camp GARDEN SONG [ questions + babysitting ]


Apr 25, 2024

( ) stormkit is getting to the age where she has to think about apprenticeship. truly, it's the last thing she wants to think about. she'd much rather her mind be occupied with thoughts of who her next playmate will be, or when her father will return from patrol. at five moons, she is finally beginning to accept that she will need to leave the nursery one day and strike out as a warrior's apprentice. truly, it's her biggest fear. it isn't that stormkit doesn't want to provide for her clan. she loves skyclan, loves the kinship she feels with her clanmates and the way they all care for one another. it's just that the hunting and fighting is so much. thoughts of killing another creature make her cringe- she can feel her adrenaline spike whenever another cat tells a story about some great battle. it does seem fun to be able to explore the territory, but as far as she's concerned, everything else is a con.

watery sunlight filters through the trees surrounding skyclan's camp as patrols head out, apprentices stretch and ready for the day, and kits tumble out of the nursery. stormkit is one of the last out, glancing back at her mother with pleading dual hued eyes. heronstep nudges her forward with a soft muzzle, eyes tired but kind. "go play," her mother urges, and stormkit huffs quietly, finally exiting the den. butterflytuft is on babysitting duty today, so the blue tabby kitten finds her seated outside of the nursery, black and ginger fur ruffling in a soft breeze. "hi butterflytuft," stormkit sits down beside the queen, wrapping her tail around her paws and glancing out toward her frolicking denmates. she knows the queen beside her is battling grief. it's not something the girl has dealt with personally, but she's seen much in her five moons, and knows enough that she has been respectful about butterflytuft's process. a chill runs up stormkit's spine at the thought of the kind of death a warrior like dandelionwish had experienced. star's she's not ready for that kind of threat.

"how did you decide to stay in the nursery?" she queries, verdant and crystalline gaze finding the honey optics of the older cat. "i-if that's not rude to ask."

  • // tagging @butterflytuft but feel free to reply before her!! "#758ba4"

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    blue tabby with low white and blue/green heterochromia a long-furred blue feline with darker blue curling stripes that splash across her chest, flanks and tail. white floods the fur around her neck, the tip of her tail, her stomach, and paws. dual hued eyes of sky and forest make her pretty in an innocent way, and her body is small and lithe, although her fluffy fur makes her look larger.

He's known Butterflytuft for um... his entire life! And he thought that was cuz she had kits, and he was Bobbie's kit, and different kits should be friends with each other. But now, Fluffykit - Fluffypaw was gone, and Butterflytuft was still here. Wasn't that funny? it's a very good point that Stormkit brings up. Candorkit, initially one of the first to tumble out of the nursery, rounds back to join Stormkit, the conversation too interesting for him to simply ignore!

" Yes, how? Why? " he parrots, promptly inserting himself between the group. Blazestar trained Butterflytuft, didn't he? And Blazestar trained warriors, not queens, he's pretty sure, anyways. ...Did queens get training? Something must've taken place for Butterflytuft to end up here, as much as he'd like to suggest that she just couldn't part with Candorkit and his siblings, it just didn't add up! Intently, he leans forward. " Did Blazestar banish you here? What did you do? "
Cherryblossom, too, finds it difficult to conceptualize Butterflytuft's insistence on imprisoning herself in the holly. Maybe in the wake of Dandelionwish's death, she'd found a kinship in Bobbie too weighty to let go. Or maybe she, flutter-hearted and tender-pawed, just wished to avoid his fate. From what she can glean from hazy kithood days, Orangeblossom had only been too happy to cast off her furry shackles and step back into the limelight. If the thought ever occured to her, Cherryblossom would say she'd do the same.

It's not Stormkit's childish antics that bend her ear, but the mention of Blazestar, warbled from a too-young tongue backed by startlingly haloed hues. Yellow eyes briefly rise to meet Butterflytuft's, for a moment tightening with awkward discomfort beneath her sleek facade. "Well if it was rude to ask, then that was also pretty rude," the calico hums, feathery tail swishing at her heels. "Maybe you should give her a chance to answer if you want an answer that bad," she lightly remarks, lifting a paw to examine it.

skyclan deputy | "speech." | tags
"Why would that be rude, Stormkit?" Ricekit's words are blunt and questioning, forceful - she holds little warmth in her tone, but her posture says otherwise as she saunters over to briefly press her nose against her sisters shoulder, awkwardly drawing back and actively avoiding gazes, potential judging stares. She doesn't like affection. But Storm needs it, because her sister is afraid of everything...

Stormkits question brings company and she inwardly sighs at the lack of tact that Candorkit speaks with. Blazestar and banishing doesn't fit in the same sentence, she thinks. She agrees with Cherryblossom, green eyes flitting over to focus on the deputy for just a second. She narrows her own eyes, crushing the frown that had begun to blossom over her lips before she turns her head back to Butterflytuft, her gaze expectant as she waits for an answer.

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    cis female ,, she/her ,, 05 months
    kit of skyclan ,, heronstep x cauliflowercurl ,, siblings
    regal, curly-furred white she-cat with striking green eyes
    "speech, f0a78e" ,, thoughts
    too young ,, single ,, not interested at all
    smells like hyacinths & lilies
    penned by chuff
In the wake of her family’s tragedy, there is one thing that continues to be a bright light in her life: caring for the kits. She is always eager to take them off the other queens’ paws for part of the day, give them time to rest while she plays with them or tells them a story. She sits outside the holly den with a soft smile on her face, yellow eyes flitting about as kits tumble and swipe at one another. Her attention is only pulled away when Stormkit comes to sit next to her and asks how she decided to stay in the nursery. Candorkit comes scampering over next, asking if she’d been banished there by her former mentor. Cherryblossom gives her a look, but the queen only lifts a paw to her face to giggle at the notion. “No, no, nothing like that, Candorkit.”

She scans the group, blinking at the expectant faces that stare back at her. She doesn’t really know what to say…nothing happened that made her want to stay. She just wanted to. “I think my duty to the clan is much more suited to taking care of you kits,” She finally explains, smiling as she lifts a paw to gently poke Stormkit’s nose. Placing her paw back on the ground, she tilts her head to the side slightly and mews, “This is where my purpose is. The same way Cherryblossom’s purpose is serving the clan with her claws to hunt and lips to lead.”

Naturally Dogwoodkit was one of he first kits out of the den to begin playing, she did this quite successfully for maybe five minutes when she noticed not one but two of her littermates were watching the queen watching over them. Well, that just wouldn't do. The point kitten frolicked over to the growing audience, getting the gist of the questions asked and now hearing the answer. She quickly and rather obnoxiously bumped her head onto Stormkit and Ricekit in greeting and then proceeded to flop down onto her back, waving four brown legs into the air.

She puzzled for a second on helping the clan without your claws. The thought she kept returning to was that it just seemed less exciting, "Don't you get bored? I mean I get bored in the nursery, it's like REALLY boring all the time. And I mean, I can take care of myself so I don't even need you to babysit me. And..." As she watched the clouds gently move across the sky she couldn't help but feel she lost the point she was trying to connect "But, don't you get bored?" she gave up on the other thoughts, this one was good enough.

The bustling life of the nursery caught the lynx point's attention, peeking at the blurry sight of all the kittens and the others. Candorkit makes an statement if Blazestar had banished his former apprentice to forever be a queen, Stormkit inquiring on how she stayed in the nursery and much more questions and statements made from all sides. Cherryblossom attempts to defend (or what seemed to be defending in her perspective) Butterflytuft to allow her to speak before bombarding her more with questions. Palemoon observes the blurry world of the nursery quietly as Dogwoodkit mentions if it ever got boring along with an endless barrage of words.

”Ah. . . I don't think. . . Butterflytuft would ever getting bored taking care of the kits. . .” The small woman would respond softly towards the inquiry of Dogwoodkit, a candy sweet smile softly gracing the corner of her lips. She settles at the entrance of the nursery as her ghostly blue gaze looks for Duskpool's grandkits for a moment. ”She helps. . . tender the next generation of warriors . . .” It was her destiny of Starclan, everyone had something in their path of life and this was the route of the permaqueen's. Her love for children regardless of bloodline help teach them love, respect and form them into loyal members that would eventually become warriors, deputies, leaders or more.

  • ooc.
  • PALEMOON ⋆ she / her / hers
    ✶ lh fawn lynx point with low white and pale blue eyes, blind in the left
    ✶ 36 moons old; ages the 20th monthly
    ✶ bisexual demiromantic; currently single
    ✶ currently mentoring none; formerly mentored by NPC
    ”speech”, thoughts, attacking
    ✶ all opinions are in character only