GOD SETS YOUR SUN [🌘] Return w/ ShC kits

ShadowClan kits set to be saved by WindClan...

Hollowcreek watched the matriarch tout along her paired prize of kittens, the stench of the marshes hanging heavy on their coats while they were gifted new names to fit their rightful home. Burnt caramlized sights look to Sunstride first, gauging the deputy's thoughts on the display of their leaders hunger. He found Sunstride silent, neither voicing his support or opposition. Cats speak out of turn, wailing that their precious stars would not enjoy Sootstar's behavior. The brown tabby tipped his chin up to the clouds as if to look for any descending starry cats, his tail twitching in amusement. Their stars were a joke against a mortals power. The dead could do nothing but watch.

Lilacstem is the loudest of the bunch, shouting her disputes to undermine the Queens actions. Hollowcreek can't help but believe that perhaps her bloodline truly only created that of traitors. Would she be the next to evade the moors? Or would she succumb to the Queens claws for her dissent?

"Anyone spoken against our queen only shows just how incapable they are of seeing her vision. Ghostwail, Prairiecry, Snakehiss-" He named them each, gaze resting on his Clanmates with a firm nod in his support, reaching for theirs in turn. "We are not blind to just how cruel the marshlands are. We did not forget how viciously they survive, battling their own territory day by day just get return with meager scraps." He began to pace, circling Lilacstem as if ready to pounce on her at any moment.

"They threw us to feed on carrion, do you really believe that deserves gratitude? Sootstar may have not lost such precious life if they weren't so dismissive of our own needs. Only thinking of themselves, and yet our Queen," He paused to look up at the tiny she-cat, admiration weighing heavy in his voice. "Our Queen still extends her graces beyond borders. She has saved two priceless lives from enduring another day of neglect, when she could have left them to suffer."

Hollowcreek turned to face Lilacstem once again, eyes narrowed as they flickered between her, Rattleheart and Morningsong. He would not be quick to forget their faces after this. "Your mongering towards these kits is disgraceful. You don't deserve the prey we feed you, if this is how you behave in turn."
"Psst!" Rumblepaw whispers to the kittens, whiskers twitching in a friendly way despite the argument that begins to escalate around them. Nerves bubble beneath the surface but Rumblepaw does little aside from exhale a light sigh, their tail curling just so. They blink warmly at the two little ones, a purr rumbling in their throat. They tip their head a little towards the nursery, eager to remove them both from the squabble around them even as Sootstar calls for order and obedience. They're obedient. They're good. They'll help.

"I'm Rumblepaw, one of the apprentices. I'm learning to run the moors as fast as the wind with my mentor. I think the tunnels are scary too! You must both be very brave." The skinny cat meows, gentle, but there's strain around their eyes. Nevermind the fact that they've yet to have a single successful hunt. "It's nice to meet you both! Once you've seen Wolfsong, Do you want some help picking out some moss for your nests? I've got some pretty feathers you can have if you want, and we can meet Moonwhisker. She's really nice."

// attempting to herd @Halfkit and @TANGLEKIT away from the crowd :]​
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It's not every day that Sootstar calls a meeting - Finchkit knows this intimately well, because she and her siblings still aren't apprentices yet! The trip to ThunderClan and then to ShadowClan had been cool and all (except when it wasn't all that cool, of course), and she'd thought that once they all got to go home again Sootstar would go ahead and make them and also Featherkit and Rivekit and everybody else apprentices, but what are they met with? No apprenticeship, and even worse, that means they still have to stay in camp all the time! It's not like it's some secret mystery or anything anymore about what's out there - there's no reason why she shouldn't be allowed out there anymore, even with someone to go with her!

That's why when Sootstar's voice rings out loudly around camp, Finchkit immediately perks up - is it time? It must be time! Clearly, Pink-kit must be of the same mindset, or she has some kind of secret knowledge about what's going on, because her sister practically gallops over, disappearing easily into the crowd. Not one to wait behind, the little point is quick to follow, brushing past the legs of those around her a little bit less gracefully (it's not her fault Pink-kit is still smaller than her and has an easier time maneuvering through tiny spaces!), offering "Oops!" and "Sorry!" every time she bumps into someone, until finally, the path clears. In just a moment, she'll be standing up there with Sootstar, or however it works, and she's so excited she could just leap up there right now, except there's somebody else down there at the base of the rock. A lot of somebody elses, actually, which might be normal, except - is that-?

"Halfkit?!" Her tone is incredulous, expression twisted with disbelief as she tries to listen to Sootstar a little bit but also mostly tunes her out while trying to puzzle out what Halfkit, and also her sister, whose name escapes Finchkit in the moment, are doing here. Except, it's not Halfkit - or, Sootstar says her name is Lark-kit now, and Ouzelkit, too, which is weird. "How come they get to change their names?" she asks to nobody in particular, face all scrunched up because this isn't something that's happened before - none of this has happened before!

Pink-kit volunteers to hang out with Lark-kit and Ouzelkit, playing all sorts of games and maybe even being apprentices together, and Finchkit nods along emphatically, having gotten over most of the strangeness of the situation. "Yeah! We can show you around and introduce you to everyone and-" The sound of cut-off cries from Ouzelkit gives her pause, and she listens with eyes blown wide at just how terrible it had been for them in ShadowClan. I mean, it hadn't been great with mud even in places you didn't want it, and all the funny trees and stuff, but she hadn't realized just how bad it was to actually live there. "Don't worry - you don't have to go back. You can stay with us now! It's way better here, I promise!" she attempts to soothe, her expression softening.

It's about this time that all the arguing and hissing the adults are throwing back and forth at each other catches up with her, leaving her with only bits and pieces of context. Sootstar and some of the others seemed mad at Lilacstem especially, who didn't like that Lark-kit and Ouzelkit were here, which didn't make much sense to her. Clearly, they didn't like it where they were - why would anyone wanna make them go back? Cottonpaw and Rumblepaw materialize to take Halfkit and Ouzelkit to get settled in and checked on, and even though she wants to play with them now, it makes sense, she guesses. Left with the lingering tension lacing the air, Finchkit is about ready to slip away, to go wait for the new arrivals or something, but Pink-kit's question catches her ears. "I dunno, but I think it's a good thing Lark-kit and Ouzelkit are here - don't you?"
  • OOC: --​
  • Untitled358_20230906125307.png
  • EEHinuI.png
    - Finch Finchkit
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 3 moons
    - Loner Kit of WindClan
    - Hearty & scruffy chocolate lynx point with splashes of white and bright blue eyes
    - Art by Jay & base by googaoo respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​
  • Like
Reactions: PINKSHINE

Fury. Disgust. Venom.

They're all foreign feelings to Rattleheart, wholly unfamiliar in a way that made his skin crawl. As much as he had disagreed with Sootstar in the past, he had never found her to be truly, fully reprehensible until now. Trying to justify stealing children, lashing out at her own clan for voicing their dissent. She wasn't truly a leader, she was a tyrant, and the others were enabling her. Defending her ways because they were blind to the chaos that she would inevitably cause them. Sootstar could claim that Shadowclan wouldn't find out until she was blue in the face beneath her fur, but Rattleheart could only focus on the outright war that would have broken out if it was their kits stolen away to some other clan.

None of them would rest for a moment until they were found, and he could only assume that Shadowclan would do the same.

His pelt was fluffed up in uneven spikes as he glared back at both Prairiecry and Hollowcreek. Accusing him and the others of being traitors when all they wanted was what was best for their clan and not what was best for kissing at Sootstar's paws. It made him want to lash out further despite the ache that ran all throughout his body. Ultimately though, Sunstride's words were what broke through the chaos, finally making the tunneler's shoulders slump in defeat. He knew that he couldn't risk a fight - not only for the risk of exile, but also for the risk of death still hanging precariously over his head. Much as he wanted to continue to protest, and fight... he didn't want to leave his family without him, especially if Scorchstreak and the others truly would be returning against all odds.

Not just his family, but he didn't want to leave Venomstrike behind in such an environment, either.

So instead, tail lashing and lips pulled back in a grim snarl, Rattleheart offered only a few vicious words in Hollowcreek's direction. "And you don't deserve the prey that we all hunt for if you think it's acceptable to steal kits away from their homes." He was half-tempted to spit in the direction of the pair, no longer caring if they ended up succumbing to yellowcough as well. It only seemed proper for them to have to answer to Starclan for what they were doing - what they were defending. He refused to further risk the health of the others present though, instead just turning and stalking out through the heather tunnel.

Suddenly, he no longer felt such reluctance about returning to the badger set.

// out + all ic opinions ofc !!
Breezerunner hadn't thought his stint in ShadowClan had been particularly notable. It hadn't been a joy, but he hadn't exactly been miserable either. ShadowClan were begrudging hosts, but it had been peaceful other than being forced to share space with their stinky clan amongst others. And, well, the garbage eating hadn't been particularly fun either. He hadn't thought ShadowClan was any better (or worse) off than the rest of them; despite being inferior for the sheer fact alone that they weren't of the same blood as WindClan.

His typically level gaze snaps to Lilacstem and Morningsong. Before he can even really think or stop himself, the knee jerk reaction comes. "We didn't abandon StarClan," Breezerunner cuts in with an uncharacteristically sharp hiss "StarClan abandoned us." Though a storm of conflict rages on in Breezerunner's belly, he feels that there must be merit to Sootstar's claims. Guilt simmers there, boiling low as he tries to make sense of what all is unfolding here.

He isn't sure what the right side is, but he has no reason not to trust Sootstar despite his own weariness. Breezerunner stands firm with his other clanmates in support of their leader, and he prays to StarClan that he's right. His gaze is nothing short of venomous when he looks at the dissenting WindClan cats, along with all his clanmates who (like him) hope they are on the right side of history here.


At first, things are going great. When she spots Pink-kit in the crowd, running to her, calling out her name, her large fluffy tail hangs high in the air and elation spreads across her features. "OHMYGOSH" she says and then "OHMYGOSH" again "PINK-KIT!" it was her who she had been looking forward to playing with after all, she who Halfkit had missed terribly.

She is about to answer her friends questions when suddenly she is aware of raised voices, of many eyes on her. And normally she would bask in the glow of the attention, but coupled with the way the adults were speaking and the way Tanglekit was crying she does not like it. Her ears press to the back of her head and she moves closer to her gray furred sister. She is, in this moment, afraid but she decides she has to be strong, that she has to be brave. It is clear to her that not every other cat may be aware of the game they were playing and she is beginning to doubt if the game was ever real in the first place. "Its okay uh-Ouzelkit" she says, her voice taking on an uncharacteristic softness in favor of comfort. "Im here and I’ll keep us safe" she knows that it’s a lie but she had been getting good at those. And besides it was like only half a lie. She would do everything she could in order to make sure her litter-mate was okay. "Do you want to play with me and Pink-kit later? I’ll even let you pick the game!" rare was it for her to surrender control like that but she is desperate to make her sister feel better.

Another figure approaches in her peripheral and her sight travels from gray to red. The kitten that approaches wears a frown on her face and yes Halfkit remembers her. She had also been in ShadowClan but if she was remembering correctly this particular kit had been the biggest stick in the mud she had ever met. Her and that one ThunderClanner. "me" she agrees and she sticks her tongue out. If Featherkit had a problem with her being here she could take her claws out and do something about it. Finchkit at least, is excited to see her and she brightens when she sees that familiar brown and cream pelt. "Finchkit!" she says, her voice taking on a slight squeal. All her friends were here, and how cool was that? Finchkit and Pink-kit had been so much fun to play with and she feels nothing but excitement as the kitten details how much fun they are going to have.

There are several nice faces among the crowd at least. A golden furred apprentice comes and tells them that he was abandoned but then he had been saved, that at first other cats did not like him either but that they had warmed up to him. "why did everyone not like you?" she asks, not aware that such a question might be a bit… awkward. And then there is a gray-furred she cat "You smell funny, like Starlingheart" she says, scrunching her nose as the smell of herbs assault her senses. Perhaps this cat was a medicine cat, like the black and white she cat who often checked in on them, who played games with them. Perhaps this she-cat would play games with them too? She offers to check them over for bumps and bruises but she says they are going to Wolfsongs den and that confuses her. So was this cat a medicine cat or not? Either way, she would shrug her shoulders and easily agree. "Do you have something to make Tang-er Ouzelkit feel better?" she asks, her gaze flickering worriedly to her gray-furred sibling.

The adults were arguing again, words that Halfkit only just barely hears, she tries to listen she really does. But a whisper distracts her and when she turns there is yet another cat speaking to them. Rumblepaw they introduce themselves as. They say how brave they are and Halfkit cannot help but puff out her chest in pride "It was super scary but I’m the bravest ever!" braver than Tanglekit, that was for sure. Though she wouldn’t dream of saying that out loud "That sounds fun! Doesn’t it Ouzelkit?" she says, nudging her sister with her shoulder. She wasn’t sure who Moonwhisker was but as long as she was nice and made Tanglekit stop crying then she was excited to meet her.

She allows herself to be led away, pressing herself to her sister while she walks.

// out!! sorry this is so long and sorry if I missed anyone ;-; there was a lot!!

The resounding call of his leader lured the injured cat from his den. Orange eyes blurry from ailment in the soft glow of moonlight. One of the rogue invaders he'd fought left him a bite with a nasty wound to heal from. Thankfully, it was nothing serious, but he would need to nurse it regularly. Shuffling over to the gathering cats, it surprised him to see Shadowclan kits pushed in front of the group. Confusion ensued as the moor queen mulled on with a sweet tune. Once the scenario was explained, the warrior called frog shit. He couldn't help but be appeased by the intent.

Slighting another clan and adding to their ranks, or had they really been neglected? Either way, Harbingermoon was eager to see where this went. Slapping on a neutral smile, he cast his gaze onto the kits once more. Offering fake niceness to play the part, but shortly after, it dropped to a frown. "How dar-!" Whipping around, Harbingermoon bared his fangs, facing the onslaught of arguments. His words cut short as the volume raised and they tossed words about like petty rats. Fury broiled and raged in the tunneler's chest to an unbearable point, but Sunstride's shout put an imaginary muzzle on the growling tom.

Plus, it was fun and humorous to pick fights but to be so brazen. These damned baby paws would never survive the way we have. His claws itched to unsheathe, and he turned to see Sootstar's response. Waiting for an inkling of a reason to validate his intense desire to take control of the situation. He kept his back towards the molly and his front facing the growing doubts. Squinted glare cast over his shoulder in wait. Sootstar's hisses and lashes thrilled him and left a satisfied grin nestling onto the warrior.

Starclan was always a major fascination for him and he understood Sootstar's dismissal. With all the tragedy surrounding her and the lack of answers, how could he deny her hatred? Rather, these heartless ghosts were nothing but a mere spectacle. For how much clan cats praised their ways, life among them was hellish. He hadn't faced so much adversary since the end of the colonies. Harbingermoon recalled with disgrace running stretches of land to evade the swamp's vengeful cats. I won't ever make such a stupid mistake again. This wild she-cat had plans and he wouldn't let such whiny worms ruin the start of real entertainment.

Finally, at the bare of his leader's fangs and Hollowcreek's resounding validation, he turned his head to stare at Morningsong, Rattleheart, and Lilacstem. A creeping smile still stuck to his face as his already flowing pelt puffed twice its size. Not uttering a sound, only a silent warning. Make that ugly face again and I'll turn you into crowfood. His grin stretched into faux politeness as he leered towards the exiting apprentice. Ushering out the kits to what he assumed was the nursery. Smart move kid.

He dared not leave from his spot as cats spat and slunk away. Staring and waiting with silent dedication - unlike the aforementioned traitor, for he left only when dismissed.
*+:。.。 Ebonylight watched the entire affair with sparkling, mismatched eyes, upturned into smiling crescent moons. They didn't have an opinion one way or another when it came to kits or the morality of stealing them - although perhaps that in itself was their opinion. Kits come and go, it was a miracle so many lasted as long as they did when in the care of clan cats, but back home - at least in Ebonylight's youth - they came and went as often as fleas. No, Ebony felt their smile grow as they eyed not the kits but the adult cats that surrounded them, their hackles raised and teeth bared. Such a sensitive subject, such a dangerous gamble. More and more Ebonylight was reminded how much they adored Sootstar. Truly, a woman worth following, and one he'd continue to step obediently behind should they be asked. Ebonylight's claws already itched for a rematch with those loners, even while their pelt still stung with healing wounds, and if tensions as thick as this continued, they were suitably guaranteed another opportunity.
Watching the newly christened Lark-kit and Ouzelkit be led away, they tried to readjust their smile to look more sympathetic. "Hopefully whatever happens, those little ones won't be caught in the crossfire," they say aloud to anyone who might hear. As if it even matters. As if their lives even mattered.