light touch ⟡ fogshore

Feb 16, 2024

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  • FOGSHORE ; formerly yume

    meaning: fog ( fog ) n. / a thick cloud of tiny water dorplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface which obscures or restricts visibility.
    shore for his calm and serene (or his quiet demeanor)
    opinion on name: while still fond of his old name, this one proves alright by him.
    nickname: n/a
    gender: non - binary ; he / him, doesn't mind being called she/her or they/them ; is okay with gendered terms
    orientation: bisexual, panromantic
    rank: warrior of riverclan / formerly a loner, “kittypet”
    beliefs: starclan
    affiliation: riverclan ; kittypet-borne (has loner heritage) ; doesn't really have a prejudice against other clans, very accepting to them
    age created on 02.16.24 at 32 moons / ages realistically every 16th on each month

    last updated: 05.14.24
    🌊 penned by calrue[/size]
  • pretty, longhaired blue smoke & shorthaired white chimera with amber sectoral eyes and yellow sectoral heterochromia
    a medium-sized feline. elegant, skinny body. layers of long gossamer, willowy fur draped across his frame. carries some masculine features like big paws, illusion of tom cheeks. long, locks on the sides of his cheeks. neck fur is long, reaching towards his stomach and stopping at the middle. long plumed tail trailing behind him. his coat is a mismatched mess of blue and white. his eyes glow bright at night, a soft yet striking amber. his eyes are always in a dreamy, otherworldly half-lidded state.
    has light sensitive eyes, squints in the sunlight. likes being in shaded areas. has a great sense of smell.

    demeanor: has a relaxed air around him, carries himself on graceful paws. has a bit of otherworldly strangeness to him in the way he speaks to others.

    MANNERISMS: languid movements. eyes are always half-lidded gazing at everything. often appears bored or lost in thought, always has a neutral expression on his face. his tail and ears is expressive.

    accessories: none
    ( + ) dreamy, whimsical, creative, protective, friendly
    ( / ) supportive, neat, stubborn
    ( - ) bold, cautious, wishful, aloof

    → fog lorem moments / TBA

    [heavy wip]
  • strength ●●●●○○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●●●○○○
    agility ●●●●●●●●○○○
    hunting ●●●●●●○○○○
    swimming ●●●●●●●●●●
    climbing ●○○○○○○○○○
    grace ●●●●●●●●○○

    • currently not padding after none..
    enjoys the company of others, even though he doesn't look like it with his neutral expressions.
    + skilled in swimming, fishing, balance
    - poor in everything else
    peaceful & healing powerplay permitted
    — main speech color in #acb1d6, second color is #d2e0fb ; thoughts ; attacks only in UNDERLINE

    won’t start/end fights ; won’t flee ; will usually show mercy ; might maim, attack elders, kill
    smells like freshly baked cinnamon buns & distant rain
    sounds: albedo - genshin impact

    scars/injuries: n/a
  • HARP xx SASHIMI ; parents​

    — raised by both harp and sashimi
    — sibling to none, older cousin to none
    — mentoring none
    — mentored by Mistlepelt
    — Mate to none | Parent to none

    close friends with: ?
    notable friends: foxtail
    likes: ferngill, pikesplash, sablemmist, shellpaw, smokestar, lichentail, perchberry
    dislikes: hates the sun </3
    notable enemies: n/a
    despises: n/a
  • text, text and text.
  • AU REVOIR - malice mizer
    ▶ MA CHERIE - malice mizer
    ▶ 19SAI - shikao suga
    ▶ REASON - Fonogenico
    ▶ ROSE - Anna Tsuchiya
    ▶ CLOUD AGE SYMPHONY - Shuntaro Okino
    ▶ DON'T THINK TWICE - Hikaru Utada

    design notes: tail is long and fluffy (drags along the floor), has pale lashes but it isn’t optional.

    faceclaims: yue [ card captor sakura ], ferid bathory [ seraph of the end ], sigma [ bungou stray dogs ], alucard [ castlevania ], 雪霁羹 [ the tale of food ], vil schoenheit [ twisted wonderland ], yomi [ gokurakugai ]

    human au
    full human name / in depth: his human name would be yume chisaki. | 咲 紗 芸 夢 chisaki yume. where is chisaki is a combination of 咲 chi meaning “blossom” 紗 sa meaning “gauze, think silk” 芸 ki meaning “technique, art, craft, performance” (there are many different kanji combinations) and 夢 meaning “dream, vision”

    TRIVA: tba
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[center][color=#B5C0D0][size=5][i][b][u]FOGSHORE'S RELATIONSHIP TRACKER[/u][/b][/i][/size][/color][/center]

[box=70%][justify][color=#BBBDC1][size=11px][color=white][size=3][justify][columns=3][abbr='Haven't met']♡[/abbr] Haven't properly met yet
[color=black][abbr='Loathes']♡[/abbr][/color] Loathes
[color=#222830][abbr='Fearful of']♡[/abbr][/color] Fearful of
[color=#505864][abbr='Dislikes']♡[/abbr][/color] Dislikes
[color=#576B89][abbr='Suspicious']♡[/abbr][/color] Suspicious of
[color=#5C7DAF][abbr='Rival']♡[/abbr][/color] Rivalry
[color=#5C9CAF][abbr='Jealous']♡[/abbr][/color] Jealous of
[color=#53BDB8][abbr='Distrusts']♡[/abbr][/color] Distrustful of
[color=#32D1B9][abbr='Annoyance']♡[/abbr][/color] Annoyed by
[color=#32D187][abbr='Weird']♡[/abbr][/color] Weirded out by
[color=#47E34A][abbr='Confused / Unsure']♡[/abbr][/color] Confused / Unsure of
[color=#83ED85][abbr='Complicated Feelings']♡[/abbr][/color] Complicated Feelings
[color=#AEED83][abbr='Wants to know better']♡[/abbr][/color] Wishes to know better
[color=#DAF09E][abbr='Shy']♡[/abbr][/color] Shy towards
[color=#BBDF5B][abbr='Respects']♡[/abbr][/color] Respects
[color=#C3CD27][abbr='Comfortable']♡[/abbr][/color] Comfortable with
[color=#C4AF14][abbr='Likes']♡[/abbr][/color] Likes
[color=#BB980E][abbr='Finds Entertaining']♡[/abbr][/color] Finds Entertaining
[color=#BC7E0E][abbr='Friend']♡[/abbr][/color] Friends with
[color=#BC660E][abbr='Close friend']♡[/abbr][/color] Close friends with
[color=#BC540E][abbr='Safe']♡[/abbr][/color] Safe around
[color=#BC2F0E][abbr='Like family']♡[/abbr][/color] Like family
[color=#AE1915][abbr='Family']♡[/abbr][/color] Family
[color=#900B1F][abbr='Protective']♡[/abbr][/color] Protective of
[color=#B32548][abbr='Admires']♡[/abbr][/color] Admires
[color=#D13A86][abbr='Platonic Love']♡[/abbr][/color] Platonic Love
[color=#E353C1][abbr='Puppy crush']♡[/abbr][/color] Puppy-crush
[color=#D54AE3][abbr='Crushing on']♡[/abbr][/color] Crushing on
[color=#c24ae3][abbr='Head over heels']♡[/abbr][/color] Head-over-heels for
[color=#994ce0][abbr='Romantic love']♡[/abbr][/color] Romantic Love [/columns][/justify][/size]
[size=13px][size=3][tabs][tab= Clanmates ✧][color=white][b]FOXTAIL /[/b][/color] [color=#AEED83][abbr='Wants to know better']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C3CD27][abbr='Comfortable']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C4AF14][abbr='Likes']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BC7E0E][abbr='Friend']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]. [/quote]
[color=white][b]FERNGILL /[/b][/color] [color=#AEED83][abbr='Wants to know better']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C4AF14][abbr='Likes']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]. [/quote]
[color=white][b] PIKESPLASH /[/b][/color] [color=#AEED83][abbr='Wants to know better']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C4AF14][abbr='Likes']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#BB980E][abbr='Finds Entertaining']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]. [/quote]
[color=white][b] SABLEMIST /[/b][/color] [color=#AEED83][abbr='Wants to know better']♡[/abbr][/color][color=#C4AF14][abbr='Likes']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]. [/quote]
[color=white][b] COYOTECREEK /[/b][/color] [color=#AEED83][abbr='Wants to know better']♡[/abbr][/color]
[quote]. [/quote]
[tab= Other Clans ✧] n/a 
[tab=Loners / Rogues ✧] n/a
[slide=❥][justify]empty for now[/slide][/slider]
txt here. "speech."

  • ooc.
  • no ref yet </3
  • ( night swimming.. hm ) ࿐ ࿔*:・゚ FOGSHORE.riverclan warrior.
    𓇼 non-binary ; HE / HIM, accepts gendered terms ; 37 MOONS & AGES EVERY 16TH.
    𓇼 bisexual / sort of looking / open to crushes & romance
    𓇼 a LH blue smoke & SH white chimera with amber sectoral eyes and yellow sectoral heterochromia
    𓇼 battle notesthoughts ; "Speech" ; attacks only
    𓇼 may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𓇼 smells like freshly baked cinnamon buns & distant rain
    notes: has light-sensitive eyes, tilts head towards the ground. tends to squint in the sunlight, sticks to shaded areas.
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone

[box=55%][justify] [font=verdana][size=11px][color=#F9F9F9]txt here.

[TABS][TAB=LOVE LUCK & FATE] [color=#acb1d6][b]ooc.[/b][/color] [/tab]
[tab=꒰ ✦ ꒱] no ref yet </3[/tab]
[tab=TAKING IN A WATERED SOUL][b][color=#acb1d6]( [i]night swimming.. hm[/i] )[/color][/b] ࿐ ࿔*:・゚ [b][glow=#bcc8dd][color=#C5DFF8]F[/color][color=#C9DFF7]O[/color][color=#CDE0F7]G[/color][color=#D1E1F7]S[/color][color=#D6E2F7]H[/color][color=#DAE3F7]O[/color][color=#DEE4F7]R[/color][color=#E2E5F7]E.[/color][/glow][/b]  ╱ [abbr=ex-loner, "kittypet"]riverclan warrior.[/abbr]
[outline=black][color=#C4D7E0]𓇼[/color][/outline] [abbr=afab]non-binary[/abbr] ; [abbr=she/her, they/them]HE / HIM[/abbr], accepts gendered terms ; 37 MOONS & AGES EVERY 16TH.
[outline=black][color=#C4D7E0]𓇼[/color][/outline] bisexual / sort of looking / open to crushes & romance 
[outline=black][color=#C4D7E0]𓇼[/color][/outline] a LH blue smoke & SH white chimera with amber sectoral eyes and yellow sectoral heterochromia
[outline=black][color=#C4D7E0]𓇼[/color][/outline] [url=link][color=#ECF9FF]battle notes[/color][/url]  — [i]thoughts[/i] ; [B][COLOR=#acb1d6]"Speech[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=#acb1d6]"[/COLOR] ; [u]attacks only[/u]
[outline=black][color=#C4D7E0]𓇼[/color][/outline] may powerplay [abbr=biting, shoving, scratches etc.]minor harm[/abbr] ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted 
[outline=black][color=#C4D7E0]𓇼[/color][/outline] smells like  freshly baked cinnamon buns & distant rain
[quote][size=11px][u]notes:[/u] has light-sensitive eyes, tilts head towards the ground. tends to squint in the sunlight, sticks to shaded areas.[/size][/quote]
—  all opinions are ic

— [url=][color=#B2C8DF]biography[/color][/url] /  @ on discord for plots
— penned by [b]calzone[/b]
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