- Dec 30, 2022
- 117
- 112
- 43

— Father: SH Silver mackerel tabby
↳ carrying: solid, non-silver, cinnamon
— Mother: SH cinnamon ticked (masking mackerel) tabby w/ low white
↳ carrying: masking mackerel; carrying longhair, solid, point, dilute, non-ticked
Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, cinnamon smoke, or cinnamon silver tabby
kits will be shorthaired
kits can have no white or low white
kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
tabby kits will display ticked or mackerel pattern
ticked tabbies will mask mackerel
silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; black-based kits will carry cinnamon; ticked tabbies will carry non-ticked; tabbies may or may not carry solid; kits may or may not carry longhair; kits may or may not carry dilute; kits may or may not carry point
(slot availability is subject to change!)
— reserved for bloodkit
— open
— open
— open
— Father: SH Silver mackerel tabby
↳ carrying: solid, non-silver, cinnamon
— Mother: SH cinnamon ticked (masking mackerel) tabby w/ low white
↳ carrying: masking mackerel; carrying longhair, solid, point, dilute, non-ticked
Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, cinnamon smoke, or cinnamon silver tabby
kits will be shorthaired
kits can have no white or low white
kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
tabby kits will display ticked or mackerel pattern
ticked tabbies will mask mackerel
silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; black-based kits will carry cinnamon; ticked tabbies will carry non-ticked; tabbies may or may not carry solid; kits may or may not carry longhair; kits may or may not carry dilute; kits may or may not carry point
— ShadowClan Names: Shadow, Shade, Toad, Frog, Tadpole, Carrion, Dark, Night, Blood, Bone, Hungry, Death, Dead, Tangle, Sneeze, Torn, Rubble
— Nature Names: Fawn, Elk, Bramble, Bracken, Hawkbit, Moss, Patch, Flax, Lily, Nettle, Honey, Badger, Fisher, Deer, Goat, Jay, Sheep, Horse, Acorn, Birch, Chestnut, Berry, Bay, Brush, Chive, Cedar, Lynx, Campion, Nut, Milkweed, Droplet, Grackle (other nature names acceptable)
— Insect Names: Flea, Maggot, Worm, Fly, Spider, Ant, Beetle, Wasp, Bee, Weevil, Midge, Mantis, Hornet, Thrip, Cricket, Skipper, Bumble, Buzz, Flutter (other insect names acceptable)
— Personal Names: Hound, Dog, Hop, Holly, Splash, Drift, Cardinal, Hope, Agate, Tree, Bark, Fern, Dance, Fidget, Spruce,
— Misc Names: Fuzzy, Red, Yellow, One, Two, Ash, Tiger, Leopard, Light, Curl, Long, Quiet, Quick, Wish, Short, Moon, Scratch, Hoar
— FOR SHADOWCLAN murk, swamp, pond, pool, algae, reed
— FOR FAMILY agate, anemone, petal, sap, pine, spruce
— FOR CHILLEDSTAR / FROSTBITE chilly, frost/frosted/frosty, clear, ice/icy, brave, cliff, ridge, snail, slug, snow/snowy
— FOR SMOGMAW smoky/smoke, clever, mushroom
— FOR CHITTER (and family) vulture, crow, rat, bristle, spiky, pitch, amber, briar
— FOR TADPOLE AND MOTH flutter, frog, dark, happy, sweet
— FOR FERN swaying, dancing, flea, sticky, honey
— FOR ORANGEBLOSSOM bloom, mountain, fleet, bird, sky
— FOR LITTLE WOLF bear, fierce, wolf, thunder
— Needle would also be apt to pick whimsical names like odd, bumble, wish, spirit, spooky, bubble, shine/shiny, warble, song, singing
— Likely: pool, sap, chilly, mountain, mushroom, sticky, BLOOM (comes with a little mini plot), odd, wish
SLOTS:— ShadowClan Names: Shadow, Shade, Toad, Frog, Tadpole, Carrion, Dark, Night, Blood, Bone, Hungry, Death, Dead, Tangle, Sneeze, Torn, Rubble
— Nature Names: Fawn, Elk, Bramble, Bracken, Hawkbit, Moss, Patch, Flax, Lily, Nettle, Honey, Badger, Fisher, Deer, Goat, Jay, Sheep, Horse, Acorn, Birch, Chestnut, Berry, Bay, Brush, Chive, Cedar, Lynx, Campion, Nut, Milkweed, Droplet, Grackle (other nature names acceptable)
— Insect Names: Flea, Maggot, Worm, Fly, Spider, Ant, Beetle, Wasp, Bee, Weevil, Midge, Mantis, Hornet, Thrip, Cricket, Skipper, Bumble, Buzz, Flutter (other insect names acceptable)
— Personal Names: Hound, Dog, Hop, Holly, Splash, Drift, Cardinal, Hope, Agate, Tree, Bark, Fern, Dance, Fidget, Spruce,
— Misc Names: Fuzzy, Red, Yellow, One, Two, Ash, Tiger, Leopard, Light, Curl, Long, Quiet, Quick, Wish, Short, Moon, Scratch, Hoar
— FOR SHADOWCLAN murk, swamp, pond, pool, algae, reed
— FOR FAMILY agate, anemone, petal, sap, pine, spruce
— FOR CHILLEDSTAR / FROSTBITE chilly, frost/frosted/frosty, clear, ice/icy, brave, cliff, ridge, snail, slug, snow/snowy
— FOR SMOGMAW smoky/smoke, clever, mushroom
— FOR CHITTER (and family) vulture, crow, rat, bristle, spiky, pitch, amber, briar
— FOR TADPOLE AND MOTH flutter, frog, dark, happy, sweet
— FOR FERN swaying, dancing, flea, sticky, honey
— FOR ORANGEBLOSSOM bloom, mountain, fleet, bird, sky
— FOR LITTLE WOLF bear, fierce, wolf, thunder
— Needle would also be apt to pick whimsical names like odd, bumble, wish, spirit, spooky, bubble, shine/shiny, warble, song, singing
— Likely: pool, sap, chilly, mountain, mushroom, sticky, BLOOM (comes with a little mini plot), odd, wish
(slot availability is subject to change!)
— reserved for bloodkit
— open
— open
— open
There are many tales of cats who fall in love within the same clan and plan to start a family together, this is not one of those tales. This is a story of two cats who, in the middle of losing their homes and having the very forest flipped upside down, found comfort and distraction in each other when times were hardest. Drawn to each other by interest in their respective clans, Ferndance and Pikesplash only sought brief camaraderie, bonding by mauling a frog that Ferndance had originally brought to the camp to feed her brother.
Within ShadowClan itself, Ferndance is a mixed bag. To some, she is a lovable aunt figure, protective of her 'niblings' and quirky but ultimately harmless; to others, her weirdness is a danger that has seen her demoted from being Lead Warrior and socially ostracised from some family groups. As a result of her unpredictable nature, Ferndance revealed the pregnancy to much confusion, it was on that day that Ferndance asked Needledrift to be 'co-mom' to her newborns, a confession of feelings that would soon make them a couple within ShadowClan. It was concluded that Needledrift would adopt these kittens alongside Ferndance's biological motherhood and treat them as her own.
— Choosing date will be 18/12/2023! The litter will be born on 22/12/2023.
— Realistic genetics apply! Please see the list below.
— Though Ferndance may name her children unorthodox things, this litter will be one that's loved! She won't be a perfect mother, but be mindful of mischaracterising her for any angst.
— Please remain active with these kiddos, or at least inform Punk if they will be inactive. More than two months of no posts may result in kittens that haven't been involved in plots being rehomed.
— The kittens won't be told who their father is by Ferndance until they are old enough to understand her secrecy! This is subject to change based on IC plots.
— These kittens will start at 3 moons old! ShadowClan kittens are currently apprenticed at 4 moons old.
— Kits may be born with disabilities, please be mindful of how they are played!
— Applications are FFA! Brownie points will be offered for applicants who have 1 or no active characters in ShadowClan (I would love to see some fresh new faces there!)
— Ferndance's Family Tree can be found here! It is a mixture of played characters & NPCS.
There are many tales of cats who fall in love within the same clan and plan to start a family together, this is not one of those tales. This is a story of two cats who, in the middle of losing their homes and having the very forest flipped upside down, found comfort and distraction in each other when times were hardest. Drawn to each other by interest in their respective clans, Ferndance and Pikesplash only sought brief camaraderie, bonding by mauling a frog that Ferndance had originally brought to the camp to feed her brother.
Within ShadowClan itself, Ferndance is a mixed bag. To some, she is a lovable aunt figure, protective of her 'niblings' and quirky but ultimately harmless; to others, her weirdness is a danger that has seen her demoted from being Lead Warrior and socially ostracised from some family groups. As a result of her unpredictable nature, Ferndance revealed the pregnancy to much confusion, it was on that day that Ferndance asked Needledrift to be 'co-mom' to her newborns, a confession of feelings that would soon make them a couple within ShadowClan. It was concluded that Needledrift would adopt these kittens alongside Ferndance's biological motherhood and treat them as her own.
— Choosing date will be 18/12/2023! The litter will be born on 22/12/2023.
— Realistic genetics apply! Please see the list below.
— Though Ferndance may name her children unorthodox things, this litter will be one that's loved! She won't be a perfect mother, but be mindful of mischaracterising her for any angst.
— Please remain active with these kiddos, or at least inform Punk if they will be inactive. More than two months of no posts may result in kittens that haven't been involved in plots being rehomed.
— The kittens won't be told who their father is by Ferndance until they are old enough to understand her secrecy! This is subject to change based on IC plots.
— These kittens will start at 3 moons old! ShadowClan kittens are currently apprenticed at 4 moons old.
— Kits may be born with disabilities, please be mindful of how they are played!
— Applications are FFA! Brownie points will be offered for applicants who have 1 or no active characters in ShadowClan (I would love to see some fresh new faces there!)
— Ferndance's Family Tree can be found here! It is a mixture of played characters & NPCS.
— Father: SH Silver mackerel tabby
↳ carrying: solid, non-silver, cinnamon
— Mother: SH cinnamon ticked (masking mackerel) tabby w/ low white
↳ carrying: masking mackerel; carrying longhair, solid, point, dilute, non-ticked
Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, cinnamon smoke, or cinnamon silver tabby
kits will be shorthaired
kits can have no white or low white
kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
tabby kits will display ticked or mackerel pattern
ticked tabbies will mask mackerel
silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; black-based kits will carry cinnamon; ticked tabbies will carry non-ticked; tabbies may or may not carry solid; kits may or may not carry longhair; kits may or may not carry dilute; kits may or may not carry point
(slot availability is subject to change!)
— reserved for bloodkit
— open
— open
— open
— Father: SH Silver mackerel tabby
↳ carrying: solid, non-silver, cinnamon
— Mother: SH cinnamon ticked (masking mackerel) tabby w/ low white
↳ carrying: masking mackerel; carrying longhair, solid, point, dilute, non-ticked
Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, cinnamon smoke, or cinnamon silver tabby
kits will be shorthaired
kits can have no white or low white
kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
tabby kits will display ticked or mackerel pattern
ticked tabbies will mask mackerel
silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; black-based kits will carry cinnamon; ticked tabbies will carry non-ticked; tabbies may or may not carry solid; kits may or may not carry longhair; kits may or may not carry dilute; kits may or may not carry point
— ShadowClan Names: Shadow, Shade, Toad, Frog, Tadpole, Carrion, Dark, Night, Blood, Bone, Hungry, Death, Dead, Tangle, Sneeze, Torn, Rubble
— Nature Names: Fawn, Elk, Bramble, Bracken, Hawkbit, Moss, Patch, Flax, Lily, Nettle, Honey, Badger, Fisher, Deer, Goat, Jay, Sheep, Horse, Acorn, Birch, Chestnut, Berry, Bay, Brush, Chive, Cedar, Lynx, Campion, Nut, Milkweed, Droplet, Grackle (other nature names acceptable)
— Insect Names: Flea, Maggot, Worm, Fly, Spider, Ant, Beetle, Wasp, Bee, Weevil, Midge, Mantis, Hornet, Thrip, Cricket, Skipper, Bumble, Buzz, Flutter (other insect names acceptable)
— Personal Names: Hound, Dog, Hop, Holly, Splash, Drift, Cardinal, Hope, Agate, Tree, Bark, Fern, Dance, Fidget, Spruce,
— Misc Names: Fuzzy, Red, Yellow, One, Two, Ash, Tiger, Leopard, Light, Curl, Long, Quiet, Quick, Wish, Short, Moon, Scratch, Hoar
— FOR SHADOWCLAN murk, swamp, pond, pool, algae, reed
— FOR FAMILY agate, anemone, petal, sap, pine, spruce
— FOR CHILLEDSTAR / FROSTBITE chilly, frost/frosted/frosty, clear, ice/icy, brave, cliff, ridge, snail, slug, snow/snowy
— FOR SMOGMAW smoky/smoke, clever, mushroom
— FOR CHITTER (and family) vulture, crow, rat, bristle, spiky, pitch, amber, briar
— FOR TADPOLE AND MOTH flutter, frog, dark, happy, sweet
— FOR FERN swaying, dancing, flea, sticky, honey
— FOR ORANGEBLOSSOM bloom, mountain, fleet, bird, sky
— FOR LITTLE WOLF bear, fierce, wolf, thunder
— Needle would also be apt to pick whimsical names like odd, bumble, wish, spirit, spooky, bubble, shine/shiny, warble, song, singing
— Likely: pool, sap, chilly, mountain, mushroom, sticky, BLOOM (comes with a little mini plot), odd, wish
SLOTS:— ShadowClan Names: Shadow, Shade, Toad, Frog, Tadpole, Carrion, Dark, Night, Blood, Bone, Hungry, Death, Dead, Tangle, Sneeze, Torn, Rubble
— Nature Names: Fawn, Elk, Bramble, Bracken, Hawkbit, Moss, Patch, Flax, Lily, Nettle, Honey, Badger, Fisher, Deer, Goat, Jay, Sheep, Horse, Acorn, Birch, Chestnut, Berry, Bay, Brush, Chive, Cedar, Lynx, Campion, Nut, Milkweed, Droplet, Grackle (other nature names acceptable)
— Insect Names: Flea, Maggot, Worm, Fly, Spider, Ant, Beetle, Wasp, Bee, Weevil, Midge, Mantis, Hornet, Thrip, Cricket, Skipper, Bumble, Buzz, Flutter (other insect names acceptable)
— Personal Names: Hound, Dog, Hop, Holly, Splash, Drift, Cardinal, Hope, Agate, Tree, Bark, Fern, Dance, Fidget, Spruce,
— Misc Names: Fuzzy, Red, Yellow, One, Two, Ash, Tiger, Leopard, Light, Curl, Long, Quiet, Quick, Wish, Short, Moon, Scratch, Hoar
— FOR SHADOWCLAN murk, swamp, pond, pool, algae, reed
— FOR FAMILY agate, anemone, petal, sap, pine, spruce
— FOR CHILLEDSTAR / FROSTBITE chilly, frost/frosted/frosty, clear, ice/icy, brave, cliff, ridge, snail, slug, snow/snowy
— FOR SMOGMAW smoky/smoke, clever, mushroom
— FOR CHITTER (and family) vulture, crow, rat, bristle, spiky, pitch, amber, briar
— FOR TADPOLE AND MOTH flutter, frog, dark, happy, sweet
— FOR FERN swaying, dancing, flea, sticky, honey
— FOR ORANGEBLOSSOM bloom, mountain, fleet, bird, sky
— FOR LITTLE WOLF bear, fierce, wolf, thunder
— Needle would also be apt to pick whimsical names like odd, bumble, wish, spirit, spooky, bubble, shine/shiny, warble, song, singing
— Likely: pool, sap, chilly, mountain, mushroom, sticky, BLOOM (comes with a little mini plot), odd, wish
(slot availability is subject to change!)
— reserved for bloodkit
— open
— open
— open
There are many tales of cats who fall in love within the same clan and plan to start a family together, this is not one of those tales. This is a story of two cats who, in the middle of losing their homes and having the very forest flipped upside down, found comfort and distraction in each other when times were hardest. Drawn to each other by interest in their respective clans, Ferndance and Pikesplash only sought brief camaraderie, bonding by mauling a frog that Ferndance had originally brought to the camp to feed her brother.
Within ShadowClan itself, Ferndance is a mixed bag. To some, she is a lovable aunt figure, protective of her 'niblings' and quirky but ultimately harmless; to others, her weirdness is a danger that has seen her demoted from being Lead Warrior and socially ostracised from some family groups. As a result of her unpredictable nature, Ferndance revealed the pregnancy to much confusion, it was on that day that Ferndance asked Needledrift to be 'co-mom' to her newborns, a confession of feelings that would soon make them a couple within ShadowClan. It was concluded that Needledrift would adopt these kittens alongside Ferndance's biological motherhood and treat them as her own.
— Choosing date will be 18/12/2023! The litter will be born on 22/12/2023.
— Realistic genetics apply! Please see the list below.
— Though Ferndance may name her children unorthodox things, this litter will be one that's loved! She won't be a perfect mother, but be mindful of mischaracterising her for any angst.
— Please remain active with these kiddos, or at least inform Punk if they will be inactive. More than two months of no posts may result in kittens that haven't been involved in plots being rehomed.
— The kittens won't be told who their father is by Ferndance until they are old enough to understand her secrecy! This is subject to change based on IC plots.
— These kittens will start at 3 moons old! ShadowClan kittens are currently apprenticed at 4 moons old.
— Kits may be born with disabilities, please be mindful of how they are played!
— Applications are FFA! Brownie points will be offered for applicants who have 1 or no active characters in ShadowClan (I would love to see some fresh new faces there!)
— Ferndance's Family Tree can be found here! It is a mixture of played characters & NPCS.
There are many tales of cats who fall in love within the same clan and plan to start a family together, this is not one of those tales. This is a story of two cats who, in the middle of losing their homes and having the very forest flipped upside down, found comfort and distraction in each other when times were hardest. Drawn to each other by interest in their respective clans, Ferndance and Pikesplash only sought brief camaraderie, bonding by mauling a frog that Ferndance had originally brought to the camp to feed her brother.
Within ShadowClan itself, Ferndance is a mixed bag. To some, she is a lovable aunt figure, protective of her 'niblings' and quirky but ultimately harmless; to others, her weirdness is a danger that has seen her demoted from being Lead Warrior and socially ostracised from some family groups. As a result of her unpredictable nature, Ferndance revealed the pregnancy to much confusion, it was on that day that Ferndance asked Needledrift to be 'co-mom' to her newborns, a confession of feelings that would soon make them a couple within ShadowClan. It was concluded that Needledrift would adopt these kittens alongside Ferndance's biological motherhood and treat them as her own.
— Choosing date will be 18/12/2023! The litter will be born on 22/12/2023.
— Realistic genetics apply! Please see the list below.
— Though Ferndance may name her children unorthodox things, this litter will be one that's loved! She won't be a perfect mother, but be mindful of mischaracterising her for any angst.
— Please remain active with these kiddos, or at least inform Punk if they will be inactive. More than two months of no posts may result in kittens that haven't been involved in plots being rehomed.
— The kittens won't be told who their father is by Ferndance until they are old enough to understand her secrecy! This is subject to change based on IC plots.
— These kittens will start at 3 moons old! ShadowClan kittens are currently apprenticed at 4 moons old.
— Kits may be born with disabilities, please be mindful of how they are played!
— Applications are FFA! Brownie points will be offered for applicants who have 1 or no active characters in ShadowClan (I would love to see some fresh new faces there!)
— Ferndance's Family Tree can be found here! It is a mixture of played characters & NPCS.
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