It's strange... to be here at Mirepurr's command of all cats. Prior to today, Mirepurr had struck him as someone who'd go, oh, patrol wherever you want! at the base of that rock, and the kits would run off squealing, the apprentices heading for RiverClan, Ferndance off to sniff a butt or two... But no, it had all been shockingly normal, and weirdly, that normalness has made this whole thing weirder. Like a revelation struck: Oh, someone besides Smogmaw could do this. Even though she can vaguely recall the days when it had been Chilledstar themselves, it's been so long, now...

" Um... You guys know the drill by now, " she mews. Especially Halfpaw, whose age has begun creeping upon Sharpshadow rather suddenly now... Soon she'd be joining the likes of Briarthorn and Flintpaw in the ranks of warriors-who'd-she-may-always-mistake-for-paws... Stars, he was probably in that demographic, wasn't he?

Visibly cringing, he swings his head elsewhere, scanning the horizon for any approaching ThunderClanners who might be willing to make a distraction for her. They all seemed to talk so much that they likely would. " Glad we don't have to deal with WindClan's nonsense today, " she mutters, the fur along her spine giving rise at just the thought. He would've liked to think Sunstar wouldn't let a warrior like that remain a snake within their ranks, but she guesses ShadowClan rarely exiles their own bag eggs either... To their own detriment, obviously. Sharpshadow huffs a sigh.

〕An every day border patrol shouldn't be a big deal, but with the recent murder of Ploverhop, the clan had been on edge. It'd be a lie to say she wasn't as well. It was quite the coincidence that three warriors had been exiled, and then one of the warriors they disliked was killed. Perhaps killing them would have been safer... that may be so, but the clans were built on honor, not rogue-like behavior. She would just have to hope the increased patrols would keep them from trespassing. After their exile she had doubled the patrols, but so far no sightings.

As she leads her patrol towards the Shadowclan border, she is met with a fresh wave of cat scent. She recognizes Sharpshadow, a fellow journey-mate, but the others are unknown to her. While she didn't particularly enjoy this border, she would much rather run into a Shadowclan patrol than one along their river border. "Good morning." the deputy calls out as she pads to a nearby tree to mark. "Hopefully today won't be as hot as yesterday."
  • ooc.
  • FLAMEWHISKER —— deputy of thunderclan , mentoring none . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 35 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle

    speech”, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 74170852_bklpiIOmSWVpAVE.png

    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.
Flintwish walks in silent tandem with Briarthorn. It feels like moons since his last patrol as a warrior, despite only becoming a warrior a couple moons ago now. Maybe his aimlessness and gloom has unspooled his own thread in time's tapestry, sending him adrift; maybe it is a good thing that he is not included on patrols. Too suspicious for his own good, too gloomy for the good of others. StarClan, he sounds like such a sop. A snake slips through the marsh reeds in his frontal lobe, black-scaled, oily: maybe Smogstar was right. Flintwish kills it with a swift blow to the head. It sinks below the earth and he is free of considering that possibility for a short while yet.

For now, he comes back to himself, pawsteps falling in line with his denmate's. Sharpshadow speaks up ahead, and Flintwish's ears angle towards her, ultimately finding that she said little of substance. Flintwish also said little of substance, most times, so she thinks little of it. It is almost a relief when the ThunderClan deputy appears from a gap in the brush.

He flicks his gaze to Briarthorn, or Halfpaw, or even Sharpshadow expectantly. They would be able to hold a conversation better than Flintwish, right? She has little skill in small talk. Or big talk, if that was a thing. But after a beat of silence, she opts to be the one to respond: "Hi." Very good, Flintwish. Very substantial. She grits her teeth and drives a pad into the scent line, marking it. "Um, yeah. I hope it gets less, um... muggy." Hot days made for a doubly-hot swamp. Humidity was no joke, really. StarClan, she hates this.

  • ooc.
  • FLINTWISH —— warrior of shadowclan, mentored by forestshade & scalejaw . granitepelt x starlingheart . littermate to nettlepaw, ghostmask ✦ penned by meghan

    a small, slate-blue tom with mismatched blue and green eyes. hard to approach and harder to enjoy, but beneath his spines he seems to have a good heart, and cares for his clanmates
    unlabeled gender / he, she, they pronouns / 14 moons & ages every 12th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will start fights / may flee / may show mercy. tends to fight dirty on account of granitepelt's teachings. will fight tooth and nail to win, as this is one of the few ways flintwish can prove his worth to himself

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse

[ ༻ ☼ ༺ ] Fadingpaw followed close besides @skyclaw keeping silent as she looked to the Shadowclanners before dipping her head in greetings. What happened recently still burning in her mind, the thouht that it could happen again made the girl not focus on what was in front of her at the moment, her bobbed tail twitching a bit as she took a deep breath in. Blinking a bit she looked back to her mentor awaiting any sort of instructions he might have to say or awaiting an explination from him.

Everything will be fine, surely. The exiles wouldn't dare attempt to do something like that again, besides Flamewhisker and Howlingstar had began working hard to increase the patrols, it would be impossible for something like that to happen again. Yet, the normally bubbly apprentice will keep silence for now unless her mentor asks a question or gives her details she needed to know on Shadowclan.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fadingkit She/Her, Kit of Thunderclan, 6 moons.
    Stocky short flame point tabby she-kit with blue eyes and stubby tail, one floppy ear
    Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Skyclaw keeps his apprentice on a close leash. ShadowClan's border does not concern him as much as SkyClan's might, but the cats across the thunderpath prove to be wily and unpredictable in their own right, still. He grimaces while he follows Flamewhisker, ShadowClan cats melting from their shades to greet them in a good-natured way. The mottled tom only affords them a singular nod of acknowledgement all before turning towards Fadingpaw, shoulders rolled back and stature sturdy.

"We've seen this border already," he says to his apprentice. "Which Clan do they belong to, Fadingpaw?" he inquires of his apprentice whilst the talk of weather continues.​