going under | fishing for water bugs


Apr 30, 2024

Ever since she had heard Moonbeam's suggestion, Shimmerkit had been eager to try hunting for water bugs. She had pestered her parents to no avail - Lavendersong didn't have much interest in wanting to hunt for water bugs, and Frogbelly was too busy with his warrior duties to spare much time.

In the end, Shimmerkit had sought help elsewhere, managing to convince Willowroot to watch over her and a few other kits. One of the new kittypet joiners had also come over to join, watching over them helpfully.

Standing in the shallows by the nursery, Shimmerkit was slightly dismayed when she didn't immediately see any water bugs. In fact, the only thing she did find was a stray leaf, which she swatted at before it got stuck on her paw and she shook it out dramatically to get rid of it. Shimmerkit's interest was beginning to wane when suddenly she saw one! It was skittering across the water right towards her! Shimmerkit went perfectly still, eyes narrowing as she watched the bug before pouncing, pushing down onto it with her front paws. "I got it, I got it!" Shimmerkit cheered. It didn't last long though as she spotted the bug popping back up onto the surface. "Oh. I didn't get it..."

@willowroot @nutmeg
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What did you get?” Troutsnout would muse as she peers over the young kit before watching a small insect pop up after Shimmerkit front paws unsuccessfully caught it. A soft chuckle leaves her lips as she sits down besides the young kit, watching tiny bugs skittering on the water top. A long tail wraps around her front paws as she watches Shimmerkit and the other young kits attempt to catch water bugs, a weak yet exhausted smile tracing lips. How adorable. Being around the innocent and purity of the kits relieved the torment and suffering she experienced for over half a moon in captivity.

Home. The thought relieved the chilling nerves across her body as she watches as a tiny water bug skirts across the ripple close to her and Shimmerkit, causing her ears to flick. “Oh, look Shimmerkit! He's saying hi to you.” She would coo to the child with a soft giggle, glancing at the young girl to see her reaction to the tiny bug that had skirted up to them. Oh, the things she would give to be back in the paws of Shimmerkit without a worry in the world.

The last time she could forget about everything and be at ease was with Slateheart.

Nutmeg hasn't seen many, if any at all, kittens during her time as a kittypet. Maybe once or twice of her Upwalkers' friends, but any new meetings were few and far between. Safe to say, she had never seen as many kittens as she's seen now, in RiverClan. It was flourishing with young life, and it was beautiful.

They are so fragile, so darling.. all of them. Nutmeg has found herself gravitating towards the nursery, offering her help and serving as a playmate for the kittens when their parents need a break. It brought out a younger self of her that she scarcely remembers.. her earliest days after her Upwalkers adopted her, playing with their other kittypet and their dog. It reminded her that life still had its innocence, its wonders, and its joys, even on the bleakest of days.

She does not deny Shimmerkit's request for bug hunting. "As long as you're careful," she hums as she settles down on the bank, watching the kitten fish with a keen eye. She was curious how the kits were born with an affinity towards water, something she didn't yet possess - they'd called her a drypaw. Maybe one day, she'd learn..

Shimmerkit, at last, finds the bug she's been looking for, but unfortunately misses. Nutmeg gives her an encouraging smile. "Next time, dear. Oh - look!" She points out upstream, where another bug is skating down the shallows right towards her. "There's one!" She could almost laugh at her own eagerness - spending her free time and new endless possibilities catching bugs, who knew?
  • nutmeg-placeholder.png
    NUTMEG ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ 26 MOONS,, ages every 16th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | MENTORED by none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | nutmeg is healthy.​
  • 65311066_EaZGFESBlJjiISx.png

  • speech is #d1a261

A soft chuckle leaves him as he watches Shimmerkit try to catch an insect between her paws. It was very amusing, observing the kit with a smile tugging on his lips. Kits are fragile, darling creatures. Fogshore was lounging near the nursery, watching kittens try to catch their own water bugs with half-lidded heterochromatic eyes. Cute.

The chimera warrior, spots Troutsnout and greets her with a tail flick. "Hello, Troutsnout." He hums, as he then glances over at the latest newcomer to arrive. Oh, a kittypet. He lets a smile curve upok his maw, as he waves at Nutmeg with a pale paw. A friendly gesture. He then turns his attention back to Shimmerkit, peering at the little kit. "You'll catch one, I believe in you." He cheers in his usual relaxed tone, agreeing with Nutmeg with a slow nod.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( night swimming.. hm ) ࿐ ࿔*:・゚ FOGSHORE.riverclan warrior.
    𓇼 non-binary ; HE / HIM, accepts gendered terms ; 34 MOONS & AGES EVERY 16TH.
    𓇼 bisexual / sort of looking / open to crushes & romance
    𓇼 a LH blue smoke & SH white chimera with amber sectoral eyes and yellow sectoral heterochromia
    𓇼 battle notesthoughts ; "Speech" ; attacks only
    𓇼 may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓇼 smells like freshly baked cinnamon buns & distant rain
    notes: has light-sensitive eyes, tilts head towards the ground. tends to squint in the sunlight, sticks to shaded areas.
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone

roachslip & 22 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

" That was a very good try dear - now that you know how to catch them, maybe next time it won't wriggle away, " she says, voice soft and lilting as the blue furred molly makes her way over too join the others. Green eyes glitter warmly as she flashes a smile - all of it fake, of course. She means none of it- Shimmerkit had hardly put up a fight, and she'd lost against a bug. But still, the child is just that, a child, and so she smiles sweetly and keeps her thoughts to herself. Still, Roachslip is quite certain that she'd done far better at bug hunting as a kitten - how could she not?

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'



( ) the battle hardened warrior is, from their looks, not a kind or warm presence. the scarred nose and chest, the missing ear, the stern green gaze- all are hints towards a war strewn past and a strict personality. this couldn't be farther from the truth. she is a motherly presence within her clan, and she finds herself frequenting the nursery more often than not, taking mischievous kittens off of the queens' paws and taking them to the river or off to play in the undergrowth. a two time mother herself, willowroot enjoys spending time with the young in the clan. no matter the fact that she may be younger than many of the warriors her rank, she finds the kits keep her young.

friendly verdant eyes observe the antics of the gray striped child as she hovers over the surface of the water, tiny tail flicking in excitement. willowroot is seated beside nutmeg, the strange scent of the former-kittypet filling her nose. it's not unpleasant when mixed with the freshness of the river, of the trees above. she finds the brown striped molly nice enough to be around - she's a sweet one, good with the kits and eager to learn. she'll never admit it out loud for fear of angering her clanmates, but willowroot doesn't mind the former-kittypets joining. they all seem ready enough to become warriors.

shimmerkit moves with lightning speed, tiny paws slamming down on the water and splashing about. she mewls in delight before muttering, and willowroot will laugh softly. "that was an excellent leap, shimmerkit!" she calls out, her complement mingling with the voices of her clanmates, a multitude of characters gathered to cheer the girl on. "try again, love, you've got it!"

  • // "#91A26C"
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    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.


Initially disheartened by her failure to catch the water bug the first time, Shimmerkit's mood improves following the cheerful words of the cats watching her. When Troutsnout points out the other bug again, Shimmerkit's eyes lock onto it, a determined expression on her face. "Hello, little bug," She whispers quietly, blue eyes following it carefully as it darted across the water's edge, not letting it out of her sight.

Urged on by the supportive cheers she received, Shimmerkit once again pounced on the unsuspecting bug, forcing it under the water. Shimmerkit makes sure to put more force behind it, hoping to prevent the bug from floating back up again and sure enough, after waiting a few moments to step back, she sees that the water bug has not come back to the surface. "Oh, I did it?" Shimerkit exclaimed, initially a bit surprised by this before the excitement truly set in. "I DID IT!"