private FORGOT ALL PRAYERS OF JOINING YOU [❤️‍🔥] florabreeze

Sep 11, 2024
It doesn't matter that he hardly knows Florabreeze -- Wolfgrin has always cared too much for his own good. It leaves him world-weary, but he just can't stop. To stop would be to turn cold, and he's spent too much of his life as a walking hearth-fire to know how to be anything else. Besides, has to fill the empty space left by Flamefeather, one more beacon of unrelenting kindness that SkyClan no longer has.

"Florabreeze," he begins awkwardly, pausing near her where she's settled comfortably in a thin beam of sunlight. "Would you like to go hunting with me?" It's too soon for a heart-to-heart, too much too fast, all he can offer her is simple companionship should she choose to accept. It's a good day for a hunt, anyway, a rare sunny leaf-bare's day.

ooc - @Florabreeze


trans male (he/him)ㅤ/homosexual aromantic, padding after wormwatcher
ㅤ39 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 3rd of the month
warrior of skyclan for ~24 moons
ㅤmentoring radiopawㅤ/ㅤmentored by flamefeather
ㅤpenned by solaireㅤ/ㅤmessage aurumbones on discord for plots!

wolfgrin is a big, disheveled chocolate smoke tortoiseshell tom with orange eyes. his pelt is cut through with many scars, most notably a torn right ear and a right leg that looks as if it was mauled by other cats. due to his injury, he walks with a slight limp. having grown up with dogs, he exhibits similar mannerisms and behavior, and still carries a lingering canine scent. he comes off as overly self-assured and bears a tongue as silver and sharp as a blade, but beneath his abrasive exterior hides a deep and endless wellspring of care.
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There's a quiet sigh of contentment as she relishes the increasingly common sight of a sunbeam, the snow is wet and still a little too plentiful for her liking. Her own warmth paired with the sun doesn't help, she grimaces at the dampness but merely tucks her paw underneath to try and scoop some of the snow away. It's hard, every day is a new struggle, today she wonders where Kite is. If they're able to enjoy the weather, if their kits- if any survived- was learning what snow is. Are they okay? Does she even want them to be? The damp melting snow is grounding, able to pull her thoughts away from a spiraling rabbit hole like that.

"Wolfgrin" she breathes a sigh of relief, the dishevelved tom's presence is a welcomed one. Even if the pair weren't close, she is always happy for an excuse to talk. She pauses momentarily, glancing to the skies just to be greeted by that peek of blue. It had expanded more since she took her place underneath that stray sunbeam. After a careful deliberation she nods, not daring to look at the state of the prey pile today. "Hunting sounds lovely, do you want to hunt near the Rockpile?" With a small rumble of a purr she moves to stand.

Looking over at her shoulder at the warrior to follow her as she leaves the campgrounds for the day. Birdsong could be faintly heard in the deeper recesses of the pines, a soft ambience. A stark contrast to the usual drab leafbare ambience. "How has training Radiopaw been?" She isn't too sure how things have been, truthfully she hasn't kept her mind on the goings on of camp since Kite's exile.

  • WvPXcWf.png
    FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 42 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Daffodilpaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}