gray skies divine // kit task


lost in the desert but you're my oasis ❀
Jan 21, 2024

The silvery smoke tortie traversed the clearing, her demeanor a tad bubblier than usual. Orangeblossom's words had reassured her-- she had said that she'd be an apprentice soon! She'd already known that, but to hear it from the deputy herself certainly boosted her morale a bit. In addition, she'd been given a task to carry out.

"Hello?" Pricklykit chirped as she shoved through the tangled entrance of the warriors' den, a few stray bits of bramble clinging to her feathered pelt. She glanced around with wide-eyed wonder at the interior of their den. She'd only ever been in here briefly when given a tour of the camp, just long enough to poke her nose in. It was hard to imagine sleeping her night after night; returning each dusk after a long day. Or waking up here, her paws gliding to the entrance at the chilly, pallid break of dawn to head out on a patrol. "Orangeblossom told me to find a warrior to teach me a few defensive moves," she explained a bit sheepishly, though hints of excitement seeped through. She'd been too nervous to hone her climbing skills earlier, but this she could practice safely from the forest floor. "If you're not too busy, I mean..." She added, not wanting to intrude on their warrior duties. She knew they were always kept busy, but if they could take a moment out of their day it would mean a lot to the mottled she-kit, as she was the opposite of busy and longed to do something with a shred of purpose.

It felt unfair, that there were apprentices moons younger than her starting their training so early. The warriors insisted that she should be thankful that the rule of reaching six moons before gaining apprenticeship had been implemented, but at this moment she certainly didn't feel like she should be appreciative of it. It felt like they were getting a head start and would be leaps and bounds ahead of her by the time she joined their ranks.​

pricklykit // black smoke tortoiseshell with yellow-green eyes // she/her // kit // 5 moons // skyclan


He'd not been expecting a kit in here. Obviously, of course. And it was embarrassing to be caught doing nothing at all really, just neatening up a shared nest. His whiskers twitched, body shivering, a startled jitter spasming one of his eyelids- Pricklykit, it was just Pricklykit. And was it that embarrassing to be neatening up a nest? Despite his matted fur, his scruffy tangles, Twitchbolt appreciated a tidy living space, and there wasn't much wrong with that, was there?

Right- right, she was asking him a question. If you're not too busy, I mean... and, with experience of being thoroughly ignored, Twitchbolt never could turn away a kit asking for his attention. And- well, she was on orders from the deputy. So unless Blazestar himself opposed...

"Oh, 'course I can, yeah," he said breathlessly- but dressed with a smile. A bluejay-feather adorned tail flicked to beckon Pricklykit back outside, where he could really show her what he was getting at. "You know, you can- you can use the environment to fight. You can flick dirt- or, snow, I guess..." he said, as he looked down at the dust of Leafbare upon the ground, "... in your enemies' eyes."
penned by pin ✧
Blazestar has to suppress a purr of amusement at Twitchbolt’s reaction to being called upon by one of the Clan’s smallest members. Pricklykit ambles toward the warrior’s den, and the Ragdoll isn’t far behind, interest sparking in blue eyes. So Orangeblossom had assigned her a task—to learn some defensive moves from one of the warriors. Twitchbolt calms himself, flattens his fur, and turns from where he’d been straightening his nest. He points with his muzzle toward the camp floor, to the leafbare-cool dust, and tells her she can use her paws to flick it into her enemy’s eyes.

That’s right,” Blazestar mews, padding closer. The Ragdoll gives Pricklykit a serious look, then hunches, flattening himself to the ground in a mock-attack position. “Pretend I’m a rogue who’s just gotten into camp, and show me what Twitchbolt just taught you!” The lesson will no doubt have Bobbie cleaning grit from his eyes for the next hour or so, but it will have been worth it; Pricklykit is almost apprentice-aged, after all, and if there is another camp breach, he wants everyone to be prepared, down to the smallest Clan member.

, ”
When Bobbie wanders up to the small group of cats marked by her mate's distinctively fiery pelt, she can't fight the smile that slinks onto her face. She directs a gentle, affectionate roll of the eyes in his direction, sure it'll fall to her to wash the dust from his face after this, not that she minds it. The tabby steps over towards Twitchbolt, happy to be out of Pricklykit's line of fire, and aims to gently nudge her friend's shoulder with her own.

"Your tail feather looks nice," she mews, grinning only slightly deviously. "You got it from Quillstrike, right?" Her fellow lead warrior and the chimera tom made a very cute couple, if you asked Bobbie, and Twitchbolt seemed all the happier for it. Not that she was too much of a gossip—she tried not to be, especially when so much of the gossip lately had been directed at her. Still, according to the young warriors of Twitchbolt's generation, the two had been pining after each other for StarClan only knew how long, was good to see him happy.

"We ought to go climbing sometime, before I'm imprisoned again," the tabby jokes, half-tail flicking. She directs her attention back to the pair of them—it's a little comical, Pricklykit's tiny form squaring off against her hulking mate. "You can attack him once he's distracted by the grit, Pricklykit—or run away, if it was a real rogue," the tabby calls. It reminds her of long summer days practicing battle moves with Blazestar, the tabby reflects fondly.


Oh, she’d play count again! Yet another kit in the nursery is out of her sight and she whirls about to try and find her, a worried frown set up on her face. “Pricklykit! Pricklykit! Where are you?” And then finally, her eyes fall on the small gathering of cats outside of the warriors’ den, all surrounding- Pricklykit!

Relief washing over her, the queen hurries towards the cats with an anxiously flicking tail. “There you are! I’d been worried! What are you-“ She flicks her gaze towards her former mentor and sees him get into a defensive position. Ah, they’re practicing, probably in case the rogues get near camp. Well, she does want the kids to be as prepared as possible, so…Butterflytuft sits down nearby, whiskers twitching with curiosity as she watches.