Going to a gathering surrounded by fewer clanmates than usual had been unnerving, but somehow they had managed to survive it. At least this gathering was more interesting the last one they'd gone to. ShadowClan, ThunderClan, and RiverClan had all shown their true colors—hypocrites seemingly intent on razing their own clans to the ground, all for what? Pride? It makes no sense. Gravelsnap has heard tales of the Great Battle, and the way things are going they can foresee themself being dragged into another one.
But the gathering was not all bad. They'd spent time socializing, for once, rather than sitting alone and glaring at any well-meaning cat who approached them. They'd spoken with Snailstride and a surprisingly kind ThunderClan cat—Crowflower, that was her name. She'd given them both a branch from a tree, laden with pale blooms that the black-patched warrior had never seen before. They don't plan on keeping the flowers, no matter how pretty they may be.
Who would enjoy such a gift, though? Perhaps one of the younger cats of the clan, as Crowflower had suggested… but although their tiny cousins are in the nursery, Gravelsnap still avoids the den like it's blackcough. Which—to be honest, the nursery is probably a breeding ground for disease. An apprentice might still enjoy the scent of a few flowers to their nest, or might allow them to dry and act as pretty possessions, additions to a collection. The flowers certainly don't suit his own collection of rocks and pebbles.
Their target—or rather, respected clanmate and chosen recipient of their secondhand gift—is the first cat they spot across the camp, with a pelt of blue and white to match her mother. She is also, alongside Cottonpaw, one of the most tolerable of her siblings and her peers. Bluepaw tends to remain calm where other young cats are excitable, bouncy. So Gravelsnap trots over to the apprentice, settling the branch gently to the ground before their paws. Step one, complete. But now what? What are they supposed to say? Hazel eyes are wide, unblinking as they stare at the younger cat. Is it too late for them to turn and walk away without saying anything? "A gift for you. You're the most tolerable apprentice I know," they finally say, and it nearly sounds like a question to their own ears.
// pls wait for @BLUEPAW
But the gathering was not all bad. They'd spent time socializing, for once, rather than sitting alone and glaring at any well-meaning cat who approached them. They'd spoken with Snailstride and a surprisingly kind ThunderClan cat—Crowflower, that was her name. She'd given them both a branch from a tree, laden with pale blooms that the black-patched warrior had never seen before. They don't plan on keeping the flowers, no matter how pretty they may be.
Who would enjoy such a gift, though? Perhaps one of the younger cats of the clan, as Crowflower had suggested… but although their tiny cousins are in the nursery, Gravelsnap still avoids the den like it's blackcough. Which—to be honest, the nursery is probably a breeding ground for disease. An apprentice might still enjoy the scent of a few flowers to their nest, or might allow them to dry and act as pretty possessions, additions to a collection. The flowers certainly don't suit his own collection of rocks and pebbles.
Their target—or rather, respected clanmate and chosen recipient of their secondhand gift—is the first cat they spot across the camp, with a pelt of blue and white to match her mother. She is also, alongside Cottonpaw, one of the most tolerable of her siblings and her peers. Bluepaw tends to remain calm where other young cats are excitable, bouncy. So Gravelsnap trots over to the apprentice, settling the branch gently to the ground before their paws. Step one, complete. But now what? What are they supposed to say? Hazel eyes are wide, unblinking as they stare at the younger cat. Is it too late for them to turn and walk away without saying anything? "A gift for you. You're the most tolerable apprentice I know," they finally say, and it nearly sounds like a question to their own ears.
// pls wait for @BLUEPAW