare eget elementum id, rhoncus vel felis. Morbi id vulputate mauris, vitae facilisis augue. Pellentesque sollicitudin ullamcorper velit, egestas sodales nunc dapibus interdum. Ut nec elit metus. Nullam id cursus metus. Maecenas placerat nunc sed erat dictum pellentesque hendrerit sed tellus. Mauris ut mollis libero. Donec vitae nisi eget mauris imperdiet euismod pretium dignissim mi.
    Aliquam egestas neque sed urna imperdiet, eu scelerisque purus vulputate. Aenean faucibus luctus velit, nec vehicula nulla pretium eu. Vivamus vel purus pharetra, efficitur justo vel, mattis neque. Curabitur sit amet purus sodales leo malesuada auctor. Proin ut sem id justo lobortis feugiat. Proin nibh lectus, porta quis posuere a, vestibulum non justo. Mauris semper massa massa. Pellentesque malesuada non metus semper sodales. Nulla sit amet lectus lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam risus metus, ornare at ligula ac, scelerisque tempus elit. Curabitur nec ultricies erat, vel gravida tortor. Etiam id pharetra arcu.
    Proin sit amet diam in nibh placerat lobortis sit amet ut purus. Cras in odio lobortis risus ornare ornare. Praesent nec quam enim. Etiam ut leo arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris a tempus metus. Suspendisse lacinia eros volutpat turpis consectetur, sit amet vulputate massa vulputate. Morbi vel consequat nunc. Pellentesque luctus porttitor quam, ac sollicitudin lectus venenatis sit amet. Ut purus arcu, elementum nec malesuada non, ullamcorper ut elit.
    [color=#A48E59]"speech"[/color] / [url="]tags[/url]
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still a wip, :p

MAPLESHINE ✶⋆.˚꩜.ᐟ˙⋆
afab nonbinary, she/they pronouns / pansexual open to relationships
16 moons old, ages every 10th of the month
thunderclan warrior / mentoring no one

mentality. mapleshine is an incredibly outgoing and bubbly individual. they like to live every day like it's cheery and fun. even when things get tough and they're faced with troubles in their everyday life, they still approach life with a pep in their step. they have to. they don't take things very seriously, preferring to live in the moment, over worrying about the future. they have a tendency to be reckless, jumping into things without a second thought. mapleshine isn't the best with social queues, but still tries to be friendly with everyone – even to those that aren't so kind to them.

beneath the surface, maple struggles quite a bit with their confidence as a warrior, and with the way others perceive them. they often try to appeal to others that they feel don't like them, hoping that they can somehow change everyone's mind. if they prove themself, then maybe they'll be cherished.

reference. tortoiseshell/chocolate tortoiseshell chimera with white summary
relationships. NPC (tbn) XX NPC (tbn), 2 littermates (NPCs), 2 younger siblings (tbn)
loves tba
likes tba
dislikes tba
loathes tba
  • current tbd
    (add previous/future if needed)
  • [color=color2]˚ ✦ . . ˚ . . ✦ ˚ . ★⋆. ࿐࿔ [/color]
    ⋆ note
    ⋆ note
    ⋆ note
  • written by [color=color3]fennel[/color], dm on discord (fennelpasta) or @ for plots
    design credit goes to [color=color3]watermelan[/color] on toyhouse/deviantart/etc
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just basic info before i work on more detailed tags.

name toast / toastpaw
age 8 moons old / ages every 30th
gender transmasc nonbinary
pronouns he/they
mentality Soft-spoken and quiet, Toast often blends into the crowd. They like the company of others, but prefer to observe, rather than contribute. They aren't exactly shy, but find conversations and social conventions rather draining. Though cautious, Toast is easily swayed by the ones they trust. they can be rather blunt when speaking with others, not realizing when they come across as rude.
appearance chocolate mink / chocolate mink chimera. medium-length fur. (write more detailed appearance later :p )
other notes
-- smells like cinnamon toast crunch (sweet, cinnamon-y, vanilla-y, almost dusty smell)
-- speaks in a quiet, hushed tone; can often be hard to hear
-- scared easily, but hates to admit it
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  • Love
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