Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

Reply with your character(s) to see how Ferndance feels about them!
The honey to my bee, the moth to my flame, the apple to my eye, the... incredibly gorgeous she-cat to my incredibly gorgeous she-cat. My head feels fuzzy whenever I have to think about words to describe Needledrift, she's.... she's everything, the words we speak as mortals feel too inadequate when her beauty was crafted by StarClan itself. My only regret is that I couldn't spend more time in the Nursery with her before I was kicked out, the time we spend together matters more than ShadowClan ever could. I don't think I could've started a family with a better cat... other than... you know... the other love of my life but... I have to pretend he doesn't exist. I don't have to hide with Needle.

Ah... the snow that fell on the day of her birth. It's fitting I think, like the snow, she seems to be everywhere. I'm glad she's making friends, I know my home isn't always easy on those who aren't... conventional, but she's not letting it bother her. I love Snowypaw as I'd love any freaky little child of mine... which is a lot... I love my kittens. I do wish she'd grown already so she could defend herself, but I know that I'll still miss these days when she's just so small and curious. If only you could be a tiny little pebble and a capable murderer... hmm...

I'm sorry, I don't know Forestshade well. We run in different circles... I'm more of a 'chase your tail' sorta gal and she's more of a... chase an argument sorta gal. I don't mind it, though, I can hold my own. I get the feeling that she doesn't like me very much though... I don't know why... I think I'm lovely.

Them... the shadows that the trees cast over our territory. I think out of them all... I may have influenced Shadepaw the most. She's like me when I was a kitten, only, she doesn't have the same outlets I did so her chaos sort of... manifests more strongly. They're lovely though, they're my kid so of course they're loved. I used to get into all sorts of mischief with my mama all the time, I think we'll end up with the same dynamic... I can only hope to me more honest with Shadepaw than mama was with me.

Oh Bat's just like... a squishy worm that you can move around and he barely reacts. Unlike a worm, I don't think he minds, he's very laidback. I like him... I think if I was still a Lead Warrior I'd be annoyed by him but... he doesn't have to answer to me, we're equals, it's fun... he's fun. I hope Smogmaw puts us on more patrols together, I want to get to know him better and see how crazy he is when he actually has to do work... I also want to study his brain while he sleeps. If only he went to sleep at the same time as everyone else.







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