Despite the unease Sootstar’s call to a meeting brings her, Echolight picks her way through the gathering crowd and finds a seat beside one of her family members anyhow, ears perked as she takes in the information, the rumors of the gathering, and Sootstar’s steely pep talk.
By the time the leader begins to move onto the apprentice ceremonies, Echolight feels the tension inside her melt into nothing but excitement for those being apprenticed.
"Featherpaw! Bumblepaw! Slitherpaw!" She chants joyously alongside her clanmates, but soon the voices would fade, and anticipation to whatever Sootstar had to say next resumed.


For much of the time during the meeting the small tom has been thinking. Taking ghe time to reflect on a lot of things. Sort of zoning out as he sits close to Duskfire, being sure to not say a word as slowly he focuses back on what is going on before him. He already feels stressed and this is no different as his name is called along with others. Surprise bubbles up in mismatched orbs and he briefly looks over to the deputy before he gets up to make his way over. It dawns on him then that he is becoming an apprentoce. That he will be having his ceremony here instead of where he had been born at.

Its a bit shocking but he doesn't back down. He hopes his siblings are well and that they are becoming apprentices too. But he keeps it in his heart that he can not return there. He just can not. So he holds his head up high, nodding to the question and then he is given a mentor. Heavy Snow. He doesn't know them but he looks for the adult as they come over. Lifting his head up he smiles and gleefully chuckles. "I'll do my best. I promise."

Sootstar looks the children, now apprentices, in the eyes once more. The blue smoke gives them an affirming nod, beckoning them to touch their noses to their mentors if they have not already. She'll have to ask the mentors to give her reports on their training in the next half-moon, it was important for a leader to keep up on her clans education.

After they've had plenty of time to bask in the spotlight, she advances on to their final announcement of the night. Coldpaw would become a warrior in the eyes of StarClan, under the full moon. "Coldpaw, step forward." She commands the apprentice, finding his figure within the crowd. This was Hyacinithbreath's apprentice, young he was... but with a mentor like the silver splotched tabby he had learned fast. He was ready for warriorship, and she expects he will not let WindClan down.

"I, Sootstar, leader of WindClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to become the best warrior he can be to serve you and his clan, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn." Bright green eyes wash over Coldpaw, "Coldpaw, do you promise to always remain loyal to StarClan and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

I do, she'd wait for him to say, or something akin.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Coldpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Coldsnap. StarClan honors your loyalty to your clan, and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan."

// @Coldpaw | Coldsnap


The announcement of the kits moving to become apprentices is a wonderful one, and she finds pride in seeing the kits meet their mentors for the first time. Hyacinth lifts her head to join in with the shouting of the newly named apprentices, tail lashing behind her. "Featherpaw! Bumblepaw! Slitherpaw!" She chanted, grinning at Slitherpaw as he promises to do his best. That one had spirit, she knew- as were all of the others. They would all make fine warriors someday.

Then, as the chanting settled down, she waited for what came next. Sootstar's melodic, commanding voice rang out in the clearing, sending a shiver down her spine as she calls Hyacinth's apprentice up. She calls him, recognizes him under the light of the stars. And Hyacinthbreath finds nothing but prides floods her body as she watches. He'd done well, despite their hardships. Very well.

Once the warrior ceremony was done, Hyacinthbreath would be the first, and loudest one to call her apprentice's- no, ex-apprentice's, new name.

"Coldsnap! Coldsnap! Coldsnap!"

As the Coldpaw was called to the front of the group, she found herself looking to Hyacyinthbreath, smiling softly to herself as she watched. The pride flowing from the molly towards her apprentice was something she immediately picked up on. Glad that she was that proud of her apprentice, Ivoryflight knew without a doubt that she would be equally as proud once Shrewpaw was named a warrior herself. “Coldsnap! Coldsnap! Coldsnap!

When he'd followed Hyacinthbreath into the crowd to listen, he hadn't been expecting anything out of the ordinary. And the meeting did progress as it normally would, with the clan discussing the most recent events and then eventually moving on the name the newest batch of apprentices. He listened in silence for the most part, not the sort to offer input if he felt he had nothing useful to say. He'd been at the gathering and had seen first-hand how things had fallen apart, but he wasn't overly worried just yet, and let the others work out their concerns before moving on to the kids.

He called out with the rest of the clan for them, though with a fair bit more indifference than some of the others, and then found himself surprised when it was his own name being called next. He shot a narrowed look of suspicion toward his mentor as he got to his feet, but didn't protest as he made his way to the front of the clan to stand beneath Sootstar and the Tallrock, yellow eyes looking up to the smaller shecat.

It didn't take long for the tomcat to realize what was happening, and he had to fight the urge not to turn and glare at Hyacinth. Why didn't she tell him this was happening tonight? His fur wasn't even groomed...

Still, it was hard to be legitimately upset with the shecat when he was being made a full warrior in front of the entire clan. Probably the youngest one, too, and if that realization made him stand a little taller, well, that was nobodys fucking business but his own.

As Sootstars question fell to him, Coldpaw knew he was being given a choice. Before him lay a fork in the road. One path led him down a road where he stuck to his guns, where he clung to that belief that loyalty was dead and there was no point in giving it to anyone since they'd never truly give it back. It was an easy path, well worn and familiar to the dark gray tabby. He'd been walking it ever since the great battle and the split of the Marsh Group.

The second path was also familiar to him, but he hadn't walked it in some time. It was rocky and overgrown from neglect, but along its trail he could see the memories of what he used to have, who he used to be. It was a trail his paws itched to tread once more, but his heart was wary. He knew that path held just as much hurt as it did happiness, and he wasn't sure it was worth it.

For some reason, he found himself thinking back to his conversation with Dandelion, the others words echoing through his head with the same certainty they'd held that night. The healer still believed Windclan was worth saving, that Starclan was worth believing in. But what did Coldpaw think?

"Loyalty can still mean something, it's what you are loyal to that defines you."

Maybe... Maybe there was some weight to those words.

"I do." he replied, the words falling confidently from his lips, and somewhere back on that road, he was taking his first steps down a path he'd been avoiding since his world started falling apart.

Sootstars next words brought with them his name, Coldsnap, and when the crowd began to call out for him - Hyacinths voice rising above them all- he couldn't help the half-smirk his lips pulled into as a moment of genuine happiness seemed to surface. And then it was gone, the newly named warrior slipping back into the crowd to silently take his place beside Hyacinthbeath, this time not as her apprentice, but as Coldsnap, her equal.

windclan warrior - male - 9 months - a large, dark grey tabby with yellow eyes