sensitive topics FORZA DEL MALE | missing/dead apprentice

All Chrysaliswing wanted to do was take Jaypaw out to the Twolegplace.

The chimaeric tomcat had instructed his apprentice to hunt the crow that lie just in front of the Thunderpath, like a splint of night against the asphalt, with glittering stars for beady eyes. It seemed to goad the younger feline towards the Twolegplace as it planted twig-thin legs firmly just along the tar-black border between the concrete jungle and them. It had taken some harsh statements and spitting insults for her to finally agree to it, but she had. Inattentive gaze turned away just for a few moments, perhaps seeking reprieve in places other than the aroma of asphalt before him, as though it would pave darker memories into stone-walled mind. He didn't enjoy coming here, not when the Twolegs had caused his clan so much strife. Any time spent not looking at the ugly mug of the spiraling grey trees and the exhumed breaths of smoke was good enough for him. "Jaypaw, did you get that crow alre-" Reluctant mentor grumbled before a bloodcurdling scream cut him off, blade of bane slicing through impurity of idyll. It was unmistakable - that scream belonged to his apprentice.

"Jaypaw!" Chrysaliswing screeched as he saw how broken bone and scarlet sanguine married a marbled pelt, ugliness protruding out of what was once alive and beating, a raw and bloodied misfortune. Her eyes did not flutter open and her mouth did not expel sulfurous shout. Deathly quiet, knelled and kneaded into herself. No, no, no... Quickly did the warrior drag her by the scruff, his own jaws dripping in the red that flittered from damage to the body, and set her down upon the warm, springtide greens. In his haste, he had neglected to check for her pulse, mistaking the heat to come from blisters and gashes. Oh Starclan, Starclan please, help me! His breathing grew heavier and more frantic, as though his throat had filled with gristle and thorn instead of air, and the scent of death loomed ever-so-closer. The cat he had just talked to was now limp, lying too-still.

Chrysalis whipped around and dashed through the forest, pushing ungracefully past the knolls and breaking through the thickets - even as bedeviled heart willed him to go faster. He didn't want to wait to lug her all the way to the camp, and by then, she surely would have passed. Panic settled into him properly now, like it took hold of his veins and bristled through wind-whipped whiskers. Bursting through the mouth of the den, freneticism edged even once-narrowed eyes and frazzled fur, as if he had slipped and seen the own ghost of his death. "Jay - Jaypaw! Near the Twolegplace! She - She got trampled by a monster!" Words came whistling through short and hopping breaths, like petrous tongue had melted and exposed naked skin, like weakness had finally thawed through the mess.

  • RIP Jaypaw you were a real one 🙏 / PLEASE NOTE that Jaypaw's body will not be found by Skyclan. She will be adopted by Bluepaw's Twolegs.
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 24 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

  • Wow
Reactions: mercibun and wolfie
Chrysaliswing shatters into camp, eyes round and fur blown; she half-expects foam and spit to fly from his mouth when it opens. Cherryblossom's biases hardly have a chance to resurface, interrupted by the news, though her hackles rise as though they do. "What?" Her gasp is undignified, stupid in every way. "You-" She shakes her head as though trying to clear water from her ears. "She's not—?" Here? He left her there?

For a moment she's... stupefied. This was not Applefrost and Dandelionwish, who half a moon ago had been alive too, whose bodies were fully on display with what killed them. Jaypaw... they don't even know if Jaypaw is dead. Mouse-brain! Jaypaw is hurt—that should be all that matters. Cherryblossom instinctually glances around for Slate, or another lead, before turning back to the stricken warrior. Stars, why was it so hard to take action while there was still a cat to take action for?

It takes effort to pry her jaw open, as though each intersecting tooth was coated in honey and mud. "Dawn-" She cuts herself off, teeth clenching. "Fireflypaw!" The calico whips her head towards the hazel bush, tail lashing to the frenzied beat of anxiety. "Jaypaw's been injured! Uh—" Harried yellows blink at Chrysaliswing, whatever apologies she has for him drowned out by horror.

"Where is she?" Frustrated panic bubbles in the vat of her stomach; she shakes her head again. "I mean, you know where she is? You can lead him there?" Did they need a whole patrol to get her? Carry her home, fend off lurking foxes? Or would that just be precipitating her death? Each thought is a tug upon the thread of her ribs, knitting her chest tighter. "Orangestar!" It's perfectly reasonable to call the leader over too. She would want to know, after all.

ooc: @Fireflypaw @Orangestar

skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags
He's never seen Chrysaliswing move this quickly. Typically sulky and slithering about like a slimy reptile, spitting venomous insults and fiery retorts, such urgency from the younger warrior definitely catches the lead warrior's eye. Slate hurriedly follows the chimera back into camp, jogging over toward the fresh-kill pile to deposit the mouse he had caught. All the while, his eyes and ears flick toward the huffing, breathless figure of Chrysaliswing. Jaypaw, hit by a monster. "Foxdung," His eyes narrow as a curse lowly escapes his maw. Once again, misfortune has befallen SkyClan — it never ended, did it? The twolegs had struck once more, creating chaos and destruction with their roaring steeds.

Cherryblossom gets to barking out commands, trying to manage the situation to the best of her ability, though she was mostly just calling other cats for help. The tortoiseshell had summoned Fireflypaw, but at this point, Slate wonders if the apprentice is still even alive. Bright amber hues dart back toward Chrysaliswing. "Why didn't you just—" He cuts his bout of frustration short, realizing whatever he said would not matter anyway. Jaypaw would have been too big for Chrysaliswing to haul home ( safely at least ). Doing so might have made her injuries even worse... if she was still alive, that is. It would be better for multiple cats to carry her.

An uneasy feeling stirs in Slate's gut as worry brews within the walls of camp. Slate had nearly been trampled by a monster himself as a kit; albeit, he had been about as small as a pinecone back then, but those things were still humongous. Depending on where Jaypaw had been crushed, this situation could have the worst outcome.

  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
It was plenty easy to hate something that hated you first... as much as Edenberry tried to muddle such emotions behind a forced smile and a tooth-aching verbal sweetness, it is made harder by repeated bad interaction. However... the tangible, heavy fear that shivers in eye blown wide and panic of a pelt in disarray makes it difficult to smugly smile at his dismay. It is made especially hard to be rueful when there is an apprentice on the line- Cherryblossom's stammering doesn't go unnoticed, the way few things about her go unnoticed to love-sick fern greens; Twolegplace is a source of fear for most of SkyClan, even with the help of Daylight warriors such as themself and they can say with a tightness to their chest that this beautiful, fearsome flame, is just as terrified of it as anyone else she sleeps with at night.

Questions seem a bit fruitless at this point, if only because whatever fate Jaypaw was set to had been assured the moment Chrysaliswing had abandoned her there without someone to watch over her. Twolegs ran rampant, as was typical of their stomping grounds and even if they did not, dogs wandered those alleys without supervision sometimes. An image of pale, tear-marked fur comes to mind unwillingly, shaken away quickly as Slate's swearing rings in their ears.

"I can help," they pipe up, drifting towards the deputy and thinking to brush against her before barely restraining themself, a stumbling thing that was easy enough to catch as a withheld action. "If she's still there... But..." They falter to admit the reality out loud, to paint that blame onto their clan-mate even if he was a selfish, cruel-tongued idiot. "We'll need to be quick," they opt instead, casting a nervous look towards Fireflypaw's den in hopes the blind tom will be able to keep up through spaces so unfamiliar as where kittypets roam.

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 13 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back / filling out where previously skinny
    -- color #728c69​

The only emotion Twitchbolt remembered ever seeing on Chrysaliswing's face was one of explicit sourness- to see him now, bursting into camp with unmistakeable worry radiating off of him, had panic taking root in the amber-struck green of Twitchbolt's eyes. Cherryblossom's stammering command, demanding Chrysaliswing reveal where she had been left, did more to stir panic in Twitchbolt- if she was hurt, why was Jaypaw not here? Was- would it have been so terrible, so- so harmful to bring her home? Left alone on the Thunderpath, would she... would she not be susceptible to grabbing claws? Twolegs, meddling in everything, convinced they could mend what was broken when... when they were so eager to take!

Beside Edenberry did he draw, blinking hard, as if a particularly violent twitch might bring Jaypaw back to them. "They shouldn't go alone," he advised, feeling an idiot for immediately doing so. "The- the commotion might have attracted more Twolegs, more monsters..." A patrol would be safest, right? And there were a good pawful of volunteers.
penned by pin ✧
A shout of his name, loud and anxious, is what draws the large seal point from the comforts of his herb-smell tinted den. His head pokes from the entrance, milky hues blinking sleepily. It takes a few seconds for him to register what happened, listening to the frightened voices of his clanmates. Jaypaw was hit by a monster? No, trampled is the right word. He dips his head back into his den, grabbing his leaf filled with the basic herbs needed, before padding out quickly to join the others.

They all talk amongst themselves, pondering a plan on what they should do. Fireflypaw keeps to himself for a moment, thinking on what he can do.

"If Jaypaw was trampled, perhaps twolegs are the only ones that can heal her if they've taken her already. Just lead me to where she was, if you can. If twolegs took her to their healers, perhaps it's best if we let them for now." He offers softly, deep voice a hint of worry.​
The tabby stood at the edge of camp, gearing up to step out for a hunt. Then an explosion of commotion erupted, drawing his attention like a moth to flame. Chrysaliswing stood his eyes wide with panic and fur ruffled as though he had been caught in a storm. They'd never seen such an expression on the spitfire. Dread plummeted in their gut. Dogbite watched as the chimera warrior's frantic movements alerted Cherryblossom and Slate, their expressions mirroring his own growing concern.

"What's going on?" Dogbite called out, his voice falling deafly through the chaos. Cherryblossom's gasp and frantic gestures only added to the sense of urgency, and his heart pounded to life.

As names are called and damns are sworn, Dogbite's mind raced. Jaypaw, injured and alone near the Twolegplace? The news hit him like a physical blow, sending a shiver running down their spine. He could definitely empathize with the panic in Chrysaliswing's voice. A familiar white hot guilt twisted in their gut.

Without hesitation, Dogbite sprang into action, stepping in next to Fireflypaw. Bedraggled coat spiking every which way. There was no time for doubt when a fellow clanmate's life hung in the balance.

Edenberry's offer echoed their own intentions and the speckled feline nodded. "We're gonna need all the help we can get." Dogbite replied, his voice firm and resolute.

He didn't know how serious Jaypaw's injuries were, but he was determined to do everything in his power to be of use. Glancing to his friends it made their face firm with decision. Two-legs were unpredictable. Not that Dogbite was quick to forget the kindness spared. When fleshy paws had scooped him off the street. One moment agonizing pain and the other he was laying in a silver den. Trapped but feeling much better than he had.

Yet, the hairless creatures were equally as unpredictable. He ended up in that position because of them too. "If there are two-legs we need to be cautious." His good eye flashed to Cherryblossom and Chrysaliswing. Paws itching to go the second either cat moved.

I hope for Jaypaw's sake that they're being helped.

  • ✧ LH cinnamon tabby high white blue eye
    npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 34 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric

Immediately did panic course through his clanmates like poison flushing through the system. Hysteria proved infectious as morose conversation sprouted from where certainty had laid the dirt to bloom. Cherryblossom had approached him next, and he silently nodded as she asked if Chrysaliswing could lead them to Jaypaw. Ears folded and glued themselves to his head, sputtered words flapping about him like errant birds, aiming to peck his eyes out or claw the mouth from his face. He messed up, truly and terribly, and he could not run from it this time. Gritting his teeth, as if to will the disquiet to dissolve, he knew that what his clanmates said was true. The shame of it all weighed mercurial upon a corporeal body, as though the grief had truly routed the beast, and made it cower into a corner of its own crafting. Why didn't you just stay with her? Drag her back to the camp? Would it have changed anything? The questions scrabbled into his brain with wax wing and sliver talon, like they would claw farther and farther into his monologue, drowning it out and leaving it to dewret in the harsh sun. This would not have happened if you were not her mentor. Like a final judgment, that thought had painfully etched itself into him now, a brandished and constant reminder of his utter failure.

"We - We should go. Before a, uh, fox or a Twoleg get her. Please/" Chrysalis' voice had bayed itself, as if bundling itself into a shell of its former self, a hollow thing where hot blood and flowing poison once reigned. The word 'please' hardly came from brimstone maw, as though it were completely foreign to him. He hardly pleaded and hardly prayed. But in this moment, he found himself groveling to the throes of cruel fate. He turned around swiftly on his heels and began to run back without truly waiting to see if any would follow, like the scene of gore and death had leashed him to its ugliness and despair - and even if it were nothing but a fleeting comfort, he wanted to see the body of his apprentice. Even if he were to see her trampled, mangled body once more, it would be enough for him. And so, the chimaeric tomcat darted through the forest, as frenzied as the scrambling prey animal. Part of him did not want to face her, to stare at eyes that shone in tatters. Why did you let me die? It echoed.

But by the time the cats had already gotten to the frays of the Thunderpath, Jaypaw was gone. Only a small pool of sanguine had remained in her place, like the receding impression of the sea to the shore, though this temporary meeting of surfaces had been far more grim than that. Heterochromatiz gaze blinking incredulously, mouth slightly agape as though he couldn't believe how quickly she had disappeared. As if she had disappeared into the winds, as Starclan would have surely lifted her with gentle hands. Far away from where any cold earth and its vice would hold her. Then, an all-too-familiar scent wafted into his nose, as a sort of mockery at this point. "She's... She's gone. The Twolegs took her! We need to get her back!" He stuttered out, like his own agitation had seized his heart with slender claws of black, threatening never to release its grip on him. Even with Fireflypaw's advice, he refused it. He stared daggers into the Twolegplace, as if he could somehow see her within the gaze of the Twoleg nest or being carted away by gangling, furless arms. There was nothing for him.

  • SORRY for the late reply </3
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 24 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.