ferndance x pikesplash // cross-clan litter (closed)

Dec 30, 2022



— Father: SH Silver mackerel tabby
↳ carrying: solid, non-silver, cinnamon
— Mother: SH cinnamon ticked (masking mackerel) tabby w/ low white
↳ carrying: masking mackerel; carrying longhair, solid, point, dilute, non-ticked

Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, cinnamon smoke, or cinnamon silver tabby
kits will be shorthaired
kits can have no white or low white
kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
tabby kits will display ticked or mackerel pattern
ticked tabbies will mask mackerel
silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; black-based kits will carry cinnamon; ticked tabbies will carry non-ticked; tabbies may or may not carry solid; kits may or may not carry longhair; kits may or may not carry dilute; kits may or may not carry point

— ShadowClan Names: Shadow, Shade, Toad, Frog, Tadpole, Carrion, Dark, Night, Blood, Bone, Hungry, Death, Dead, Tangle, Sneeze, Torn, Rubble
— Nature Names: Fawn, Elk, Bramble, Bracken, Hawkbit, Moss, Patch, Flax, Lily, Nettle, Honey, Badger, Fisher, Deer, Goat, Jay, Sheep, Horse, Acorn, Birch, Chestnut, Berry, Bay, Brush, Chive, Cedar, Lynx, Campion, Nut, Milkweed, Droplet, Grackle (other nature names acceptable)
— Insect Names: Flea, Maggot, Worm, Fly, Spider, Ant, Beetle, Wasp, Bee, Weevil, Midge, Mantis, Hornet, Thrip, Cricket, Skipper, Bumble, Buzz, Flutter (other insect names acceptable)
— Personal Names: Hound, Dog, Hop, Holly, Splash, Drift, Cardinal, Hope, Agate, Tree, Bark, Fern, Dance, Fidget, Spruce,
— Misc Names: Fuzzy, Red, Yellow, One, Two, Ash, Tiger, Leopard, Light, Curl, Long, Quiet, Quick, Wish, Short, Moon, Scratch, Hoar

— FOR SHADOWCLAN murk, swamp, pond, pool, algae, reed
— FOR FAMILY agate, anemone, petal, sap, pine, spruce
— FOR CHILLEDSTAR / FROSTBITE chilly, frost/frosted/frosty, clear, ice/icy, brave, cliff, ridge, snail, slug, snow/snowy
— FOR SMOGMAW smoky/smoke, clever, mushroom
— FOR CHITTER (and family) vulture, crow, rat, bristle, spiky, pitch, amber, briar
— FOR TADPOLE AND MOTH flutter, frog, dark, happy, sweet
— FOR FERN swaying, dancing, flea, sticky, honey
— FOR ORANGEBLOSSOM bloom, mountain, fleet, bird, sky
— FOR LITTLE WOLF bear, fierce, wolf, thunder
— Needle would also be apt to pick whimsical names like odd, bumble, wish, spirit, spooky, bubble, shine/shiny, warble, song, singing
Likely: pool, sap, chilly, mountain, mushroom, sticky, BLOOM (comes with a little mini plot), odd, wish
(slot availability is subject to change!)
reserved for bloodkit
— open
— open
— open
There are many tales of cats who fall in love within the same clan and plan to start a family together, this is not one of those tales. This is a story of two cats who, in the middle of losing their homes and having the very forest flipped upside down, found comfort and distraction in each other when times were hardest. Drawn to each other by interest in their respective clans, Ferndance and Pikesplash only sought brief camaraderie, bonding by mauling a frog that Ferndance had originally brought to the camp to feed her brother.

Within ShadowClan itself, Ferndance is a mixed bag. To some, she is a lovable aunt figure, protective of her 'niblings' and quirky but ultimately harmless; to others, her weirdness is a danger that has seen her demoted from being Lead Warrior and socially ostracised from some family groups. As a result of her unpredictable nature, Ferndance revealed the pregnancy to much confusion, it was on that day that Ferndance asked Needledrift to be 'co-mom' to her newborns, a confession of feelings that would soon make them a couple within ShadowClan. It was concluded that Needledrift would adopt these kittens alongside Ferndance's biological motherhood and treat them as her own.

— Choosing date will be 18/12/2023! The litter will be born on 22/12/2023.
— Realistic genetics apply! Please see the list below.
— Though Ferndance may name her children unorthodox things, this litter will be one that's loved! She won't be a perfect mother, but be mindful of mischaracterising her for any angst.
— Please remain active with these kiddos, or at least inform Punk if they will be inactive. More than two months of no posts may result in kittens that haven't been involved in plots being rehomed.
— The kittens won't be told who their father is by Ferndance until they are old enough to understand her secrecy! This is subject to change based on IC plots.
— These kittens will start at 3 moons old! ShadowClan kittens are currently apprenticed at 4 moons old.
— Kits may be born with disabilities, please be mindful of how they are played!
— Applications are FFA! Brownie points will be offered for applicants who have 1 or no active characters in ShadowClan (I would love to see some fresh new faces there!)

— Ferndance's Family Tree can be found here! It is a mixture of played characters & NPCS.

— Father: SH Silver mackerel tabby
↳ carrying: solid, non-silver, cinnamon
— Mother: SH cinnamon ticked (masking mackerel) tabby w/ low white
↳ carrying: masking mackerel; carrying longhair, solid, point, dilute, non-ticked

Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, cinnamon, cinnamon tabby, cinnamon smoke, or cinnamon silver tabby
kits will be shorthaired
kits can have no white or low white
kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
tabby kits will display ticked or mackerel pattern
ticked tabbies will mask mackerel
silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; black-based kits will carry cinnamon; ticked tabbies will carry non-ticked; tabbies may or may not carry solid; kits may or may not carry longhair; kits may or may not carry dilute; kits may or may not carry point

— ShadowClan Names: Shadow, Shade, Toad, Frog, Tadpole, Carrion, Dark, Night, Blood, Bone, Hungry, Death, Dead, Tangle, Sneeze, Torn, Rubble
— Nature Names: Fawn, Elk, Bramble, Bracken, Hawkbit, Moss, Patch, Flax, Lily, Nettle, Honey, Badger, Fisher, Deer, Goat, Jay, Sheep, Horse, Acorn, Birch, Chestnut, Berry, Bay, Brush, Chive, Cedar, Lynx, Campion, Nut, Milkweed, Droplet, Grackle (other nature names acceptable)
— Insect Names: Flea, Maggot, Worm, Fly, Spider, Ant, Beetle, Wasp, Bee, Weevil, Midge, Mantis, Hornet, Thrip, Cricket, Skipper, Bumble, Buzz, Flutter (other insect names acceptable)
— Personal Names: Hound, Dog, Hop, Holly, Splash, Drift, Cardinal, Hope, Agate, Tree, Bark, Fern, Dance, Fidget, Spruce,
— Misc Names: Fuzzy, Red, Yellow, One, Two, Ash, Tiger, Leopard, Light, Curl, Long, Quiet, Quick, Wish, Short, Moon, Scratch, Hoar

— FOR SHADOWCLAN murk, swamp, pond, pool, algae, reed
— FOR FAMILY agate, anemone, petal, sap, pine, spruce
— FOR CHILLEDSTAR / FROSTBITE chilly, frost/frosted/frosty, clear, ice/icy, brave, cliff, ridge, snail, slug, snow/snowy
— FOR SMOGMAW smoky/smoke, clever, mushroom
— FOR CHITTER (and family) vulture, crow, rat, bristle, spiky, pitch, amber, briar
— FOR TADPOLE AND MOTH flutter, frog, dark, happy, sweet
— FOR FERN swaying, dancing, flea, sticky, honey
— FOR ORANGEBLOSSOM bloom, mountain, fleet, bird, sky
— FOR LITTLE WOLF bear, fierce, wolf, thunder
— Needle would also be apt to pick whimsical names like odd, bumble, wish, spirit, spooky, bubble, shine/shiny, warble, song, singing
Likely: pool, sap, chilly, mountain, mushroom, sticky, BLOOM (comes with a little mini plot), odd, wish
(slot availability is subject to change!)
reserved for bloodkit
— open
— open
— open
There are many tales of cats who fall in love within the same clan and plan to start a family together, this is not one of those tales. This is a story of two cats who, in the middle of losing their homes and having the very forest flipped upside down, found comfort and distraction in each other when times were hardest. Drawn to each other by interest in their respective clans, Ferndance and Pikesplash only sought brief camaraderie, bonding by mauling a frog that Ferndance had originally brought to the camp to feed her brother.

Within ShadowClan itself, Ferndance is a mixed bag. To some, she is a lovable aunt figure, protective of her 'niblings' and quirky but ultimately harmless; to others, her weirdness is a danger that has seen her demoted from being Lead Warrior and socially ostracised from some family groups. As a result of her unpredictable nature, Ferndance revealed the pregnancy to much confusion, it was on that day that Ferndance asked Needledrift to be 'co-mom' to her newborns, a confession of feelings that would soon make them a couple within ShadowClan. It was concluded that Needledrift would adopt these kittens alongside Ferndance's biological motherhood and treat them as her own.

— Choosing date will be 18/12/2023! The litter will be born on 22/12/2023.
— Realistic genetics apply! Please see the list below.
— Though Ferndance may name her children unorthodox things, this litter will be one that's loved! She won't be a perfect mother, but be mindful of mischaracterising her for any angst.
— Please remain active with these kiddos, or at least inform Punk if they will be inactive. More than two months of no posts may result in kittens that haven't been involved in plots being rehomed.
— The kittens won't be told who their father is by Ferndance until they are old enough to understand her secrecy! This is subject to change based on IC plots.
— These kittens will start at 3 moons old! ShadowClan kittens are currently apprenticed at 4 moons old.
— Kits may be born with disabilities, please be mindful of how they are played!
— Applications are FFA! Brownie points will be offered for applicants who have 1 or no active characters in ShadowClan (I would love to see some fresh new faces there!)

— Ferndance's Family Tree can be found here! It is a mixture of played characters & NPCS.

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snow, for the smattering of white freckles across her face, in addition to acknowledgement of chilledstar
kit, denoting her rank in clan
✭ she/her, sexuality unknown

✭ black w/low white, river blue eyes
though born into the world thin and frail, it does not take long for snowkit to fill out into a classic stocky, short form of a shadowclanner. her pelt is nothing but ink and soot of the shades lingering about, yet the filtering sunlight through the pine nettles reveal a generous amount of ghost-like striping that litters her pelt.

one might consider her better fitting of riverclan's terrain, with how well her pelt repels the marshland waters, and how the webbing of her toes press apart the stream's waters. however, details such as these only raise eyebrows for those looking for trouble.

life may be unkind to snowkit in little ways - destined for a broken tail, snowkit will have a haphazard way of walking for a little while whilst she gets readjusted to a new balancing act. her gait hardly ever becomes graceful once again, however after a moon or so it'll quiet down into a simple overstep every now and again.

✭ snowkit arrives earth side a rather inconsequential way. sandwiched between littermates, she exudes little energy at first. perhaps the leafbare chill gets to her, or being one of many does not allow leeway for expression, and her first moments of life are suffering silence - regardless, she is small, frail, and quiet. and then she screams. like any other kitten, she wails with the newfound discomfort of life, it as unyielding as she. and going forth, snowkit is known much like her first many minutes of life. trouble after the silence.

snowkit aligns herself easily with her siblings, often becoming a follower of their antics rather than an instigator. she's a secret keeper, a best friend, and even at times a mediator ("why can't we get along?") in spite of all of this, she finds herself treading paths that some other kittens would be gobsmacked to do. rules are unbefitting a child of her demeanor and she has no issue attempting to sneak out of camp or interjecting herself into adult conversation. perhaps after being reprimanded the second or third time, she might learn. but life is too short to be a stickler for the details.
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(alt names: hungrykit, onekit, spookykit, mushroomkit)



masking nothing, carrying non-silver, solid, longhair, dilute, point; no other mutations

weevilkit is a canvas of two different pelts cut up and blended together. a majority of her body is that of a black smoke, dark with silver underfur. the silver shows through easily given the shorter fur that he has, with ghost markings peeking through in a few spots. the other colors are that of a silver cinnamon tabby, pale underfur with cinnamon markings painted over top. white is striped over one arm and eir face, with a small bit on their paw as well. her eyes are mismatched, one being a bright, brilliant blue sky and the other being the glowing yellow of a sun.

it has long legs and a lanky shape, though with a decent amount of muscle on its bones. his paws are a bit bigger than necessary for the size of his body, making him just a tiny bit clumsy when walking, mostly a normal gait but occasionally stumbling on her paws. it has a broad chest, the only other broad part of them aside from the paws.

fae has large eyes, round and wide, constantly looking around and finding something new to be interested in. nearly as big are her ears, large and pointy, always on a swivel to catch anything going on around him. ve has a small muzzle and a small nose, not quite so pronounced, with ver cheeks being rounded and soft. ae still does have a bit of cheek fluff though, scruffy and messy.

sun talks slowly, sounding out suns words and taking suns time to speak. it doesn't really care whether others are impatient, and will take its time to say whatever it wants to say regardless of how long it takes, screw what others think. he has a faint scent of pine sap, but an even stronger scent of mud, as he's always found playing in puddles and getting it all over his fur, leaving the smell of it everywhere.

  • weevilkit is a striking mix of black smoke and silver cinnamon tabby pelts, adorned with mismatched eyes—blue and yellow—that mirror her lively and curious nature. with a lanky frame, oversized paws, and an ever-curious gaze framed by large ears, weevilkit is a social butterfly, relishing any chance to engage with others, sharing his myriad of passions that range from time to time, their excitement contagious in every interaction. however, beneath this vibrant exterior lies an unyielding stubbornness, especially evident in its unwavering defense of its own and its siblings' wishes, willing to engage in impassioned debates to ensure their autonomy is respected.

    CON ●●●●●●●○○○
    DEX ●●●●●●○○○○
    INT ●●●●○○○○○○
    WIS ●●●○○○○○○○
    CHA ●●●●●●○○○○

    weevil finds every opportunity xe can to worm its way into being around others. she loves spending time with others, whether that be in conversation, in activities, or just laying around cuddling with vois siblings. even with those he doesn't know well, weevilkit will find a way to involve himself. when it comes across a new fixation to focus on, she makes sure to show it off to everyone—friends, family, or otherwise.

    ce gets excited very easily, each new interest completely overtaking everything else for as long as it lasts. ze could spend weeks at a time focused on something, then move on to something new in the blink of an eye. one week it may be bugs; the next it may be rabbits; after that perhaps flowers. co always finds something new to focus cos attention on, always so easily swayed from one thing to the next, and yet always so truly and genuinely excited for whatever it is that co is currently fixated on. this excitement also expands to hir everyday life, in interactions with others, in play, in work.

    most of all, though, weevilkit is incredibly stubborn. she has to have her way all the time, no matter the situation. ne will argue for hours if someone tries to tell ner to do something differently, or to stop doing something ne wants to do. glow is especially stubborn when it comes to glows siblings; kui is willing to argue with anyone and everyone in order to make sure that nobody gets in the way of kuis siblings and the things that the aforementioned siblings may want to do or not do.

  • FEAR: weevilkit's unrelenting curiosity leads ver to a situation that triggers ver deepest fear. confronting this fear becomes a pivotal moment for ver growth. ve grapples with ver emotions, seeking the counsel of a clan member who faced a similar fear. this may result in another attempt to face the fear that either results in the fear being resolved or being intensified.

    CHALLENGES: weevilkit finally becomes an apprentice, eager to prove herself. however, she's assigned a mentor who challenges her unconventional approach to learning, and must learn to adapt, or risk being held back from becoming a warrior on time. whether she manages to adapt or instead continues to struggle is undecided.

    IDENTITY: weevilkit begins to question xer gender identity, feeling a disconnect between xer assigned gender and how xe truly perceives xerself. initially unsure and hesitant, weevilkit seeks guidance from other nonbinary cats within the clan. through introspection and discussions with supportive clan members, xe starts experimenting with expressing xerself in ways that feel more true to xer.

    MISGUIDED: in their fervent determination to defend their siblings or friends, weevilkit becomes overprotective. they constantly intervene in others' affairs, often without their consent, believing it's for their own good. this behavior leads to strained relationships. despite having good intentions, their overprotectiveness alienates them from their peers, which over time may make them resentful when their help is rejected, depending on how things go.

  • the moss - cosmo sheldrake

    mind electric - tally hall

    new song d - the front bottoms

    bloody nose - jack conte

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tempted track... rah.. we will see

- thripkit > thrippaw > thripwing, thripflight, thripwind, thripflutter, thripwish, thripbloom
- afab agender, uses any pronouns but most fond of they/them
- cinnamon silver mackerel tabby. marbled stripes are quite vivid. short haired. one white streak on her face that makes it quite distinctive/unique. green eyes
- quite similar to ferndance in terms of lawless personality. heavy chill stoner vibes (obviously doesnt do drugs, they're a cat). indecisive, relaxed, chilled tf out, untrustworthy, reckless at times, rough and tough, individualistic and quite selfish
- has a rather androgynous voice, relatively lower pitched for an afab. smells like mildew and mud with a hint of spring blossoms.
- very stealthy when they want to be.
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general info
- Possible names: Shadekit (Nice ShadowClan-themed name, goes well with many suffixes, fits with their dark coat), Deadkit (Just hilarious in concept for me), Pitchkit (maybe not this considering recent revelations about his death, but funny because, surprise, you're named after the dead leader, no pressure).
I still cannot decide so if chosen, I will likely pick one of these names then.
For the sake of an easy-to-read app, I've gone with Shadekit as a placeholder name.
- She/he/they pronouns. Gender? I don't know her!
- Kit of ShadowClan.

- Reference is intended to be a stylized black ticked tabby with low white.
babie/chibi appearance (no ear tufts L) + older appearance

Shadekit is a rather even mix of Ferndance, Pikesplash, and some unique elements. They add up to make a cat that, ironically, passes well as a typical ShadowClanner.

She blends in well with the marsh's muddy colors, with a primarily dark brown coat that is shaded by an even darker line that runs from her head down to her tail. Smaller stripes of the same color run up their legs, twist around their tail, and creep up their head- even in this way, it seems that she is a blend of her parents, committing neither to Ferndance's mostly solid coat or Pikesplash's heavy striping. However, her underbelly is a deep cinnamon, a sort of reddish golden-brown, perhaps bringing to mind a more intense version of her mother's pelt. His white-tipped paws, a locket on their chest, and a trio of white spots on her forehead are all that interrupt the earthy tones. His fur is short and naturally glossy, giving him a visibly sleek appearance besides a few wispy patches of fur here and there.

Her face in particular has fluffier fur, making up distinct tufts on her cheeks. Her large ears even have some feathery tufts atop them, framing her youth-rounded face. He has a lightly pointed muzzle that ends with a dark nose. Her similarly dark facial stripes strike across this fur and decorate her forehead in a symmetrical pattern. Notably, three stripes also sit under each eye, accentuating her warm green eyes. They are wide by default, but frequently narrowed to an almond shape with amusement or consideration.

In build, Shadekit is not too different from your average cat, espesically as a kitten when they still look more like a gawky puffball rather than an actual distinctly shaped creature. However, as she ages, she will stand tall on ShadowClan's damp earth, having inherited Ferndance's long legs. To match with their limbs, their tail will be long and sweeping. A lean figure reminiscent of Pikesplash's will suit her well for slipping into shadows. She will not be light, other than of foot, just a little willowy.

- Playful, sweet, easygoing, impressionable, imaginative, unpredictable, blunt, impish.

If Shadekit's visual similarities with Ferndance weren't enough, her personality clearly marks her as her mother's child.

Like many other kittens, she's a playful, excitable thing. Shadekit can be found chasing after leaves, pestering other kits to play with her, and lying in wait for some unsuspecting cat to walk past so she can pounce at them. She laughs easily and warmly, at just about anything that even brushes against the definition of amusing, and even some things that don't. She's not hard to impress. Her lighthearted nature is agreeable... up until she's under one's paws too much, telling white lies that she thinks are hilarious and refusing to stop doing that. She is a free spirit to a fault, but is only a kitten- she will search for loopholes and poke at boundaries, but won't show blatant disrespect intentionally. Note that last word.

Shadekit can be blunt. While most cats would appreciate some sugarcoating, Shadekit has a hard time even throwing even a dusting upon their words. They may think and then speak, but what comes out of their mouth is often direct regardless. Sometimes this manifests in the form of very genuine compliments but, more often than not, this means that they spontaneously say something that they shouldn't. This is espesically prevalent when they are upset; it's not so much that they try to be mean, so much as any impulses about what to say are suddenly let through, instead of being filtered. Luckily enough, Shadekit is hard to rile up. This may be because they are oblivious to why they should be riled up about certain things, but they do also seem to be level-headed by nature in this regard.

In many other ways, they are more erratic. Since his primary caregivers will be Ferndance and Needledrift, he's likely to take the most cues from them. His sense of normalcy is perhaps different from most cats' because of this. In some ways, this does not seem to cause any issues. His primary goal in life seems to be to enjoy it, even the mundane parts; one can easily find him staring at mud and weeds as if they are a work of art, standing happily in a downpour, putting moss in their fur as a fashion statement, or asking adults questions that are seemingly just not relevant to situations at hand.

However, Shadekit's personality will still be moldable, able to be shaped by any number of influences. Other ShadowClanners will leave an impression on him, which may lead to some contradictory behavior. His quirky edges may be rounded out by simply being around them. This, in theory, should make him less odd than his mother. It does not, because it seemingly only serves to let him slip under a disguise of normalcy before saying something borderline nonsensical with complete confidence. He will be a little unpredictable, even to himself.

plot ideas and additional notes
- Depending on how her personality is received by other characters, she may go about developing normally and being herself OR, if her quirkiness is not received well, she may either try to conform to others' expectations or double down and try to be as weird as possible to intentionally irritate everyone around her in a resentful fashion.
- During her early apprenticeship, she may have an accident while hunting and fall into one of ShadowClan's algae-covered pools, or the stream near Carrionplace when it is high-- whatever works better as a body of water where she should feasibly drown in it, but as Pikesplash took to swimming naturally, she will too, and end up being able to struggle her way out of the water, very happy to be alive but maybe somewhat baffled by her own skills.
- I do not think that they will really think about who their biological father is at all. They have two parents, sounds good, nothing out of the ordinary, as far as they are concerned. However, when they learn who Pikesplash is, they may have a bit of an identity crisis- wondering if being half-RiverClan changes anything about who they are already, what parts of them are nature and what parts are nurture, et cetera... this is really dependent on how they've developed by the time we get to this point, though, they might end up reacting completely differently!
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Tracking! ( I do not need another shadowclanner but I am eye emoji this drama)

names: mushroom, dead, worm
appearance: cinnamon ticked tabby

alternative: worm, dead



masking mackerel, carrying non-ticked, longhair, point

use this to describe appearance in more depth. if you need help, you can follow my mental description map: pelt color -> eye color -> body shape -> facial features -> how they talk -> typical walking/running gait -> scent. make sure this is longer than your picture, otherwise it may mess up the tabs!

  • I use this as the attention-grabbing paragraph to draw readers into your application! should be short and wholistic, easy to grab at-a-glance what sort of character you are making.

    CON ●●○○○○○○○○
    DEX ●●●●●●●●○○
    INT ●●●●●○○○○○
    WIS ●●●●●●●●●○
    CHA ●●●●●○○○○○

    use this to expand on the deeper character of your application! adjust the circles as necessary to show off the DnD style stats of your character! (Can also be changed).

  • PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here

    PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here

    [COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)PLOT TITLE:[/COLOR] Insert fun plot here

    PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here




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-- bloomkit, wishkit, stickykit, swampkit - maybe because her fur does look a bit muddy
-- cinnamon ticked tabby w low white and green eyes;
dark stripes prevalent on her forehead and tail, three white paws and 1 darker greyish/cinnamon muddy color paw. dark nose, almost a grayish color.
-- she/they afab
She is very observant of the world around her. Tactful and resourceful. Sees every day as an opportunity to learn something new. Goal oriented and motivated by what she desires. Very protective of her family and friends. Quick-witted.
Almost like an open book - that saying "the eyes are the window to the soul" is very true here. From a burning glare to happy-crying, it's right there for you to see.
Unafraid to speak her mind, though they will bite their tongue if they feel there is a better way to get back at someone.
Enjoys being around other people - would totally be the third wheel if it meant she didn't have to be alone. Possibly to the point of pestering their siblings.
"Snitches get stitches" - mischief is more fun in numbers, and I'm thinking they will be very connected w their siblings and get into all kinds of fun together. She would likely take the blame or not admit anything if they were to get into any trouble, because she wants the best for the people she loves, even at her own expense! I guess you could say she's a martyr, of sorts.
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(alt names: if friends you may call him Oni)

Close your eyes
you'll be here soon


carrying mackerel tabby, solid, dilute, point

Bonekit at first glance is a clear mix of both his parents. His sleek, silver-based coat was broken only by a warm stripe of cinnamon brown along his back and down his tail, ribbons of tiger-like stripes running over his legs and cheeks giving the young kit an almost ethereal look, as though his stripes reflecting clouds burning from sunset's last hues upon a silvery lake. Oni is slightly below average in height, his face although still very pudgy from kittenhood denotes an impression of squarishness, foretelling a tom-cat who'll grow to be quite stocky and muscular. His eyes, like his parents, hold viridescent light, although his translation from his folks' genetics somehow resulted in a darker iteration, bordering on grey and giving him a stormy look. Although Bonekit rarely talks, when he does so his voice is quite breathy and quiet, almost like he was taught to speak by the whispering breeze or fading phantasms. He walks with surprising grace for a cat so young, almost impossible to hear approaching until it's too late.

  • Apathetically passionate, a creature who appears as though he were carved of marble and acts like the very same is true.

    The one thing people will immediately note about Oni is his seemingly complete lack of emotions. Almost infuriatingly calm, the boy rarely shifts the muscles on his face - not when he's shocked, spiteful, irritated, or even sad. He seems always to have a completely blank stare. However don't assume that it's a sign of obliviousness- Ver is very thoughtful and observant, noting very closely the actions of others and their outcomes. Perhaps growing up beneath a rather chaotic mother or maybe simply despite it, Oni seems completely uncaring of any wrong impression he gives. But just because the boy seems aloof and introverted doesn't mean he didn't inherit anything from his mother. While the boy seems to be more stone than a child, he has a rather frightening sense of humor and finds nearly any kind of joke - from dad to dark - to be wildly hilarious. The few times you see the bou crack a smile or lose his train of thought it is when he hears a joke of any kind. Although he is HORRENDOUS at telling jokes himself, the child loves puns and gags more than anything in the world.

    Well, second to his family, that is. Oni is extremely, dangerously even, protective of his family. To the point of nearly becoming possessive, Oni keeps a close and observant eye out for his family at every given chance, and judges dangers against them with a ruthlessness unexpected of a child. Once he learns about Ferndance's demotion and ostracising, he'll be just that much more protective, even wrathful of any sign of judgment from his peers towards any of his family members.
    Although Oni is calmer than Frozen Lake he isn't shy about picking fights, seemingly to see himself as much bigger than he is. The boy is practically unafraid of anything, which has a dangerous chance of leading to a self-sacrificing nature. But in the meantime, he's a very clear-headed individual, one who rarely acts without thinking and holds a rather thick skin towards anything against him, personally. A fine warrior in the making...

    CON ●●●●○○○○○○
    DEX ●●●●●●●●○○
    INT ●●●●●●●○○○
    WIS ●●●○○○○○○
    CHA ●●○○○○○○○○

  • TRUE ORIGINS: Oni has the perfect life, with Needle and Fern as his parents and his litter as his friends, he has everything a growing boy could ever want. That is, until he finds out about his cross-clan father.
    I doubt IC events will change Bonekit's view of family first clan laws second, so he won't be offended at his mom's cross-clan relations, however, Oni will struggle severely with the idea of having family in another clan. He'll become fascinated with trying to visit Riverclan, and meeting his dad, and will lay awake at night wondering if he has siblings in Riverclan who are far from his protection.
    This may coalesce into Oni acting quite cold towards Ferndance despite initially taking the news well as the boy will have a lot of feelings he won't understand and isn't sure how to go about processing them. But a heart-to-heart with mom will surely ease mounting tensions.

    UNNECESSARY SCARS: Just for the funsies, I want to develop Oni's out-of-the-blue temper, maybe picking a fight with someone when he overhears a diss against his mom. I want him to earn a scar pretty young that he'll revere greatly as to him it's a symbol of his fearless protectiveness, but to others, it could be the first sign of a dangerous, impulsive path.




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ouughhhhh tracking
Name options: Maggotkit (for her appearance of a soft, pale, squirming body; -maw, -tooth, -wing), Carrionkit/Carcasskit (shadowclan name, potential concession to the quality of food the kits will be subject to; -leg, -briar, -song)
she/her AFAB

Personality notes:
Attachment --> interesting because loving family vs potentially unloving environment. Technically she should have a secure attachment style, because both mothers are loving, and be able to set healthy boundaries with those around her, but if those attempts at non-familial attachment are rebuffed it could be interesting to explore!! may lead to overcompensation schema if social relationships consistently fail, or just aren't good.
(Potentially??) Overcompensation schema --> will behave in exaggerated ways to try and prevent negative situations from happening. eg if other kits ignore the litter/her, will be overly friendly, people pleasing, too-eager to prevent the negative situation of being alone; if she thinks she isn't worthy of non-familial love, will jump at opportunities to be in relationships or friendships and bend over backwards to maintain them, all to avoid being unloved. Likely comes off as desperate and weird as a result.
Building on above, she's people-pleasing but does not do well at it
Generally quite optimistic! or at least takes things in stride. oh they didn't want to play with me today, but maybe they'll want to tomorrow, i just have to ask. Definitely borders into being naive.
Not self-conscious or self-assured but a secret third thing. spends too much time preoccupied with others to actually worry about herself or how she's perceived - probably gains awareness of the fact that she doesn't do well at socialising, but doesn't take it as a negative thing (unless someone points it out or bullies her then maybe it could be. environmental influences my beloved).
Envious --> wants what other people have, whether it be their joy or their misery. oh you have a cool rock??? i wish i had a cool rock. oh you LOST your cool rock? i wish i had a cool rock to lose :(((
Summary: telemarketers would hang up on her but I love her

Appearance notes:
Cinnamon smoke with pale yellow eyes (carrying non-silver, long-fur, and point)
Fluffy baby, likes making her fluff as big as possible despite having short fur. Does not like how sleek she otherwise is

Internal monologue/writing notes:
Describe the physical sensation associated with emotions rather than stating that the emotion is felt, where possible, to demonstrate ignorance (or avoidance) of own emotions. illustrates poor EQ
-->A broad, cheek-sweetening grin spread over her face, energy bubbling in her paws so much that she has to shift side-to-side to avoid, like, bursting vs excitement flooded her system
-->Something cold and grimy gripped her belly and twisted vs horror-dread-guilt settled in her stomach
-->Emotional statements should be reserved for Big Things
Try and write in past-tense (<- she is a chronic present-tense writer)
Very informal style, especially while young
-->Capitalisation for Emphasis
-->Include like, you know, filler words
-->Nicknames/prefixes when referring to other characters
-->Generous use of italics
Greater focus on others than herself
-->Especially important for negative aspects --> downplay negative thoughts/evaluations
-->Exception is desires/envy/wants --> while intrinsically related to herself, as she is the one wanting, equally entwined with others, as their attention/belongings/etc are what she wants
-->Probably means minimal physical descriptions of herself unless another character brings it to her attention, or it has to do with whether her fur is fluffed

Plot ideas:
Won't inquire about Pikesplash (two parents seems normal, and she has two, and she is not going to risk her claim to normalcy), but will desperately want to find him when the litter learns about him
Soooo easy to manipulate your honor. She should get into trouble by following the wrong crowd - friends with bad or rowdy intents, someone from another clan asking what's probably too many questions, etc
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howdy howdy! 12am bst has struck which means it is choosing time for these goobers! invites for the needlefam discord will be sorted by loki while i pass out in bed, but just want to say a quick congrats & thank you to all who applied!

the chosen three are:
@nya with snowkit
@tropics with shadekit
@Antiigone with bonekit

birthing thread will be coming december 22nd :)) for now, enjoy this from loki:
