Blitz Krieg

alpha and omega moonlight howl
Jun 7, 2022


  • THEIR STORY: Forestshade is a she-cat who thrives on proving her strength. Ever since she was a kit, she has wanted to show what she's made of. Born to parents who believed her to be weak due to her blindness and coddled her relentlessly, she now embodies everything but fragility. She has made a home for herself in ShadowClan, away from overprotective parents and judging rogues. She has found camaraderie and a purpose as a loyal warrior - well, almost totally loyal.

    Vulturemask had been nothing more than a brief fling. One fateful meeting at the border and a few compliments from the WindClan medicine cat led to more meetings beneath the moonlight at Fourtrees. The two of them found fun and joy in the rebelliousness of their relationship. Forestshade enjoyed how he praised her impressive hunting skills; Vulturemask enjoyed her sarcastic jokes and quips that made him feel so normal and at ease. But it was never meant to last. It was Vulturemask who first realized he must remain loyal to his clan per the Warrior Code; when he broke off their relationship, it did little to break the ShadowClanner's heart. Neither of them had been in love. It had been a fun distraction, and nothing more. However, she now realizes she is pregnant, and she is determined to never let her clan or the kits know who the father is.

    Forestshade will be a laid-back mother; tough and stern in the way that expects great things from them, but not doting or strict. She will spend much time out of camp, leaving them to be independent in the nursery or being watched over by other queens. She will love them, yes, but she won't coddle them like her parents coddled her. She wants to give them a different childhood than the one she had and gives them the freedom to find their own paths. In doing so, she truly will believe she is doing what is best for them, but she doesn't realize she is harming their relationship in not providing them what they need: a mother.

    Let me be clear: Forestshade will not be a model mother. Her kits are blessings to her, but they won't be close - at least, not right away. The plan is for the kits and their mother to develop a rocky relationship, but will reconcile down the road, likely at different points in time.

    SLOTS: // Each slot will have a preplotted concept to follow.
    Kit 1: The Troublemaker
    This kit will be the rebellious one of the bunch, their mother's laid-back parenting style allowing their antics to thrive. It is likely they will hold the least against their mother and will reconcile first, probably in late apprenticeship. Forestshade covers for this kit quite a bit as she knows it could be detrimental to her reputation as a trusted warrior.

    Kit 2: The Parent
    This kit will be the responsible one of the bunch, acting as the parent their mother won't be. They clash with Kit 1, often having to discipline them when Forestshade isn't around to do so. Of all the kits, she develops the worst relationship with her mother and takes the longest to reconcile.

    Kit 2 and Kit 3 can be combined into one, if wanted.

    Kit 3: The Idolizer
    This kit is often finding themselves competing with their littermates for Forestshade's attention, being the one to idolize their mother. They hope to become as skilled a warrior as she is to win her favor and defends their mother even when they shouldn't. It is flexible how their relationship with their mother goes - it could remain the best of the three, or could become equally as rocky.

  • — Choosing date will be July 3rd; birth date will be July 10th.
    — Kits will be born and raised in ShadowClan with no knowledge they are half WindClan. They may not leave the clan until warriorhood, and even then it is heavily preferred they stay in the clan unless a plot calls for them to leave.
    — This is not first come, first serve. There will be 2-3 slots depending on if Kit 2 and Kit 3 concepts are merged into one, as they have the potential to be!
    — This litter follows realistic genetics; if the application does not fit the genetics, I will DM you to let you know!
    — You may apply for more than one slot if you have ideas for multiple; no roleplayer will be accepted for more than one slot, though. Each slot has a specific role in the family, but please feel free to build upon their personality however you like! Please note in each application which slot is being applied for; if you are applying to combine Kit 2 and Kit 3, please state so.
    — Birth defects and disabilities are allowed as long as they are played respectfully and realistically; genetic mutations are not allowed, as neither parent carries anything.
    — I do not require any sort of activity as long as the kit remains active. Inactivity for over a month may earn a DM asking if you'd like to keep the slot; if slot falls inactive I have the right to rehome or kill off the slot.
    — As of now, the plan is for the kits to never know who their father is. Way down the road, I may be open to plotting her telling them, but this is not set in stone so please do not plot around this.
    — I know Forestshade won't be a good mother, but I am not comfortable with kits forming any motherly bonds with someone else. They still have a mother who loves them, even if it's an absent one, so please avoid this plot-line!
    — Their rocky relationship with their mother won't begin until into their apprenticeship; as kits, they won't really be able to grasp this.
    — We can discuss what age they'll start as after the birthing thread; it has the potential to be anywhere between 1 and 3 moons, so be sure you are okay with that!

  • Sire: LH black
    Dam: LH classic torbie (carrying solid)

    Toms can be black, black tabby, or red tabby
    She-cats can be black, black tabby, tortoiseshell, or torbie
    • kits will be longhaired
    • kits will have no white
    • kits can have any realistic eye color besides blue
    • tabbies will display the classic tabby pattern
    • red tabbies will mask black or black tabby
    • tabbies will carry solid

    — unknowing half-nieces / nephews to Sunflowerpaw (WindClan), Goldenpaw (WindClan), and Shadowpaw (WindClan)
    — Marshkit, Swampkit, Bloomkit, Bolekit, Chalk-kit, Sandykit, Earthkit, Fenkit, Clodkit, Rootkit, Grasskit, Stonekit, or other earthy names
    — Chirpkit, Growlkit, Mumblekit, Buzzkit, Shriek-kit, Scuttlekit, Yelpkit, Croak-kit, Rustlekit, or other sound-based names
    — Briarkit in memory of her late (first) mentor, Briarstar
    — Honeykit, Sweetkit, Beekit, or Nectarkit in honor of the kind loner who made her realize ShadowClan is her home, Honey
    — Coldkit, Chillykit, Frigidkit, Frostykit for her second mentor, Chilledstar
    — Will not name based on appearance, so no color names or names based around kit's looks
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RUSTLEKITrustlekit . rustlepaw . rustle???
↳ named for the sound of someone stumbling through a bush — kit of shadowclan; no previous allegiences or thoughts of other clans — female/nonbinary, she/they (will later switch to they/she at some point); unknown sexuality (will come out as a lesbian) — forestshade x vulturemask sibling to one or two others
black and orange tortoiseshell cat with pale green blind eyes expand ↳ average size and height, blind green eyes like that of her mother's
( + ) protective, headstrong, brave ( / ) antsy, super competitive ( - ) anxious, low self esteem, mommy issues,
- kit number 3
- she finds herself competing with her siblings for any sort of attention from her mother. it leaves her defending her mother, and trying to make excuses for her. she's doing any and everything to try and get within the good grace of her mother, even at the sacrifice of the relationship of her siblings
- she's blind, like her mother. this makes her more and more anxious and frustrated about being as good of a warrior as her mother. she's already got the bar set high and she needs to be able to get up there. anything for a single word of praise from forestshade
- struggles when her siblings point out that forestshade isn't a good mom later down in their apprenticeship. will claim their mom is trying and they shouldn't be so hard on her. she doesn't know if she actually believes that, or if she is simply hellbent on saying so in hopes that forestshade will give her the time of day
- overworks. this is both to be a good warrior and to try and prove to her mom that she is just as good and deserves the praise — mannerisms: often can be see twitching her ears a lot as she uses her hearing to get around instead of her sight, squeezes her eyes shut when she is particularly anxious, taps her right back leg on the ground when she is being praised ( much like thumper ) — will start fights | will not end fights | might flee | will not show mercy — will excel at night hunting, fighting at night
plots: — rustlekit will have a tough time truly accepting that her mother is not a great one. this will lead to a lot of self esteem issues and a lot of turmoil between her and her siblings due to the fact that she is always so willing to defend her mom's not so good behaviors. ​
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name meaning?
Sweet for Honey, the loner who guided Forestshade back on her path to ShadowClan at her lowest.
Kit for their rank as a kitten.
previous names? N/A
age? 0 moons
position in clan? Kitten of ShadowClan
gender/sexuality? AMAB Nonbinary | (They/Them) | Pansexual
relationship status? Single

APPEARANCE. - Toyhouse
Sweetkit is a solid black, long furred and scruffy little feline with big eyes and even bigger ears; looking all for the world like they are in a perpetual state of being stricken by awe. Their features are masked in shadows, leaving only both dull yellow eyes visible upon their face. The fur that coats their body curls just slightly inward giving them a much bigger and rounder appearance.
Census Appearance: A longhaired solid black cat with honey yellow eyes.
  • Is blind.
  • Eye scar will be the result of an incident (to be decided) of them biting off more than they can chew.

Quiet and astute, Sweets takes advantage of their lack of sight by being an extremely good listener; often closing their eyes and feigning indifference or lack of focus to pick up on whatever is being said around them. They lack the sense of guilt or shame that might disuade them from eavesdropping, taking every sound as fair game no matter how lowly whispered it may be. Aside from this one particular insistence and oddity of theirs they are a remarkbly kind and sweet young cat who values the feelings of the heart over logic and is extremely empathetic to the point of shedding tears in response to the sorrow or despair of others. Sweets wants every cat to be loved and cared for and can often times be pushy and invasive in their efforts to ensure this; butting into the business of others and attempting to parent a cat even if they are moons older then them in an effort to help them on the right path.

Plot note: They would easily fit both 2 & 3 (or a combination thereof.)
Other plot stuff: Want them to have just a really mean BFF who lovingly bullies them but would kill for them. Love feral goblin x soft themby friendship.
Aesthetic note: The Blind Prince, Sunflowers, the night sky, shooting stars, fireflies, honeybees...

➸ hard to form platonic relationships
➸ hard to form romantic relationships
mate of? crushing on? N/A
parent to? N/A
sibling to? TBD
➸ apprentice to? N/A

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— storm : she came out of the womb making a hell of a lot of noise / fang : for her hot temper
— cis female \ she/her \ unlabeled
— # moons \ 1 moon per month \ start june 10th
— kit of shadowclan

— siblings tba
— previously mentored N/A
— mentored by N/A

brown tabby w/ green eyes
— small and agile
— will have plenty of scars by the time she's a warrior
— will be blind by her 13th moon


— longer personality description
— use multiple bullet points if wanted/needed
— maybe add MBTI type, hogwarts house or alignment etc
suffers from any mental illnesses?

storm will never be able to hold back what she's thinking and will often get in trouble due to it.
in kithood she will find herself behaving irrationally towards her siblings and other kits-- including but not limited to: violent behaviors when angered, hot temper regardless of the situation, lack of empathy for others, no regard for her own safety. this will all be to get her mothers attention and get her to notice her. she wants the attention, regardless of what kind.

as she grows up she'll become more lighthearted and overall a nicer person. this will be when her and her mother reconcile, if that's not too far off for your tastes LOL
during her warrior assessment she will receive good marks and be put onto the queue for the next ceremony... but will be mauled and nearly killed by a small-medium dog that had wandered too far from it's owners hiking. her mentor will save her, but not in time. storm's eyes will be shredded [ as well as many other wounds, of course ] and she will nearly die. this will result in her extended stay in the medicine den until she can properly walk without running into things [ to an extent of course! ] and use her other senses to realistically get around,
due to her rebellious nature she will reject this life but will also fail at being a warrior and doing tasks as normal warriors would. this will result in major self esteem issues and a shadow on her that will not leave. angst.
she will have issues with others regarding her sight, or lack-there-of, which will lead to her self esteem dipping and her ability to relate to others becoming near nonexistent.
plot kit #1
— penned by [helly / hellycinth]

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SCREECH for his loud cry at birth.
— kit of shadowclan, half-windclan lineage unbeknownst to him
— he/him (potentially he/they later on)

a lithe, scruffy furred feline, screechkit's fur appears basically void-like in shadowy black tones - save for splotches of orange that litter the left side of his body, predominantly featured above his left paw, and on his tail, like light breaking through branches. his green gaze almost always has a mischievous glint to its appearance - one of mismatched hues upon closer inspection. a sharp fang sticks out on the left side of his mouth.

the wailing cry that gifts his name should have been all the warning anyone needed about screechkit.

a rebellious nature that he seems to have carried since birth, forestshade's lax style of parenting simply opens the door for trouble even further. not one to sit still for long, the kit will find a wonder for exploring the world outside of the camp, often found sneaking out of the nursery, and - if he's lucky - sneaking out of camp to view a world bigger than what he knows. when camp-bound, screechkit will frequently be a terror amongst the kits, often playing tricks on others and rough-housing in their games. the tricks will be intentional - the rough-housing, not so much, but he plays it as so, despite the twinge of guilt he feels at someone potentially getting hurt.

as an apprentice, he'll be difficult to teach. with his mother's notable hunting skills and her tendency to cover for him, he carries a belief that he has inherited her same skills. he will simply not care about taking the time to learn the ways of a warrior, often slacking off on attending his lessons to wander the forest instead. he often finds himself under punishment because of this, but swears he knows how to hunt and fight anyway, so what's the point of attending lessons?

though the closest with forestshade, with his rebellion at its peak, his relationship with his mother will be strained. screech will often appear as he doesn't care for his mother, and will likely hold a love-hate relationship with his siblings. deep down he does care about his family, but the tom often uses his deviance as a way to bury his emotions, and often struggles to express how he truly feels about those he cares about - something that more than likely stems from the way he was raised.

— (will) excel at speed / stamina, exploration, being a menace, eventually hunting


— plot kit #1
— potentially finds himself held back from becoming a warrior with the amount of punishments he receives. it may or may not be a surprise to everyone, when the day he earns his full name finally arrives.
— potentially has a close call with death during one of his moments of exploration only made worse by his lack of training, thus temporarily quelling his rebellious nature out of a fear of dying- there will be a momentary relief over this as he begins to go to his training sessions more often, but it doesn't last long.
— will eventually realize that he does indeed have a knack for hunting, but its merely untapped by his tendency to skip lessons.
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— Briar; after her mothers first mentor, Briarstar
— Female (afab) \ she/her \ unknown sexuality
— Unborn \ aging rate TBD
— Kit of Shadowclan

— siblings tbd
Mate to no one
— mother/father/parent to no one
Mentoring no one
— previously mentored n/a
— mentored by n/a

spindly black she-kit with sharp hazel eyes & large ears.
— To act the part, you have to look the part- or at least, that’s what could be said about Briarkit. Still young and ever growing, it seems that she has already taken on a forever-stern expression. In reality, she just happened to be blessed with angular features. Her pelt is kept impossibly clean to maintain is glossy obsidian hue, a task her long fur does nothing to aid. All the vibrancy she has seems to be locked into her two hazel eyes, electric green with gold blooming from her pupil. She has two large ears that she is particularly self-conscious about.
— no scars, no current physical injuries
— no ongoing illnesses

Protective, loyal, gentle-hearted, hard working, determined, collected, responsible, intuitive
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: observant, stubborn, sensitive, secretive, reserved
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: bossy, envious, perfectionist, possessive
“The Parent.”
— Born the quietest, Briarkit quickly realized that the less she talked, the more she learned. The first target of her studies was her mother, but that quickly evolved to other mothers. Even seeing the differences between the two, Briarkit knew she had a good mother, one that was respected and skilled, so from an early age Briarkit wanted to be just like her.
That could only be her goal for so long, however, when her mother was never really around, and there were her siblings to keep in check. In Briarkits mind, her siblings weren’t living up to her mother’s expectations, and that’s why she wasn’t around as much as the other queens. As observant as Briarkit is, she will never admit to her own perfectionism. Even as a child Briarkit seems to know exactly what she wants out of life and her siblings and when. She’s often glued to her litter mates side, and is the one that picks them up when they fall and disciplines them when Forestshade turns away. Because her siblings are her priority, she is also their biggest-mini protector. Her mind is complex, and it’s something she prides herself in.
— Ravenclaw, INTJ “The Architect.”
suffers from no mental illnesses

will eventually excel at critical thinking, strategy, tracking & combat
will be poor in swimming, medicine, climbing & nest-weaving
peaceful powerplay & healing powerplay allowed
smells like damp moss & the marshes
sounds like TBD
— penned by [ Noor ]
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- kit 1 (the troublemaker) but might see if i can find a way to spin it to fit kit 3 too since i see a lot of other kit 1 apps 🧐 we will see
- fenkit or coldkit
- black or red tabby tom (likely trans in some way) with vulturemask's golden eyes. sole visual connection to his father, takes after forestshade in almost every other aspect, with a stocky frame and fluffy fur
- takes advantage of forestshade's willingness to cover for him. may get into some pretty heinous trouble down the line if the development allows, though not for a lack of love on forestshade's part. i think he genuinely loves her and may not even recognize that her parenting style is less than stellar. is likely a bit manipulative in order to let himself get up to the trouble he so craves; may not recognize his actions as a cry for attention. probably believes he works best alone and resents his siblings for trying to keep him in line / for their successes, especially kit 2.
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Tracking with the name Coldkit or Marshkit, #2. Solid black with yellow eyes, prone to rusting. Potentially born missing a limb, but I have to do more research on early development before deciding. An early desperation for Forestshade's attention quickly sours– with #3 having a better relationship and her covering for #1, he will become bitter very soon. Tries to convince #3 to stop idolizing her, and tries to keep #1 out of trouble. Neither goes well. His relationship with his littermates have the potential to end up just as poor.
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✧ Warblekit | Kit #3
—— Warble, for the few birds that make their home in the ShadowClan pines. Suffix determined IC'ly, but I'm thinking Warblefur or Warblepelt, something incredibly plain; possibly Warbleheart if given the chance to prove themself.
⤹ AFAB demigirl | she/they | okay with feminine terms, e.g. "girl" or "molly"
⤹ Kit of ShadowClan | unknowingly half-WindClan
⤹ 0 moons | ages on the _th of every moon

✧ Longhaired warm-toned black classic tabby with hazel eyes | carrying solid
—— Warblekit takes after the short, fluffy build of Forestshade when she was a kit, but grows into something a little more reminiscent of Vulturemask's Oriental heritage. This results in a perfectly normal-looking molly as an adult, if not a bit on the shorter side. WIP

✧ Envious, people-pleasing, manipulative, diplomatic, imaginative, easily influenceable
—— As an apprentice, Warblekit soon learns they're not particularly good at anything. They're too clumsy to hunt, giving themself away with the rustle of a fern or unable to see the slightest ripple of a frog in the dark. Fighting doesn't come easily to them either, for they're reluctant to hurt others, nor are they strong or quick enough to land serious blows. In fact, they must work incredibly hard to break even with the rest of ShadowClan. All their efforts go towards the end of completely average skills.

This aspect of their personality depends entirely on IC interactions: if Forestshade and others continue to encourage them or become something of a role model to them, they will lean towards being an idealistic cat who is determined to make the most of what they have in order to do good for the ones they love, i.e. a shounen protagonist; on the other hand, if they're continuously disparaged or mocked by others, or have no good influences in their life, they will simply give up on the physical elements of being a good ShadowClan warrior, and while they will become complacent and pessimistic in regards to the trajectory of the things they care about, they will seek other ways of pleasing the ones they love (possibly in a warped fashion).

Regardless of who she turns out to be, Warblekit will idolize her mother. WIP

Potential plots.
✧ If you're considering picking Warblekit, please DM before because I have a plot in mind that will definitely affect her family!
⤹ Warblekit could lose most of her tail during early apprenticeship, either from being bitten and getting infected or possibly mangled by a monster on the thunderpath. This sets her progress back even farther, and it's up to her and her influences to see whether her morale recovers from it.
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Thank you all SO MUCH for your applications!! This took me all morning dwelling on these and what I see in the family's future to finally decide on the three slots:

Kit 1: @ABRI with Screechkit
Kit 2: @Noor <3 with Briarkit
Kit 3: @Rai with Sweetkit

I'll start a group chat so we can begin plotting and chatting! Feel free to set up their accounts in preparation for BIRTH!!