Jun 6, 2022


Fantastream x Figfeather

  • . FIGFEATHER is a SkyClan Warrior born and raised. Her mother, who was deputy at the time of her birth was a fiere and proud she-cat named Daisyflight, her father a loner by the name of Raven Ramble. She was brought up in the clan along with her siblings and was in training to become one of the best climbers her clan has ever seen. That is she was. It was one fateful day that she decided to set out to twoleg place in search of her father and for answers. Upon finding him, he rejected her and, in her grief, she ran straight into the path of a monster where she was struck. This injury would change the course of her life forever, rendering her hind leg useless and robbing her of her once powerful climbing ability. She would not let it stop her from becoming a great warrior though, and once she got back to training she set out to become the best SkyClan warrior she could be.

    . FANTASTREAM is a kittypet who has lived most of her life in the lap of luxury, safe in her housefolk’s den. She was born to two kitty-pets by the name of Sprite and Crush and adopted by two twolegs whom she refers to as Hon' and Dear respectively. Until one fateful day, she had never stepped foot out of the safety of her garden, past the security of a white picket fence. But the woods had been calling to her and one day she had decided to heed that call and venture out of her comfort zone and into the forest beyond.

    This is where our stories collide. While Fanta is laying careful paws one after another, hunting a mouse, Figpaw is on a patrol nearby. The orange furred apprentice scents prey and, while searching for it, runs into Fanta with her catch. At first there is tension, the mouse belongs to SkyClan and Figpaw with leaf-bare in full swing they couldn't afford to lose anything. Luckily, Fanta was understanding and gave her catch up without a fight. She invited Figpaw to come into her house, to share her kibble, and from there the two of them became fast friends.

    For a time, Figpaw was a regular at Fanta's nest. So much so that Fanta's twolegs even started to take notice. They nick-named her Fizzy and welcomed her as a regular visitor, often leaving out extra food for her to eat and blankets for her to sleep on. This would not last. Upon the snows thaw, Figpaw would decide that she could not live with a paw in both worlds anymore and she decided to cut ties with Fanta. Distraught, and thinking something terrible must have happened, the chocolate tabby kittypet would wander into the forest in search of her friend.

    When she found her, Figpaw was not happy to see her like she thought she would be. She told Fanta that she never wanted to see her again and Fanta, not knowing how to get home, turned around and promptly got herself lost in SkyClan's forest but was picked up by a couple of twolegs, who were setting traps for the clan cats, and brought to the local animal shelter. When she was broken out along with the rest of the SkyClan cats, she decided to stay and become a daylight warrior in hopes of rekindling her friendship with Figfeather and building new friendships as well.

    For a time, the pair avoided each other, each doing their respective duties and living separate lives in the clan. When the plague hit, Fantastream contracted yellow-cough and was confined to her twoleg's nest for a time. During that time, Figfeather would leave to embark on a great journey to the mountains in order to find a cure for her clanmates that were still sick. When Fantastream came back, cured by her twolegs, Figfeather was gone.

    Figfeather would soon come to realize that she had missed the chocolate tabby she-cat back home during her time away and, upon their return home, confessed her love for the daylight warrior. The rest is history...

  • . This litter is not first come first serve. Applications will be closed and kits picked on 01.10.24 and the birth date will be 01.12.24 to give rpers time to create their accounts. Kits will age realistically on their birth date starting age will be determined after their birth. Upon selection, the kit rpers will be added to the family discord and a group chat with myself and ava.
    . These kits will follow realistic genetics as provided in the next tab. Birth defects are permitted but please ensure that they are researched thoroughly and played accurately and sensitively.
    . These kits will be born in SkyClan and should not leave unless it is plotted out with myself or Ava. They may choose to later on in their lives become full time warriors, but while they are kits and apprentices they must live with Fanta and her twolegs unless otherwise plotted out with Ava and myself!
    . Please refrain from sad backstories or depressing names, Figfeather won’t be super present as a parent but they will still have two loving parents and twolegs that love and care for them as well.
    . All activity levels are welcome, but after one month with no activity and no warning, Ava and I reserve the right to rehome your slot.
    . Feel free to apply with any form as long as the basics are all there.
    . The number of slots are subject to change but for now we will be considering 2 applicants.

    kits will be gen three
    - grandchildren to daisyflight, raven rumble, sprite, and crush
    - nieces / nephews to violetnose, snowpath, greeneyes and butterflytuft
    - cousins to fluffykit, weedkit, and daisykit

    Sire : Sh red tabby (masking cinnamon tabby)
    Dam : LH chocolate tabby w/ low white (carrying shorthair, cinnamon)

    Toms can be chocolate tabby or cinnamon tabby
    She-cats can be chocolate torbie or cinnamon torbie
    - kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    - kits can have no white or low white
    - kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    - chocolate-based kits will carry cinnamon; longhaired kits will carry shorthair

    . While we do know the naming list is a bit silly, Ava and I ask that people please be respectful and take their characters seriously if applying. Please do not make any joke or “meme” characters as this is a litter that is not meant for that, despite the funny names. Thank you! ♡

    . Pepsi, Cola, Snapple, Sobe, Mocha, Corona, Gatorade, Propel, Monster, Ramune, Fresca, Sunkist, Sangria, Nestle, Cocoa, Dasani, Tropicana, Fiji, Perrier, Izzy, Stout, Coffee, Pop, Brandy, Whiskey, Cosmo — Fantastream’s twolegs will be naming these kits after human drinks, any drink name is acceptable as long as it’s relatively simple and one word like the examples above
    . Cappuccino & Macchiato, Grande & Venti, Pinot & Grigio, Mug & Rootbeer — twin names, can also be used as stand alones

Credit goes to andy for the base! Ty for letting me use it!

ROOTBEERKIT : AMAB LH Cinnamon Tabby (Carrying SH)

CAPPUCCINOKIT : AMAB SH Chocolate Tabby (Carrying Cinnamon)

SANGRIAKIT : AFAB SH Cinnamon Torbie w/ low white
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Sangriakit is a perfectly average-sized kit, with short and silky fur. She appears well-groomed at all times, and shows disdain for activities that could get her coat dirty. Her coat is mostly a warm cinnamon hue, patched with the striking reddish color of Figfeather’s pelt. Darker stripes cut through each color of her fur, and her underside, tail tip, and paws are cloaked in white. Her sharp, intelligent eyes are a gentle leafy green in color.

Fiery and bold, Sangriakit is a rather spirited child with boundless energy. She is always ready to do some exploring around either the camp or the territory, and must be frequently reminded not to stray too far. She is stubborn and difficult to dissuade from the things that she wants. She complains frequently, about anything and everything, but completes tasks when sincerely asked to. Her stubbornness manifests in both positive and negative ways—she can come off as contentious, but shows herself to be a hardworking individual when needed. Still, her prideful nature can often cause her to be a bit more independent than she should be at such a young age.

Sangriakit is a quick-witted and bright kit, showing signs of cleverness despite the childish naïvety that comes with a sheltered kithood and a lack of challenge early in her life. She is an optimist in spite of her attitude, holding great hope for both herself and her clan, and does not yet understand certain cats’ prejudices against outsiders and home cats (in her words, because “we go home every night, so we’re home cats!”). Once she does understand these biases, she is staunch in her defense of house cats in particular, and grows desperate in her attempts to prove herself useful to the clan. She is prone to starting arguments over the smallest of opinions, but seems to hold a deep respect for authority figures within the clan. She especially seems to gravitate toward clanmates who don’t seem to care much for her; aloofness and outright disdain for her are both overlooked easily in the name of making new friends.
  • Appearance is taken from hypokit Sangriakit. If chosen I’d be open to changing both appearance and name if needed.
  • Slightly “YA fem protag” coded ngl. Not like the other girls. Sharp-tongued at times and very stubborn, and believes that she has something to prove to everyone. Hides her feelings of inferiority behind a wall of brashness and wit.
  • Fire, flame, blaze, spark. High potential for bold, fierce suffixes.
  • Spitfire. Struggles to make friends throughout her kithood, does that typical cat thing where she latches on to the people who obviously want nothing to do with her, but ignores those who purposely try to get her attention.
  • I plan for her to remain a daylight warrior for as long as possible. Doesn’t understand prejudice against house cats, and responds to it with first kitlike confusion and, once she is an apprentice, defiance and anger.
  • If she ever becomes a full-time warrior, she will want to keep the name that she has had all her life. If refused and forced to change her name, she would try to convince the leader to let her parents choose her new prefix. This has the potential to get ugly depending on who the leader is and how they react, but that’s purely hypothetical and far down the line.
  • Fire/Fairy typing. Appears sweet and innocent but then says “mousedung” in the middle of a clan meeting. Scandalizes elders probably.
  • dnd class—lunar sorcerer. born with power but judged for her gift (in the same way that she is born into the daylight warrior life and judged for what she perceives as a gift). generally lots of moon related aesthetics.
  • Maybe she picks up Fanta’s slight accent? idk southern Sangria would be kinda cute
  • She’d be very attached to hon and dear, constantly winding around legs and shoulders and generally being a velcro cat. Loving and affectionate toward humans + her family while she’s at home, but aloof around skyclan.
  • Her character would be mainly shaped by IC interactions and events, but one character arc I’d like to explore would be why she feels the need to appear tough and snarky, and have her gradually realize that she CAN be caring and gentle and kind to others without jeopardizing her image or her worth as a skyclanner. Another theme I’d like to mess around with is her sense of loyalty, how it develops, and how she weighs her loyalty to her humans against her loyalty to the clan.
  • Activity estimate would be around 10-15 posts per month. About the same as my TC boy Falconheart.
  • ALT NAME: Izzekit
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monster, named by dear and hon' after the energy drink; often mistaken for the beasts roaming thunderpaths
kit, denoting their rank in skyclan
✭ amab they/she, sexuality unknown

✭ sh chocolate tabby w/ low white, mismatched eyes.
✭ mottled, messy, sloppy, harsh; clean, downy-soft, pristine, plush
monster, as they are dubbed at birth by her shared twolegs, is gifted her name for the many meanings it allows. a themed name, to adjacently match their mother, and their grandparents before that. a broad title, as surely in a few weeks after her birth, she will be scaling timeless furniture, swiping needle sharp claws into wrinkly faces for fun, singing her endless mewling song for kibble or softened food - a gremlin, in due time, however monster fits the bill better. not to mention her mottled appearance - white and chocolate, forming a jagged slope crossways on her face - a monster, a villain, though mustered with love and affection.

monsterkit, the extra syllable will be added in time. a promise for a future beyond their four walls of pristine sanctity. kit, with the soon following paw, and then what? a name beyond her, a future unseen. a kitten of slick mud and downy feathers, her sloppy patterned pelt lends to her soon-to-be lifestyle; a paw in two worlds. one pristine and clean, full of daily routine, lounging on a plush, old couch with her dear and hon' - the other, dirty, a mess. tearing through trees as if it's second nature, scoring birds off of branches before they have the chance to fly off. freedom, for the occasional exchange of safety.

if only, in their world, were she not named for the very beast that maimed figfeather.

in truth, monsterkit does not mirror either of their mothers perfectly; life is imperfect in all of its gifts. their fur isn't as pale as figfeather's boasts to be, nor do they appear to be as consumed by white as fantastream. however, that does not mean that the little she-kit is unlike them. her fur is shorter, allowing her to show off her rounder features gifted to her by her sire. and though she's not identical to her dam, in her youth she utilizes their similar fur patterns to 'hide' in the other's pelt.

✭ split lives, obedient, over-eager, talkative, intuitive, thoughtful
monsterkit surmises that to thrive in her two worlds, she must quickly abide by their laws. whilst in her home with her twolegs, she eats their food, plays with their feather toys and stays quiet. however upon returning to skyclan camp, they seem to flip a switch - a chatterbox, a loudmouth to those unwilling to listen to the endless sound of her talking. they're quick to learn, to want to learn, and often stakes out places like the nursery and apprentice den in her youth, almost wishing she could stay in the 'fun' home for a night.

eventually their split life provides them a new struggle. newleaf and greenleaf are seasons to thrive and succeed in, however when leaf-fall and leafbare return, monsterkit (or rather, monsterpaw by then,) sees for herself the struggle of the cats who live out in the forest full time. and while her youth fades away with the warmth, so does her rose colored lenses. she sees the fear of not getting their next meal, all whilst she is always promised one. can she stay in two worlds like this - and if not, what is the better choice for her?

✭ decides early on to transition to they/she. initially does not care for pronouns whatsoever, however clings to feminine-terms
✭ often becomes defensive of their name. hates the connotation of it being a thunderpath beast but cannot properly explain what monster must mean otherwise.
✭ will eventually force herself to decide whether to become a fulltime kittypet or a fulltime warrior; i would like to leave this up to the ic climate at the time of this decision (though it will be made in warriorhood.)
✭ will wear a bandana similar to fantastream
✭ potential "twin" with vulture's rockstarkit​
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COFFEEKIT mochakit, mugkit, or popkit


carrying cinnamon and short hair

Brilliant layers of mocha, fawn and deep browns paint the canvas of their buff features. Bright and inviting green eyes glimmer from the depths of his thick coat and rounded cheeks. His naturally robust frame and fluffy pelt display these colors proudly with wide-set paws and muscular legs. He talks boldly with a twang and a melodic beat on each spoken syllable. Walks in long relaxed strides with a slight sway to his gait.

  • GET TO KNOW COFFEEKIT: A bit of a rulebreaker with a love for thrills and new experiences. Being a cat with bloodlines as a kittypet and a clan cat Coffeekit believes they have an advantage in life by seeing both sides. Spending time with his parents individually also will expand his expectations as a dreamer and he will strive for excellency. Aiming to be a formidable climber and a good house pet to his two-legs Coffeekit is destined for Daylight Warrior life. Happy to balance both worlds and keep close ties within his family as a pillar of joy and strength.

    - Despite his flamboyant attitude he will know when to be quiet and thoughtful
    - A definite ENFP-A, very empathetic, with a Sanguine outlook
    - In his early life he might get into a lot of mischief with sneaking out or doing dangerous stunts
    - Will defend kittypets and hold very strong opinions about clan politics
    - Given his fun and easy-going attitude Coffeekit will be a surprisingly hard worker
    - As he ages the more extreme parts of his personality will tone down with wisdom and experience
    - He will proudly keep his collar and try to regularly visit his two-legs

    GET TO KNOW TASMAGORIC: Howdy! My name is Taz as you folks may know and I'm very excited to apply for this litter as Kittypets and Skyclan plots are favorites of mine. Much like this little fella here I take on a pretty lovable and fun approach to life. This character will have close ties to my own personality in minor ways giving him a special place in my line up of OC's.

    ACTIVITY: I'm a very active roleplayer but with kittens and apprentice I produce around 10-15 posts minimum. I intend to keep Coffeekit active and present within Skyclan just as I do with @Dogbite. This can also be seen in @Bumblepaw @redpaw and @THORNPAW

    CON ●●●●●○○○○○
    DEX ●●●●●●●●○○
    INT ●●●●○○○○○○
    WIS ●●●●○○○○○○
    CHA ●●●●●●●●○○

    Born into a world of warmth and nurturing, Coffeekit's early days were sculpted by family, and his character was chiseled with care. There's an inherent charm about him, an innate ability to effortlessly draw others close, and reciprocate the affection with genuine joy. Despite a turbulent youth marked by inadvertent chaos and a propensity for mischief, there exists within him a reservoir of kindness and compassion that seems boundless.

    His heart, a repository of empathy, propels him to consistently seek the silver lining in every scenario, and he has an unyielding desire to act as a mediator whenever conflicts arise. Their emotional role as a diplomat, though occasionally perceived as unaware, arises from an acute understanding of the power of harmony. He realizes the value of unity and strives to foster it, believing that togetherness can weather any storm. His interventions, guided by genuine intentions, carry the weight of someone who sees the potential for progress even in the most tumultuous situations.

    Coffeekit's benevolence, however, often wears the cloak of naivety, painting him as a dreamer in the eyes of some. Yet, the authenticity behind his actions is a testament to a pure and unspoiled soul. Whether rushing to the aid of a distressed comrade or delivering a swift reprimand to a snobbish clanmate, he carries the mantle of the 'good guy' with him, an identity that is tailored more appropriately in adulthood. This will create tensions between him and more brooding individuals making it a hard transition into clan life versus kittypet life.

    Yet, beneath the veneer of sweetness lies a more complex facet of Coffeekit's personality. When the right conditions align, he reveals a streak of self-absorption that intertwines with his desire for recognition. Praise and rewards become the catalysts for a transformation, turning him into a showboater hungry for the spotlight. Eager to please and bask in the glow of attention, Coffeekit is not one to shy away from the daring. He'll indulge in playful antics, execute daring stunts, or embrace less-than-desirable challenges, all in a bid to underscore a point and carve his presence into the memories of those around him. The rowdy tom, once underestimated for his sweetness, becomes a captivating force of flamboyance when the stage is set for his revelry.

    This penchant for the limelight is not merely an ego-driven pursuit; it's an expression of his eagerness to connect with others on a deeper level. Coffeekit's goofiness, dangerous stunts, and acceptance of challenging feats serve as invitations, beckoning others to join him in the realm of shared experiences. In this way, his flamboyance becomes a bridge, connecting him with his peers and fostering bonds that extend beyond the surface.
  • MY KID: Shortly after Coffeekit's birth, one of the two-leg kits takes a keen interest in him. She dresses him up, naps with him, and showers the little tom with affection. In return, Coffeekit sees her as his favorite two-leg, always ready for a mischievous adventure together. With the other two-legs, he's a bit squirmy and a rascal, but with his chosen companion, he transforms into nothing short of pudding. He joyfully allows himself to be carried around, and he eagerly follows her wherever she goes. Even as he embarks on his training, this unique bond remains unshaken. As a Daylight warrior, he proudly declares. "I'm off to see my boy/girl!" or "My boy/girl is waiting for me, gotta go!"

    TOUGH REALITY: Coffeekit will have an unashamed view about having both Kittypet and Clan blood. Touting both of his lineages with pride and the first to snap back at any naysayers. He wasn't raised to be ashamed and will never view it as anything other than honorable. To have a paw in both worlds means he gets twice the experience and has a worldview that exceeds small minded individuals. This could lead to some altercations as he ages but none that he isn't willing to finish.

    SIBLING RIVALRY: In the transition from late kittenhood to early apprenticeship, Coffeekit develops a competitive streak with his sibling. Every opportunity becomes a chance for a competition or a means to a reward, goading his sibling into participating. This playful rivalry escalates into a serious argument, with Coffeekit initially adopting a stubborn 'no, I'm right!' stance. Through heart-to-heart coaching from a parent or mentor, he learns the value of apologies, realizing that constantly seeking victory or bullying his sibling isn't the way to communicate effectively or play with other cats.

    SQUIRREL INCIDENT: Early in his apprenticeship, Coffeekit engages in a heated altercation with a chittering squirrel defending its nest. Attempting to swat it away, the squirrel counterattacks, leaving Coffeekit with his first scar—a bite wound and a fall from the tree. Despite his claims of a sparring match gone wrong, witnesses tell a different tale.

    FISHY FUMES: During his kittenhood, Coffeekit faces the persistent efforts of his two-legs trying to feed him fishy snacks, always resulting in a gag from him. Amused by his reaction, his two-legs intentionally expose him to seafood platters and fish cat treats for their own entertainment. As an apprentice on a border patrol, he develops a comical disdain for the scent of Riverclan, a reaction rooted in the lingering distaste from his early encounters with fishy aromas.

    BROTHERLY LOVE: Incredibly protective of his sibling, Coffeekit, especially if he is the firstborn, assumes the role of an older brother with unwavering dedication. Rooted in their shared kittypet roots, he believes in fighting twice as hard to earn respect for his sibling. While not hesitant to scold them if they err, he stands as their steadfast encourager, urging them to learn from their mistakes.

    OLD TALES: As his parents share the tales of their lineage, Coffeekit becomes enamored with the legendary figure, Daisyflight. Struck by her strength and prosperity as one of SkyClan's most revered cats, he goes to great lengths to prove himself equally admirable. Climbing two-leg furniture, taking leaps of faith, and training to run and jump with unprecedented agility, he may even request to honor his grandmother by adopting the suffix 'flight' in his later life.

    CLIMBING BLUES: Becoming an exceptional climber and a robust warrior, Coffeekit develops a fearless attitude, convinced that nothing can touch him. However, a fall that could have led to permanent injury forces him to confront his recklessness. Chastised by Figfeather during the healing process, Coffeekit feels ashamed and engages in a tough conversation about Figfeather's own injuries. Finding common ground, he leans on his parent for comfort, pledging to be more considerate of his well-being. This episode marks a pivotal moment in Coffeekit's development, emphasizing the importance of thoughtful choices and empathy for others.

  • ART:

    PHYSIQUE: In youth he'll be soft and round with a plump tail and chubby face. Coffeekit's physical presence is a testament to the rich hues of a forest in early daylight, with layers of mocha, fawn, and deep browns intricately woven into the tapestry of his buff features. His coat, long and luxurious, becomes a canvas for these earthy tones, each shade harmonizing with the other in a mesmerizing display. Bright and inviting, his deep emerald green eyes shimmer, adding a touch of warmth and intensity to his gaze.

    From apprenticeship his body will quickly change from a gangly thing to a robust frame. A reflection of his athleticism, and a testament to his proficiency as a tree climber. Muscular legs and wide-set paws providing a sturdy foundation for climbing ventures, emphasizing both strength and agility. The fluffiness of his pelt only enhances the overall picture, giving him an air of regal charm despite the playful chaos that may often surround him.

    In the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees, he'll stand as a striking figure, his long-haired chocolate tabby coat catching the light like the interplay of shadows and sunshine. A harmonious blend of strength and grace, he embodies the spirit of a feline capable of both conquering the heights of the tallest trees and captivating the hearts of those fortunate enough to witness his enchanting presence.

    VOICE: Oluwande from Our Flag Means Death His voice resonates with a twang, carrying a melodic beat on each spoken syllable. When he talks, it's with a confident flair, his words dancing through the air with the same rhythmic energy that defines his presence.

    STYLE: Possessing a natural inclination for being in the limelight, Coffeekit takes meticulous care of his appearance. Prior to the commencement of each day, he invests time in a ritual of grooming, delicately cleaning, petting, and meticulously shaping his pelt. Diverging from the norm, he finds genuine enjoyment in a thorough bath, reveling in the shimmer it imparts to his coat. His dedication to cleanliness is evident in the sleek, polished appearance of his fur, often seen with a flawlessly slicked texture and a luxuriously fluffy neck that enhances the overall refinement of his physical style. Of course in his love of playing and rough housing their pelt often ends up a frizzy mess by days end. Which is another reason why he takes so much time to keep it tidy come morning.

    INSPIRED: Karlach from BG3, Waitress The Original Broadcast, Cocoa Hooves by Glass Animals

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Balanced somewhere between Figfeather and Fantastream's own appearances stands Sunkistkit. The kit adorns a warm appearance in the form of sun-twisted splotches of cinnamon and red fur most predominately across his back, face, ears, and tail, all intersected by ivoried borders. Golden-lit eyes hold their gaze steady across a rounded face, a toothy grin displayed in times of social propriety.

It is likely that Sunkist will be the tallest of their litter, or at the very least, among the tallest. Long, sturdy limbs make for most of Sunkist's height, of which will only strengthen further in forest-helmed training — gaining a muscled stature beneath soft, twoleg-maintained fur.

Sunkistkit carries the scent of fresh laundry and citrus in their earliest days, with notes of crisp pine to interlace as his time within the clan's territory grows. As a kit, they speak in a bright, squeaking voice that eventually mellows out into evened words in their warriorhood. The cat mainly wears a bright orange collar, but often appears with bandanas akin to Fantastream's.

With his paws in two different worlds, and his early daylight ranking uncommon among his peers, finding his purpose and where he fits in among the clan's ranks will be a driving force to Sunkistkit as he grows.

Sunny as his name, Sunkist often arrives to camp with a warm aura around him. With his heart on his sleeve, he often does not struggle to speak his mind, and will seek friendship with anyone and everyone, though will prefer the presence of a closer-knit friend group in time. He loves his family, his clan, and his twolegs dearly, and the differences between his own life and his peers' will not be lost on him as finds himself questioning the gaps between a daylight cat's day to a regular clan cat's day.

Though he'll find a surplus of comfort in the company of his friend group, this doesn't mean the kit doesn't like to be the center of attention in times where he can find a means for such. They'll be a show off in any capacity — whether in something he's skilled in or not — often pestering those nearby and asking do you dare me? in an effort to make others watch the tricks he attempts in his childhood; from spins to jumps to anything he sees as potentially cool and notable in his self-worth. Bonus points if he ropes in any of his family members to watch.

While done in the urge of him proving himself, such tricks aren't often done in total confidence, with fear often pushing him toward moments of bravery. If he doesn't try the things he fears, how will he know what he's capable of? Risk-taking moments like these may lead to some fears solidifying themselves in odd ways (ie: fearing heights but only when it comes to cat trees, or something of the sort).

Bumps and bruises likely along the way, failure is not taken in stride. In striving to be a strong warrior — daylight or not — like those along his family lines, Sunkist pushes himself to master moves and learn from his mistakes, and such a perfectionist tendency may be a potential cause for long training days in his apprenticeship. Climbing is something he will thrive in, a natural ease carried in his form.

Alternative Names: Starrykit
Daylight Warrior Names: Sunkistspark, Sunkistbeam, Sunkistglow — bright, flame-born names; Sunny- / Sun- prefix (or similar) likely in chance of full time warrior status.
Though Sunkist will probably remain a daylight warrior into his early days of warriorhood, his status in SkyClan will either be determined ICly or with a roll system.
Personality is subject to change depending on IC events and aging.
Aiming for ~10 posts a month, but will probably be more.
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(alt names: primekit, redbullkit)


potential 'twin' to nya's monsterkit

masking nothing; carrying nothing; no genetic mutations

warm in more ways than one, rockstarkit is a bright cinnamon tabby. cinnamon coats the body, one shade throughout most of the pelt. a paler color is painted onto the underside of rockstar’s body, starting from the chin and continuing down the neck, stomach, and the tail, as well as trailing down the inner side of the legs. stripes are added on in swirls on the main part of the body, and heavy lines elsewhere on the legs and tail. the markings dip slightly onto the chest, and the typical tabby markings are on rockstar’s face as well.

white coats the tips of the ears, curves under the eyes, leaves a line in a broken blaze up from the nose towards the forehead. on star’s body is a decent amount of white, making the back left leg fully white. the white comes up over the back as well as over part of the tail, leaving a large patch of white over the whole flank area. breaking up the white patch is a swirl of the cinnamon coloration, a spiral leading into a remarkably star-like marking in the center of the spiral. rocks’ eyes suit the color of the pelt well, a yellow-orange shade that is not dull nor excessively bright, standing out just enough without clashing with the colors of the fur.

rocksy’s a rather short individual, short and thin. rock’s body is narrow and small, able to squeeze into little spaces rather easily if necessary, even if rock prefers not to. rockstarkit tries to make out as if rockstar’s body is bigger and taller than it actually is, puffing out the chest and poofing up the fur. there are muscles there too, however, despite the short and small stature. rocks is fit and in shape, clearly having meat on rocky’s bones, in part due to the fact that rockstar loves running around and therefore gets a lot of exercise.

rockstarkit’s face is long and sharp, not round like one might expect of most kittens, none of the kitten chubbiness that is so common. everything about rockstar is pointy; a lengthy and pointed snout, ears that have none of the roundness that some other cats have. rocksy’s eyes are big and wide, constantly enamored and excited with everyone around rockstar.

starry has a quick, chirpy voice, one that is used to the fullest extent. rockstar is loud whenever rock speaks, grabbing attention wherever rocky goes. rockstarkit talks solely in the third person, never using anything but rockstar’s name rather than any form of ‘i’ or ‘me’. rocky insists on this from others too, wanting to have any name or nickname used rather than any pronouns. rocksy’s gait is made up of long strides, hops, and bounds, preferring to run or jump around rather than walk. the scent of herbs coats rockstar’s fur, as starry enjoys sharp smells and will often find places to play that have herbs or other strong-smelling things so the smell will seep into rockstar’s pelt.

  • > rocks is bold, outgoing, caring, confident; however, rock can be oblivious to what others think of rockstar. compare rockstarkit to papyrus from undertale
    > rockstar’s personality is subject to change as rockstar grows! though rocks may act a certain way now, or have certain thoughts about things, how rocksy acts and thinks is likely to grow and develop based on surroundings factors
    > starry loves dear and hon very much! very important to emphasize this to show that star, despite loving being in skyclan and learning all these things about being a warrior, also loves to stay with star’s twolegs and the rest of star’s family. when the time comes to make a decision between skyclan and starry’s twolegs, it should be a difficult decision

    CON ●●●●●○○○○○
    DEX ●●●●●●○○○○
    INT ●●●●●●●○○○
    WIS ●●●●○○○○○○
    CHA ●●●●●●○○○○

    born into a world of comfort, rockstarkit is, from the start, an excitable child who lives without a smidgen of fear. rockstar ventures forward without worry, safe in the house of dear and hon, knowing that even if rocks is to make a mistake or end up hurt, rocks’ twolegs will fix it. even out in the wild, in skyclan, rockstar is sure that if rocky is to be hurt, rock’s sibling or parents will bring rocks back to dear and hon to be cared for, to be protected. it leaves rocksy as a bold individual, fearless and courageous as rocks moves through the world, but also a reckless one, unafraid of danger even when rocksy should be afraid. that recklessness can lead starry into situations that are best avoided sometimes, both at starry’s twolegs’ home or in skyclan’s territory.

    building from this, rockstarkit is an outgoing, highly social individual. rocksy can always be found at someone’s side, most often a family members’ as they are rock’s favorites, but often enough will be random members of skyclan. rocks loves talking to everyone, getting to know things about them all and making friends. rockstar is happiest when surrounded by friends and family, when rockstar has people around who care about rocky and who rocky cares about in return. it’s a rare occurrence in which one might find rockstarkit all alone.

    with this mix of traits, starry is someone who is relentless in everything, occasionally to the point of going too far. while being social, being outgoing, can usually be a positive trait, pushing too hard or being too forward can lead to annoyance from others directed at rockstar. star doesn’t try to do so, but instead just doesn’t know when to quit, which is the same reason that star will often end up in dangerous situations as a result of rock’s actions.
  • ILLEISM: rockstarkit doesn’t use any pronouns, and as such, rockstar only will refer to rocks in the third person. rocks will use the name rockstarkit, and also nicknames such as rock, rocks, rockstar, star, starry, and rocksy.

    INDECISION: as a daylight warrior, rockstar lives with a paw in each world—one with skyclan, doing rock’s best to learn to hunt and fight, to serve the home that rockstar’s mother has introduced to rockstar; one with rockstar’s twolegs, with rock’s sibling and mother, and dear and hon. both worlds feel like rockstarkit’s world, and when the time comes that others might press rocksy to choose between the two, it’s likely that rocksy will be stuck between the two worlds. rockstar will have a difficult time choosing which home to leave behind, because both are rockstar’s home.

    DANGER: at some point in rockstar’s life, likely during rocks’ apprenticeship, rock will get hurt to a point where rock would not survive out in the wild, and would need to be brought by fantastream or rocky’s sibling to dear and hon’s home. rockstarkit will survive this injury, but will be permanently affected in some way, whether that be scarring, the loss of a limb, or something else. this will likely have a strong impact on rockstar, and may end up influencing rockstar’s personality as a result, depending on how others treat rocksy afterwards and how that affects rocksy’s mindset.

    PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here

  • girlfriend - avril lavigne

    you’re gonna go far, kid - the offspring

    all star - smash mouth

    cabinet man - lemon demon

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Whiskeykit takes largely after Fantastream in coloring, boasting a rich chocolatey coat mirroring the dark alcoholic beverage he's named after, and painted with muddy tabby stripes. His fur is highlighted by a splash of stark white that travels from his stomach up his chest and over the left side of his muzzle. All four of his paws are also dipped in white socks. His skin is a fiery shade of burnt red, and his eyes are an intense golden hue. HIs physique is where he differs from both of his parents, being an exceptionally large feline from birth, and by the time he fully matures he'll be quite an intimidating presence. His build favors strength and power, leaving him very little in the ways of agility or speed. His twolegs will dress him in a simple black leather collar, one that is a bit too loose on him to start but he'll steadily grow into it over time. [ REFERENCE ]

passionate, intrepid, fierce, devoted, headstrong, dependable, lionhearted, independent, overprotective, serious

One of Whiskeykit's most dominant traits is his ferocity. The majority of the time he is calm and rather charming, but he can be quick to anger and doesn't always think before speaking or acting. It's not very difficult to provoke him, and he can be known to lash out at others when his emotions run high. He can also be quick to pass judgment, but isn't so stubborn that he won't change his opinion if he feels he was wrong.

In contrast to Whiskeykit's fierceness, and perhaps the cause of it, is that he tends to care very deeply about the people and things that are important to him. One of the main reasons he can be so easily riled up is because he has high standards for himself and for others, and expects the people around him to behave in a way that he thinks is right. He can be slow to develop true attachments to newcomers, for fear they will end up disappointing him, but once he does, those attachments are deep and rarely breakable. Above all else he loves his family, and he would do anything to keep them safe and happy. One of the easiest ways to get on his bad side is to mess with his family or clan.

Although many of his attributes may label him as a tad grumpy, no one can doubt Whiskeykit's bravery or determination. When he feels something needs done, he does it, usually without thought to the consequences or his own safety. Some might call it recklessness, but he's not afraid to do what is right, especially when it involves his own morals or something he believes strongly in. He follows his heart, regardless of the consequences. And above all else, Whiskeykit believes in honor and loyalty. Once he aligns himself with someone or something, he will do his utmost for them. He is always serious in his duties to his clan, and even more so to his friends and family. His devotion goes both ways, and he expects anyone close to him to respect him with the same loyalty as he provides them. Any level of betrayal towards him will be taken very personally, and he is not one to forgive and forget easily.


  • As a kitten and long into his apprenticeship, Whiskey will be content with the life of a daylight warrior. He enjoys the comforts that come with being taken care of by his twolegs, and the excitement of clan life is just an added bonus. However, as he grows and learns the ways the warrior code, his feelings towards his situation will begin to change. He gets a thrill out of being considered a warrior of Skyclan, and he realizes towards the end of his apprentice days that he misses the sense of purpose and fulfilment it gives him when he returns home to his life as a kittypet. And while he will always be proud of his upbringing and will never look down on daylight warriors, he will inevitably make the decision to become a full warrior of Skyclan just before his ceremony. He wants to dedicate his life to defending his clan and clanmates, the way Figfeather worked so hard to after her accident. It gives him courage and inspires him to do the same. At first he will find it hard to bring the subject up to his mother, for fear of disappointing Fantastream, but will eventually realize she'll still be proud of him and will ask for her blessing.
  • One major personality-defining plot point that i'd like to slow-burn for Whiskey is being judged by his appearance. He'll be an unusually large feline for his age, always very muscular and overall intimidating. It will be a benefit to him as a warrior, when he needs to frighten their enemies; but throughout his life, he'll be constantly misjudged for his physical appearance and hard exterior. Inside he's just a big, burly teddy bear with a heart of gold, and he struggles to find ways to show everyone this side of him.
  • Even after Whiskey decides to become a full traditional warrior, he'll want to keep his collar and his name as a tribute to his kittypet roots. He loves his twolegs and is proud of his heritage, despite the general attitude towards kittypets, and the decision to leave them behind will not be easy for him, so he'll want to hold on to any memories he has of them.
  • Activity with Whiskey will be high! Planning on about 5 posts per week as a kit, more when he becomes an apprentice
  • In spite of his somewhat gruff exterior, Whiskey truly does care about the people around him. He's just not very good at vocalizing it, so he shows them through actions instead. He's always trailing behind his siblings, quietly making sure they're okay, offering support just through his presence; he likes to give people gifts of things that he finds throughout his daily life that he thinks are special; he's very good at making grand gestures when words don't seem powerful enough to get his feelings across.
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Thank you all for your applications, Jay and I have had so much fun reading them over. After days of back and forth DMs we’ve come to a decision.

The kits of Figfeather X Fantastream shall be;
Sangriakit played by @foxlore
Coffeekit played by @Tasmagoric

Congratulations, both of you! I will be sending you invites to the family discord shortly!

Again, thank you everyone for your time and applications. Your interest in this litter means so much to us, we hope if you’re not in SkyClan already you’ll consider hopping in and roleplaying with us anyways! We’d love to have you <3​