GOOD MAN GRACE ✘ Meeting [12/1]

Redpath sits amongst her clanmates as the meeting begins and she can only pout as Smokestar says they will not be retaliating against Windclan just yet. It's smart, she supposes... As he said, there is much to be done already and it is getting colder... They must focus on themselves before they look to their enemies. But she does hope once things are settled.... They attack those no good weasels and make them suffer.

She sits quietly, content with the orders to watch the border and destroy any Windclanners that step out of line. She hopes they do.

Ravensong's announcement makes her smile. Ravensong will teach Moonpaw well, and she has faith that Moonpaw will become a splendid medicine cat with time. "Congratulations!" She says softly.

Apprentices are to be made, and she prepares to cheer as loud as possible for them when Smokestar names HER to be a mentor. She is taken by surprise, she hadnt been expecting it. She steps up to meet Valepaw with a bright smile and reaches down to touch noses with them.

"You ready to learn how to throw down and send your enemies crying home to their mothers?" She asks him. " You ready to FISH?" She adds with a touch more excitement. Combat is her specialty but when there are no cats to be beaten up.... She is a HARDCORE FISHERMAN.​
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

So he is given the tiniest crown in the form of a new moniker. Valepaw is willing to accept it... but not gleefully as Bitepaw. The cacophony of voices that cheer his new name are almost overwhelming to his ears and his excitable mentor. Though she suspects it a rousing suggestion, her words offer him only what he most fears. Fighting. And she seems to relish in it in a way that makes the chimera's skin squirm. She presses her damp nose against his own and the boy cannot help but shiver at the future she describes... He offers a polite smile-- he didn't want to ruin this moment for her. She seemed genuinely excited and he was not but that's fine....

The prospect of fishing... that one seemed far more peaceful. One worth actually pursuing... Rather than a cheer of delight like his peers might've offered, the dirt and sand colored tom gave a tiny, affirmative nod. Ready as I'll ever be...
A bit late to the party but none the less in a good mood the ebony she-cat squeezes in to the back of the crowd. Ears perked high and bright eyes looking over the sea of cats with interest. Catching the leader's warning of leafbare's struggles and the lack of action against Windclan. It dismayed her but she could see reason in needing to focus on the health of the clan first.

Ravensong soon takes the center. Quietly she inhales her nerves and views the other with intensity as he elects his newest apprentice. Exhaling her face brightens at the site of Moonpaw accepting their new position with shaky elation. Smiling she adds her voice amongst the rising chorus of approvals. "Congratulations!" Settling back down she tunes in to the latter portion of the meeting.

Three new apprentices paired up with their mentors and her heart skipped at the sight. Just a moon ago she herself had been made an apprentice. Her own ceremony was still fresh on the youth's mind and joyfully she chanted the three cat's names. Mirth at the mention of one cat in particular made her whiskers twitch. "Bitepaw! Valepaw! Goldenpaw!" Voice simmering to a lower volume at the last name as the meeting began to wind down.

The lilac warrior would find herself sitting further back from the group gathered beneath Smokestar, his voice loud across the clearing so that everyone could hear. She did enjoy being here, in riverclan with Smokestar leading them. Cerulean gaze blinked as he begun, a small swallow as more cats joined in.

Leafbare. the dreaded cold season that frosted the ground, cracked many paws, caused sickness and hunger. the time when she felt the most useless. land hunting was her worst enemy, so of course she did have to help as much as she could now. before, well, it was too late.

Smokestar continued with how they would not be assisting with helping windclan. she... couldn't help but agree, and not because of her own abilities. but because of the fact it was a struggle during leafbare as is. but she could feel the air around her as others didn't seem to agree. her head ducked a bit, ears flattening and tail moving to cover her paws.

the next spoken words were about ravensongs prophecy, and how moonpaw would be moving from the training of a warrior to under the medicine cats wing.

and then- new apprentices. she hoped Smokestar would not name her as a mentor. she hoped- and her hope became reality, the three kits named under others. good, she didn't trust herself to be able to guide a young soul when she could barely do it herself.

her voice was quiet, but she'd manage to repeat the names in the crowd. "moonpaw, b-bitepaw, valepaw, g-goldenpaw!"

Goldenkit had been up since dawn, and not once had she stopped thinking about the day ahead of her. She tried intently to listen to what was being announced, about WindClan and of watching for flooding. Though she nodded along with the older cats, she truly didn't know what they were talking about yet. She knew they were some kind of enemy, but Goldenkit didn't comprehend the idea of hating someone so much. Her head swiveled towards Ravensong, a shuffling of the ranks as Moonpaw was accepted into the healer position. "YAYY MOONPAW!" she whooped, unable to weave through the crowd to congratulate her closer.

Then, barely registering Smokestar's words to step forwards, she was being gently nosed towards the line. Giddyness sunk in, the moment she'd been waiting eternity for happening right now! She shuffled her paws, intent to line up perfectly with Valekit and Bitekit. As her eyes scanned the crowd, a pang of nervousness hit her, the monumentalness of it finally making itself known. Her first steps into providing for the Clan who had taken her in. She could only hope her parents would be proud if they found her one day.

Her face ached with a huge grin as she stepped forwards, looking for her mentor in the crowd. Goldenpaw was ecstatic at what skills Silverbreath could pass on to her, especially excited to hear swimming. She would be sure to make him proud. "Thank you!!!"
i know you can make it righta