Since their last meeting, disregarding ones of talks of vows and loyalty, much has happened. Illness has fallen upon WindClan, Wisteriapaw has passed, Hyacinithbreath has been exiled, Weaselclaw demoted, a warrior code, and they've earned the ire of RiverClan. It was difficult keeping everything going smoothly, but Sootstar was doing her best to put on a calm demeanor.

Sunlight bounces off the snow and it causes Sootstar's eyes to fold into a glare as she calls for her clan, "All cats old enough to race the moors gather below the Tallrock for a clan-meeting!" Her voice is hoarse from her cold, but she still manages enough volume to be clearly heard. Once all the able cats of her clan are sitting below she doesn't waste any time. "The gathering went as well as one could expect, but we won't dwell on it. What I will tell you all is that the leaders of the clans have decided to implement something called the Warrior Code. This is a set of rules that all cats of the clans must follow, to break one of these rules is to go against StarClan themselves. As of now it only has one addition..."Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle."" She quotes it word for word, as designed. Sootstar doesn't feel there is much more to say on the matter, it was pretty self-explanatory if you asked her.

Before discussing more grave subjects they'd place the spotlight on a couple of apprentices. First Crowpaw who was in need of a new mentor.

"Crowpaw, it has come to my attention that you are in need of a new mentor. To get you swiftly back into training I have decided that Snowspark shall be your new mentor. Snowspark, I expect you to pass on everything you know to Crowpaw. Make sure she is swiftly caught up to speed on any training she may have missed out on due to an absent mentor. I trust you will both do wonders together." She dips her head to the two of them in the crowd, granting time for their noses to touch as customary. Next up was another apprentice, but this time the apprentice wasn't in need of a new mentor.

"Leechpaw, step forward." It was about time, Sootstar supposes. Despite their recent quarrel the blue smoke she-cat believes Leechpaw will make for an excellent warrior, she is eager for him to join the warriors den. "I, Sootstar, leader of WindClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn." She looks to Leechpaw, her gaze meeting his. "Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

I do, he says, or something akin.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Leechpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Vulturemask. StarClan honors your loyalty and determination, we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan." His name had been a special request, something she seldomly grants. Names should be given by clan leader and StarClan alone, but Vulturemask has been persuasive in his reasoning. She hopes he carries his new name with pride.

// @crowpaw @snowspark. @LEECHPAW !! :D

Also activity shout out to the following;
@Dandelionwish @WEASELCLAW @MALLOWLARK @Coldsnap @Galeforce @coalfoot @Yewberry @LEECHPAW @Periwinklebreeze. @crowpaw @Echolight . & @ASPENPAW
Thank you all for you activity and dedication to WindClan! It's super appreciated :) Reminder; I reference the census for activity shout outs!


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 34 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to Sootpaw & Coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Galeforce heeded the call and made his way over in order to hear what was to be said. His ears pricked forward and he looked on with fascination as Sootstar spoke about the implementation of a 'warrior code'. He tilted his head to the side as he took the time to process what that would entail, though it also posed additional risks. Yet another reason for him to watch his step lest he make himself a target.

The rest of the news followed, Crowpaw got a new mentor, and then Leechpaw... Galeforce snapped his ears back and his expression somewhat soured as his rival was made a warrior. Vulturemask. Fuck! It even sounded cool! He had to bite back the bitterness that threatened to spill forth as he joined the chorus of cheers. "Vulturemask! Vulturemask!" It left a foul taste on his tongue and he continued to hold a stern expression as he remained seated. They hadn't been dismissed so he guessed that there was more to come.
( ) Weaselclaw sits a few foxlengths away from Galeforce, his gaze cool on Sootstar as she ascends Tallrock. Despite the sickness still choking her voice, she speaks with clarity, with power. He tilts his head at her news from the Gathering -- a warrior code. He doesn't see what's so different about it. Weren't they all doing that already? He snorts. WindClan hold themselves to higher standards than the other Clans, apparently.

He turns his attention to the Crowpaw, who's mentor is reassigned. He remembers the tragic accident that had taken the life of her first mentor; he's glad she seems to get a decent reassignment.

Weaselclaw looks at Leechpaw, who has aged well-past the age a normal cat becomes a warrior. Still, the tabby listens to his new name with interest. Vulturemask. Weaselclaw furrows his brow, puzzled initially at the change in prefix... but he supposes the black tom has never liked his name, has always hated being compared to a leech.

He adds his voice to his Clanmates' to cheer for Vulturemask. The black tom and he have never liked one another, and Weaselclaw doubts they ever will, but he's a Clanmate all the same, and he's loyal to Sootstar. That's what matters.

coming to sit with her clanmates, crowpaw listened intently as sootstar spoke. while a warrior code sure sounded interesting, the apprentice didn't see herself breaking it's first law. those outside of the moors spent little to no time on her mind. insignificant, and obviously weak considering she rarely heard about their feats.

the leader uttered her name next, and the black and white molly didn't know if she could sit any straighter. a smile crept onto her face. one seemingly excited for new beginnings, a new chance to prove herself. or maybe rather one of triumph. the result of a plan executed so flawlessly and ended just how she wanted. either way, it didn't matter. crowpaw navigated her way to snowspark, meeting their nose briefly before going back to where she sat.

the rest of the meeting seemed to race by, she was too caught up pondering her future to chant vulturemask's name. hopefully snowspark would be sufficient, his predecessor was far from noteworthy. it wouldn't be hard to surpass her teaching ability.
[ 𓆩⟡𓆪 ]

The call for another meeting was routine; long silvery limbs stretch as the tom stands, fur rising against his spine as a yawn falls from his lips. He doesn't rush, and instead makes it obvious he plans to take his time. Grooming his chest, swiping a paw here.. Lay down fur here.. There, all clean. He admires his fur for a moment, grinning to himself, before he finally begins to march over to join the others.

First is the announcement of new law; a Warrior Code. They could no longer have cross-clan relationships of any kind; that sucked. Guess things would be a bit boring now that he had less of a dating pool. Most of these cats were so boring.. "Fait chier.." He mumbles under his breath, ears dropping back against his head in annoyance.

The rambles about an apprentice being given a new mentor, and Snowspark is chosen. Man, he really needed to remember his clanmates names.. He was horrible at that. "Congrats, Crowpaw." Owltalon chirps with a grin, shoulders slouching as he waited for the next announcement. Leechpaw was no longer his name anymore; it was Vulturemask now, and everyone was shouting his new name as if it was a big deal. Why? Leech was such a cool name. Imagine bleeding your enemies out and swallowing it; was that not cool? "Vuuuulturemask!.." He draws out the new name, trying awkwardly to fit in with the chimes and chants; though it falls short rather quickly. Awk-waaard..

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Reactions: Badgermoon
In the light of this new day, there is much to be done. He has found himself busy since the sun first brushed along fresh-fallen snow. It was not the chores that he hated, or even the cold. With each day, routine set its fangs deeper within the warrior's shoulders. He has grown used to WindClan. It has become home. When Sootstar calls for them to join her beneath the rock, he does not hesitate, he does not waver. Broad-shouldered, with his pelt still frosted beneath the cooling exertion, Sunstride settles himself nearest to Weaselclaw, though not so close that their proximity demands conversation. His gaze seeks out a different face– one more familiar than any other, and pulled from him by their differing duties today. He would come, surely, yet... he does not have another moment to search.

Their leader speaks first of apprentices, and he wonders cautiously if he might have one of his own, in time. It was not unlike the training he had taken to sharing with others, before coming to this clan, yet the structure bewildered him. That they did not learn on their own startles him. Perhaps this is why Sootstar has yet to entrust him with one: he might do poorly. Or perhaps he would excel. Only time would tell. Warrior names, at least, were of great familiarity. His own has become more accustomed to his tongue, and to the tongues of others. He has found himself fond of its meaning. Would Vulturemask feel the same, with this difference? Without questioning it, he shouts the beat of the others' voices in celebration.

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, uses he - him. thirty-four moons old. warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— cautious of clan life, but an apt learner. encourages close bonds between clanmates.
    —— loyalty uncertain, cares for those surrounding him. undoubtedly closest to wolfsong.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
Truth be told, Badgermoon looked forward to meetings. It felt like a good way to get a sense for the ebbs and flows of the Clan: who was being more sociable and who was being more reserved, fresh faces and familiar ones. And, of course, attending a meeting was the only way to get important news of the Clan from the most reliable source: Sootstar. He had some admiration for their green-eyed leader, mostly due to her history; anyone who had been around for the founding of a Clan was quite impressive to him, especially since she had remained in power. Such a reign was to be respected, especially considering the recent troubles facing WindClan. In terms of personality, he had some critiques of her leadership style and had certainly heard things which made his brows raise, but those felt...less important. Good leadership took precedence over being someone he felt he could be pals with - perhaps it would even be strange to feel so familiar with a Clan leader.

The news of a warrior code was a surprise, mostly because he was impressed that something had been agreed to by all Clans. WindClan, of course, had its rules - and this first installation of this new Code felt much in keeping with the rules which they had already - but when it came to other Clans, well...who knew? Apparently, though, this was to be followed by all - even tied to their worship of StarClan! The bicolor tom puffed his cheeks out as the weight of the idea settled on him, and he nodded slowly. His loyalty wouldn't have strayed from WindClan, regardless...but knowing that it was now a spiritual imperative felt significant. Badgermoon wondered, too, what would come next for this 'warrior code' - it was clear that there would be more guidelines implemented in the future, but when? And what would they look like?

He let out a slow breath as the meeting rolled on: a new mentor/apprentice pair in Crowpaw and Snowspark, and a new warrior. That was especially exciting, even if he wasn't quite sure why the cat's entire name was changing - Vulturemask. It was a good name, he thought; it sounded strong. It sounded like a name of survival. He raised his voice in the chorus of cheers, and then fell silent, waiting. He felt certain there would be more: their blue smoke leader had yet to dismiss them, after all.

˖ ׄ ׅ ⠀⠀ millhaven⠀⠀ ୨୧ the ticked flame has been awake for some time — alight as the snow around them, cheer gleaming in the pits of emerald eyes, but she does not feel it. she feels cold, bitter. she feels as though she could still smell the fish - stink of those river dwellers, their caws still ringing in her ears, and it’s all she can do not to glare and grimace as sootstar tears her attention away from the measly freshkill she pretended was their kings face. she lifts, kicks a bundle of dirt over her remains before striding, frost - kissed, towards the accumulating crowd. sootstar is speaking as she finds a seat aside weaselclaw and sunstride, picking delicately through the grouping windclanners as she retells word of the code and . .

applebite isn’t certain how she feels about listening to anyone outside of these moors — wind stricken and wild as she was, sootstar was her queen, and any rule not uttered from her tongue was met with nothing but a derisive flick of a lightly curled ear.

a thick, copper tail comes to rest over her paws as announcements continue, meadow green gaze drifting over the brown tabby at her side towards molten shades of orange - gold, swirling and melding over a thick layer of tragedy - toned muscle. he is a towering figure, over her and most tunnel dwellers, but sootstar had initiated them for a reason clear as day. she blinks slow against the blazing morning light, only returning her curious gaze towards the blue smoke overhead when she mentions a newly dubbed vulturemask, and she would admit . . certainly a better comparison than leech. ick! merrily, the molly adds her ringing tone to the chorus of praise around them, letting her eyes close against the battering leafbare breeze.

  • APPLEBITE ———————— princess of the moors
    f. she / her : a small - framed, fuzzy red ticked tabby with high white & honeydew eyes. she is prim, delicate - featured with round, fluffy cheeks and long, curled whiskers. a peppy, athletic warrior of windclan who presents herself delicately, well groomed and sleek when not traversing the pathways underground.

    — voiced by amy addams. smells like honey and sun - warmed fur.
    — closeted lesbian, 40 moons ; open for a tunneler apprentice.
    penned by antlers​

  • 51F59E19-0623-4A15-8E18-7FEB28251B4E.png


He was silently standing at the back, in the shadows waiting for his time to step forward. Changes were coming to the moors. A new step in stone rule to follow. The golden rule which already should be obivious no point in making it into a rule. Putting the clan first had never been something he had been hesitant about. The rest of the clans could perish for all he cared. Leechpaw had never cared about them, this vermins. Indifferent he stood as this rule was implented into their lives his gaze remaining just as empty.

Next were the apprentices, ceremonies, new mentors. None of these seemed to faze him. He stood silent, only observing not joining in with the cheers of joy just like always. The meeting moved on and finally it was his time. The day he had been waiting for. Leechpaw finally moved forward passing anyone who stood in the way but his eyes were left cold and empty, lacking touch of emotions. Something was different about them. A new awaking, a rebirth and they were ready for it. Today was the day Leechpaw was going to die and a new different version of himself would rise and thrive to take their place. A name he had picked carefully.

The soon to be warrior stopt in front of the tall rock and finally his gaze would find themself to look at something, Sootstar. She spoke words, familliar and new ones, a vow to remain loyal to starclan as well. Tch, her and her obsession with starclan. For each and every day that past his bitterness for the stars grew and he was admittedly starting to get tired of hearing them. Starclan here and starclan there. When had they ever been there for them?. When had they ever done anything for him. Yet it was expected of him to submit to a such meaningless religion to be grateful for their empity gifts. " Yes, i do." It smoothly escaped his maw, almost impatiently waiting for their leader to contunie.

And then it finally came. His new name. Vulturemask. The perfect name for him. Vultures did not only symbolize rebirth but also death. They were always there death was, lurking in the sky reminding everyone that death was coming for everyone. Wherever a vulture was dead were close by, and he had always been surrendered by death. His paws were now tainted with blood, with death. Vultures were such a dreadful and terrifying creature that many feared. He wanted to become just like them. To protect what he held dear to his heart he would become something terrifying so no one would dare touch or hurt him or his family ever again. He would become invincible.

The cheering was loud and clear, and Vulturemask just stood there in the spotlight his face remaining just as cold and empty as when he first had stept forward. Eventually the cheering would die down and he would bow his head to their leader to thank them. " I promise i wont let you down." and he meant it. If he wanted his unborn siblings to get accepted in and be welcomed here to have a life he needed to fully commite himself to the clan, to Sootstar and he would. Anything to protect his younger siblings future and get them away from that wicked being. They were the only thing he had left now. After everything he had gone through and had been forced to endure, all the pain and suffering it had to be for something. It couldn't all have been in vain. They were his future and he would do anything to keep them in the light and not end up going through the same hell he had. He would walk in the darkness so they wouldn't have to.

He turned, walking back to his spot in the dark. Vulturemask would not repeat the same mistakes Leechpaw had.

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Reactions: SUNSTAR
TAGS Icepaw's quick to approach at Sootstar's call and take a seat, large ears pricked with interest. A warrior code certainly seems like a good idea given all the inter-Clan turbulence, and its first law solidifies this for her; loyalty should be at the forefront of everyone's minds already, WindClan or otherwise, but clearly this hasn't been the case considering the topic of the previous meeting. Hopefully this will drive it home for any remaining traitors lurking among their population, if there are any. Why would anyone even want to befriend non-WindClanners?

Next up is Crowpaw's mentor reassignment, and then Leechpaw's warrior ceremony — exciting! Icepaw's own is a long way off, which she knows is for good reason. It'll feel weird, though, still being a -paw while the rest of her peers have their full names. But it's fine; if anything, it just looks better on her for undergoing a far more intense training regimen. I wonder what suffix I'll get. She trusts Sootstar to come up with something fitting, that she can don with pride.

Vulturemask. The declaration yanks them away from their thoughts, surprise coloring her gaze. An entirely new name? Interesting. "Vulturemask! Vulturemask!" the apprentice joins in with their quiet voice, wondering what sparked such a drastic change as she does so.

The last meeting had left a lasting impression on the queen to say the least, and Echolight cannot help but wonder if it will become a regular thing for the ashen leader to demand loyalty pledges, perhaps an unreasonable thought though.
She sends her kits off to play in the nursery before she beckons at Sootstar’s call, this meeting would be an exciting one either way- Leechpaw was to receive his warrior name.
The toms former mentor is on the edge of her seat as the meeting officially begins, practically leaning forward when Leechpaw is called to step forward. He takes his pledge, a bit hastily, but the calico couldn’t blame him, this was exciting!
Echolight suppresses a pleasantly surprised purr, her heart warming for the apprentice- no, the warrior. The time comes to chant, but Echolight is almost yelling, her proud voice breaking through the others. "VULTUREMASK! VULTUREMASK!" while her chants die out with the rest, the radiant smile is still plastered on her features. She shuffles towards the back to sit beside the newly named warrior, gently touching his flank with her tail tip in a silent hello, "I’m so proud of you!" She whispered genuinely, turning back towards Tall Rock to watch the rest of the meeting, but only to suppress the sudden emotion bubbling up in her throat- her apprentice was all grown up!

The voice of the clan erupts in the air, cats of all ages and ranks cheering for the new warrior and all of his accomplishments. Sootstar bears a warm smile on her face and when Vulturemask vows to her she dips her head. Sootstar knew he would honor both her, his clan, and the gods above.

As the cheering subdues so does Sootstar’s smile, it was growing time for more unpleasant discussion. First she would reinstate a title upon her most trusted warrior. ”Weaselclaw, you were demoted from my council a little less than a moon ago. I believe your departure from my council was for the best as it’s given you time to reflect and clear your head so that you may think with more clarity.” Sootstar knows many will not believe Weaselclaw has demonstrated reflection and learning from his mistake, but to her he has. ”I hereby grant you the title of lead warrior once more. In times like these WindClan needs you at the helm, I trust you will make WindClan proud.” She trusts he will not make her regret this decision.

With that promotion official, there was one more that needed to be done. Duskfire was in critical condition, whether he’d recover was still a mystery. Regardless, WindClan cannot wait for him, Sootstar needs someone at her back. ”Duskfire has served well as deputy but WindClan needs its high rankings strong, especially now as we become surrounded by enemies, plagued by illness.” It wasn’t easy for her to confess these truths, she still believes WindClan is strong but the corner she’s been placed It makes it difficult to ignore these truths any longer. ”Duskfire will be retiring as deputy from WindClan, I pray he recovers swiftly from the injuries he has sustained. Deputy or warrior he will always be a valued soldier of WindClan!” Perhaps there would be chants of the pass deputy’s name, perhaps there would be silence, Sootstar did not know.

”A successor of his rank must be named, it is the reason I’ve spent several nights in solitude within the Tallrock, but I believe I have come to a decision.” Sootstar casts her gaze over the crowd, she finds a thrill in their radiating anticipation. Despite that there was a terrible pit of anxiety in her chest, it was hard to find cats one could truly trust… Has she picked someone who will make her stronger and not weaker? ”I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of WindClan is Badgermoon.”

// congratulations @Badgermoon / Benji !! This was such a difficult choice but we are SUPER excited to have you and Badgermoon on the HP team :D While a new arrival to WindClan you’ve so quickly demonstrated many of the criteria WindClan‘s HP team was looking for in a deputy and we KNOW you will do amazing in this role!

Thank you to all those who applied! I promise to all including deputy non-applicants that I do have my eyes peeled and see all your activity. With patience and continued dedication you will be rewarded B)


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 34 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to Sootpaw & Coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
The meeting proceeded, and it was immediately clear that it was time to address some of the less obviously positive matters; namely, the gaps in WindClan's higher ranks. First, the reversal of Weaselclaw's demotion. Badgermoon found himself nodding in agreement - he respected the tom, even if they didn't really know one another, and he felt that his position as Lead Warrior was well-deserved (though he could understand what Sootstar had been thinking when demoting him in the first place). The black-and-white tom lashed his tail to indicate his approval of the decision, though it was hardly like Sootstar needed his approval. That's not how any of this works, thought the broad-shouldered cat warrior in amusement.

Surrounded by enemies, plagued by illness...Badgermoon shook his head slowly as Sootstar began to speak of the problems hovering over the Clan and of the tragedy which had befallen Duskfire. As far as he knew, it was still touch-and-go for their Deputy, and he felt a pang of concern, though he didn't know the cat personally - hopefully he would pull through. It would be a shame to lose such a loyal WindClanner, for a number of reasons. After a moment to think, he tipped his head back and roared Duskfire's name - truly, it was the least that he could do for their wounded second-in-command. Or, he supposed, former second-in-command - but if Duskfire was retiring (or joining StarClan), who would replace him?

Apparently, the deliberations had been keeping their Leader within her den, but she had made a decision, and she had chosen...
Wait, what? She had chosen him? Really? His yellow eyes went wide as the moon he was named for, but he kept his composure as he stood and inclined his head to Sootstar. Sootstar, who...he would now be working alongside...Sootstar, who he could conceivably replace someday...StarClan help me! "It would be my honor to serve, ma'am. Thank you." was that too much? Not enough? Oh, well - what did it matter, really? He'd gotten this far by doing what he felt was best from moment to moment; this moment was no different to the ones that had come before, nor the ones that would come next. Y'know, hopefully.
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As the leader's voice carries on, and he has found no sign of his friend within the crowd, Sunstride focuses more wholly on the figure above them. At this height, the molly's small frame has grown to that of a goddess's, framed by the moorland skies. It is easy to fall to the thought of reverence, to trust. He has not known much of her life before his own insertion to this clan, but what he has known is one who will not tolerate an obstacle between her and her goals. Each threat that she speaks of carries with it a silent assertion: we, and I, will deal with each of these. WindClan would be strong with her at its helm. Of this he is certain– as long as she carries herself in this manner, she would find strength echoed back. She trusts few but herself, and demands much of those that surround her.

He wonders, at time, if such things are healthy.
In the end, it matter little, to her or to the stars. They seem to approve.

Had they thought on her decision, these stars? Had they whispered their approval to her, in her solace? Badgermoon– how strange, to think that one who shared his den would move to such a rank. The deputy of WindClan had felt as immutable as their leader. Permanent, unharmed. Sunstride begins to realize that change was as integral to this place as the windswept moorland. At least in this, Badgermoon would excel. The amber tom first dips his head towards Weaselclaw, where he sits nearby. And then, seeking the pools of black, grins to their new deputy. And so a new era would come to be. Hopefully it will be a good one.

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, uses he - him. thirty-four moons old. warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— cautious of clan life, but an apt learner. encourages close bonds between clanmates.
    —— loyalty uncertain, cares for those surrounding him. undoubtedly closest to wolfsong.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"
( ) Weaselclaw had expected his promotion -- his second promotion -- and he sits a little taller, a little straighter, under Sootstar's scrutinizing green gaze. Her words still sting his pride worse than any leafbare gale, but the tabby knows better than to show any signs of weakness. Not now, not after everything. He gives her a curt nod, noticing Badgermoon and Sunstride's pleased expressions. He returns their gazes with barely disguised pleasure.

But Sootstar moves on, onto Duskfire, who gasps waning breaths in Dandelionwish's den. Weaselclaw's eyes narrow, thoughtful and pale. Who would the blue smoke pick to replace their dying deputy?

He flicks his eyes from cat to cat, finally coming to stop as she announces: "Badgermoon." A broad-shouldred black and white tom, a tom who seems surprised as well as pleased by his new rank. Weaselclaw finds himself at peace with the idea -- he's grown used to taking orders from cats, and he's never found any fault with Badgermoon. He starts up a call that he hopes the rest of the Clan will take up: "Badgermoon! Badgermoon!"

Satisfaction settles into the cat on Tallrock when the deputy graciously accepts his new role. The blue smoke to be frank couldn’t understand how anyone would want to turn down such an opportunity, it would be an honor for any cat to serve their clan and the gods above in the role of deputy. A purr rumbles in her throat as her mate starts a celebratory chant with Badgermoon’s name.

”Good. Starting at first dawn tomorrow you will take over patrol assignments.” If the black and white Tom needed aid settling into his position, she was certain Weaselclaw would take to giving him a paw, and if not Weaselclaw she would. The extra weight off Sootstar and now the lead warrior’s shoulders would not fully fade until the new deputy was accumulated to his position.

Despite the deputy slot once more being filled, WindClan’s council was still small. They still needed help, so Sootstar turns her gaze back to the crowd, seeking out a certain Tom. ”Sunstride, you came here as a rogue but have swiftly proven yourself to be a true WindClan warrior. I think you have a lot to offer to WindClan, but I believe your true potential will show with a little more authority. I’d like for you to be a lead warrior alongside Weaselclaw.” Green eyes try to meet his blue gaze, she is seeking his reaction.

Aside from Sunstride regardless of whether he accepts, she wants more lead warriors within WindClan. She needs more spiders, cats who can be her enforcers and eyes and ears at every corner of the clan. The blue smoke hopes for more to call forth to duty by the time the next full moon fades. A few names float in her head, but first she must ensure they are worthy.

// congrats @SUNSTRIDE ! You’ve demonstrated excellent ooc and ic participation Rev, we think Sunstride will be a great position to the team if he icly accepts! Note that he’ll be required to take a chest scar if promoted ^^

As the last ic tidbit implies, I’m still keeping my eye out for 1-2 more leads. I have some ideas but I’m staying put on more for 1 more month to watch, its fair game for any warrior ^^ Requirements are activity and ooc engagement, along with realism (soot wont promote cats who have actively gone or spoken against her) ;)


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 34 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to Sootpaw & Coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
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