GARDEN OF THORNS ♥ flower musing

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Gladiolus, a flower representing honor and remembrance as well as integrity. It was the sort of thing that suited him, he felt, if Muddypaw had any understanding of flower meanings he would decree that one to be meant for himself. Being a warrior, noble and proud, was something he aspired for; he wanted to be like his father, he wanted to be a cat others looked to for guidance and considered the epitome of what a proper ShadowClanner was. It was all lofty goals for an apprentice whose head was so in the clouds his brain was made of the stuff, soft and fluffy and constantly drifting. His aspirations defined him enough to keep him pushing forward but they did not change his lighthearted nature. The chocolate and white tom wanted to enjoy his youth, fleeting as it was, before he settled himself upon the ranks of the clan's warriors. It was a humble goal, one every apprentice had frankly, nothing to look at too indepthly but he also desired that sense of righteousness, that grip on things that allowed a cat to become a leader - perhaps not literally, but at least in spirit.
Sitting in the camp chewing idly at the bones of a small bird he'd already picked clean, he tilted his head to the side to regard the cat nearest to him, "Do you have a favorite flower? Like, why? Colors and stuff? I been thinking 'bout newleaf. We're gonna see a lot of flowers again, I'm excited."

  • Prompt - Flower symbolism <3

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    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ LH Chocolate w/low White & Blue eyes

*+:。.。 Muddypaw's question makes the boy pause - mostly because it'd been Bonepaw he'd asked it of and it'd be impolite to continue on his way without responding. The boy regards Muddypaw for a moment, before replying anticlimactically, "I've never seen a flower" Born in a time of frost and silence, there wasn't an opportunity to see a bloom through the snow and ice. But he'd heard cats talk about them- mostly longing to see the blooms again come new-leaf. Now, at last, was that time, but Bonepaw - stuck in camp as he was - still lacked the opportunity to bear witness to this sought-after plant.

Taking a comfortable seat beside Muddypaw, Bonepaw would consider his questions anyway, musing - somewhat to himself - "I am also excited" he says this with his quiet, monotone voice, "I would like to see a dandelion. I have heard it changes forms and spreads it's seeds through molting" he pictured a patch of grass ruffling in the wind, suddenly taking shape by it into that of a bird before taking off into the skies, it's 'feathers' being blades of grass that fall back to earth and begin the cycle anew. Efficient.

"Is there a flower you're eager to see?" Bonepaw would ask, looking curiously at Muddypaw. He'd never properly met the splotches tom before, and this conversation into the boy's interest seemed like a good way to get to know his new peer.

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Brother to Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently

Starlingheart cannot remember a time in her life when she has had much time to think about her favorite... well.. anything. She was thrust into her position at a too young age and her growing up had been severely expedited because of it. That ShadowClan had relied so heavily upon a child was no ones fault, she had been the only one capable of the job after all. But now? Now she would do everything in her power to ensure that doesn't happen again, that the youth of her clan could grow up free to contemplate such things like what flower was prettiest and what prey was their favorite.

A warm expression settles over her features as she listens to the conversation between the apprentices. New-leaf would mean flowers would be more abundant soon. The strong kind, the hardy ones that grew despite the muck of their home. New-leaf could be a beautiful time in ShadowClan if you knew where to look. "N-new leaf will be here before either of you know it" she says, whiskers twitching. Already, she could feel the change in the air that signified that it was on it's way.

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    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training

A rare sight to see the lead resting in the spring sunlight. Lilacfur isn't too far from the conversation as she overheard Muddypaw address Bonepaw with a question. Her muzzle turned to look toward the apprentices, a calm smile on her maw as they talk about their excitement to see the flowers bloom. This would be Bonepwa's first ever newleaf, along with the rest of his littermates of course.

"Have you seen honeysuckle before, Muddypaw?" He might have, though they looked different in leaf-fall. Bearing bundles of bright red berries compared to their spring look of simple, bright yellow petals. "They have a very sweet smell. I used to line them in my nest when I was an apprentice. I can find some for you, if I see any around."Hopefully the same vine twisting itself along a pines low hanging branches still bloomed.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]