private Flicking embers into daffodils ✶ Lambkit

It's a little warmer today, she noticed pleasantly as she left the warriors den this late morning. The dawn patrols had been assigned, warriors returning from what she hopes were successful hunts. Owlheart wasn't one of them today, she had her own goals in mind to keep her busy though. There is still a mist that blows from her maw as she walks out into the camp clearing, a hawk feather caught between her teeth. She had been fortunate recently, being able to see one passing overhead from the safety of the trunk of a pine tree. She had kept it tucked nicely in her nest with Crowsight, she could swear the amount of feathers within there has doubled since Oddgleam had joined the nursery. It's kept as a reserve, when things are so sparse it's always nice to welcome her mate with a gift and she's fairly certain Crowsight was of the same opinion.

Today it was for someone different, she thinks of a cream coated tom. One who had squished a pile of snow and called it a freak, her half brother. It's strange to think of him as that, the lines blur between him and his niblings given the fact they are the same age. Every interaction tows a line of being too motherly as she tends to do with the rest of her kits cohort, it felt wrong when it was her brother though. To some extent anyways. She had scolded him for something that truly isn't his fault, Slatesnarl had taught him to say this after all. She can't forget how upset he looked, well upset and frustrated. It's funny to see to some extent their mothers pride seems to manifest in different ways throughout all her children.

She wanted to fix that, missing when he actually looked her in the eyes when they spoke. There is guilt upon entering the nursery for anyone other than her kits. Thankfully she didn't have to go far, as it seemed Lambkit was enjoying relative freedom by trying to leave bright and early (for a kit anyways). It was almost comedic, how she bumped into her brother. "Oh! Are you alright Lambkit?" She ducks her head, a motherly concern taking grip as she tries to eye him off for any bumps. Oh- I'm doing it again. Owlheart straightens up upon realizing this, smoothing at the fur of her tail by brushing it against the ground behind her. "I'm not... Interrupting, right?" She would hate to ruin things further by blocking him from actually doing something fun. Ah, she's also doing that again, worrying too much. Something she's heard from Cherryblossom and Edenberry recently, though in different ways.

"I thought you might like this feather" she explains, voice muffled by holding the stem of it. Setting it down by his paws with a kind smile "It's a hawk feather, have you been told about hawks yet?" he seems to enjoy violence, for whatever reason. So she thought something from a prey bird may be too mundane for him.

  • ooc. @LAMBKIT
  • zbNXVoZ.png
    She / her ||Warrior of SkyClan || 21 moons
    An orange tabby with low white and an owls feather tucked in her tail.
    Mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight | Mother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit and Ravenkit.
    Mentoring Hollypaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

Lambkit cannot explain why he feels guilt whenever he looks at his older sister. He should love her and look up to her like the way he looks up to Cherryblossom right? But he can't help it, whenever he sees her his pelt itches with the memory of the feeling of embarrassment, of a scolding he seems to forever be waiting to happen. It's not fair to her, he knows she was just doing her job as an adult, but it wasn't fair to him either! How was he supposed to know what he is and isn't supposed to say when he was merely just repeating what he heard come from the mouth of another adult? How was he supposed to know which words were alright to mimic and which ones weren't? Especially when they were words coming from the mouth of one of the adults he looked up to most - his father.

Owlheart is the last cat he is expecting to run into right now as he makes his way out of the nursery, but as fate would have it, his head collides with her leg and he goes stumbling backwards, landing on his butt with a sharp hiss that is borne more out of surprise than pain. "Im okay!" he tries his best to sound reassuring but he hates the way this keeps happening - older cats knocking him around all the time. One day, when he's as big as his dad, he's sure it'll never happen again, but for now he begrudges the way most adults tower over him.

He shakes his head no, she wasn't interrupting anything important, but his eyes do curiously dart to the feather clutched in between her teeth.
A gift for her kits, he thinks trying not to feel jealous. But then she's offering it to him and his eyes widen in surprise. "Really?" he asks in a breathy gasp "For me?" No one had ever given him anything besides prey before, and this was from one of his older siblings so that made it extra special, right? "A hawk?" he echoes, lifting the feather up with a claw so he could inspect the mottled brown feather a little bit better. "No... But I've heard about Eagles! Are they like Eagles?"

  • 4egpTNu.jpeg

  • 92609962_IJHHFYAPLztcqs9.png
    A fluffy cream coated tom with mismatched white socked toes, a white marking blazing a trail down his face, and striking blue eyes.
    easy in battle + no formal training
    difficult to befriend
    Peaceful + healing power-play allowed, anything else with permission only

"Of course! This is for you" she chitters, fur puffing out in pride that this so far is a successful exchange. It doesn't seem to be going poorly yet, thank the stars. As terrible as she feels for knocking into her younger sibling it could be worse, thankfully Lambkit is sturdy and seems to roll with these happenstances as they come. It was difficult to not immediately fuss over him when he hissed upon falling but she holds the instinct within, he has Butterflytuft within immediate reach to worry over him. Then he has Slatesnarl and their mother, the last thing he probably needs is someone else fussing about his wellbeing.

There is a tenderness in her gaze as he inspects the feather, tail flicking behind her in an attempt to expel any left over nerves. "Oh! You've heard about Eagles?" Interest captures her immediately, she's always had a fascination with such dangerous birds such as them. A coverted prize for her feather collection would to one day obtain one of their feathers. It's an unrealistic goal but it's a harmless dream, at least she thinks so. Owlheart isn't so reckless to try and chase down the bird that could have killed her littermate in hopes of finding just a feather for stars sake. "What do you think about them?" She presumes he must of heard about them in a journey retelling, that's the easiest explanation anyways.

She shuffles away from the entrance of the nursery as to not block it from anyone. Deciding to sit down next to a corner of the wall, tapping at the ground lightly with a tangerine paw. There's a thoughtful hum as she tries to consider how to compare them. "Well they aren't as big as eagles but they're both birds of prey" she pauses, to see if he's heard that term before. She assumes so if he's heard of an eagle but gives him space to correct her if wrong. "I like to think they're similar, not that eagles are a common sight... It's far more likely for you to see a hawk. So... Yes, kind of" she thought the answer would be a lot easier to give than it actually is... hm.

"Do you like birds? Or their feathers I suppose, I could try and find more for you if you'd like" it would be nice, she thinks. Even if it's not a major interest she finds herself wanting to find some kind of connection for them to bond over.

  • ooc.
  • zbNXVoZ.png
    She / her ||Warrior of SkyClan || 22 moons
    An orange tabby with low white and an owls feather tucked in her tail.
    Mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight | Mother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit and Ravenkit.
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

Lambkit holds the feather carefully between his paws, the delicate strands tickling his nose as he turns it over. It's soft, but the spine is firm beneath his pads—strong, like the bird it once belonged to. His little blue eyes flick up to Owlheart as she speaks, ears angling forward with interest.

"Yeah, I've heard about eagles," he says, his voice dropping just slightly, as if speaking too loudly might summon one from the sky. "Doeblaze told me about them. She said they have talons as long as my legs and the elders said that they can snatch up kits like me right out of camp." He puffs up his chest as if to make himself look bigger. "But I bet I'd be too heavy for one to lift. I'd scratch its eyes out first!" He swipes a paw through the air to demonstrate, his tiny claws unsheathing briefly.

He watches Owlheart closely as she talks about hawks, tilting his head when she hesitates. "So… hawks are like smaller, weaker eagles?" It makes sense in his mind. If eagles are the biggest and scariest, then everything else must be a lesser version of them. He nods to himself, deciding he likes this answer. "I wanna see one up close someday. But maybe not too close." He wrinkles his nose, as if imagining one trying to carry him off.

At her next question, he blinks down at the feather still clutched in his paws. It's not something he's ever really thought about before, collecting things. But… he does like this feather. He likes that Owlheart gave it to him, just for him. The idea of her finding more, of coming back with different ones and telling him where they came from, sparks something warm in his chest.

He glances back up at her, his tail curling loosely at his side. "Maybe," he says with a shrug of his shoulders, trying to sound nonchalant. He doesn't want to seem too eager, even if he is. He turns the feather over once more before adding, "But only cool ones. No boring little ones." It's a quiet invitation—one that he hopes she'll accept.

  • 4egpTNu.jpeg

  • 92609962_IJHHFYAPLztcqs9.png
    A fluffy cream coated tom with mismatched white socked toes, a white marking blazing a trail down his face, and striking blue eyes.
    easy in battle + no formal training
    difficult to befriend
    Peaceful + healing power-play allowed, anything else with permission only