pafp FLOWERS GREW BACK AS THORNS // angry windclan patrol

"You-you can't!" Snowpaw's voice rises up in a pitch of panic, remembering how horrified Leopardcloud was at the idea of them going back, how awful WindClan was because of their cruelty and indifference to life. The dappled blue tom wanders forward away from Deersong's side to stand in front of the cream tabby, his tail lashing, "We'll fight for you! I'll fight for you! If anyone else here has anything to say about you being an ex-WindClanner I'll THRASH THEM MYSELF!" Was this because of what he said-had it sunk too deep for even the most sincere of apologies to heal the wound? Was he angry at being lied to about who his parents were? Was he just sick of being trapped here because it was something Snowpaw felt himself to a small degree but to join WindClan of all places...
Golden eyes darted back to the other SkyClan warriors, surely they'd stop this and they would beat up the WindClan cats here and be done with it, surely they could talk sense into the other apprentice. He felt lost, he felt horrified, if they tried to take Coyotepaw he was going over that border and he was going for that leader's throat and they'd see if StarClan actually blessed her or not.


I'll kill you.

I'll kill you.

I'll kill you.

Was all Amanita could think. A toxic mantra that kept her focused on the moorland queen and her posse and Juniperfrost specifically. She did not agree with this. None of this. Trading children like fresh kill. And what made her bristle more was Coyotepaw offering to go with them. She was familiar with self sacrifice. She knew plenty of cats like that, and they were all stubborn. Here in the forest was no different.

While others spoke with words, she only spoke with her eyes. Her glare was venomous. Wrathful. Hatred practically radiated from her. Her claws were dug tightly into the ground. A safety measure of sorts. Should she decide to rip their throats out one by one she would have to pull them out. Upon feeling them stuck, she'd snap out of it.


She's done it before, surely it would work again.

Hearing Coyotepaw, though..... No, he couldn't go. Her hardened gaze softened as she looked at him.

"You don't have to do that, Coyotepaw....We can find another way out of this...." She said. But at the end of the day, it was his choice. Her voice lacked any of the venom she was boiling with, instead it was soft and pleading.

Don't go with them, because if they hurt you, I'll wipe that entire clan out. I'll have Sootstars head as a trophy and feed that vile excuse for a father to the dogs.

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( ) Deersong would simply listen as words and insults flew between the two patrols. Her own Snowpaw called the leader an ugly hag, and for once she did not scold him, though her hardened gaze never left the small Windclan leader or the tom who claimed to be Leopardclouds ex-mate.

Thistleback's presence grounded her, if only for a heartbeat but her fur would bristle and a low growl would rumble from the deputy's throat as the tom turned his attention to the two kits in question. If they thought they could just take them, Deersong would be more than happy to-

I'll go.

Two little words, so simple in their speech, and yet the effect they had on the cream and mocha molly would cause her to whip her head towards Coyotepaw and stare at him in shock. "N-No..." Deersongs' voice was cracking and broken as the Windclanners were forgotten for a moment and she raised a paw as if to push him back, "Coyotepaw...What are you..."

She was cut off as the windclan tom spoke again, agreeing to Coyotes' terms and she felt her ears flatten against her skull as she meowed fiercely, "NO. He's my kit. I won't let you-" Deersong would turn back to look at her mate's apprentice, the tom-cat who, on the very day Leopardcloud asked her to care for, had become her son. And the resolve in his face spoke volumes. The words she had wanted to say stopped in her throat as she choked back the loss that was already overtaking her. She stared at him for several heartbeats, her heartbreaking further as Snowpaw protested and stepped forward to try to change Coyotepaws' mind with Amanita speaking soon after.

But the longer Deersong stared, the more she understood. The deputy would take a deep and shaky breath, before moving to touch Snowpaws' shoulder with her nose to calm him before turning to Coyote, "You know we love you, don't you Coyote." She knew he knew, aqua meeting mint green as tears began to pool there, "When did you get all grown up, huh?" A weak laugh would leave her, but there was no humor in it; only pain and grief. How many more cats did she have to lose?

"If this is really what you want...then I won't stop you. But promise me you'll always remember that your family will always be here in Skyclan if you ever need us..." Deersong would reach out with her paw, only those nearby could see it shaking as she attempted to touch his cheek, "You're our son. From the day I made the promise to your mama in my heart, you became mine. So no matter what happens from here on out, promise you'll remember that..."


—————————coalfoot | windclan | male————————
There was nothing he could say. There was plenty he could say, jaw clenched and shoulders squared uncomfortably in the face of aggression and insults hurled their way ceaselessly. There was nothing he could say because he found his heart reaching out for the angry cats before them, not for Sootstar's goal and reasoning or even Juniperfrost, their father. Coalfoot couldn't say anything, and instead kept his mouth shut, fighting back the will to sputter out in the defense of the two apprentices. He wanted to cry when Coyotepaw offered himself in the stead of his sister, and turned his head away as to not be seen by his Clanmates that stood beside him.

Squirrelpaw and Coyotepaw had been born on WindClan soil. It would be a lie if Coalfoot were to say he believed that meant it was where they belonged. They were raised in SkyClan. They were raised by cats who loved them and cared for them. They seemed to be proud of their home. What right did WindClan have to take them away? Was his thinking flawed? Would they ultimately be happier on the moors, even if it would take time to adapt? He didn't know. He wasn't sure he ever would.

So for the meantime, he kept silent. He had not been brought to share his opinion. Coalfoot had been brought to defend his leader's decree, her demands. Should they be met peacefully, that would be that. Should it escalate into combat... his claws flexed nervously at the thought. StarClan, please protect us.

[penned by its_oliverr].
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Sootstar’s words buzz in his brain, throwing gas on the flames of his nerves. The ex-mate of Leopardcloud speaks again, Thistleback merely scoffs at his nonchalance. A tom who couldn’t care less pretending he did, nothing pissed him off more.

Deersong’s heart shatters once more, again he stands in the wake and hopes he has enough within him to pick up the pieces. Thistleback is hurt, but he doesn’t allow himself to even flinch as Coyotepaw’s voice raises from his flank. He apologizes for something he had no control over, he sacrifices himself. His snarl morphs into a frown, his hackles still dance but with dissipating fury. The thorny warrior shakes his head slowly, willing the boy to understand this wasn't even possibly his fault. He'd have to learn that on his own.

So be it. Coyotepaw would learn a lesson for himself- perhaps get answers to important questions. Thistleback had taught the boy to be tough, and this was the result. He would be tough. As Deersong gives her powerful words, in these tearful moments, Thistleback stares at the biological father for these long seconds until it was his turn because the sight of his beloved mate digs steel nails into his soul.

" make good friends. Be smart. Trust your instincts. Trust noone until they earn it. Don’t take shit from anyone... remember everything that I taught you. " he speaks in a manner of seriousness; one he had always kept with Coyotepaw. A dutiful tone as a stern but good mentor, but these would be his final words to his son not just his apprentice so he softens as much as the sharp furred man could.

" I love you son...if anyone mistreats you?… you know where your true family is. " he speaks stiffly but allows his stance to relax. Offering to touch his nose to Coyotepaw’s in goodbye, as he did the day he was named his apprentice. The boy had been much smaller then, excitement glittering in his little green eyes.

" Squirrelpaw. Come here, little fawn. " he calls to her gently, a significant change of tone reserved for those he loved, with a wave of his paw as he spots her behind Squallmist. " come speak with your brother. " he presses his nose to Deersong’s shoulder with a grave sigh.

Then it happened, so foreign and sudden, it looked strange coming from a deeply carved frown- but tears danced in his own metallic eyes. They don’t fall, there wasn’t a sob left in his callused body once you walked the miles he had, but the gloss of a deep sadness was there.

  • — Thistleback | thirty-two moons | cis-male
    — warrior of Skyclan | leaves rarely
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — formerly mentoring Coyotepaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png

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Her fur prickled, but Coyote says something that not even she had expected. Churro had been ready to launch herself at them if Blazestar gave the call, but all of the sudden her legs nearly collapse underneath herself. "WHAT-" her voice raises for the first time in her life but she clamps her mouth shut, desperate eyes flicking between the Skyclan members. This father, she had only heard whispers of what he was like and it pained her that Coyote wanted to go, not him, not him. Her own tears well in her eyes and she has to look away from Deer, from Thistle, because if she didn't shut them out now then she'd start sobbing. She shakes underneath her outfit, the little temporary christmas-y one her twolegs had put on her while she waited for her bowtie to be repaired.

Life wasn't fair. Life took and took, and she should be used to this by now, but the sting of loss never hurt any less. A fresh wound.

"Oh, conejito... Little zorro... Always remember us. Always... Always gonna be here for you." she chokes on her words, flattening her ears as she quickly looks away as Deer approaches him. She cannot imagine the grief they feel, the grief Squirrel feels losing her only brother. She has to steady herself because now her worlds spinning. She wants to approach her friend, give her a friendly head bump to let her know she was here but even the grief that she feels is too much to let her move. "Be safe."

In this moment, it solidifies in her mind. She'll have to talk to Red later about it, but she couldn't have her own children go through this if she ever had them; being ripped apart. A sharp inhale as she forces her posture to relax, bristling fur lowering. He had made his decision, all that was left was to respect it.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Blazestar's eyes flash with concern. Squirrelpaw and Coyotepaw have joined the confrontation, with the little blue tortoiseshell staying silent, lingering behind her mentor's tabby legs. He understands then -- she will not go, does not want to go with this icy-eyed tom who claims parentage over her.

His conviction strengthens. He will fight to keep her here. It's when Coyotepaw speaks that the Ragdoll freezes. "I'll go." He is quiet, contemplative. He is brave.

His warriors and apprentices burst chaotically from the line. Blazestar only stares at the apprentice, eyes moving from him to Juniperfrost to Sootstar.

"He's made his choice. Coyotepaw is no kit. If he's chosen to be with his family, in the place of his birth, then I will not stop him." He looks at the spotted tom, and there's tangible sorrow creasing the lines of his face.

Guilt, too. Leopardcloud had wanted her children to remain in SkyClan. To become warriors in the Clan she had chosen to spend the end of her life in.

His own words haunt him. "I will not let WindClan harm them. Not if it's in my power to stop it."

He tilts his head to the sky, where the sun still burns at the horizon. He sees no stars, but he feels a breeze tug at his fur. Is she watching now? Is she crying at the thought of losing her only son to the Clan that had harmed her so?

"Coyotepaw." He pads to touch his nose to the young kit's forehead. "I know you're still grieving your mother. I can't blame you for wanting to be with your father." He looks up, only for a moment, to meet Juniperfrost's gaze. A shiver races down his spine. "I only want you to know that SkyClan is losing a fine young cat. Be the best warrior you can be... wherever that may be." He bows his head before giving Sootstar a cold glare.

"You have what you want. Go. Now."

- ,,

There was always two sides of one story and everyone always thought themselves to be right. Now, Sunsetbreeze did not know the full story of this family, simply being here to assist Sootstar, to serve them as their loyal warrior. But she had to admit this much...Juniperfrost really got under her skin. The way he spoke about his own kits...and former mate. Knowing full well what sort of a cruel man Juniperfrost was after having been trained underneath them...she actually felt bad for the kits to even be related to such a coldhearted father. He spoke about them like they where his property, something he had the right to owe. It was disgusting really.

Hmh. Sunsetbreeze started to understand why that traitor had run away from them to escape with the kits to skyclan. Still, this was what Sootstar desired, wished for and her only purpose was to serve them, to help give their beloved leader everything she wanted, to make her happy. She owned her that much after taking here in, saving her from the awful life she had been living. She was the only one who had given out a paw to her back then everybody else had ignored her cry for help. That was why...she would give a blind eye to this, hardening her heart to not bleed in sympathy for this kits who was doomned to get separated. One following with them and the other one remaining here. Sunsetbreeze had never had tight ties with her own family, her own blood so it was not like she could relate to what this kits was going through right now anyway.

Sometimes the world was just cruel like this.

She remained devoted by her leader side, not speaking because she was not here for that. Only for support and protect her queen. That was what a soldiers job was. To defend and protect the queen. Didn't matter if they where right or wrong. It was not thier job to question them. Only obey and serve. Looked like things worked to their favor in the end anyway, so no need for a blood spill. That was a good sign, was it?.


Words die on his tongue. Words that would have been biting and cutting towards a tom who clearly had no care for the molly who did what she thought was right by her kits. The words stayed because of what Coyotepaw says. That he will go to Windclan, that he will leave Skyclan for a group he barely knows anything about and what makes him even more confused is that Blazestar lets him. Despite him no longer having kit tagged onto his name Coyote is still a child and one that is making a choice that may change his life. His muzzle snaps shut, teeth clicking and he stares at his leader. Many thoughts run though his mind and he is trying his best to understand this. Perhaps he knows little but a child shouldn't be making such a choice. Sharp blues look back to the Windclanners then and he quickly looks away, droopy ears pulled back against his skull.

Will Skyclan always be forced by Windclan to keep losing their family, their warriors? With a ghost of a breath the old tom keeps his silence. The decision has been spoken and others say their goodbyes already. With a shake of his thick pelt the tom turns away from the scene to go and hunt. Perhaps to help him clear his mind. It'll help him to distance himself anyway from the situation. The sadness that will continue long after Windclan is gone.

Squirrelpaw stays, Coyotepaw comes to WindClan, Sootstar wanted both of them but she would not be caught begging a child who didn't want to pledge loyalty to WindClan. She only wanted Juniperfrost's kits if they would be loyal WindClan warriors, if Squirrelpaw was too brainwashed, too far gone, then at least they had gotten here in time to save Coyotepaw.

"I do not bargain with children, Coyotepaw. Luckily, I do not wish for Squirrelpaw to join WindClan if she doesn't want to. I'm not here to take you as captives..." Despite what SkyClan might've made them think... Damn kittypets. Juniperfrost seems okay with this, leaving Squirrelpaw behind and taking Coyotepaw to WindClan. Perhaps one day with age Squirrelpaw will change her mind, but Sootstar cannot promise she will want her by then...

With a glance to the children's father, she beckons Coyotepaw. "Then we shall leave, come Coyotepaw. We will take you home, your clan-mates will be so excited to see you... All grown up you are- not the tiny mewing kit we last saw you as!" Sootstar chirps to him, genuine joy in her voice. It felt good to be taking home their lost child, even if the other one was lost to the softness of SkyClan.

Sootstar doesn't as so much say goodbye, once they have Coyotepaw among their ranks the blue smoke is padding off, the rest of her patrol likely following.

//and sootstar is out!!


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 31 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to owlpaw & shrikepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Blank. Emotionless.

Had she forgotten? Had she forgotten the pain she bared onto him? Onto his clan? Was his brother just another ruthless victim to her claws, one forgotten in a blur of the blood of others? His anger grows further.

She'll pay for this. She'll pay, she'll pay, she'll --

Something bumps his leg. Someone.

He remembers. The kid. Squirrelpaw is with him, had been with him before the moor-dwellers begun their screeching. She shouldn't be here. Coyotepaw shouldn't either. A dark tail twitches, attempting to flick over his apprentice to comfort her. He begs that their presence isn't noticed, but the stars don't hear his pleas.

Like the last time he'd been in her presence, it all happens so fast. Like the last time, Sootstar splits a pair of siblings, but spares both their lives. Coyotepaw volunteers to go. Volunteers, but begs for his sister to be left here. And no one... No one fights it. He doesn't -- Squallmist doesn't understand. Surely, they should be fighting this? The warrior watches the whole thing with wide eyes.

Squallmist doesn't understand, and now his apprentice is even more like him. Now his apprentice is missing an apprentice and a sibling and he doesn't know what to do. Coyotepaw's still alive, he reminds himself. Coyotepaw's still alive, and Squirrelpaw will be able to see him at gatherings. But, that doesn't change that another family has to grieve a missing son.

I'm sorry, he wants to tell his apprentice, tell Deersong and Thistleback, but the words just don't come. Instead, he urges his apprentice forward to say goodbye to her brother, his heart heavy.
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The high tension of the situation has Galeforce bristling and he finds himself instinctively flexing his claws as he readied himself for any potential trouble that could arise. But a saving grace came in the form of Coyotepaw. An act of self-sacrifice, one that evades bloodshed. Galeforce let go of the breath that he had been holding in, but yet he finds himself watching on with a perplexed expression. In fact, he truly felt torn over the situation. "Why does this feel wrong?" He looks across all those who were gathered, taking in the looks of their emotions. He listened to their words.

A conclusion is met and Sootstar is moving to head back to the moorlands. Yet Galeforce hesitates, not yet willing to fall in line. Instead he looks back and his jaw tightens and flexes as he strains to usher words of comfort... a promise of some sort. But he struggles to say a single thing thanks to the fear of judgement from both sides. The fear of being seen as a traitor or kittypet sympathiser weighs upon him like a boulder in that moment. The young warrior ends up wearing a look of sadness as he lowers his head and slinks off after the rest of the WindClan patrol.

//Galeforce out
I won't apologize for being who I am
The young tom watches silently as Juniperfrost motions approximately how big he was the last time he laid eyes on him. The words of his father tug upon his heart as he admits to Leopardcloud supposedly giving him the cold shoulder. Truthfully the molly never did mention him, he never knew he had a father until a few nights ago. Though his attention was abruptly snatched by Snowpaw before he can find an explanation to give Juniperfrost. A miniscule frown tugs at the corners of his lips as the other apprentice shouts that they will fight for him, voicing the very thing he wished to avoid. Another part of him felt as if it were too late for that. "Snowpaw...." He begins, but the words die in his throat the moment Amanita and Deersong speak up, fiercely defending him, unwilling to let him go.

His heart thrums wildly within his chest, hoping skyclan's deputy wouldn't launch herself at the string of windclanners. But Deersong is wise and she recognize the sacrifice he is willing to make to ensure this interaction did not end in a bloodbath. There is a flicker of relief in his eyes that is quickly replaced with sorrow and guilt once tears fill her own. His ears flatten, the familiar sting of tears welling up within his cool minty gaze. Coyote takes a small step, dipping his head so her outstretched paw cradles his cheek. "How could I ever forget...? You, Thistleback, and Churrodream? You've been in my corner from the very beginning...despite how anyone else felt." He draws in a shakey breath, willing his tears not to fall. But the moment Thistleback turns to offer vital advice and touch his nose to his own Coyote breaks.

Stifling a sob he finally allows warm tears to flow down his face, staining cream colored fur as he closes his eyes. Staggering forth Coyote presses his forehead against the piebald tom's chest, quaking and sniffling beneath the prickly tom's shadow. A shadow that has done nothing but shield and nurture when it could. "I love you" He manages to choke out past the tightness of his throat. And for once, gift Thistleback with the title of father. Coyote never took Thistle's words lightly, always keenly paying attention whenever his mentor called him son. But after the loss of Leopardcloud he was afraid to let anyone grow that close. Afraid that he would lose them just as quickly as his mother. Yet here he was, trapped in a situation that would cost him the very cats he adored most, all for the sake of peace.

Reluctantly he peels away from the dual toned tom to glance back at Deersong, stretching forth to touch his nose to her cheek. "I love you too mom, promise you won't forget me..." Turning to Churrodream he gives her a solemn nod whilst attempting to somehow pull himself back together. "I will." Then Blazestar takes a moment to speak his peace. Coyote blinks back more tears that threaten to fall as he shakes his head. "I'm only going to keep a fight from breaking out, to keep you all safe..." While he did hold a spark of curiosity over Juniperfrost it was ultimately the chaos of a potential fight that lead him to sacrifice himself. Quietly he glances at Sootstar noting her enthusiasm before turning to leave with the rest of her patrol in tow. Melancholy eyes drift back to the ranks of skyclan, to which he mummers a soft, "Goodbye." before following behind the windclanners at a sluggish pace.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you
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