pafp FLOWERS GREW BACK AS THORNS // angry windclan patrol

The full moon has gone to rest and the sun has risen, shedding light through the pines of SkyClan. With it rose the feline inhibitors of the moor and their iron-pawed queen, she leads them out from the hills, past ThunderClan territory and to the borders of SkyClan land. When they arrive, the sky was painted pink and orange, the last star of the night faintly twinkling in the sky.

A pink nose wrinkles in repulsion, the scent of kittypet and SkyClanner's were strong at the border. The smell of pine sap and nettles use to bring her pleasant memories back when the marsh group had claim to this land, but now it gave the molly nothing but a headache. She allows her warriors time to spread out across the SkyClan border, to help her display WindClan's strength, before opening her maw to yowl out loud and clear. "Blazestar! I want my kits back! They were born and raised in WindClan until that traitor stole them from us in the night. Give them back!" Her tone was thunderous, filled with resentment but also a passion- she wanted those kits back and it was clear to hear in her tone.

"They deserve to be back home with their father, Blazestar! He misses and grieves them, he deserves to have his children back! As a new father you should know." Who ever knew that information would prove useful? To use against Blazestar? As for the children's father, Sootstar admittedly didn't know too well if he actually longed for their return or grieve for them. What did it matter? WindClan blood belonged in the hills, these kits needed to feel the wind in their fur once more.

// SKYCLANNERS: please wait for @BLAZESTAR to post!
WINDCLANNERS: you do not have to wait, post whenever! @SUNSETBREEZE @Galeforce @coalfoot @Rune


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 31 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to owlpaw & shrikepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Being the devoted warriors she was, Sunsetbreeze would follow their leader close behind with a head and tail held high. It was an honor to have been invited along today by Sootstar herself so she couldn't afford to make any mistakes today. She needed to be at her best behavior, to be the warrior Sootstar was expecting her to be. The reason for having come here today was a justified one. Leopardcloud had runaway to skyclan and taken the kits with her without even thinking about them or thier future. The moors had always been their home the forest most be a such unforeign terrain for them still. and with thier mother gone and buried underneath the ground surely the kits belonged where thier father was which happend to be on the moors. It was the right thing to do. To take them home where they always had belonged to be. Windclan was more a home to them now than Skyclan ever could be. The kits had close relatives on the moors who would look out after them, who cared for them. Skyclan most understand or else they where all fools to claim kits who needed to come back to a home they had felt safe in now when they had lost their mother. She stood beside Sootstar but made sure the smoke stood a bit further ahead then she did, and with a determined look glance over to the other border. It was time for the kits to come home.

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Galeforce would be lying if he said that he wasn't feeling unnerved by the operation. His soul felt as if was being pulled in two directions; loyalty to Sootstar, and personal longing for peace. One of these days one side would cave to the other, but right now he fell in line and moved to take up his position furthest from the WindClan leader's side. He'd leave Sunsetbreeze and the others to guard Sootstar directly whilst he remained poised for battle if things came down to it. Though he did wish it wouldn't. But would SkyClan just hand over the kits who had been led astray by a deserter from their clan? That would come down to Blazestar, he supposed.
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( ⓛ ﻌ ⓛ *)∫ The prospect of lost kits was something Rune never thought about. Who would go the extra mile to steal kittens? What was the purpose of that? Only a monster would rip a kit from a parents arms for their own good fortune. It was selfish and downright immoral. So when asked to go on a patrol for these lost children, Rune couldn't say no. The amount of times he had spent saving kits from unfit parents back home in the kingdom was immense and this would be no different. The black smoke and albino split tomcat stood beside Sootstar with his head raised high, proudly, and his feathery tail lashed. Blazestar probably won't do as requested, he was a proud cat, and Rune was ready for a fight. He would defend a kit to his death if he had too. — tags

—————————coalfoot | windclan | male————————
Coalfoot wasn't sure as to why he had been chosen for this... excursion. In fact, he was shocked. He was far from the most skilled fighter in the clan, and it didn't help that he wasn't too fond of aggression and violence as a solution to begin with. Even still, as he followed Sootstar out to SkyClan territory, he had faith that this interaction wouldn't go south to such a steep degree. He hoped. For now he simply stood silent, expression uncertain as he waited for Blazestar - or anyone - to answer his leader's call.
[penned by its_oliverr].

The gathering was something he considered a waste of time mostlty, but in this one instance it had done exactly what it was meant to do. Share the news of the clan. In doing so it had apparently been revealed that Leopardcloud had fled to SkyClan of all places with both kits in tow and was now dead, leaving the children there with little to no hope of reclaiming them. To say he was not pleased with the news was an understatement, but he was not a reactive man and his fury filled his gaze and chest as he sat there and seethed until the ashen leader took it upon herself to prepare a patrol. Juniperfrost did not expect Sootstar to go to such lengths, but he was pleased nonetheless. The blue tabby stood there just behind moorland queen to her side, silently allowing the leader to speak in his stead and make the demands while both blue eyes narrowed into the trees as if trying to catch a glimpse of either child.
His children.
He was only angry Leopardcloud had died before he could give her a piece of his mind for her foolishness and the trouble she's caused him, any love that may have lingered after her disappearance was long gone and he felt only petulant fury and a desire to right the wrongs she'd done. They were leaving with two kits whether he had to snatch up one of Blazestar's own brats to make a point or not.

  • Wow
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

What an awful dawn. Sunrise spills over the sky like blood, casting a hellish fire over Sootstar and her warriors. Their paws are firmly planted in the territory between ThunderClan and SkyClan, not showing any weariness from their long night-time trek. They stand rigid at Sootstar's command, staring at him as though he's stolen kits right from WindClan's nursery.

He should have known that Sootstar would have the audacity to show up to his border. That look on her face after she'd given her half-hearted apology to him about Centipedepaw and Leopardcloud had told him all he needed to know.

Though Blazestar had not been prepared, he'd been resigned.

Sootstar's screech is like a hawk's. She attempts to command him. Attempts to guilt him. The Ragdoll's eyes burn with cerulean fire. "Leopardcloud left your Clan as a refugee, from both you and their father." He gives the gray warrior who accompanies her an uncertain look -- is this the tom in question? These kits you speak of are SkyClan apprentices now. Their mother died and is buried here, and their mentors and Clanmates care for them here. I owe you nothing, Sootstar."

He towers over her, though their distance makes the difference lesser. He is a fraction as fierce as Sootstar, a fraction as skilled in battle, but despite all of his strange feelings towards Coyotepaw and Squirrelpaw, he had made a promise. "Leave, and do not speak of this to me again." He practically trembles with the force of his conviction. He is not one to make decisions lightly, but he will not break his promise to a dead warrior.

- ,,

The audacity of this molly.

Amanita felt the malice and intent to kill she had felt when Leopardcloud told them of her story. Of the one who hurt her.

She would not let her kits be taken there. She would protect them with her life.

She trotted up beside Blazestar and looked over the Windclan patrol. They looked so justified in their purpose here. She crinkled her nose in disdain at them. The morning light made her red fur look wonderful, despite her sour mood.

But that's what Amanita was. Beautiful, yet dangerous. She was quick and cunning, just like the foxes she shared a color with.

She remained quiet, but the glare in her eyes spoke volumes. Wrath and hate mixed together, ready to spit venom at any moment.
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( ) A pelt of cream and mocha would follow dutifully behind the Skyclan leader, the new deputy of Skyclan usually so calm and dreamy looking held a different air now. She had heard Sootstars words, and they had boiled the blood that ran through her veins.

At her side, her apprentice Snowpaw would feel the change in the molly's demeanor the most. Her half-tail raised high in confidence as she stalked to stand beside her leader, aqua eyes normally warm and kind were as hard as her precious stones and just as sharp. Deersong was a different being this day, and for a good reason.

"These kits you are looking for, are mine now." Her voice remained low, but there was a warning: "Mine and my mates. Skyclan flows through their blood now, It'd be best if you listened to Blazestar and keep on steppin'."



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She trembles with anger, claws unsheathed as she slinks besides Blazestar with a fire that is uncommon in her eyes. She had scared all the damn prey away, and Churro had already had a not so great run-in with her on the last patrol to Windclan. She shakes in rage, of righteousness, she had killed Red’s brother and it was something that not even she could forget, and now shes demanding for Skyclan kits to be returned? No way in hell, she may be injured right now, but she’d fight tooth and nail to keep Coyote and Squirrel from the clutches of that tyrant.

Churro doesn’t say anything, not at first at least. Her tail begins to flick back and forth, her legs bunch up. Her heart beats in her chest because there are so many words she has to leave unsaid, for the sake of diplomacy, for the sake of Blazestar. If she speaks right now then it’d be no good, full of words she’d end up regretting later- though shes sure with the way these Windclanners are playing victim, she wouldn’t regret it at all.
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Bristling and tail lashing he stalks along after Deersong with golden eyes narrowed at the WindClanners, his feelings for THEM had not changed but his feelings to those who sought to escape their horrid clan had done so significantly. He'd once told Coyotepaw to go home in a childish act of anger and fear, not knowing that home meant pain and suffering and that Leopardcloud had paid the ultimate price to ensure they would not go through what she had. His eyes scan the WindClanners and he sees the blue tom standing alongside Sootstar and stares intently and with a small mix of horror; was that him? Was that the guy who had done 'horrible things'?

At his mentor's firm remarks he finds himself nodding, bouncing in place with barely restrained energy he's desperately trying not to let burst out of him in a fit of anger, "Yeah! They're SkyClanners now so get lost you ugly hag!"

  • Haha
Reactions: SOOTSTAR
Hold your tongue, hold your tongue, hold your fucking ton- "If WindClan wants to start caring about familial ties, I have seven children I'd like to see first." Spit flew from his mouth as his malformed muzzle donned a snarl, the words ripping from his throat before he could stop himself. Honey had left behind their children, his children, to contend with this mad-woman before him. Of SkyClan blood, conceived to be SkyClanners, only to be ripped away from him before he even knew their names. He had not known Leopardcloud well, but he knew enough about her to know that she wished for a better life for her children, one where they would be safe from the tyranny of a murderer.

The fur along his spine bristled and his already great tail bottle-brushed in his fury. He trained his dark gaze on Sootstar, nothing but contempt and disgust in their copper depths. Gnarled claws unsheathed themselves, primed for bloodshed. Revenge. "And your guts to pay for my nephew's life."
✦ ★ ✦

Loud lot weren't they? Expected nothing less from the kittypet crowd who felt their words were worth the weight of claws and he scans the present group for anyone who looked like they even had the slightest edge when it came to combat. Both blue eyes landed on the ginger tom with the horribly crushed face and he finds his lips curling in confusion before looking back to the side at the WindClan leader standing there at the edge of the border.
With a few calm and slow strides he steps up, head held high and expression deeply neutral; there is no sudden motion to indicate he is doing anything but asking for attention as he places himself firmly there at the forefront and both ice blue eyes find the SkyClan leader's sunset soft form in the crowd of yowling cats. The insults are ignored, the demand to leave is ignored, he merely speaks with a tone of clear indifference to their remarks.
"Leopardcloud did not like WindClan, she was a soft and frail cat and could not handle the environment that a true wild cat would thrive in. It is no wonder she came here. I should have guessed. Had I known she would take my kits from me because she could not handle the burden of being a proper warrior I would not have given her kits to begin with. I am beginning to think she did not truly care for me in the way she claimed she did, she approached me first-after all. Perhaps she only wanted children, but that isn't fair to take them without so much as discussion. They should stay in their birth clan, where they were brought into this world. "

The blue tom's gaze dances away from Blazestar, finds the cream molly who insisted they were her children now and his expression does not change.
"Is that how it is? You can just take someone elses children because a bleeding heart said she was treated badly? I never hurt her nor the kits, that she could not adjust to the clan was not my failing but hers. She was near death, you know, dying from something and it made her act irrationally. I have a right to determine what clan my own kits are raised in and she deprived me of this right. Where is SkyClan's supposed high ground of morality now? Is fairness only worth taking into account for your own cats?"

The slobbering red mongrel was talking again and he tilted his head to the side to regard the scarred tom without an inclination how he felt about the words spoken immediately. The tabby looked briefly at the WindClan leader as if to gauge a reaction before giving a nonchalant roll of his shoulders.
"...I would consider that a fair trade actually. The kittens of a traitor for two proper WindClanners who were stolen." It's not like his wretched offspring did much but take up space in the clan anyways, they would probably be dead by leaf-bare alone, one of them didn't even have a functioning leg. His own kits would be better WindClan soldiers than that traitorous ex-Medicine cat's vile little spawn. The threat to Sootstar was ignored, she was a big girl, she could take care of herself. Lot of talk from a killer himself though, supposed everyone had loved ones. Even the unloveable ones.


How can he not hear the commotion that is going on at the border. The sharp words and malicious cunning. It's enough to make his skin crawl but he is no coward. He fought in the Great Battle to defend what Rain upheld and he will do the same for his current leader. The large tom makes his way close and though his facial features appear tired there is anger blossoming in eyes that are normally warm waves of blue. Now they look like icy pools as he looks at the Windclanners. They always cause the most trouble for Skyclan, always thinking themselves better and that only leads to more rage. Blazestar has already spoken, there is no need to further disguss this but what the tom says cuts into the older warrior. "With the way you speak about the molly who carried your kits and gave birth to them it is no wonder she left. She probably couldn't stand you. Perhaps think about that, garçon. I wouldn't let you anywhere near the kits with how you think and to say something so appalling about someone else's kits..." The warrior shook his head.

Honeytwist deserved better than Windclan that much is certain and he stands beside Crimsonnite with a frown on his muzzle. "Blazestar already answered you. The kits are Skyclan's. They are happy here, thrive here. Taking them somewhere just so you can have a small victory and alienate them won't do. Leave them be." His pelt bristles with unease and he pressses closer to Crimsonbite to give the other tom comfort especially after what this feather brain of a cat just said.
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The smell of the moor at the border was a chant of threat. Threat of his home, his beloved mate, and his clanmates. He prowls forth, flanked with fellow Skyclan with a soldier’s dutiful march, sharp bony knuckles grazing low in the grass and thudding the earth. Grey eyes flicker with unbridled anger, his claws itch to dig in the grass and his ears slowly flatten on his crown. The words screeched to the wind- are blasphemous scripture from the devil herself.

He had heard of this tyrant, this she-devil in her coat of soot. Not yet had he crossed hairs with this legendarily hated feline. Now, he was starting to realize this dislike. To call a sick woman, a traitor. A deep feral growl bellows from his throat as he stops by Deersong.

He glowers at the moorland queen and her band of half-wits with a crinkled maw. ' She thinks she's going to take my fucking kits, she's dreaming '. The seams of his building rage pulled tight as he looks toward Blazestar, and his mate as she lays claim to their children. He rolls his bristling shoulders as they quiver with rage. Malevolent stare ripping from one Windclanner to the next with dare.

Thistleback’s tail lashed and he lowered his chin, claws unfurl- he was ready to uphold that vow to Leopardcloud. A dying mother, who only wanted a better life for her children. He’d give his life to that. Crimsonbite’s words are powerful, and stand a good political argument, he casts an appreciative glance to Foxgecker as well. His ears fully flatten, curved at the tips like horns. " you’re a shit father, whatever you are. "

" hearing what you did to that sickly woman? the forest is dark where you’re going after this life. " Thistleback draws a bladed tongue over his teeth, wanting so badly to dig everything sharp of his being into the blue coated moorlander’s skin. To taste this abuser’s dying gasp. He growls deeply again, pushing his pelt against Deersong’s.

  • — Thistleback | thirty-two moons | cis-male
    — warrior of Skyclan | leaves rarely
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring Coyotepaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png

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A screech of a voice sends chills down his spine.

A face he hadn't seen since his own claws were flying toward the molly. All while his brother had laid lifeless mere pawsteps away.


She'd already taken Haze from him; had sent his brother to reunite with his father in the stars. Now the moorland leader has arrived at the border of his home, while she tries to take more away from him. Squirrelpaw and Coyotepaw - his apprentice and her brother, born on the moors but raised in the pine forest.

SkyClanners, the two of them were. Not WindClanners.

Squallmist can't let Sootstar take more from SkyClan. He can't fail Squirrelpaw, can't fail either of them.

Rage rises within the warrior, red threatening to blind his sight, claws begging to unsheathe - to continue where they left off with WindClan's leader.

His uncle speaks, brings up his own children - those left to the moors as their mother was sent into exile. WindClan calls Honeytwist a traitor, all while calling Leopardcloud one in the same breath. The hypocrisy begs for both Leopardcloud's children and Honeytwist's to live in SkyClan, though Squallmist knows the likelihood of such is miniscule. Kit stealers, the lot of them.

A trade, another blue-furred moorlander suggests, pawning one litter of kits off for another. The apprentices' father, never held in high regard in Leopardcloud's words. Evil thrives in WindClan.

"No chance you're taking those kids," Squallmist snaps, his own claws unsheathing, a glint of a challenge in his gaze as he stares down Sootstar and her patrol. You will pay, he'd last uttered to her - a promise he intended to keep, was prepared to fulfill if the matter pressed on and turned into something bigger. "They are SkyClanners. They deserve to live in the pine forest, away from the likes of you."

Blazestar does not budge. Her lip curls, "My parents lay cold in the grounds of the swamp, that does not make me a ShadowClan cat, that does not make these children SkyClan." What a stupid argument, one Sootstar likely would've used though if the tables were turned. She was not higher than hypocrisy. She stares the large tom-cat down with vile hatred, leave and never speak of this again... she would not take orders from this fool.

And one of the SkyClanners? Soot hardly knows of her, but she claims these children are hers now, hers and her mates. Sootstar laughs, "Ma's body isn't even cold yet and you've replaced her as their parents? How confusing that must be for them... you call that well taken care of? Y'know what'd be far less confusing? Allowing these children to return home to their living, breathing, father by true blood where they'd be allowed to grieve." Sootstar hisses, and yet SkyClan was so quick to call her cold-hearted... Those poor babies... what nonsense these cats must be filling their head with. What nonsense Leopardcloud must've told them... could they be saved?

Oh... the ugly one. She knows of him, dog he has called her... at least she did not look like that. He threatens to spill her guts, what a gentleman... Again, and SkyClan accused her of shedding violence? She's not so much as unsheathed her claws, she was not frightened by this man. Sootstar snorts, unable to help that she agrees with Juniperfrost. Sootstar isn't sure how willing she wants to give up seven WindClan apprentices- Honeytwist's or not, but she'll play ball. "Is that what SkyClan would like? It's a fair point... only that they were given to us by StarClan as Honeytwist was. But... I get it... rat-face's SkyClan destined kits back for WindClan's destined kits. Do you entertain?" She looks to Blazestar blankly, not expecting anything out of this.

She allows Juniperfrost to defend himself, he's capable. It gives her time to meet gaze's with Squallmist- ah, she remembers him plain as day. She's not seen him since the incident. She has no words to speak to him, but she does meet his eyes with a blank and emotionless stare.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 31 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to owlpaw & shrikepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Squirrelpaw, quite frankly, had no clue who any of these cats were.

She had been practicing her hunting stances when she heard yowling, somehow carrying from the border to Skyclan's camp. Maybe it was the irritating screech of it all. She had followed close behind the heels of her mentor, curiosity overriding the possibility of it being unsafe. She hadn't met any cats from other clans before, she'd been too little to go to gatherings, but maybe these cats would be cool?

They were, evidently, not, and they smelled terrible.

Tucked behind the bulk of Squallmist, ready to dart to Deersong and Thistleback if needed, the young apprentice took a moment to figure out what was going on. Leopardcloud had told her and Coyote the truth before she... died, but Squirrelpaw had never really thought that her 'father' would come to get her. She didn't know him at all. She wouldn't have been able to tell who he was if not for all the stupid talking he did. Who was he to say Leopardcloud was a 'bleeding heart' or 'soft and frail'? Squirrelpaw's mother had been the strongest cat she'd known, able to withstand an awful cat to bring Squirrel and Coyote to Skyclan and then deal with her disease.

Squirrelpaw wasn't going to go with these rude cats. There was no way, ever. She'd rather be a loner than one of them.
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I won't apologize for being who I am
It was the sound of a fierce yowl that drew his attention towards skyclan's border. Cream colored brows pinched together to form a deep frown, listening to the female's demands screeched from afar. The words honestly shocked him. He'd remained in camp during the gathering, failing to muster up enough enthusiasm to go after the death of Leopardcloud. Even now he spent most days tucked away, smoldering over starclan's denial to extend the deceased warrior's life. Despite Thistleback and Deersong's best efforts to cheer the boy up it worked to no avail. There was just too much happening all at once and not enough time to process it all.

Coyotepaw wears a grimace as he comes into view, eyes of frigid mint washing over the group of windclan cats standing on the opposite side of skyclan's domain. Instinctively he drifts in the direction of Thistleback, keen to stand beneath the prickly urchin's shadow as he continues to look on. His jaw tightens as he momentarily assesses the situation. He personally held no qualm with windclan and the way they conducted themselves. He held no clear memory of what life was like before skyclan, only hazy recollections. But he could not deny the amount of prejudice he's received within skyclan for simply having windclan blood running within his veins.

But there is a certain blue tinted tom that speaks up and it's his words that reel in Coyote's attention. Dark honeyed ears flatten against his head as he listens to the jab spoken against his mother. "Don't," He warns. His voice low and pointed with muscles tight with tension. "don't talk about her like that." He bristles from the emotional conflict beginning to bubble up within him. On one hand he wanted to continue defending Leopardcloud but here stood windclanners wishing to claim them back. Irritation burns within the boy as he recalls Leopard's dying words. A confession that she was his mother, not his sister. That he actually had parents, that were alive and not mysteriously dead, like previously stated all this time.

If his own mother had lied to Squirrelpaw and himself over such pivotal information, was there a possibility she'd lied about other things? Was his father even a monster like she claimed? Or was it all a ploy to help her escape with them? A stifled growl rumbled within the chords of his throat as he turned a tight half circle before facing them again. He glanced at Thistleback, Deersong, and Squirrelpaw tail lashing as he weighed his options through the dense fog of indignation flowing through him. He was not so naïve to believe this encounter between clans would end peacefully without some kind of ultimatum. With the tension as thick as it was, claws would inevitably be drawn eventually. "I don't want you or Deersong getting hurt over me, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. I hate that you're entangled in this mess to begin with." Coyotepaw mutters to his mentor, pastel eyes falling away with a hint of shame before glancing back at the windclan patrol. "I'll go. But only on the condition that Squirrelpaw stays here."
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

He did not justify the scruffy and unkempt cats of the pine forest any validation for their insults, cold blue gaze sweeping over them without reaction and without feeding back into their vulgarity. His attention settled on the tom who spoke like their ex-medicine cat did in the slurring and strange accent with the strange words and he gave the faintest of shrugs in reply.
"Am I to be kind to the woman who stole my kits from me? She was ill and she could have died before reaching a safe place, then what? What of them? If she wanted to risk her own life by all means I'd have let her go be foolish, but she was careless with our children."
And there he sees them, the kits in question-now apprenticed and peering out across the divide from beneath the taller forms of the SkyClan warriors, it is the first time his expression twists into anything other than indifference upon spotting them, stern expression almost softening if even for a second before the icy veil slides back down in place. Squirrelkit, spotted as her mother but he would take credit for the blue grays in her pelt. Coyotepaw, the color of golden moorland grass. They didn't belong here, neither of them. He found his teeth clenching in minor irritation but maintained his neutral facade.

"Coyotekit." No, apprentice now, "Coyotepaw, I mean. Look at you. You were this big when I last saw you-" A paw raises, hovers over the ground in an estimate of the size of a young kit, "-did she ever speak of me? I imagine not. She never wanted to speak TO me either." Swept them all away in the dead of night, as far as he knew until recently they might as well have been dead. She was lucky he never tracked her down first, she was lucky she died before he found her again because it was a mercy to crumble apart from the inside compared to what he would have done to her. Yet the tom gave no sign his thoughts had swept into a murderous tide, glancing from the cream tom to the spotted daughter still cowering at a distance and he gave a tired sigh as if deeply troubled.

"Sootstar, I'd consider it acceptable. While I would prefer them both back safely in WindClan I'm content not shedding blood over it and if that is what Coyotepaw would prefer then so be it. Though it does pain me to seperate them as they had been seperated from me..."
His eyes move to Squirrelpaw with a pointed look, wondering if perhaps she had been too poisoned by their mother to have her own opinion as well.