feel the rain on your skin ✧ salamandersnap


to fall is to learn one way
Sep 25, 2024
It had started as a request, a simple 'hey, Salamandersnap! Come hunting with me!' and it was by Salamander's misfortune and Shalestorm's good fortune that the prickly warrior had agreed. Why she'd done so Shalestorm couldn't say, but she was pleased regardless. The air today held something a little closer to leaf-bare's chill, gusts of wind brisk and biting on the nose and the ears, but not unbearable just yet. It was telling for the future moons, though.

So far, Shalestorm had caught a mouse, just on the verge of getting fattened up for the cold. It hadn't quite gotten there yet, though, so that was a bummer. Would be good for the kits to eat, though! Now, she stalks a frog - a treat for herself mostly. The taste isn't something she can easily describe, sort of like bird but a lot slimier and more... tangy? It's an acquired taste, that's for sure, and one she sometimes can't stand. Somehow, though, frogs are still her favorite. The pine covered forest floor cushions her steps, keeping her approach quiet. Barbed tongue swipes across her maw in anticipation, rear wiggling - a bad habit from apprenticehood that she still had trouble squashing on occasion. A heartbeat later, thorn sharp claws extend as her graceful form leaps onto the unsuspecting toad.

"HA!" There's nothing but joy in her cheer, eyes shining as she hold her catch proudly, ever the image of a starry-eyed kit making their first catch. Delighted and wanting to show off, Shalestorm peers around for where her companion had been hunting nearby, paying no attention to the rain drops that are beginning to fall. It's probably just a little drizzle, the sky had been mostly clear when they'd left!


  • #e36f90

  • (img) Shalestorm * she/her* 26 moons
    blue point/blue chimera w/ low white; blue eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots

Oh great. Not Shalestorm again. Her ears flicker in mild annoyance with how overly cheerful the molly was this early in the morning. She couldn't quite pinpoint what exactly had pushed her to say yes, but nonetheless, she found herself reluctantly nodding her agreement. Perhaps the threat of the approaching leaf-bare had been an influence in her decision. Or perhaps it had been the desire to leave camp for awhile. Either way, she found herself silently padding in Shalestorm's pawsteps, following her as she leads the way out of camp.

It seemed as if Salamandersnap's luck was slowly beginning to run out. A couple of frogs and a lizard had been her original score. Additionally, she'd managed to get her paws on a fat toad and a small snipe before the first drops of rain began to land on her nose. Wrinkling her nose in pure disgust at the water slowly trickling from the heavens, she finds herself turning to Shalestorm as she lets out an excited cheer, catching yet another amphibian. Between the two of them, Salamandersnap nodded in approval at their luck. The opposing molly seemed to be oblivious to the falling drops of water, or perhaps she simply didn't even notice. The way she was still frolicking about, trying to catch yet another frog as if she were some riverclanner. "We should get going. I don't want to get stuck in this weather." she muses uncomfortably around the bundle of prey dangling from her jaws, glancing up at the sky anxiously. She really despised getting wet.

  • ooc. — ​
  • IMG_3773.jpg
    ↪ salamandersnap / cisgender female (she/her)
    ↪ 24 moons / ages realistically on the 19th
    ↪ shadowclan warrior
    ↪ lh black smoke
    ↪ "speech" / thoughts
    ↪ peaceful/healing actions may be powerplayed / attack in underline & @/account
    ↪ note: all thoughts/actions are based off ic opinions only !!
    ↪ penned by halimede
Rain wasn't something that bothered the blue and white molly, Shalestorm often thought there must be some River cat blood in her ancestry seeing as how little she cared about getting wet. The thought makes her shudder. Bleugh... why would she want to be related to any other clan? Salamandersnap's insistence that they start heading home is a little disappoining. Shale had been hoping to stay a little longer and catch a little more. But... it would be rude to ignore her friend's (Salamander was Shale's friend if she wanted to be or not... but Shale was fairly certain that she was not Salamander's friend...) wishes, and if the rain grew much more heavy than the light downfall right now, then they probably would want the head start back to camp.

With a dramatic sigh, Shalestorm collects her frog and the two mice she'd caught earlier. "Alriiightt..." she drawls, "let's go, then." There's a few moments where the rain continues... and then the downpour really starts picking up, quickly soaking through Shalestorm's short fur and plastering it flat against her skin. If she'd been dry, a witnessing cat might've seen her fur standing straight up. "Ack!! Find somewhere to shelter!" She urges, suddenly not thrilled to be out in the rain any longer. Seriously... where did this storm come from?? They sky had been pretty much clear when they left!

  • #e36f90

  • (img) Shalestorm * she/her* 26 moons
    blue point/blue chimera w/ low white; blue eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots

Hissing, she scans the area around her for anywhere they could shelter. Judging by the looks of the storm, they'd be returning to camp awfully late that evening. It wasn't long before she found a fallen tree, hollowed out just enough for the pair to comfortably squeeze inside and shelter. "There!" Running into Shalestorm's side, she aims to direct her towards the fallen tree as they run for cover. Her actions hadn't been aggressive or overly forceful, instead she was only trying to direct her the best she could over the roar of the storm. Even Shalestorm's cheerful personality seemed to be dampened by the storm.

Unfortunately for Shalestorm, Salamandersnap was unaware that the woman considered her a friend. Most of her life had been spent around cats who despised her unfortunate attitude and personality, leaving her with few solid connections within the clan. Most of Shalestorm's actions had been written off as a part of her personality, or even just her trying to be nice around her. She wasn't outright a stupid feline. She knew most cats didn't like her and only tried to be civil to keep the peace. Sheltering inside the tree, she'd begin grooming her fur in an attempt to help it dry faster, glancing over at the molly briefly before returning her attention to her fur.

  • ooc. — ​
    ↪ salamandersnap / cisgender female (she/her)
    ↪ 24 moons / ages realistically on the 19th
    ↪ shadowclan warrior
    ↪ lh black smoke
    ↪ "speech" / thoughts
    ↪ peaceful/healing actions may be powerplayed / attack in underline & @/account
    ↪ note: all thoughts/actions are based off ic opinions only !!
    ↪ penned by halimede
Shalestorm allows herself to be guided towards the nearest shelter - an old, hollowed out tree, probably knocked over a long time ago from strong winds, but the little opening was big enough to house both felines. Seriously, where had this downpour even come from!? Still, as the shock wears off, the chimera can't help but laugh at the absurdity of their predicament. Who would have thought such a clear day could have the tears of StarClan on its tail?

"snrk- well, this is unfortunate!" The warrior proclaims with a little giggle, flicking her ear as a stray water droplet runs down it. Although sheltered, the tree hollow does little to stop the slight spray onto the two mollies. Shalestorm can't help closing her eyes and leaning her face forward, catching the cool spray on her whiskers. "Mmm... that cool air feels nice, don't'cha think?" She turns her gaze on her companion, offering the monochrome molly a wide grin.


  • #e36f90

  • (img) Shalestorm * she/her* 26 moons
    blue point/blue chimera w/ low white; blue eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots