border Fate is cruel sometimes || o. Skyclanners

Aug 22, 2024
[ ༻ 𓆩✧𓆪 ༺ ] A few days has passed since Fireflyglow's disappearance, Fawnpaw had been in denial over it, and still was. Surely his mentor would return, they'd continue their training, learning to heal, helping the clan, together. Yet, the days continue to pass by with no signs of the Skyclan medicine cat, and Fawnpaw must continue his training, for his clan's sake... the newcomers that joined were expecting the likes of it. Howlfire had a stomach ache not that long ago, an injured kitten lay in his-Fireflyglow's den, and Fawnpaw can only do so much to ensure the kit's health. Butterflytuft was still recovering from her sickness and...

Fawnpaw could only do so much, and now his clan had him to rely on. He couldn't postpone any longer than he has, and so requesting Florabreeze to accompany him to the border of Skyclan and Thunderclan, a solemn and tired look peered in the bi-colored apprentice's eye. Ear twitching at the sound of approaching pawsteps while he stiffened a bit. It was only him and Florabreeze, hardly a patrol for sure, and he on his own without Fireflyglow in tow could come off as a suspicion to some that something had happened to the medicine cat.

"I...I wish to speak to Gentlestorm... and Hopepaw... please" Fawnpaw expressed to the approaching patrol. He needed help, and who better to ask then from one of their neighboring clans and one not barricaded by the river itself, a clan that hosted kin of Fireflyglow. Would they mourn for him when they learn what happened to the former medicine cat? Or go on their day like he wasn't family.

Male (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤHetrosexual/Aromantic
ㅤ8 moons oldㅤ/ㅤAges on the 1st
ㅤMCA of Skyclan for 3 moons
ㅤmentoring N/Aㅤ/ㅤmentored by Fireflyglow
"Speak" 𓆩✧𓆪 Thoughts
ㅤpenned by Rynnarooㅤ/ㅤmessage Rinnaroo on discord for plots!

A lithe fawn tom with blue and yellow eyes, a plumed tail, and adorned in accessories (flower petals, plants, etc.). Fawnpaw appears meek and soft compared to his other clanmates and carries his heart on his sleeves, gentle and easygoing yet has a dash of sass mixed into everything as well.


Florabreeze likes to fret, it's hard to not when Fawnpaw especially is so young. She's oddly stoic in that regard, a silent shoulder if desired. There is an assumption that Fireflyglow's dissapearence would have hit him hard. How could it not? They may not have had many moons together as a mentor and apprentice but wouldn't that make the absence worse? She doesn't question it when Fawnpaw requests that she accompany him alongside his quest to the ThunderClan border. Assuming he has already gone through enough and knowing she was in no place to question if that was a wide choice. There is a lack of a hunch in her walk, standing at her full broad height hoping that might dissuade any trouble occurring at the border. She is thankful for many things as a kittypet, the maine coon blood she carries being one, if nothing it helps give the illusion that she's imposing when truly she isn't at all.

Given the rather tumultous relationship the clans have right now she can't downplay a single thought that they might not be taken seriously. Not when it was just the pair of them after all. She spares a passing glance to the apprentice as they wait by the border, taking note of that look in his eye, so tired already. Just what was in store for him in the future? Florabreeze tries to offer a reassuring smile, hoping that the well intent was carried across silently. She wasn't close with the apprentice but she regarded him fondly, wishing to take the slightest bit of burden from his shoulders.

That warmth is there when the ThunderClan approaches, not the beacon that it usually is. She knows better than to be too kind in their presence, the collar she wears is already a strike against their clans character. The last thing she wanted Fawnpaw to deal with right now was righteous clan politics from them or her. So she remains silent, dipping her head in greeting but waiting beside the medicine cat apprentice so he could carry out what needs to be done.

  • WvPXcWf.png
    FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 42 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Daffodilpaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

"SkyClan." Raccoonstripe has not been cleared for duty yet—but he has asked Stormpaw to accompany him today. He's tired, and though the blood has been cleaned from the snow-blind fur at his throat, the marigold continues to fleck away with every movement. His gaze is unfocused; he has none of his usual smart remarks for the pine-dwelling Clan today. He flicks his tail tip against his son's flank, indicating they should halt before the scent line.

The big tabby he recognizes, if only a little—she had served on Orangepath's council for a short while. The other cat… he wrangles his memories before finding the pale tabby's face. He'd accompanied Fireflyglow to the border; he was his nephew's protégé, the future medicine cat of SkyClan. Raccoonstripe exhales, his jaw twitching. "What do you need our medicine cats for?" He gazes back at Fawnpaw and Florabreeze for a moment before reluctantly pressing his shoulder to his son's.

"Go get them. Tell Flamestar they're here." It is a clipped and flat command, not one Stormpaw is likely to disobey. He waits for his son to turn and disappear into the undergrowth, before he asks: "Is Fireflyglow well?" He has seen this play out too many times before, with his brother and RiverClan's medicine cat and ShadowClan's. He feels something cold in his chest, something spreading up and through his veins.

Are you with the mother you left, nephew? He finds no joy in the idea. He still remembers how happy Little Wolf had been before her daughter's death, before her family had been bisected between her Clan and her first mate's. He remembers letting Fireflyglow and Howlfire chew the tip of his tail, gnaw on his ears, before they'd been swept away into their father's kittypet-infested kingdom. No matter his opinion on their choice or their lineage, he would never wish either of those kits harm.

telling @STORMPAW. to fetch the meddies and @Flamestar
Raccoonstripe is a lead warrior of ThunderClan. He has thick, silken black tabby fur interrupted by a stark white chin, chest, and belly. One ear is ripped to shreds; the paired eye is missing and scarred over. The other eye blazes golden-brown in direct sunlight. Two near-vertical scars slash across a milky chest. One forepaw is ivory; the rest are dark.

Gray Wolf x Howlingstar / sibling to Hollow Tree, Little Wolf, Cobwebtail, Lily Pad, Graystorm, Jackdawflight, and Berryheart / mate to Nightbird / father to Bayingpaw, Twilightpaw, Tigerpaw, Stormpaw, and Berrypaw
mentored by none / previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper, Scarletdust / mentoring Stormpaw
51 moons old as of 03/05/2025
penned by Marquette

She wasn't sure why she felt the need to check by the Skyclan border before the pair made their way back to the camp, but as they grew closer, the scent of Skyclan started to roll across the border stronger. Green orbs narrow with concern, and as she pushes through the undergrowth, she spots Stormpaw hurrying away from his father. "No need...I'm here." Her voice is slow as she gives her Lead Warrior a glance. Why aren't you resting? She was no Medicine Cat, but she did know he hadn't been cleared yet.

The leader pads closer to join the black tabby, her head tilting slightly to the right. "Fawnpaw, right?" She could recall Fireflyglow bringing this young tom to the border just a moon or so ago, introducing him to the borders. The tabby narrows her eyes, glancing to Raccoonstripe before returning to the apprentice. Where was Fireflyglow? Why did Florabreeze escort him to the border, asking to speak to Thunderclan's Medicine Cats. Something had happened...and she suddenly found herself hoping he was just asking for a special herb that he was out of. Little Wolf's son had only just recently became the full Medicine Cat of Skyclan, and they had lost Dawnglare a pawful of moons ago. Despite the tension between the two clans lately, she didn't wish anything bad upon them.

afab (she / her)ㅤ / heterosexual, widowed, formerly taken by flycatcher
42 moons old ㅤ/ ㅤages realistically, every 20th of the month
leader of thunderclan since september 2024
lily x storm ㅤ/ㅤ mother to: falconheart, stormfeather, lilykit, butterflykit, bugchaser, squirrelsong, sunbird, ravenblaze, sparrowpaw
ㅤpenned by Icey ! ㅤ/ ㅤmessage Icey ! on discord for plots!
ㅤmentoring bayingpawㅤ / ㅤmentored: cloudyfur, acornwish, merlinpath
will start fights, will end fights, will kill

longhaired red classic tabby with green eyes, and low white. she has a shredded right ear, and has many scars that are visible in windy conditions.

Invisible eyebrows knit together as the pup-like molly materalises between the tree trunks. Sky Clan and Thunder Clan's relationship had been... tense was a touch to kind, but really the only way to put it. She wondered if her more skeptical clan mates saw the tiny apprentice before them as some sort of ploy. Mismatched eyes flick to Racconstripe, skeptical of his concern. She had long wanted the brash tom to seem to care about others, but now that he does it really only rubs her the wrong way. Especially after the.. discussion he had started with Stormywing. Do you actually care?
Sighing, she dismisses the thought, her gaze finding solice in Flamestar's matching concern. Fawnpaw? His name tugs her lips downwards. She knew of the Sky Clan medicine cat in training, but she'd never seen him. For some reason, he strikes her as smaller then expected. And he asks for Gentlestorm... Her stomach sinks a little at the resulting thoughts flying through the molly's head. Clearly they are in her clan mate's heads as well.
The tiny tom has a shadow, though, and it takes her no time to recognize how big this cat was. So not good news. This other cat, she looks sad. Tired. Wishful thinking would say it was the collar, tight around the maine coon's neck. The warrior was more expected, however, and felt her stomach settle. No use in being anxious before the storm - it helps no one.
Despite herself, Chestnutroot wanted to see the other cat smile and most of all, she wanted Gentlestorm to be able to crack whatever tension was building here.
The molly simply dips her head to Florabreeze, giving a soft smile and letting her decide the meaning before schooling her pelt flat and her body posture into something calm.

  • ooc/
    SHE/HER, Thunder Clan warrior, 50 moons.
    A short, long haired brown and white molly with mismatched eyes.
    Daughter of and
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted || underline and tag when attacking
    speech is #a0c986
    penned by Keee || Milksoda on discord, feel free to dm for plots.