
The story begins one fateful day, when, after fleeing from dogs, Flamewhisker arrives on ThunderClan's border. Injured and alone, she is eventually found by Flycatcher and a patrol and is taken back to camp to recover. Once healed, Flamewhisker eventually joins the clan officially. From the beginning, the pair were close, but their feelings for each other only truly began to develop after the fire that briefly raged through their camp. Often kept awake by terrible nightmares from the event, Flamewhisker found comfort and good company in the form of Flycatcher, who would often stay awake with her. As their feelings grew the two admitted to having feelings for each other but neither pushed the relationship further from there. It is only recently - and after much teasing from teammates and some reflection on both their parts - that they decided to take the plunge and officially become mates.
Their first litter is born right after the tragic death of Emberstar. They welcome Falconkit, Stormkit, Lilykit, and Butterflykit into the world, but Lilykit and Butterflykit are still born. Shortly after, Howling Wind steps up to leadership, and appoints Flycatcher as her deputy. He serves by her side loyally for many moons. Toward the end of their kit's apprenticeships, Flamewhisker and Flycatcher decide on wanting another litter. Their plans are destroyed as a strange illness comes into the forest, to be later known as Yellowcough. Determined to not lose any more kits, the pair decide to wait until an antidote is found.
Flamewhisker volunteers to help lead Thunderclan's group to the mountains to find the cure, and their daughter, Stormpaw is also among those who go. On their way back, the traveling group is ambushed by dogs, and Stormpaw is among those who were injured. She sustained terrible injuries to her back, resulting in the loss of being able to walk. Upon their return, Stormpaw is named Stormfeather, and Falconpaw is named Falconheart.
Several moons pass by, and Flycatcher decides to step down as deputy to spend more time with their family. Flamewhisker is appointed deputy, and shortly afterwards the pair find out they are expecting another litter. What was perfect, then turned to tragedy on the day of the kit's birth. Flycatcher went out on a morning patrol, and was slain by rogues before he could meet their newest kits. Overwhelmed by grief, Flamewhisker has done her best to raise their kits, naming each one of them after their father in some way. The litter has been helped raised by their older brother, Falconheart.

  • We would prefer for Mothkit's original design to be kept, as we have commissioned family art of them. Minor changes are fine
  • The name may change or be kept the same, if changed name must be chosen from naming list below (or similar to any of the names provided)
  • The litter is currently 5 moons old, and ages on the 1st of the month
  • This is not a FCFS litter and we both hope for the kits to go to active RPers who will love them well. If you need to go inactive for a while please let either myself or @Thorny know, otherwise we retain the right to rehome after a few weeks of inactivity without notice
  • These kits will be born in ThunderClan and it is preferred they do not leave unless plotted with Thorny and I
  • Form is a free-for-all just please include the basic information
  • These kits will be younger siblings to Falconheart & Stormfeather, and will have an adopted brother Sparrowpaw
  • Upon being chosen, you will be added to the Flyme family group chat on discord
  • With Izanami's permission, the full body art of Mothkit may be used to the applicant that is accepted


Kits will be longhaired
- Kits can have any amount of white, or none at all
- Kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- Red kits can mask black or black tabby; cream kits can mask blue or blue tabby
- Non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabby kits may or may not carry solid

Flycatcher is gen 1 | Flamewhisker is gen 1 | Kits will be gen 2


Beetle, Wasp, Bee, Moth Butterfly, Cricket, Ant, Fog/gy, Mist/y, Drizzle, Rain/y, (bug and weather names inspired by family)
Kestrel, Eagle, Owl, Hawk, Buzzard, Pigeon, Starling, Finch, Robin, Wren, Lark, Jay, (bird names)
Beech, Oak, Elm, Alder, Ash, Hazel, Maple, Cypress, Bay, Myrtle, Lavender, Poppy, Rose, Ivy, Daisy, Birch, Bracken, Blossom, Cherry (flower/plant names)
Firekit, Deerkit, Doekit, Antlerkit, Velvetkit, Scorchkit, Breezekit, Sunkit, Brightkit, Berrykit, Flowerkit (names inspired by cats he likes/friends)

Beetle, Wasp, Bee, Moth Butterfly, Cricket, Ant, Fog/gy, Mist/y, Drizzle, Rain/y, (bug and weather names inspired by family)
Kestrel, Eagle, Owl, Hawk, Buzzard, Pigeon, Starling, Finch, Robin, Wren, Lark, Jay, (bird names)
Beech, Oak, Elm, Alder, Ash, Hazel, Maple, Cypress, Bay, Myrtle, Lavender, Poppy, Rose, Ivy, Daisy, Birch, Bracken, Blossom, Cherry (flower/plant names)
Firekit, Deerkit, Doekit, Antlerkit, Velvetkit, Scorchkit, Breezekit, Sunkit, Brightkit, Berrykit, Flowerkit (names inspired by cats he likes/friends)

Beetle, Wasp, Bee, Moth Butterfly, Cricket, Ant, Fog/gy, Mist/y, Drizzle, Rain/y, (bug and weather names inspired by family)
Kestrel, Eagle, Owl, Hawk, Buzzard, Pigeon, Starling, Finch, Robin, Wren, Lark, Jay, (bird names)
Beech, Oak, Elm, Alder, Ash, Hazel, Maple, Cypress, Bay, Myrtle, Lavender, Poppy, Rose, Ivy, Daisy, Birch, Bracken, Blossom, Cherry (flower/plant names)
Firekit, Deerkit, Doekit, Antlerkit, Velvetkit, Scorchkit, Breezekit, Sunkit, Brightkit, Berrykit, Flowerkit (names inspired by cats he likes/friends)




slot four​
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tempted track...


the bottom man on the roster.
Alderkit . Alderpaw . Alder?

↳ after Flycatcher
— Kit of ThunderClan
— AFAB transman, he/him, future homosexual, monogamous
Flycatcher x Flamewhisker, littermate to Sunkit, Scorchedkit, Squirrelkit; sibling to Stormfeather, Falconheart, Sparrowpaw

LH BLUE TORTOISESHELL WITH HIGH WHITE & YELLOW EYES. Alder is a beautiful orange and blue kit with yellow eyes. With a third of her face being blue and the rest orange, she bears two small droplets of the opposite color on each of her cheeks. Though rather short and stocky as a kit, Alder will grow into a slender and sleek young man. He'll have very traditionally beautiful features.
↳ carrying dilute


Despite his parents' acclaim, Alder is a very humble, hard-working young cat. He believes that what you sow is what you reap, so he intends to sow a very flattering and bold legacy to represent his family and himself. At the end of the day, Alder embodies a lot of what it means to be a ThunderClanner; he is very courageous, social, and loud, despite his attempts to quiet himself down. He cares deeply for his family and loves to hear stories of his father, as well as any other brave heroes his mother might have known. Alder knows that he'll most likely never be a hero, so he keeps his head level and focuses on what he can provide.
mannerisms: kneads at the dirt when nervous or upset
— will not start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
— (will) excel at


— Although content with having living through kithood as a girl, Alder will come to realize he's far more comfortable being viewed as a boy, and will begin his social transition


Bonus Information:
— Voice claim would be Luke Skywalker
— Human AU name would be Allen
— Similar characters to Alder: Clark Kent/Superman, Luke Skywalker

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  • Love
Reactions: Icey !
W,,,weak little grabby hands

I swear I'll finish an app this time I SWEAR! edit: I FINISHED RAAAHHH !!!!

, Mothkit, keeping the name

A silly Billy, a jokester, a prankster, an absolute bafoon and, frankly? Proud of it!
Mo grew up watching her mom struggle endlessly with grief and, in response, she's made it her sole *Duty* to ensure her mom smiles every chance she gets!

Core memories were formed the first time she got Flamewhisker to snicker when she barged into the nursery with grass up her nose and ever since then life has continued to be one massive joke - hooray! Glitter! Love and happiness! Wherever Mothkit goes she's determined to leave behind laughter and smiles!

She runs the risk of coming across as pushy and nosy thanks to the bad habit of hers of needing people to smile (whether they want to or not) and she runs an awful risk of developing people pleasing tendencies

But with a mom like Flamewhisker and a loving family of litter mates all around, Mo is ensured to grow up with a good head on her shoulders and a strong heart !

//this is absolutely rushed I am half asleep I'm so sorry

- optimistic to a fault, loves puns so much it's bordering on concerning, can and will do anything for the meme, very little understanding for boundaries
- is very open and honest with her emotions, can and will cry at the drop of a hat, but just as quickly find a way to giggle or smile at any positive outlook
- knock her down and she'll find a shiny penny or make a joke about how wonderfully reliable gravity is!
- has huge dreams of being a medicine cat- even if it's not to happen, she likes to think someday anyway she'll gain enough good karma to see her dad in a dream or two, will never stop working hard to earn her clans favor
- is??? Actually??? Incredibly brain dead , put all her points into laugh and none into Think,
- sprinkling in some of my adhd - Moth will accidentally (especially when exited) slur her words together or completely use the wrong word in a scentence "I love fish!(mouse) I mean rat- I mean! The other one! Sun shaped ears that one!"
- she can and will often forget or mess up peoples names - but quickly laugh about it because?? Hi??? Im Mo and I take nothing bad out of any situation!

- will often talk to butterflies or bugs like they're her dad's spirit coming to visit her, telling them about her day or just waving a paw like "Hi dad! Good morning dad!"
- saves flies from spider webs on the daily, has gotten bit many times for her efforts
- you can't ever find her without something in her fur, hopefully plants sometimes sticks and often bugs she's "adopted"

- I just binged a ton of My Little TrashMaid (highly recommend ) so I'm taking a lot of personality from Tidy and putting it into Mo

Future name: Mothgiggle? Mothcatcher?

[insert angst plot here bc honestly I don't got one maybe?? Maybe Mo gets to be happy??? No trauma for Mo????]

EDIT: I've got this whole form written out for Mothkit bUTT since there's already a mothfur and Mothsqueak in Thunderclan I may change the name to
Mayflykit, Lacewingkit, Flykit Jr. , or Fireflykit, Aphidkit (if any of these are names Flame would still pick, lmk if not <3

UPDATED 6/10/2024

  • name ▹ Mothkit
    ↳ Bug name inspired by family. -Traditional suffix for kits
    gender ▹ afab, identity + she/her
    age ▹ 5 moons
    ↳ ages real time on the X of every month
    sexuality ▹ Here

    clan ▹ Thunderclan
    rank ▹ Kit

    created on ▹
    penned by ▹ Antiigone


    physique ▹ Small and chubby, with small paws and large cheeks.
    ↳ If you had to describe Mothkit in one word, it would be soft.
    The girl took the medium coat of both her parents and promptly doubled it up. Already plenty round with kitten softness she looks almost thrice the size of a normal kit simply thanks to the layers of cotton that envelop her. Mo-mo stands as a perfect swirl of both her parents, creams stolen from her mother's belly, and the silvery blues from her dad's unseen embrace. She takes more after her father in subtler ways, however, with large eyes and thick, unkempt fur that could never be flattened no matter what's done about it. Like her mother though, a prominent amount of her face is white, like she stuck her nose up to her eyes in a bowl of milk and the color stuck!

    notable features ▹
    - fur so thick she basically has an entire halo around her head at all times​

    eye details ▹ Big eyes that take up most of the space in her head, her yellow eyes are so pale they almost look like dawn's faint glow.

    scent ▹ smells like milk and downy feathers caught in moss
    voice ▹ sounds like Honda Tohru

    demeanor ▹ Walks with...a bounce in her step, like she's constantly at war with gravity and at any second she'll pop free a pair of snowy wings and take to the sky!
    Scars ▹ None
    accessories/items ▹ her fur is always full of something - flowers, leaves, branches...bugs.

  • personality traits ▹
    ♫ [EXTERIOR TRAITS] Bubbly, optimistic, jokester, air-headed, nosy
    ♫ [INTERIOR TRAITS] people-pleaser, pacifistic, thoughtful, oblivious
    You'll find few cats in the world more full of joy for life than Mothkit. The little scrap of fluff and sparkle lives every day with a determination to make those around her smile! For that, she radiates so much light, it's almost blinding. There's no situation the girl can be put in where she doesn't try and find the bright side. Still, heaven forbid, the sky becomes too dark and the air too thick with rain and there's simply no way to see the sun...then Mothkit will bring the light all on her own! Puns, jokes, pranks, a well-timed compliment - Momo has an arsenal of them ready and waiting, rain or shine! Nothing makes Mo happier than making those around her laugh!

    Unfortunately, there is a dark side to her silver lining - her incessant need to know. If she's going to make you laugh, she needs to know why you're sad, first! Being young and not understanding yet that not every cat is as patient as her mother, this need to understand and comfort manifests in - albeit good-natured - poking and prodding. If she decides she needs to know something, then nothing will stop her from getting her answers! A very dangerous trait, especially since she won't stop sniffing around even after finally being dragged away.

    Stubborn, sweet, and a little bit air-headed, she has trouble focusing when she's not 1000% interested in the subject. She struggles most with this aspect of herself, as no amount of wanting to focus works to retain her attention. Still, she's nothing if not determined, always doing her best to improve even if the going gets rough.

    They're a lawful creature...who works hard to follow traditions and rules! She believes a sense of community is best forged by all its members working together to keep things running!

    Their loyalty is with...everyone!

    alignment ▹ Lawful Good.
    mbti type ▹ MBTI "uh"

    likes ▹ laughter, puns, bugs, sunshine, rain, fresh moss, feathers -
    dislikes ▹ seeing sad faces!

  • generation ▹ gen 2
    status ▹ single

    partner(s)/mate ▹ none
    parents ▹ Flamewhisker x Flycatcher
    siblings ▹ Stormfeather, Falconheart, Lilykit, Butterflykit
    [Littermates] Scorchedkit, Squirrelkit, Sunkit
    offspring ▹

    mentor ▹ none
    apprentice(s) ▹ none

    friends ▹
    enemies▹ None

  • fighting style▹ Mo's fighting style consists of wild frenzies of paws that don't make any contact before the kit falls on her back laughing hysterically
    ↳ never starts fights / will run / won't ever kill / would show mercy

    adept at ▹ Smiling her way out of tough situations, hiding. If she were willing to use it, however, she has quite a lot of strength in her.
    inept at ▹ fighting, she's too small and inexperienced, coupled with not having the greatest stamina to dodge.

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◆◇◇◇​
    stamina ◆◆◆◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◇◇◇​
    charisma ◆◆◆◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◇◇◇​

    hunting ◆◆◆◆◇​
    swimming ◇◇◇◇◇​
    climbing ◇◇◇◇◇◇​
    fighting ◆◆◆◇◇​

  • ▹Potential warrior names: Mothgiggle, Mothlight, Mothshine, Mothcatcher

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It's been brought to my attention that only Fly's naming list is showing! I must've accidentally broken the code again!

Here is Flame's naming list until I can fix it
Forest names: daisy, leaf, petal, birch, maple, bee, timber, bramble, bracken, cricket, feather, blossom, bumble, pebble, spider
Hunting Inspired: mouse, swift, owl, running, whisker, pounce
Strong Names: thunder, tiger, rumble, lion, wasp
Family/Friends Names: shade, cloud, dark, spark, flicker (after her mother & siblings)
sun, rabbit, twitch, russet, red, wolf, blizzard, stripe, berry (after her friends)
bug, fly, silver, rain, mist, branch, sycamore, (after flycatcher)
Journey Inspired: breeze, bear, snow, boulder, cedar, night, tall, fox, ice, goat, dream, bright, dusk, fuzzy, meadow, morning, ridge, sharp, dawn, cold
No No names dog, boar, adder, hound, sunny, cinder, cicada, soot, truffle, pitch, storm, falcon, lily, butterfly
BIRCHKIT — birch - a pale but strong tree, kit - denoting her age

⤹ female ( she/her )
— sexuality unknown ⋆ mono ⋆ super friendly
⤹ from thunderclan, kit
— no affiliations
⤹ 5 moons old ⋆ ages every 1st of the month⋆ creation date
⪼ penned by rhosmari

⤹ carrying ? ⋆ masking blue or blue tabby ⋆

birch's long and impressively clean pelt hides a lot of things about her. she for one is actually pretty thin. Her body willowy but as she grows up she will start to come into her own, becoming healthy and thicker. Her limbs are what some would say gangly at best causing her to often trip up over herself. Yet even so she maintains her pelt, the pale colors of cream and grey swirling within the backdrop of untainted snow. Her eyes are almost as golden as the sun, more yellow in hue, they spark like lightning and definitely gives hints to her open and bright personality. She will very much be slightly above average height but average in build when she becomes and adult. Claws a strange mix of black and white.

MENTALITY — ENFP-A, ❝ the campaigner ❞ ⋆ gryffindor
⤹ extra information
positive traits: extroverted, meticulous, focused, independent, creative
neutral traits: open minded, rational, cooperative, grounded
negative traits: impulsive, impatient, gullible, nosy, stubborn

little birch is the epitome of over energetic extravert. she is near fond of any cat that she meets often bothering them to learn everything about them or what they have to offer. especially when she is being taught and her little face scrunches up in pure focus as she basically inhales every detail that she can cram into her tiny mind. Always open and friendly she will try and make friends with just about anyone meets and often times if they don't like her she will take that upon herself and do better next time. Hoping that they will come to like her. She has a way of trusting others far too easily which in turn can make her quite gullible and easy to trick but as she grows she will tend to have a little bit morr caution in that area. Everything that she does she will put her heart and soul into. Making sure nothing is out of place and that she has mastered something flawlessly. Always up for anything and accomplishing her tasks in a manner some might not have even thought to try. But because of her high every the poor child can be quick to decide something and run with it. Easily launching herself into a situation she may not be prepared for or even know how to handle. Waiting is a hard reality for her to fo as well, often making her back leg thump against the ground rapidly with the clear intent of wanting to go. To launch herself out there. Then sometimes but rather infrequently she can have a streak of stubbornness, wanting to listen to herself and not to others.

⤹ littermate to squirrelkit, sunkit, scorchedkit
— older siblings, Falconheart and Stormfeather, adopted Sparrowpaw
⤹ friends with siblings and tbd
— admires Flamewhisker, Howlingstar ⋆ likes tbd
⤹ enemies with tbd
— dislikes tbd ⋆ loathes tbd

interaction information here: how they react to others: birch loves her clan and very easy trusts every cat that exists within Thunderclan's walls. She will always be easy to talk to and get along with. When it comes to other clans she will hold that same trust towards them, often wanting to meet new individuals and share stories. She has no negative feelings toward outsiders so long as they do not cause trouble, wanting to be a friendly face ⋆ how easy they trust others: 100% trusts her home and family, places her trust in others as well unless proven otherwise or takes fault onto herself. Same can be said for outsiders.
⤹ physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
— (will not) start fights | (will not) flee | (will) show mercy
excels at climbing, ambush, tracking, sprinting ⋆ poor at swimming, fighting
— sounds like tbd ⋆ smells like chilled wind

⤹ plot 1 .
— plot 1 impact
⤹ plot 2 .
— plot 2 impact
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